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The latest social media marketing articles, advice and insights from the ProfileTree team.

6 Interesting Social Media Age Statistics To Improve Your Digital Strategy

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 11th February 2024

Social media age statistics suggest the differences in user behaviour across several age groups and demographics. These statistics help businesses and marketers understand their target audience better and identity potential ways to address a range of customers.

In this article, we’ll take you through some interesting social media age statistics that reflect user behaviour online and suggest differences across several demographics.

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7 Fascinating Facts About How Many TikToks Are Made A Day

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 20th February 2024

In this article, we’ll take you through how many TikToks are made a day and break down what type of users are creating content on TikTok.

When it comes to the TikTok algorithm, the more content that is produced, the better. This is because the algorithm rewards TikTok accounts that post consistently. Hence, there are millions of TikTok videos that are created every day!

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A Look At How Many People Use TikTok: The Amazing Power of TikTok Marketing 101

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 20th February 2024

“How many people use TikTok?”. This is a great question for businesses to ask themselves as it means that they are thinking about the possibilities of TikTok marketing to grow their online presence.

Over the past few years, TikTok has grown from strength to strength in terms of demanding user attention and engagement. Due to its growing popularity, now is the perfect time for businesses to consider utilising TikTok marketing due to how many people use TikTok.

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A Deep Dive Into TikTok Statistics UK Edition 101: Great Statistics You Need To Know

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 21st January 2024

TikTok statistics UK edition provide insight for businesses and marketers into consumer behaviour and current trends that are capturing the attention of online users. 

Since the launch of TikTok in 2016, the social media app has dramatically changed the digital marketing landscape as more businesses generate short video content to promote their products and services.

As social media marketing trends are constantly changing, it is important for businesses and marketers to remain up-to-date on the latest TikTok statistics UK edition to ensure that their digital strategy will remain relevant to their target audience.

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TikTok Banning: What Does the Future Hold for the Popular Social Media App 

Sara LynchSara Lynch // 3rd November 2023

why is TikTok banning so controversial? And what lies ahead in the future for the social media platform? In this article, we’ll discuss the effects of TikTok banning and what it means for those who have built their brand on the platform. 

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12 Amazing Social Media Use Statistics: Social Media For Business

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 11th February 2024

Social media use statistics have highlighted the dependency that consumers have on social media to connect with family and friends, research products and services, and remain up-to-date with the latest news and trends.

For businesses and marketers, the increasing use of social media has emphasised the need for a clear digital strategy to target the correct audience.

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8 Essential Social Media Addiction Statistics: The Importance of Digital Marketing

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 14th February 2024

Social media addiction statistics suggest the power of social media when it comes to capturing the attention of consumers.

Social media has become a huge part of the success of digital marketing strategies as more and more consumers rely on social media to research brands, discover inspiration, and make purchasing decisions.

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LinkedIn Industries 101: How To Choose The Perfect Industry Code

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 30th January 2024

LinkedIn industries have become a critical component in the optimisation of LinkedIn profiles. Since the launch of LinkedIn in 2003, the social media platform has become a fantastic resource for businesses, particularly when it comes to B2B marketing, recruiters, and employees.

However, did you know that there are over 149 LinkedIn industries to choose from when setting up your LinkedIn profile? This is a critical step when optimising your LinkedIn page as this impacts a company’s placement within the LinkedIn search.

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8 Useful TikTok Business Statistics To Boost Your Social Media

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 4th January 2024

TikTok business statistics are essential for businesses and marketers to recognise current trends and consumer behaviours, and utilise these statistics to improve their social media marketing.

Since the release of TikTok in 2016, businesses have utilised the social media platform to increase brand awareness, generate sales, liaise with influencers, and promote video marketing content.

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8 Important Facebook Business Statistics For Your Marketing Strategy

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 14th February 2024

Facebook business statistics are an amazing resource for businesses and marketers to understand user behaviour and Facebook marketing tools to improve a marketing strategy.

With over 2.9 billion users on Facebook as of 2023, the possibilities to elevate your business on Facebook are endless. Over the years, Facebook has proven to be a powerful social media platform to direct traffic to websites, generate leads, reach new customers, and increase sales.

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4 Benefits of Social Media For Business Statistics to Boost Your Online Success

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 11th February 2024

In the past few years, marketers have witnessed many benefits of social media for business statistics. Social media marketing has become an essential tool for businesses to promote their products and services and drive traffic to their websites.

Statistics demonstrate the importance of social media for businesses as online shopping and impulse purchases begin to increase online.

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9 Ultimate Small Business Digital Marketing Statistics To Elevate Your Business

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 4th February 2024

Small business digital marketing statistics suggest the impact of the digital world on small businesses. Particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic, social media became a game-changer for many businesses that had to close their doors due to lockdown restrictions.

If there were small businesses that didn’t consider digital marketing as a priority before lockdowns, they certainly recognised the value of the online world to remain connected with their customers!

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10 Important Instagram For Business Statistics To Elevate Your Social Media Strategy

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 16th February 2024

Instagram for business statistics can help businesses and marketers to understand user behaviour on Instagram and keep up-to-date with trends and new features.

The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, so it’s important for businesses and marketers to have an awareness of news and updates, and update their digital strategy accordingly.

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8 Essential Statistics About Social Media Marketing To Improve Your Online Presence

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 11th February 2024

Statistics about social media marketing are incredibly beneficial for business owners and marketers as they provide essential insight into how users behave on social media and how this may impact a digital strategy. 

For businesses, it is important to recognise statistics about social media marketing to ensure that your current digital strategy is relevant and generating the most effective results.

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4 Amazing Benefits of Social Media Statistics To Grow Your Business Online

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 14th February 2024

The benefits of social media statistics allow businesses to utilise data and information about the current performance of their social media strategy and identify areas of improvement to increase reach.

Social media statistics give you insight into factors such as your reach online, the engagement rate, and what type of content your target audience enjoys the most.

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9 Useful B2B Social Media Marketing Statistics You Need To Know

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 9th February 2024

Business-to-business, or B2B, social media marketing statistics help inform businesses and marketers about the current marketing landscape.

When promoting your business online, it’s important to review your current B2B strategy to promote your products or services to other businesses and convert these into customers.

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5 Amazing Social Media Small Business Statistics To Boost Your Sales

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 11th February 2024

Social media small business statistics point towards the importance of utilising social media marketing to reach a large target audience. 

Since the rise of social media, online shopping, and content creation, social media has become an effective and accessible tool for small businesses to boost sales and generate word-of-mouth marketing (WOM marketing).

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6 Inspiring Social Media Influencer Statistics You Need To Know

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 11th February 2024

Social media influencer statistics provide marketers with inspiring insights into the influencer marketing industry. Over the past few years, influencer marketing has proven to be a powerful type of social media marketing to generate sales and increase brand awareness. 

In this article, we’ll take you through some inspiring social media influencer statistics that will give you confidence in the power of influencer marketing.

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3 Great Ways To Use Social Media Advertising Statistics 

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 11th February 2024

Social media advertising statistics have been a powerful marketing tool for businesses when reaching new audiences online and increasing sales and conversions. In this article, we’ll take you through how to utilise social media advertising statistics to inform your digital marketing strategy.

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5 Social Media Business Statistics You Need To Check Regularly To Perfect Your Strategy

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 11th February 2024

It can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what your target audience wants to see on social media. However, social media business statistics is a fantastic tool that all businesses should be using to review their digital marketing strategy and identify ways to improve the performance of their content.

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3 Powerful Ways To Enhance Your Twitter Marketing Strategy

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 3rd November 2023

Twitter marketing has remained one of the most powerful social media tools for online users to communicate with each other and keep up-to-date with current news and trends. Twitter is a fantastic platform for businesses to enhance their online presence and increase brand awareness.

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5 Important Ways To Grow Your Business Using TikTok Marketing: A Complete Guide To TikTok

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 12th December 2023

Since the initial release of TikTok in 2016, TikTok marketing has transformed the way in which marketers communicate with their target audience as a larger focus has been placed on video content. Video content is incredibly important for generating conversions and reaching your target audience as it has proven to be a powerful marketing tool to capture a user’s attention in the online digital space.

Through this complete guide to TikTok, you can maximise the online possibilities of TikTok marketing and ensure to increase brand awareness and showcase your products or services.

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4 Ways to Use LinkedIn Marketing To Increase Your Brand Awareness: A Complete Guide To LinkedIn

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 13th February 2024

LinkedIn marketing has transformed how businesses and professionals interact with each other. LinkedIn has become a social media platform for businesses to enhance their online presence and increase brand awareness to stand out amongst competitors.

Our complete guide on LinkedIn marketing will help you optimise your LinkedIn page and leverage the platform to increase your brand awareness and visibility.

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6 Essential Steps To Elevate Your YouTube Marketing: A Complete Guide To YouTube

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 6th November 2023

YouTube marketing has gone from strength to strength over the last few years. Since YouTube was founded in 2005, the online video-sharing and social media platform has remained one of the most popular platforms to watch video content and promote video marketing for businesses.

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6 Instagram Hacks You Need: A Complete Guide to Instagram

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 17th December 2023

Instagram has gone through many changes over the years since it started as a photo app to capture must-see moments with friends and family. In recent years, several new features and tools have been introduced to market your business on Instagram, such as reels, stories, lives, stickers, and scheduling. 

Although keeping up to date with the Instagram algorithm can be overwhelming, our complete guide on Instagram hacks will help you feel confident with your digital marketing.

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Marketing On Facebook 101: The Ultimate & Easy Guide You Need To Facebook

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 3rd November 2023

With algorithms and social media trends constantly changing, it can often be difficult keeping up with everything you need to know about marketing on Facebook. 

However, this ultimate guide to Facebook will help you remain on top of Facebook and social media marketing

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Twitter Monitoring: Harnessing the Power of Twitter for Business Success

Sara LynchSara Lynch // 3rd November 2023

Twitter monitoring is an effective method for managing your brand’s digital presence. It’s an insight into how people are talking about your business, what interests them and what your competitors are doing. 

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What Is a Social Media Plan And How to Create It? (Easy Examples)

Rahma AliRahma Ali // 11th February 2024

Developing a social media plan doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Indeed, it’s the most interesting part of your marketing strategy, and if you have set a time to figure out your objectives, approach, and metrics, you will be almost done. What you intend to do and what you want to accomplish through social […]

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 50+ Helpful Social Media Marketing Statistics

Fatma MohamedFatma Mohamed // 11th February 2024

Social media marketing has taken a significant storm in the field of marketing. With its diversity and many marketers relying on it, the importance of statistics and data has also increased to build an integrated marketing strategy that is reliable in reaching customers. Everyone knows the importance of statistics in social media marketing. To build […]

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What Could Happen if We Take a Social Media Detox Seriously? 

Rahma AliRahma Ali // 2nd April 2023

Many famous people have said they are going to take a break from social media. Selena Gomez, Tom Holland, and Lizzo have posted before talking about they would take a social media break from Instagram and Twitter. Others have abandoned this whole world for good.  Does it really make them happy? What can we get […]

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How to Manage Your Reputation Online: 8 Easy Steps 

Rahma AliRahma Ali // 2nd April 2023

Building trust between you and your customers and potential customers is something you can not risk. But how to manage your reputation online in case any negative comments or feedback pop to the surface! Do you know what people think about you or your brand? Whether you’re a restaurant chain, an agency, or a hot-tech […]

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Social Media Algorithms: How to Make Them Work For You

Rahma AliRahma Ali // 3rd November 2023

Learn how to optimise your content for maximum visibility by understanding how social media algorithms function and how to read the signals used by each platform to determine its ranking. Read this article to learn the fundamentals of social media algorithms. Social media algorithms have become somewhat controversial. Everyone thinks they are working against you, […]

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Why is it Important to Take Social Media Break? (What Happened When I Decided to Do it)

Rahma AliRahma Ali // 17th December 2023

It’s said nothing is healthy in excess amounts. That rings true in social media as well. That’s why the idea of a social media break pops into my mind from time to time, asking myself, “Come on, let’s have a decent break!” Does it worth it? In this article, we answer this conventional question honestly! […]

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How to Become Social Media Consultant (Expert Advice)

Rahma AliRahma Ali // 12th December 2023

Thinking of starting your career as a social media consultant? Then the next question should be, HOW. Being exposed to too much might overload your brain. This guide will put you on the right track. These days, you can’t grow your business or promote it effectively without a social media strategy. Over 3.2 billion people are […]

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22 Cool Websites to Check Right Now

Rahma AliRahma Ali // 10th December 2023

Feeling bored? Down? Or fed up with this constant streaming of content on social media and need something really fun? The internet is brimming with fun and cool websites, but sometimes it’s hard to find them. Almost all people spend their time browsing social media accounts and checking the same feed. However, there are more […]

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Your Ultimate Guide: Best Social Media Search Tool

Rahma AliRahma Ali // 17th December 2023

Are you searching for the best social media search tool as you need a way to dive into different networks? Maybe to find a long-lost friend or an ex-colleague? Or to spy on your competitors to perform a competitive analysis? Perhaps you’re trying to catch up with trends and the weirdest music on social media […]

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Social Media Marketing Insight

People buy from people, not from websites. You know it’s true. But what does “people buy from people” really mean, and how can you take action now so that your business can benefit from it? It’s all about getting your business out into the sphere of social media and then working on it.

Simply put, social media are internet services that let you interact with others and share and create content through online communities. They present great marketing opportunities for businesses of all sizes. You can use social media to:

  • Promote the name of your brand and business
  • Tell customers about your goods and services
  • Find out what customers think of your business
  • Attract new customers
  • Build stronger relationships with existing customers

In today’s market, harnessing the power of social media is a must if you want to grow your business and grow your brand. From a simple Instagram post to Facebook announcements, there is practically no end to the new opportunities that a carefully managed social media campaign can bring. With this in mind, any entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur who has yet to try out the power of social media needs to start working on creating a stronger online presence.

Building a strong social presence and connecting with your audience on social media is time-consuming and can be tough. These platforms are constantly changing, and so it’s not something you can just put up and expect it to run itself. Continue the conversation and you will continue to build relationships with your audience and your potential customers. If you take the time to nurture those relationships and provide value, then your business will benefit as a result. Social networks are powerful, and in a world where people buy from people, the relationships you build online can mean everything for your business.