Social media age statistics suggest the differences in user behaviour across several age groups and demographics. These statistics help businesses and marketers understand their target audience better and identity potential ways to address a range of customers.

In this article, we’ll take you through some interesting social media age statistics that reflect user behaviour online and suggest differences across several demographics.

The Importance of Social Media Age Statistics 

By reviewing social media age statistics, businesses and marketers can understand the differences in user interaction online and utilise this data to develop their digital marketing strategies.

Social Media Age Statistics: The Power of Social Media Marketing

The Significance of Social Media Use

In today’s day and age, social media has become a significant part of everyday life for consumers from various demographics. With so many social media platforms to choose from such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, users can spend hours consuming content online. 

Due to the integral role of social media in everyday life, consumers not only depend on social media to remain in touch with family and friends but also to research brands and products when making purchasing decisions.

Social Media Age Statistics

Think about how many times you may have been interested in visiting a restaurant but wanted to find out more about them, such as their opening hours, menu, or recent company updates. In this scenario, many consumers utilise social media to derive a sense of who a business is and discover information about its services.

6 Interesting Social Media Age Statistics To Improve Your Digital Strategy 1
Social Media Age Statistics: The Significance of Social Media Use

But why social media? Let’s say for example you checked for this business information on a restaurant’s website. Although you might find information such as opening hours and menu options, you may not be able to tell when the website was last updated or if the information is still relevant.

However, social media allows users to discover a business’ recent activity and the most recent updates that will influence consumer interaction. Therefore, social media has become a significant search engine for consumers to research brands, products, and services to make the best purchasing decisions for them.

Social Media Age Statistics You Need To Know

So, how do different age groups behave differently on social media? Let’s take a look at some social media age statistics you need to know:

  • Almost 60% of users who are aged 18-29 years old use Instagram.
  • 90% of Instagram users are under 35 years old.
  • The largest age group that uses Facebook is 25-34 year olds.
  • 18 to 24-year-olds make up the most users on TikTok.
  • The majority of LinkedIn users are aged 30-39 years old.
  • The majority of Pinterest users are aged 25-34 years old.
  • The largest age group that uses YouTube is 15-35 year olds.

From the social media age statistics above, it is clear that a range of age groups have different preferences when it comes to social media platforms. However, what if a business doesn’t know exactly who their target audience is? Let’s take a look at how you can identify your target audience to determine which social media platforms can present the best digital marketing opportunities.

6 Interesting Social Media Age Statistics To Improve Your Digital Strategy 2
Social Media Age Statistics You Need To Know

How To Identify Your Target Audience

It’s important to have a clear understanding of who your target audience is as this will inform the content that you produce, your tone of voice, and impact how well your brand messaging comes across.

Here are some ways that you can identify your target audience to maximise the benefits of social media age statistics.

Conduct Consumer Research

A great way to understand who your target audience is is by asking them! If you utilise email marketing, consider sending a survey through an email newsletter, asking your subscribers to provide details about who they are and what they would like to see from your business. 

If possible, consider offering your subscribers the chance to win an offer, product, or gift voucher when they fill out the survey to increase the click-through rate and responses from customers.

Another great and accessible way to conduct consumer research is by utilising the Question sticker on Instagram stories. This sticker allows you to ask your followers a question and give them the opportunity to enter their answers into the answer box. You can also utilise the Poll sticker to give your followers some options to choose from. This will help increase the number of responses as clicking an option available is quicker than entering the answer themselves.

Social Media Age Statistics
Social Media Age Statistics: Conducting Consumer Research

Create a Buyer Persona

Another way to identify your target audience is by creating a buyer persona. A buyer persona outlines significant factors that will impact consumer behaviour and how you target your customers. Examples of factors to consider include:

  • Lifestyle
  • Personal background
  • Business background
  • Challenges and pain points
  • How your customers find information

Imagine you were an author creating a protagonist for your new book. In this scenario, you would consider your character’s lifestyle, their interests, and the challenges that they will face in the narrative. Similarly, a buyer persona helps businesses and marketers determine who their target audience is and the significant factors that make them who they are. 

Therefore, a buyer persona can help businesses and marketers remind themselves about who their content is for and ensure that their products and services are advertised as the resolution to your target audience’s challenges.

Social Media Age Statistics: Creating Modern Content For The Digital World

Want to know more about social media age statistics? Get in touch with ProfileTree today to identify the best social media platforms to market your business!

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