LinkedIn marketing has transformed how businesses and professionals interact with each other. LinkedIn has become a social media platform for businesses to enhance their online presence and increase brand awareness to stand out amongst competitors.

Our complete guide on LinkedIn marketing will help you optimise your LinkedIn page and leverage the platform to increase your brand awareness and visibility.

How To Leverage LinkedIn Marketing For Brand Awareness

To increase brand awareness, you can utilise LinkedIn marketing using the following methods below:

  1. Optimise your company page for LinkedIn marketing.
  2. Posting content to promote staff members and the company values for LinkedIn marketing.
  3. Sharing relevant news and articles related to your industry for LinkedIn marketing.
  4. Utilising video content for LinkedIn marketing.

By utilising these steps to increase your brand awareness using LinkedIn marketing, you can differentiate your company from competitors in your industry and build an online community with your LinkedIn followers. Once your target audience has a strong awareness of your brand and identity as a business, this will improve your engagement rate and visibility online.

LinkedIn Marketing: Posting content to generate brand awareness

1. Optimise Your Company Page For LinkedIn Marketing

To ensure that your target audience will find you easily on LinkedIn, it’s best practice to optimise your page for LinkedIn marketing.

LinkedIn marketing - Most used Social media

Go into the ‘Super Admin View’ of your company page to access your profile settings and click on the ‘Edit Page’ button. This will allow you to edit features on your LinkedIn profile such as:

  • Page Info
  • Buttons
  • About The Company
  • Leads
  • Community

Optimising Your Tagline For LinkedIn Marketing

In the ‘Page Info’ tab, ensure to fill out your Tagline using a maximum of 120 characters using keywords to describe your company page.

LinkedIn marketing
LinkedIn Marketing: Optimising Your Tagline

This section ensures that LinkedIn will recognise the keywords related to your company page, services, or industry, and recommend your page to the correct target audience.

For example, if your company page offers photography services for weddings, you could include keywords such as ‘photography for wedding’, ‘wedding photographer’, and ‘wedding photography’. This will improve your SEO for LinkedIn marketing as you use keywords that users currently search for to help them discover your page. 

Improving Your SEO By Utilising LinkedIn Marketing

In the ‘Overview’ section, include a description using a maximum of 2,000 characters. To improve brand awareness, utilise as many characters and keywords as possible to maximise the possibility of an online user discovering your company page. If you have a website, use your ‘About’ section to facilitate this step!

Examples to utilise LinkedIn marketing in the company description may include:

  • What your company offers.
  • Where your company is based.
  • Information about the start-up of the business.
  • Your USP.
  • Listing your products or services in bullet point form.
  • A brief description of your products or services.

Once you use the examples above, fill out your description with plenty of keywords! Want to improve your SEO with LinkedIn marketing even further? Ensure to fill out up to twenty specialities in the ‘Overview’ section within your company page settings. This section allows you to fill out the products or services you offer using keywords, and so informs LinkedIn to direct the correct traffic to your page based on your company’s strengths.

Generate Action With Lead Gen Forms For LinkedIn Marketing

In your page settings, click on ‘Lead gen form’ to include a form to generate more leads on your LinkedIn page. In this section, LinkedIn will ask for the following information:

  • A call to action button.
  • A URL link directing to the company’s privacy policy.
  • A headline.
  • A body of text.

For your call to action button, you have the following options to choose from:

  • ‘Contact Sales’.
  • ‘Request free demo’.
  • ‘Start free trial’.
  • ‘Get started’.

Select the call to action button that aligns with your objective for LinkedIn marketing. Your company’s privacy policy should also be inserted to outline to your online users how you store and protect their private data.

When writing your headline for a lead gen form in LinkedIn marketing, ask your online user a question or write a statement that suggests how you can help them solve their consumer issue. Examples of effective headlines for LinkedIn marketing include:

  • “Need help with your e-commerce website?”
  • “Looking to kickstart your career in recruitment?”
  • “Improve your healthcare plan today.”

Using a headline in your lead gen form for LinkedIn marketing will encourage online users to engage with your company page as you hook your audience into the products or services you offer through the short body of text. Once you have filled in the above information, your lead gen form entry point will appear on your ‘Home’ tab of the company page.

LinkedIn marketing
LinkedIn Marketing: Lead gen form

This a great tool to generate more leads using LinkedIn marketing and prompt online users to get in touch with your business! Once your LinkedIn page is optimised, this will improve your brand awareness as online users will be able to find your company page easily when searching for keywords related to your company.

2. Posting Content To Promote Staff Members and The Company Values For LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn marketing has proven to be incredibly effective when company pages establish brand awareness through consistent posting activity. To improve brand awareness, posts that feature the faces of team members within the company are a great way to humanise the brand. This is particularly important if your company offers services to consumers which would involve liaising with staff members and building a rapport with them, such as recruitment agencies, marketers, and IT companies.

Humanising Your Brand Through LinkedIn Marketing

So, how can you utilise this LinkedIn marketing strategy to improve brand awareness? Examples of this type of content could include:

  • Meet the team: Introducing staff members by giving your users some insight into the roles within the company and their expertise within your industry.
  • Promoting staff events: If your company participates in any staff events that involve team-building activities and reflect company culture, ensure to post images and videos of these to build awareness of the workplace.
  • Awards and ceremonies: Promoting any awards or ceremonies that your company may have been nominated for or won awards within your industry to emphasise the authority of the page.
  • Staff achievements: Sharing images of staff members who have achieved a significant milestone or successfully completed a project is a great way to recognise the hard work of your employees and demonstrate the success of your business.

Sharing images and videos of staff members is also a fantastic way to boost engagement on your LinkedIn posts through likes, shares, and comments. For example, if you were scrolling through your personal Facebook and Instagram feeds and saw a friend or family member uploading a new post about their recent holiday, you would engage with this post because you share a personal connection with the individual. 

Similarly, utilising LinkedIn marketing to share images and videos of staff members encourages other LinkedIn members to engage with content if they know the people featured in the posts. The number of likes, comments, and shares that you build throughout your content will increase the visibility of your brand awareness as the LinkedIn algorithm will reach similar audiences to promote the post further.

LinkedIn marketing
LinkedIn Marketing: Promoting brand awareness

Company Values and LinkedIn Marketing  

LinkedIn is the perfect platform for raising awareness of your company values. Why is this important? The digital world is a very competitive place for businesses to demand user attention and engagement. Due to this, there may be millions of businesses that could offer a similar product or service to your target audience. However, building strong brand awareness by promoting your company values using LinkedIn marketing is a great way to outline what makes your company unique and how your team thrives within your industry.

A brilliant way to use LinkedIn marketing to advertise company values is by implementing storytelling techniques to describe case studies. A case study could be an example of a client that you have provided beneficial services for, a corporate partner who you have a long-standing relationship with, or solving an issue for a customer through using your products.

When creating your case studies, your content should answer the following questions:

  • Who was the client or customer?
  • What was their problem when they first approached your company?
  • How did you solve this problem for them using your products or services?
  • What was the end result?
  • Why was the client or customer happy with your solution?
  • How did your approach and company values contribute to the success of the outcome?

By following this structure when creating case studies for LinkedIn marketing, you are effectively telling a clear story about how your company values influence a positive result for clients and customers. If possible, include an image or video of the client or staff member involved in the case study to increase your brand awareness and engagement even further!

3. Sharing Relevant News and Articles Related To Your Industry For LinkedIn Marketing

Building brand awareness using LinkedIn marketing not only involves creating content directly related to your business but also sharing relevant news and articles related to your industry.

So, why is this important for LinkedIn marketing? LinkedIn is an amazing social media platform to provide insight into industry news and current trends. This LinkedIn marketing method is also a perfect way to generate engagement on your posts by asking your followers to comment their thoughts below. To improve your brand awareness even more, ensure to reply to any comments you receive to interact with online users as this will enhance your online presence and reach more profiles.

Some examples of finding articles and news related to your industry include:

  • Follow relevant hashtags related to your industry on LinkedIn and check how other LinkedIn pages are utilising those hashtags. 
  • Search for target keywords related to your industry on Google and see which articles in the ‘News’ section are currently trending.
  • Search for your target keywords on Twitter to identify any links, articles, or trending topics which arise that relate to your industry.
  • Sign up for newsletters that produce the latest news and updates within your industry. Ensure to check your inbox regularly and identify opportunities to provide your insight into trending topics of discussion.

This LinkedIn marketing method is a great way to create variety within your LinkedIn content, increase your brand awareness, and improve user engagement. 

Want to increase user engagement, even more, using LinkedIn marketing? Ensure to utilise the Poll feature on LinkedIn as this tool allows you to ask your followers a question and place their vote towards a listed answer. This feature is similar to the Poll sticker on Instagram and increases user engagement! Utilising this LinkedIn feature is also a fantastic way to conduct consumer research and market research in a very accessible manner.

LinkedIn marketing
LinkedIn Marketing: Creating a poll

4. Utilising Video Content For LinkedIn Marketing

Users on LinkedIn may not always have time to read a long caption with a post. A great way to grab their attention and tell your story is through video content! When determining a video length, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What message am I trying to convey through video content?
  • Am I conveying my message efficiently?
  • Could I convey my message through short video content?
  • Is there a way to break down my story and message into shorter clips for future posts?

Answering these questions will help inform the purpose of your video content for LinkedIn marketing. Generally, short forms of video content generate positive results for company pages as they convey a story quickly, efficiently, and effectively. Short forms of video for LinkedIn marketing may also increase the chances of your content being shared by users as this content is easier to digest than longer videos. 

However, test out different video lengths for a variety of content to determine what your audience enjoys viewing the most and use this information to inform your LinkedIn marketing strategy. Be sure to check out your analytics on LinkedIn to understand how long your audience remains engaged with your content and adapt your LinkedIn marketing strategy accordingly!

LinkedIn Marketing: Utilising video content

Want to kickstart your LinkedIn marketing strategy and improve brand awareness? Get in touch with ProfileTree today to learn more about LinkedIn marketing!

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