Every organisation should have a brand element that helps them stand out from the competition. This is usually the logo. These days, one of the most popular options is to create a logo online.

Logos can stand alone as a mark or image or add text to help explain what the brand is, what they do and what it stands for. It helps identify products and services and is designed for quick recognition.

In other words, the best logos sum up everything a company is about.

The tricky thing is that this isn’t as easy as it sounds. To create the perfect logo, many companies choose to engage a professional graphic designer. For some, though, this is just too expensive.

Today, we’ll cover everything you need to know to create an effective logo for yourself online.

How to create a logo online featured image

A company needs to have a logo. You have international appeal when audiences can immediately identify who you are based on your logo. People usually need an image to see to fully connect with your brand.

There’s a reason that some companies spend millions on their logos. They know that this will offer a return on investment. So, what does a logo actually do?

Here are a few reasons why you need an effective logo:

Make Your Logo Online To Establish a Unique Identity

Your logo is what gives you a space in the world. It signifies who you are and your intentions to make a statement. This is easily demonstrated by thinking of a couple of major international brands.

For example, McDonald’ or Coca-Cola’s logos are every bit as recognisable as these brands’ actual names. The best logos are instantly recognisable and communicate your brand without spelling it out.

Create a logo online mcdonalds example
McDonald’s’ logo is instantly recognisable.

More reading on branding and logos to consider:

Building Brand Equity

A logo helps a corporation look established and, in some cases, bigger than it really is. Every marketing piece with a well-designed logo on it gives the impression of an organisation that is going places and doing big things.

Your logo helps to shape your brand perception.

Using your logo as a watermark on reports and documents projects a great deal of professionalism.

To Get More Clients

With so many people turning to online information whenever they come across a new brand, having a presence with a logo gives you credibility and helps them make purchasing decisions.

Any business considering venture capital or selling its business must have a complete marketing package. This includes a logo and other elements that suggest the brand is worth investing in or buying.

It’s been well established that having consistent branding across all of your marketing channels leads to growth in revenue.

Consistent branding stats - Create a Logo Online
Using consistent branding across all channels can greatly boost your revenue.

Brand Awareness

If you take the time to create a logo and brand image, you have invested time and money that needs to have some type of ROI. This demonstrates to your customers that you are in it for the long haul and are here to stay.

It also helps you to stick in their heads.

Most people remember what they see. They may not remember a name, but they can associate your logo with your brand. When they are seeking services, they will look for your logo as a starting point.

Having an effective and recognisable logo also allows you to maintain a high level of brand awareness so that even if someone isn’t looking for your product right now, you’ll be the first brand they think of.

Having a prominent public image by using your logo on branded merchandise and promotional materials helps you to achieve this.

Importance of Branding for Business

A logo should be used consistently to ensure it becomes a part of your brand identity. It should be on every marketing tool and element of your organisation that will be presented to the public.

That includes business cards, letterhead, signage, websites and digital marketing elements. This is how you maximise the return on investment you receive when you create a logo online.

However, not all logos are created equally. Some are incredibly effective, while others are more or less a waste of time.

Before creating a logo, it is important to understand what a good logo should contain. Here’s what makes an effective logo tick:

Clear and Readable Text

If text is included in the logo, it should be clear and free from distraction. The fonts used should always convey professionalism at the highest standards. Most people will find this jarring or even irritating when text is hard to read.

Simple Colours

Your brand’s colours should be simple but impactful enough to make a statement. Depending on your industry, the colours should convey what your brand is, and how you will stand out amongst the competition.

For example, many B2B brands rely heavily on blues and greens in their logos to project professionalism, while consumer brands choose to use warmer and more vibrant colours, like reds, oranges and pinks.

Create a logo online using colour psychology
Different colours have different distinct associations.

Memorable Imagery

If you are using imagery in the logo, it should be strong enough to tell a story and memorable enough to have a lasting impact on the minds of everyone who sees it.

This is even more effective when the imagery relates in some way to your brand name. For example, ProfileTree’s logo is a digital tree. The goal here is to maximise recognition of both elements of your brand by creating an association between them.


The logo should be able to draw the attention of others and make a statement. It should be able to stand out among a crowd of logos. This can be accomplished by doing something different and avoiding frequently used icons or symbols.

PR, Communications and Personal Branding


The logo should be used across several elements. It is important to ensure it is scalable and adaptable to any size or use. We’ll talk about the specifics of creating a logo online later, but for now, you’ll need a vector file format.


Your logo should be timeless and can be used in various ways throughout the years. While it is always standard practice to update your logo after a certain time period, those original elements should still be present moving into the future.

This means it’s a bad idea to try and news jack with your logo or try and ride the wave of a fad. When you create a logo, try to think about how it will be perceived in five or even ten years.

Appropriate for the Industry

There are certain industries where your design should reflect the professionalism associated with the culture. An attorney would not have a neon green logo with a race car on it, and vice versa.

Some logos do not need to be fun or playful and should convey what your industry stands for. Researching colours and how they convey meaning is a good step to take when designing logos for international appeal.

Explore Branding & the Creative Process

Best Tools for Creating a Logo Online

If you are just starting, you may not have the resources to hire a professional designer to create your logo. Using an online logo creator may be the best option in those cases.

Several online logo tools can help create a logo online. These tools will walk you through the process and help establish your brand. Creating logo online software is very popular and can be found simply.

Here are a few options to consider:

Logo maker

This program allows individuals to create and design a logo for free using icons located in their database. It helps you decide what colours, shapes and text you like to create a professional logo.

Online logo maker

This software has two versions – free and premium. With a straightforward interface, it has a large font selection and different templates to choose from, and it allows you to save and return to complete the project.


Shopify helps businesses brand themselves with their online logo maker. It’s free and helps those business owners who are getting started with Shopify present a more professional image.


Touted as the easiest and fastest way to design a logo for your business, companies can also use this platform for website design and other services. Designmantic also offer custom design if you feel as if you need assistance with your logo design.


FreeLogoCreator is an AI-powered logo design tool. It effortlessly elevates your brand with industry-specific logo templates. Customize your business logo with ease – choose colors, fonts, and icons. Craft professional brand identity for your business, unleash creativity with simplicity.

How to Choose the Right Online Logo Maker

When choosing an online logo maker, there are a few key factors to consider:

  • Price: Some online logo makers are free, while others charge a fee. The fee for paid online logo makers typically ranges from $10 to $100.
  • Features: Different online logo makers offer different features. Some features to consider include the number of logo templates available, the ability to customize logos, and the ability to download logos in different formats.
  • Ease of use: Some online logo makers are easier to use than others. If you are not familiar with graphic design, it is important to choose an online logo maker that is user-friendly.

Here are a few tips for choosing the right online logo maker:

  • Read reviews of different online logo makers before you choose one. This will help you to learn more about the features of each online logo maker and the experiences of other users.
  • Try out a few different online logo makers before you make a decision. This will help you to find an online logo maker that you are comfortable using and that offers the features that you need.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with different logo templates and customization options. It is important to create a logo that is unique and reflects your brand identity.

Different Types of Logos

There are three main types of logos:

  • Wordmarks: A wordmark is a logo that consists of the company name in a stylized font.
  • Letter marks: A lettermark is a logo that consists of the company’s initials in a stylized font.
  • Pictorial marks: A pictorial mark is a logo that consists of a symbol or icon.

Each type of logo has its advantages and disadvantages. Wordmarks are easy to read and remember, but they can be difficult to stand out from the competition. Letter marks are more compact and versatile than word marks, but they can be more difficult to remember. Pictorial marks are unique and eye-catching, but they can be difficult to design and may not be appropriate for all businesses.

Common Logo Design Mistakes

Here are some common logo design mistakes to avoid:

  • Using too many colors. A logo should have no more than three colours.
  • Using too many fonts. A logo should have no more than two fonts.
  • Using too much text. A logo should be simple and easy to read.
  • Using clip art. Clip art is generic and will make your logo look unprofessional.
  • Copying other logos. Your logo should be unique and reflect your brand identity.

Benefits of Using an Online Logo Maker:

  • Cost-effective – online logo makers are much cheaper than hiring a designer. Give average cost comparisons.
  • Quick turnaround time – you can get a logo within minutes/hours rather than waiting days/weeks. Back this up with data.
  • Easy to use – online logo makers require no design experience. List user-friendly features like drag-and-drop editors.
  • Access to loads of templates and icons – mention the number of options available.
  • Ability to customise – full control over colours, fonts, layouts, etc.

Logo Design Process/Steps:

  • Research – determine the business type, qualities to convey, competitors, etc.
  • Brainstorm concepts and ideas – mindmap different visuals, icons, symbols and meanings.
  • Sketch rough drafts – draw rough logo sketches before digitising.
  • Use logo maker to develop drafts – give step-by-step process best practices.
  • Refine and finalise – explain the iterative process involving the target audience.
  • Ensure it is simple, memorable and visually distinctive—reference psychology principles.
  • Make sure it is versatile, scalable and looks good in black and white.
  • Consider colour palette and typography carefully based on messaging and audience.
  • Align logo with brand identity and business objectives.
  • Keep it simple. A simple logo is easier to remember and will look better in different sizes.
  • Make it memorable. A memorable logo should be unique and stand out from the competition.
  • Make it versatile. A versatile logo should look good on various backgrounds and in different sizes.
  • Use the right colours. The colours that you choose for your logo should reflect your brand identity and target audience.
  • Choose the right font. The font that you choose for your logo should be easy to read and should reflect your brand identity.

Here are some examples of great logos:

  • Apple: The Apple logo is simple, memorable, and versatile. It is also a symbol of innovation and creativity.
  • Nike: The Nike logo is simple, memorable, and versatile. It is also a symbol of athleticism and performance.
  • Coca-Cola: The Coca-Cola logo is simple, memorable, and versatile. It is also a symbol of happiness and refreshment.
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What Do You Need to Create a Logo Online?

Using the suggestions for creating a good logo, a good online logo creation tool, and your imagination are all the elements needed to design a logo that will resonate within your organisation and your audiences.

Having goals, objectives, and the strategic vision of the company in mind makes the difference.

Getting advice from a designer before creating your logo can provide insight and tips on the process, how different shapes can add value, or whether or not your colour scheme may be too much for the type of industry you are in.

While you are not hiring them to create the logo, their assistance from a consultant level can make the difference between a subpar logo and a professional logo that will impact your audience.

Of course, creating a logo online by yourself isn’t always as effective as engaging a professional designer. After all, there is a reason that experienced designers command such high salaries.

If you’d like to find out more about how to develop your brand or anything related to building your business brand online, speak to ProfileTree today and find out about our agency services.

Create A Logo Online FAQs:

A: A good logo should be simple, memorable, versatile, timeless, appropriate for the brand, and convey the right brand image. The best logos use clever negative space, symbols, double meanings, or stylized text to communicate the brand efficiently.

Q: What file formats should my logo be in?

A: Logos should be created in vector formats like AI, EPS, PDF, and SVG to ensure quality rendering at any size. You should also have JPEG/PNG versions for digital use.

Q: Should I avoid specific colours, fonts, or symbols?

A: Avoid culturally insensitive or offensive imagery. Certain colours like red/green should be used carefully if colour blindness is a concern. Avoid overused clipart. Use easy-to-read fonts and test legibility at small sizes.

Q: How much does a custom logo cost?

A: Custom logo design from a professional designer typically costs £400-1500 depending on factors like detail, revisions, and designer/agency reputation. Logo maker tools offer more affordable options starting from £20-50.

A: With a logo maker tool, you can create a logo in under an hour in many cases. Working with a designer takes 1-2 weeks usually, allowing for initial concepts, revisions, and final files.

A: Logo maker tools typically do not offer refunds, but you can experiment risk-free, choosing from thousands of templates and icons. Designers usually account for a set number of revisions in their pricing.

Q: What if my logo is similar to an existing brand?

A: Do thorough competitor research and brainstorming to ensure your logo is distinctive. If it is too similar, you may need to return to the drawing board to differentiate your brand.

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