
At ProfileTree, we’re more than just a digital agency. We offer each and every one of our clients a personalised and bespoke strategy, carrying out full audits on their past and current marketing strategies. Our team work within your business plans and budget to deliver digital campaigns that guarantee real results. Regardless of your sector of industry, we can assist you in identifying your target audience, engaging them with content that is relevant, engaging and conversion-focused: it’s what we do.


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business management

Business Management Statistics for Informed Decision-Making

Miral NassarMiral Nassar // 6th March 2024

Navigating the world of business management can often feel like cracking a complex enigma. It’s an experience many share. Yet, given that 85% of pertinent roles in this realm call for a bachelor’s degree, a firm grasp of the role of statistics in inefficient decision-making processes is critical. This article reviews various statistical tools and […]

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The Role of Augmented Reality (AR) in Digital Marketing Strategies

Ciaran ConnollyCiaran Connolly // 11th March 2024

Similar to businesses shifting online, marketing efforts have largely shifted online as well. Digital marketing strategies embrace a range of online tactics and channels brands use to promote their products and services. Search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising are no longer innovative approaches. These are common […]

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programming languages

Most Popular Websites Programming Language

Ciaran ConnollyCiaran Connolly // 6th March 2024

Steering your way through the bustling metropolis of web development can feel like a real pickle, especially with the landslide of programming languages one must contend with these days. As a seasoned developer myself, I have put on my digital wellies and braved daunting trenches to decipher which programming languages are in vogue at popular […]

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Icon for Digital Marketing

Why seek digital marketing agency services? 

As a leading digital marketing agency, we strive to help businesses understand the impact that a digital strategy can have on their business. From increased brand awareness to ranking content and a wider audience reach, we can help your business generate more revenue through a well-developed and optimised digital marketing strategy. 

With our digital marketing agency services, we can help you reach the audiences that matter. Small businesses and large corporations all need an effective digital marketing strategy, in order to compete in the modern world and remain seen in the online marketplace. 
Depending on your current digital performance, we will recommend a multi-pronged approach for digital marketing business success. Whether it’s website development, a curated content marketing strategy or an engaging promotional video, we have the tools on hand to pursue the most effective digital strategy for your business goals. 

Full-service digital marketing agency

As a full-service digital marketing agency, we take care of everything to create and deliver a successful digital marketing strategy for the benefit of your business. Whether you need curated content that will resonate with audiences or a website that is capable of bringing in sales, we have the skills and expertise to make it happen. 

Advantages of a full-service digital agency 

With assistance from a full-service digital marketing agency like us at ProfileTree, you get everything you need in one place. All of your digital marketing materials are created in-house, ensuring a consistent quality of results and keeping your digital marketing strategy on track. 

As a full-service digital marketing agency, you have us on hand to make any adjustments to your digital marketing strategy. There is no waiting around for outsourced website designers, external website hosts, digital strategists or content creators to get back to you. We can chase up the progress of your digital marketing strategy so you don’t have to. 

With a full-service digital marketing agency, everything flows a lot smoother, communication is enhanced, and our talented team comes together to pursue the best outcome for your business’ unique and bespoke digital marketing strategy

Whether you need to make changes to your website design or if you need to alter the information in a blog piece, we can do it all with expert efficiency and a communal goal of enhancing your business and achieving your digital marketing objectives.

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Services 2

Digital marketing agency for performance analysis 

Before we conduct any digital marketing tactics, we always conduct thorough marketing performance analysis for our clients. We believe in making strategic decisions that are data-driven, allowing us to deliver digital marketing strategies that provide a strong return on investment. 

As part of our digital marketing analysis, we use performance analysis software that provides data on your current reach, website traffic, existing followers, etc. We will also perform a competitive analysis, identifying how your competitors are reaching similar audiences and how you can achieve similar success. 

With a strong SWOT analysis, we can create the blueprints for delivering a successful digital marketing strategy that will help you achieve your business goals. We conduct a thorough performance analysis on a live call with our clients, allowing them to see in real-time how they are performing and what they need to do for enhanced business success. 

Digital strategy marketing agency services 

After we conduct a performance analysis, we can begin to create a marketing strategy with a multipronged approach. We suggest multiple digital marketing methods and explain to clients how these tactics will promote their brand, increase audience engagement and ultimately convert casual visitors into purchasing customers. 
We know what makes for a good marketing strategy and we tailor the digital strategy in order to meet your business’s unique needs. Whether your goal is product marketing, increased brand awareness or generating a greater digital presence, we can deliver a strategic plan to make it happen.

Services 3
Icon for Content Marketing

Digital marketing agency services for content creation 

As a leading content marketing agency, we specialise in creating unique and bespoke content for our clients. We help businesses raise their digital profile and attract more customers with curated content that is suitable and meaningful for their target audiences

With a strategic content marketing strategy, we help our clients stand out from their competition by using digital material for sales enablement and creating an online presence that audiences can recognise and value. 
We are also experts in creating ephemeral and interactive content, with specialisms in SEO practises, ensuring that the content we produce is capable of appearing on search engine results and reaching the right audiences.

Award-winning content marketing agency 

At ProfileTree, we have received industry recognition and won multiple awards for our content marketing services. Our team of talented content writers bring a unique approach to each of our clients, helping them personalise their content and create value within the customer experience. 

We know how to create rankable online material that is capable of reaching niche audiences and global customers. We also advise clients on common content marketing mistakes and explore the reasons why their existing content isn’t ranking

The type of content we can create at ProfileTree ranges from videos, blog articles, copywriting, website pages, social media posts and much more. We also help clients develop a content calendar in order to optimise the effectiveness of their overall content marketing strategy.

The Irish Content Marketing Awards, The DANI Awards and Impact Excellence Awards Logos

Digital marketing agency services for video marketing and production

Video is quickly becoming the most consumed form of content online. Nothing engages audiences more than an authentic and visually engaging video. It’s one of the reasons why we recommend a video marketing strategy for enhancing business growth.

As a video marketing agency, we can take your idea for a brand message and create video content that engages, inspires and interests your target audience. Our own video content has won awards, gone viral on social media and reached millions of audiences around the world. We are experts in video marketing, and we help businesses achieve similar success.

Video production agency services

At ProfileTree, we have a team of talented video production professionals who can capture your brand’s message and translate it into an expertly crafted piece of video content. We know what types of video content business owners should be seeking, and we know how to penetrate different markets and engage with various audience groups.

Video marketing agency services

At ProfileTree, we know that it’s not just enough to create amazing video content; you also need video marketing in order to increase brand awareness, get that return on investment and reach your target audience. As a leading video production company in Belfast, NI, we have the expertise to create and promote video content for the benefit of your business.

Web Design and Development Layout

Digital agency services for website design and development

As a full-service digital marketing agency, we know all too well the importance of website design and development for creating a functional and appealing business website. It’s the digital home of all your business activities and the place where you ultimately want customers to navigate to.

If you’re thinking about enhancing your business website, check out these questions to ask before hiring a web design agency.

Website strategy services

We help businesses create a website strategy, beginning with a website audit and identifying areas for business growth and development. Our own ProfileTree website hits hundreds of thousands of visits per month, so you could say we know what we’re doing.

Website design agency services

Website design is the process of making your website look appealing to visitors. Whether you need to focus your website on e-commerce design or need a website to engage with B2B businesses, we’ve got you covered.

Our team of website designers can create the ultimate business website, ensuring that you attract visitors and turn them into purchasing customers. We create online selling machines that rank in search engine results and best represent your brand.

Website development agency services

Website development involves everything that your website visitors interact with, from drop-down menus to toggle items, widgets and breadcrumbs. Everything on your website needs to function smoothly in order to create the best user experience possible.

At ProfileTree, we have an amazing team of skilled website developers, who are more than capable of ensuring that your business website functions properly. We also embed creative web development ideas, to set your business apart from the competition and help you stand out online. 

Website hosting agency services

What sets us apart from other web design agencies is the fact that we can not only design and develop your business website, but we can also provide website hosting and management services, meaning that your website is safe, secure and backed up.

Website hosting may not be something you’re currently not paying attention to, but it is most definitely worth investing in. At ProfileTree, we know that most of our clients are not website specialists or tech know-it-alls, so we have created a beginner’s guide to understanding the importance of website hosting and why they should trust us at ProfileTree for hosting their business website.

With our WordPress hosting service, we can ensure that your business website has the correct server space, appropriate storage capabilities and is equipt for premium SEO hosting. We can even perform a website migration, ensuring that you retain all of that important information without compromising on functionality.

Website content agency

At ProfileTree, we don’t just stop at creating appealing websites with sleek functionality, we also provide a tailored website content strategy in order to help it rank in search engine results and reach your target audience.

We can also help make your content pop on your business website, ensuring that it interests audiences and encourages them to stay on your site for longer. With millions of websites now available online, it’s important to invest in creative methods for your website content strategy and adopt SEO practices into its design.

Digital agency services for SEO marketing 

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and is the process of curating your online content to rank higher in search engine results. 

This content can include anything from blog posts, website pages and now even video content, especially on platforms such as Youtube, which have SEO algorithms of their own. The important thing is that the content is strategically developed, with a strong focus on keyword research. 

SEO will benefit your business’s digital presence and help your brand compete within the digital marketplace. In essence, you’re structuring your online content in such a way that it answers audience questions, provides real value and is meaningful to their personal lives. 

SEO agency services

At ProfileTree, we embed SEO into every aspect of our digital marketing tactics. We can also perform an SEO audit, helping you to understand performance metrics and what they mean for your digital performance. 

SEO is important for every industry that is attempting to reach a digital audience. Whether your business is a restaurant, hotel or car dealership, you need to know how people are referring to your business and the questions they are asking that are associated with your business sector. 

As a leading digital agency with a strong skillset in SEO practices, we stay up to date with Google algorithm changes and translate this insider knowledge into practical advice for the benefit of your business. 

Digital marketing seo agency in the U.K. 

As a digital marketing agency based in Northern Ireland, a lot of our clients are small local businesses that need to target local audiences as opposed to enhancing their global reach. 

Local SEO is a strategic form of organic marketing and with our assistance, your business can ensure that it is appearing in front of audiences who are searching for what it is that your business provides. 

We help businesses reach the right audiences by introducing local SEO tactics, ensuring that their content is targeting the audiences who are most likely to become purchasing customers. 

Digital agency services for email marketing

As part of our digital marketing agency services, we also provide clients with strategies for enhancing their email marketing tactics. With so many spam emails and treacherous subscriptions, the need to stand out in email marketing is ever more necessary. 

We can help you stand out from the competition with strategic email marketing, reaching the  audiences that matter with creative methods such as video email marketing

Digital agency services for social media management

As a leading digital marketing agency, we help businesses optimise their social media marketing strategies in order to benefit their business. We help our clients be seen on the platforms that their target audiences are already engaging with and we help them create content that is suitable for social media platforms. 

A large part of social media marketing is investing your time and efforts into the most suitable social media channels. At ProfileTree, we can help you choose the right social media platform for your business, ensuring you reach the right target audience and make the most out of your digital marketing investments.  

Social media marketing has the potential to help small businesses reach audiences that they didn’t think they were capable of reaching. Brands can now engage with audiences using unique content and connect with their audiences in an authentic and informal manner. 

As social media marketing specialists, we can help you generate ideas for posts and optimise your social media channels for an enhanced digital presence. Whether you need help with creating social media videos or need to know what the latest social media trends are, we are here to help. 

Digital agency services for advertising

The world of digital advertising is increasingly becoming all the more complicated; what does reach mean, are you investing in the right ads and will they ultimately attract more customers?

Social media advertising can quickly become expensive too if you don’t have the right strategy to gain a profitable return on your investments. At ProfileTree, we have successfully launched advertising campaigns across TikTok, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and many more platforms, using creative strategies such as animation in order to help your ads stand out. 

We are experts in digital advertising and we can help you deliver a successful advertising campaign that will attract audiences, increase brand awareness and ultimately generate more sales. 

Services 4

Digital training agency services

In today’s marketing environment, businesses need to have the skills and knowledge to promote themselves in the digital space. As a leading digital marketing agency, we strive to help businesses achieve success with our in-depth and bespoke digital training sessions. 

Our training mentors meet with clients to perform a competitive analysis, where we evaluate where your business currently stands in terms of its digital performance and where it needs to be. Our mentors will also discuss your current level of digital marketing knowledge, identifying learning areas that would be useful for the enhancement of your business. 

Depending on your current skill set and digital marketing goals, our digital training sessions can cover; SEO training, video training, pay-per-click training, social media training and many more areas to increase your digital marketing expertise. As a leading digital training agency, all of our sessions are truly bespoke and tailored to suit your needs and to help you achieve your business goals. 

Digital strategy consulting and agency services

As an award-winning digital marketing agency, we have successfully developed and delivered digital marketing campaigns for multiple industries across the world. We can help businesses target local customers and reach large global audiences, our main goal is to help your business achieve success through a strong digital marketing approach.

We have expertise in many different sectors and we can apply tactics that will suit your individual audience’s interests. Some of the industries we have worked with, include:

Digital agency for healthcare services

The healthcare industry is increasingly becoming digitalised, patients are now seeking medical assistance through online means and making use of advanced medical technologies.

At ProfileTree, we can help your healthcare business stand out, using healthcare marketing tactics that position your brand as the answer to their ailments.  Whether you need a healthcare website design that is informative for audiences or content that promotes your healthcare product/service, we have the skills and expertise to enhance your healthcare business.

Digital agency for tourism

It is now a fact that the majority of travellers use the internet in order to plan their trip, get ideas for places to visit or for comparing travel deals. If your business relies on tourism, then you need to invest in digital marketing methods in order to promote your business’s destination.

At ProfileTree, we have worked closely with Tourism NI and multiple other businesses in order to develop tourism marketing strategies. We know how to attract global audiences with engaging content that informs and inspires potential travellers. Check out our travel and tourism website, Connolly Cove.

Digital agency for hospitality

The hospitality sector is an extremely competitive industry and businesses are increasingly having to work on their digital presence in order to encourage people to visit their premises. At ProfileTree, we have incredible experience in promoting hospitality businesses, we have used video content for promoting restaurants and provided strong hotel marketing services.

If your business is part of the hospitality sector, check out our Amazing Food and Drink channel that helps promote local hospitality businesses throughout Ireland.

A full-service digital marketing agency built for the now

At ProfileTree, we pride ourselves in delivering expert digital marketing agency services that are built for the now. We consistently stay ahead of the curve, investing our resources into new and upcoming digital tactics such as voice search marketing, SEO algorithms, and changing audience trends. 

For a full-service digital marketing agency, that has the means to help your business reach its goals, ProfileTree is your best option.