A Northern Ireland-based journalist, publicist and content creator has shared a range of essential business tips including insights into the benefits of publicity management and why long-form content is still important.

Excalibur Press owner Tina Calder also discussed the growth of her own company during a ProfileTree Business Leaders interview.

In today’s crowded media landscape, simply having a great product or service isn’t enough. To truly stand out and thrive, you need to master the art of publicity management. This powerful tool can propel your brand into the spotlight, amplify your message, and captivate audiences worldwide.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, a budding PR professional, or anyone seeking to get your voice heard, this comprehensive guide delves into the essential elements of successful publicity management. We’ll embark on a journey to unveil cutting-edge strategies, explore various types of publicity initiatives, and equip you with practical tips and tactics to generate impactful media coverage, plan captivating events, and engage with key influencers.

By venturing beyond the surface of basic press releases and media outreach, we’ll delve into the latest trends and technologies shaping the future of publicity. You’ll discover how to leverage the power of social media, harness the influence of brand ambassadors, and employ data-driven strategies to measure and maximize the impact of your publicity campaigns.

Publicity Management Strategy with Tina Calder

Tina introduced herself and her work by explaining that, for the last 20 years, she has been a journalist based mainly in Northern Ireland.

“I’ve worked for literally every major newspaper and magazine across the country.

“I’ve owned several different agencies with different ideas behind them. One was a media syndication company, we did photo syndication and we also did a little bit of publicity back in the day but it was only really when people bullied me into it!

“I was a showbiz journalist for about 12 to 15 years and during that time I carved these wonderful relationships with celebrities and people who were in the public eye.

“It got to the stage where the relationship was so good they’d come to me for advice, that stepped into the world of publicity so I started becoming their publicist and agents at times.

“I worked for the Daily Mirror for a while and I’ve been working for the Sunday World and Sunday Life forever now.”

Following a career break, during which she ran a bar and had a baby, Tina created Excalibur Press.

“I wanted to challenge myself. I’m not saying I’d had enough of standard journalism but I’d been a freelance for a long, long time and I know quite a lot of the editors and had a good working relationship.

“One of the things that people didn’t know about me was that I was a trade journalist and a business journalist all of that time as well.

“I absolutely love entrepreneurship, so I thought ‘how can I turn all of this into something that’s really challenging?’.

“I noticed there was this rise of bloggers and I thought ‘I’ve been doing that for years’. WordPress, I think, started in 2003 and we were on Blogspot beforehand.

“We were one of the first companies to use WordPress.”

How to design a wordpress website - Publicity Management

Tina explained that her company had been seeing “amazing results” by publishing all their content online and promoting the content through social media.

“We were the only people doing at the time. Now I’ve taken all of that and turned it into a publicity management company. At the heart of what we do it’s about helping people to create a better platform for themselves and their company and their brand.

“I always say ‘it’s about making people famous in their world’, so it’s not about getting you on TV or on Big Brother, it’s about creating an element of fame within your industry.”

Tina added that doing a lot of work with thought leaders “seems to be an industry I have gravitated towards” and underlined the importance of content.

“We would sit down with them, work out a strategy and ask ‘how can we bring you further into your industry?’ and ‘how to we move you head and shoulders above the people you are in competition with?’. And then it’s looking at the content behind that, it’s all driven by content.

“It’s getting people to understand the importance of that content. A social media post is not a strategy and, more importantly, social media isn’t the whole strategy either.”

She explained that making clients understand this point is a vital for her company.

“Some people get really surprised because we aren’t posting on social media for them or we aren’t doing press releases because we’re busy ringing industry leaders or we’re speaking at networking events.

“Today, for example, I was down at the BNI network on behalf of one of my clients.”

In this way, Tina helps clients to make use of the fact that “there is so much choice out there when it comes to publicity, comms, PR, marketing, you name it”.

“We give them a little bit of everything, so that they can work out ‘where do I go next?’ so we can bring in the experts for them or we can send them off to experts.

“If someone leaves us that’s a success to us as it means they have moved onto the next stage, it’s better they stay with us but we take kids flying the nest as a good sign!”

To discover insights into content, long-form, business growth, publicity and more see Tina’s full video interview.

Excalibur Press – www.excaliburpress.co.uk

Building Your Spotlight: Key Elements of Successful Publicity Management

Mastering the art of publicity management requires a strategic blend of planning, execution, and measurement. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the key elements that contribute to successful publicity campaigns:

1. Defining Your Goals and Audience:

  • Crystallize your objectives: Clearly define what you aim to achieve through your publicity efforts. Is it brand awareness, product launch promotion, or crisis management?
  • Identify your target audience: Understand who you want to reach with your message. Tailor your communication strategies to resonate with their interests and needs.

2. Building a Strong Brand Foundation:

  • Craft a compelling brand message: Develop a clear, concise, and impactful message that articulates your brand’s value proposition and resonates with your audience.
  • Establish a consistent brand identity: Create a unified visual and messaging approach across all communications platforms to foster brand recognition and trust.

3. Developing a Strategic Plan:

  • Identify relevant media outlets and influencers: Research key journalists, publications, and influencers who reach your target audience and align with your brand values.
  • Craft targeted pitches and press releases: Develop compelling press releases and media pitches that capture attention and highlight your story’s newsworthiness.
  • Plan impactful events and experiences: Conceive unique and engaging events that generate media coverage, attract audience participation, and strengthen brand awareness.

4. Leveraging Technology and Data:

  • Embrace social media platforms: Utilize social media channels to connect with your audience, amplify your message, and engage in meaningful conversations.
  • Harness the power of influencer marketing: Partner with relevant influencers to reach wider audiences, build trust, and enhance brand credibility.
  • Employ data-driven insights: Track key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and adapt your strategies based on data-driven insights.

5. Building Relationships and Partnerships:

  • Cultivate strong media relations: Develop positive relationships with journalists and influencers to establish trust and secure favorable coverage.
  • Partner with complementary brands: Collaborate with other brands or organizations to expand your reach, leverage shared audiences, and cross-promote each other’s initiatives.

6. Measuring and Evaluating Success:

  • Track key campaign metrics: Monitor relevant metrics such as media placements, social media engagement, website traffic, and brand awareness to assess campaign effectiveness.
  • Conduct regular campaign reviews: Analyze results and gather feedback to identify areas for improvement and optimize future campaigns for greater impact.

7. Adapting and Embracing Change:

  • Stay informed of industry trends: Remain abreast of evolving trends and technologies in the publicity landscape to adapt your strategies and stay ahead of the curve.
  • Be agile and responsive: Respond promptly to media inquiries, address potential crises effectively, and adapt your approach as needed to navigate unforeseen situations.

By prioritizing these key elements and fostering a strategic, data-driven approach, you can build a successful publicity management program that propels your brand into the spotlight and achieves your desired outcomes. Remember, effective publicity is a continuous journey, requiring ongoing evaluation, adaptation, and a commitment to exceeding expectations.

Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a Strategic Publicity Plan

1. Define Your Goals and Audience:

Picture of audience members - understanding audience helps to drive instagram engagement
Understanding your audience
  • Identify your desired outcomes: What do you want to achieve through your publicity efforts? Is it brand awareness, product launch promotion, attracting new customers, or establishing industry leadership?
  • Understand your target audience: Who are you trying to reach with your message? Analyze their demographics, interests, media consumption habits, and online behavior.

2. Conduct a Situational Analysis:

  • Evaluate your current brand image: Assess your brand’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) in the publicity landscape.
  • Analyze competitor strategies: Research how your competitors are approaching publicity and identify opportunities to differentiate your brand.
  • Audit existing media coverage: Review past media placements, social media engagement, and online mentions to understand your current media footprint.

3. Develop a Compelling Brand Message:

  • Craft a clear, concise, and impactful message: Articulate your brand’s value proposition and what makes it unique and relevant to your target audience.
  • Ensure message consistency: Maintain consistency in your messaging across all communication platforms to build brand recognition and trust.

4. Research and Identify Media Outlets:

  • Target relevant publications, websites, and social media platforms: Choose outlets that align with your brand image and reach your target audience.
  • Compile a media list: Create a comprehensive list of journalists, editors, and influencers who might be interested in covering your story.
  • Research media contact information: Utilize media databases, online tools, and industry resources to find accurate contact information for targeted media professionals.

5. Develop a Content Calendar:

  • Plan your content strategy: Schedule press releases, social media posts, blog articles, and other content pieces to ensure consistent brand communication and maximize exposure.
  • Integrate various media formats: Utilize a diverse mix of content formats, such as text, images, infographics, videos, and podcasts, to cater to different audience preferences.
  • Align content with key milestones: Coordinate your content calendar with important events, product launches, and industry news to maximize impact.

6. Craft Media Pitches and Press Releases:

  • Develop compelling pitches: Tailor your pitches to each media outlet and journalist, highlighting the newsworthiness of your story and how it benefits their audience.
  • Write effective press releases: Ensure your press releases are concise, informative, and newsworthy, incorporating quotes from key figures and including relevant contact information.

7. Build Relationships and Partnerships:

  • Cultivate media relationships: Foster positive connections with journalists and influencers through regular communication, media events, and offering exclusive content.
  • Partner with other brands: Collaborate with complementary brands to expand your reach, leverage shared audiences, and cross-promote each other’s initiatives.

8. Implement and Monitor Your Plan:

Business planning statistics
  • Execute your plan strategically: Implement your planned activities, publish content, and distribute press releases according to your schedule.
  • Track key performance indicators (KPIs): Monitor relevant metrics such as media placements, website traffic, social media engagement, and brand mentions to measure campaign effectiveness.
  • Adapt and optimize: Regularly review your plan and adapt your strategies based on performance data and evolving circumstances.

9. Measurement and Evaluation:

  • Analyze campaign results: Evaluate the success of your campaigns by analyzing KPIs and comparing them to your pre-defined goals.
  • Gather feedback: Seek feedback from media outlets, influencers, and key stakeholders to identify areas for improvement.
  • Refine your approach: Utilize the insights gained from evaluation and feedback to refine your publicity strategy for future campaigns.

By following these steps and adapting them to your specific needs and goals, you can develop a strategic publicity plan that fosters brand awareness, generates positive media coverage, and ultimately drives your business towards success. Remember, effective publicity is an ongoing process, requiring continuous evaluation, adaptation, and a commitment to exceeding expectations.

Exploring Various Publicity Initiatives and Their Applications

Effective publicity management requires a diverse arsenal of initiatives, each catering to specific goals and delivering unique benefits. Let’s delve into the world of various publicity initiatives, exploring their applications and showcasing their effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes:

1. Media Relations:

  • Benefits: Secure media coverage in newspapers, magazines, TV shows, and online publications, generating widespread brand awareness and thought leadership.
  • Applications: Product launches, company announcements, industry events, crisis management, executive profiles, and thought leadership pieces.

2. Social Media Engagement:

  • Benefits: Connect directly with your target audience, build brand loyalty, and promote interactive experiences.
  • Applications: Brand awareness campaigns, product launches, customer engagement initiatives, contests and giveaways, influencer marketing campaigns, and community building.

3. Influencer Marketing:

  • Benefits: Leverage the reach and credibility of influencers to increase brand awareness, drive sales, and build trust.
  • Applications: Product endorsements, brand collaborations, sponsored content, social media partnerships, and influencer-hosted events.

4. Event Marketing:

  • Benefits: Create unique and engaging experiences that foster brand connections, generate media coverage, and drive customer engagement.
  • Applications: Product launches, industry conferences, networking events, exclusive workshops, customer appreciation events, and charitable initiatives.

5. Content Marketing:

  • Benefits: Build brand authority, attract organic traffic, and nurture leads through valuable and informative content.
  • Applications: Blog posts, articles, white papers, infographics, e-books, webinars, video content, and podcasts.
What Is Content Marketing? Why is it Important?

6. Online Press Releases and Newswire Distribution:

  • Benefits: Reach a wide audience of journalists and bloggers, increasing brand visibility and driving website traffic.
  • Applications: Company announcements, product launches, award recognition, industry partnerships, and crisis communication.

7. Public Speaking Engagements:

  • Benefits: Position yourself as an industry expert, build brand credibility, and connect with potential customers and partners.
  • Applications: Industry conferences, trade shows, community events, educational workshops, and panel discussions.

8. Awards and Recognition Programs:

  • Benefits: Enhance brand image, gain industry validation, and attract potential investors and partners.
  • Applications: Submitting for industry awards, participating in recognition programs, and showcasing achievements in marketing materials.

9. Public Service Announcements and Sponsorships:

  • Benefits: Promote social responsibility, build positive brand image, and gain community support.
  • Applications: Participating in charitable events, sponsoring local initiatives, and supporting relevant causes.

10. Crisis Communication:

  • Benefits: Manage negative publicity effectively, minimize brand damage, and maintain public trust.
  • Applications: Responding to negative media coverage, addressing product recalls, and managing data breaches.

Practical tips and strategies for media outreach, press release writing, and event planning

Media Outreach:


  • Personalize your pitches: Research journalists’ interests and tailor your pitches to their specific needs.
  • Focus on the news value: Highlight the newsworthiness of your story and explain its relevance to their audience.
  • Keep it concise and compelling: Make your pitch brief, engaging, and easy to digest.
  • Offer exclusive content: Provide journalists with something unique, such as an exclusive interview or behind-the-scenes access.
  • Follow up promptly: Be persistent and follow up with journalists who haven’t responded to your initial pitch.


  • Media databases: Utilize services like Cision or Meltwater to research journalists and contact information.
  • Social media monitoring tools: Track relevant conversations and identify potential media contacts on platforms like Twitter.
  • Press release distribution services: Distribute your press releases to a wider audience through platforms like PR Newswire.

Press Release Writing:


  • Start with a strong headline: Capture attention with a clear, concise, and newsworthy headline.
  • Lead with the most important information: Highlight the key points of your story in the first paragraph.
  • Use clear and concise language: Avoid jargon and technical terms that your audience may not understand.
  • Include quotes and visuals: Enhance your press release with quotes from key figures and relevant images or infographics.
  • Optimize for search engines: Use relevant keywords throughout your press release to improve search visibility.


  • Press release templates: Utilize online templates or press release writing software to ensure proper formatting and structure.
  • Grammar and style checkers: Ensure your press release is free of errors and typos with grammar and style checkers.
  • Social media sharing tools: Schedule your press release to publish across social media platforms to reach a wider audience.

Event Planning:


  • Define your goals and target audience: Clearly define your event’s objectives and the type of audience you want to attract.
  • Choose a strategic date and time: Select a date and time that aligns with your audience’s availability and avoids conflicts with other major events.
  • Secure a suitable venue: Choose a venue that is easily accessible, has the right capacity, and accommodates your event’s needs.
  • Develop a compelling event program: Create a program that is engaging, informative, and aligned with your event’s theme and goals.
  • Promote your event effectively: Utilize a diverse mix of marketing channels to reach your target audience and generate excitement about your event.


  • Event planning software: Utilize software like Eventbrite or RSVPify to manage registration, ticketing, and event logistics.
  • Social media marketing tools: Leverage platforms like Facebook and Instagram to promote your event and reach a wider audience.
  • Email marketing software: Send targeted email campaigns to invite potential attendees and provide them with event updates.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Publicity Management

Q: What are the key benefits of publicity management?

A: Publicity management offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Increased brand awareness and visibility
  • Enhanced brand image and reputation
  • Improved media relations and influencer engagement
  • Increased website traffic and lead generation
  • Boosted sales and revenue growth
  • Greater market share and competitive advantage

Q: What are the different types of publicity initiatives?

A: There are various types of publicity initiatives, each with its own benefits and applications. These include:

  • Media relations
  • Social media engagement
  • Influencer marketing
  • Event marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Public speaking engagements
  • Public service announcements and sponsorships

Q: How do I develop a strategic publicity plan?

A: Developing a strategic publicity plan requires following specific steps, including:

  1. Defining your goals and target audience
  2. Conducting a situational analysis
  3. Developing a compelling brand message
  4. Researching and identifying media outlets
  5. Developing a content calendar
  6. Crafting media pitches and press releases
  7. Building relationships and partnerships
  8. Implementing and monitoring your plan
  9. Measuring and evaluating results

Q: What are some practical tips for effective media outreach, press release writing, and event planning?

A: Here are some practical tips for maximizing your success in these areas:

  • Media outreach: Personalize your pitches, focus on the news value, keep it concise and compelling, offer exclusive content, and follow up promptly.
  • Press release writing: Start with a strong headline, lead with the most important information, use clear and concise language, include quotes and visuals, and optimize for search engines.
  • Event planning: Define your goals and target audience, choose a strategic date and time, secure a suitable venue, develop a compelling program, and promote your event effectively.

Q: What resources are available to help me with my publicity efforts?

A: Several resources can assist you with your publicity efforts, such as:

  • Media databases: Cision, Meltwater
  • Social media monitoring tools: Brand24, Sprout Social
  • Press release distribution services: PR Newswire, Business Wire
  • Event planning software: Eventbrite, RSVPify
  • Grammar and style checkers: Grammarly, ProWritingAid

Publicity Management: Conclusion:

Mastering the art of publicity management empowers you to amplify your voice, elevate your brand, and achieve your desired goals. By incorporating the insights and strategies presented in this article, you can develop a comprehensive understanding of publicity and implement effective initiatives to build brand awareness, generate media coverage, and connect with your target audience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Publicity management is a strategic process for building brand awareness and promoting your message.
  • Effective publicity requires a blend of planning, execution, and measurement.
  • Diverse publicity initiatives cater to specific goals and offer unique benefits.
  • A strategic publicity plan guides your efforts and ensures measurable results.
  • Practical tips and resources can enhance your media outreach, press release writing, and event planning.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Define your publicity goals and target audience.
  2. Research and identify relevant media outlets and influencers.
  3. Develop a compelling brand message and content calendar.
  4. Craft targeted media pitches and press releases.
  5. Build relationships with journalists and influencers.
  6. Implement your plan and monitor key performance indicators.
  7. Analyze results and adapt your strategies for continuous improvement.

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