Ever fancied donning the hat of a web designer and creating your own genuine website but were left feeling rather flummoxed by what appears to be an intricate process? You’re not alone, mate! Studies suggest that web design sways three out of four users’ perceptions about a brand or business.

In this very article, we’ll be decoding the puzzle one piece at a time—from picking a cracker of a domain name and top-notch web hosting to crafting, optimising, and maintaining your own site. Are you eager to get started with this thrilling expedition? Well then, strap in tight! Your voyage toward constructing an exceptionally genuine website kicks off right here.

4 Easy Steps to Create a Website

To start building your website, pick the right domain name and web hosting provider. Next, select a user-friendly, genuine website builder or content management system to design and customise your site according to your brand’s aesthetic. Then, optimise your genuine website for search engines by using relevant keywords, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and optimising loading speed.

Before launching your website, thoroughly review and test it for functionality. To maintain it, update its content regularly and monitor its performance for an excellent user experience. Here are the steps in detail.

1. Choosing a Domain Name and Web Hosting

To start building your genuine website, the first step is to choose a domain name and reliable web hosting provider.

Check Domain Availability

To see if a domain name is at hand, use domain.com. This tool helps you find the perfect domain for your genuine website fast. It’s vital to pick out the right domain name as it stands for what the site will be about.

Also, take a quick hop on websites like GoDaddy or Google Domains to compare prices and see more options for names. The whole process isn’t hard at all! You can do it with ease and make your genuine website stand out with its unique name.

Select a Reliable Web Hosting Provider

It is essential to use a reliable web hosting provider for your business. A good host helps publish a secure website with its own domain name, drawing more customers in.

As a first step, try using an online tool like Sitechecker that lets you find out who hosts the genuine website you like; just copy and paste the domain name of that site into the search tab and wait for the result.

Before deciding on your best web hosting provider, look at all the factors. Some people opt for shared hosting or VPS, while others need dedicated hosting. Study all the types of hosting well to pick what works best for your genuine website and business needs.

Choose a Suitable Hosting Plan

You need to pick the right hosting plan for your genuine website. A lot of choices are out there; a popular and cheap choice is a shared hosting plan. This kind of plan works well for most websites. Some web hosts, like Hostinger, offer many different plans—from shared hosting to premium options.

Knowing which plan to choose and when to upgrade is key. There’s no need to worry, though! You can find a web host guide that will make your decision easier. With so much competition in web hosts, you have plenty of options waiting for your business. So, look around and think hard before making your choice! Remember—it’s all about picking what suits your site best.

2. Designing and Building Your Genuine Website

How to make a genuine website
How to Make a Genuine Website – Web Design

The second step is to design and develop your genuine website. Choose an easy-to-use content management system (CMS) or website builder based on your needs. Then, add pages and content to give your visitors something of value, and alter the design and layout to suit your brand’s aesthetic to get a user-friendly website.

Decide on a Content Management System or a Website Builder

Creating a genuine website starts with picking the right tools. You have two main options—website builders or content management systems (CMS).

  1. Website builders are popular among business owners and marketers. They provide easy-to-use tools and templates with which you can design a website without coding skills.
  2. CMSs, like WordPress, help manage your site’s content rather than building it from scratch. If you have a lot of content or plan to update often, this may be your best pick.
  3. There’s a wide range of website builders and CMSs out there. Think about what you need from your site before choosing one.
  4. Look at each plan’s cost, how easy it is to use, and what features it offers. Some systems come with e-commerce, blog integration, or built-in social media tools.
  5. Remember that some guides and resources can help if you find yourself stuck at any point in the build process.
  6. The design of your website is vital, too. So, think about how users will navigate the site, how it looks, and whether it works well on mobile devices.

Customise the Design and Layout

Making your website look good is a key step. Let’s talk about how you can customise the design and layout.

  1. Start with picking a style that suits your business. It should reflect what you do and who you are.
  2. Use easy-to-read fonts and colours that don’t hurt the eye.
  3. Choose where to place items on your webpage, and make sure they’re easy to find.
  4. Keep your pages clean and simple to use. This will help people find what they want fast.
  5. Add images or videos, but don’t overdo it. Too many visuals can slow down your site.
  6. Break up long walls of text with headers or bullet points like this one!
  7. Change things if they’re not working out as planned.

Add Pages and Content

Making your genuine website full of useful content is key. Here’s how to build it right:

  1. Determine the pages you’ll need first. A home page, an about us page, a contact page, and a product/ service page are a few examples.
  2. Fill each page with relevant info. Use precise words that tell visitors what your business does.
  3. Make sure all text is easy to read and understand.
  4. Add helpful features like buttons for social media sharing.
  5. Use good-quality pictures and videos where they make sense.
  6. Keep everything in order so that people can find what they want fast.

3. Optimising Your Website

To ensure your genuine website gets maximum visibility, it’s crucial to optimise it for search engines and user experience. Improve SEO with relevant keywords, make sure your genuine website is mobile-responsive, and optimise loading speed. Let’s learn more about these essential steps in optimising your website to boost its performance and attract more visitors.

Improve SEO by Using Relevant Keywords

Right keywords can boost SEO and get your site on top of search results. First, you need to know what words people type into search bars—this is called keyword analysis. With it, you build an SEO strategy that guides users to your website.

Next, work on the on-page optimisation. Include the right words in headings, text, and tags. Also, keep track of search engine ranking to see how well you do. Content also needs constant tweaks for high visibility online.

Using these marketing tactics will lead more visitors to your website—we call this ‘inbound traffic’. Always stay alert because search engines often change their rules or algorithms. Keeping up with them ensures your webpage stays at the front line.

Ensure Mobile Responsiveness

One essential component of website optimisation is mobile responsiveness. When a website is mobile responsive, it means that it can adapt and adjust its layout to fit different devices and screen sizes. This ensures that your genuine website looks good and functions properly on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.

You should have a mobile-friendly design for several reasons. Firstly, it enhances the user experience by offering a smooth cross-platform browsing experience. Whether someone visits your site on their phone or their computer, they should be able to easily navigate through your pages and access the information they need.

Secondly, having a responsive website design helps with search engine optimisation (SEO). Mobile-friendly websites are given priority by search engines like Google because they aim to deliver the greatest results for users on mobile devices. Thus, you might be losing out on important traffic from organic sources if your website is not mobile-friendly.

Optimise Loading Speed

To ensure your website performs well and meets user expectations, optimising its loading speed is essential. Websites that load slowly may irritate visitors and make them leave.

You can enhance user experiences and boost your website’s performance by implementing website speed optimisation techniques. There are 19 strategies you can use to increase your website speed, such as using performance-optimised hosting solutions and compressing images.

These approaches will help decrease page loading times, improve webpage speed, and ultimately enhance the overall speed of your genuine website. This means that visitors will have a better experience when browsing your site, leading to increased satisfaction and engagement with your content or products.

4. Launching and Maintaining Your Website

How to make a genuine website

Before launching your website, give it a thorough test and review. To guarantee peak performance, update and maintain your website frequently. For a flawless user experience, keep an eye on its performance and make the required adjustments.

Review and Test Your Website Before Going Live

Reviewing and testing your genuine website thoroughly is important before you launch it. This ensures that everything is working properly and that your visitors will have a good experience. Here are some key steps to take when reviewing and testing your website:

  1. Check all the links on your website to make sure they are working correctly.
  2. Test your website on devices like smartphones and tablets to ensure it looks good and functions well on all screen sizes.
  3. Reduce superfluous code and optimise images to ensure your website loads quickly.
  4. To ensure it works well, test your website through various browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
  5. Check for any spelling or grammatical errors throughout your content.
  6. Ensure that any forms or interactive elements on your website are functioning correctly.
  7. Test how easy it is for users to navigate your website and find the necessary information.
  8. Integrate analytics software like Google Analytics to track visitor behaviour and make data-driven improvements.

Regularly Update and Maintain Your Website

A successful online presence depends on your website being updated and maintained regularly. It contributes to increased user experience, search engine rankings, and website security.

You can make sure that the content on your website is current and useful for your visitors by updating it frequently. Additionally, when customers are looking for similar goods or services, they will find your company more easily online, thanks to the useful content.

It’s also crucial to routinely check your website for broken links in addition to updating content. Broken links can annoy visitors and make their visit to your website less enjoyable.

Enhancing the speed at which your website loads is an additional crucial upkeep duty. Search engine rankings and user experience are enhanced by a website that loads quickly.

Security measures are also vital in keeping your website safe from threats like hacking attempts or malware infections. Regularly updating your website’s technology ensures you have access to the latest features and functionalities.

Monitor Website Performance and Make Necessary Improvements

As a website owner, it is important to regularly monitor your website’s performance and make any necessary improvements. Consistent monitoring allows you to promptly identify and address any issues to maintain a successful and high-performing website. By doing so, you can ensure that your website is accessible, user-friendly, and optimised for speed.

Monitoring indicators such as speed, stability, and responsiveness will help you assess the quality of the user experience on your website. By using speed optimisation strategies and best practices, you can dramatically increase user satisfaction and improve the functionality of your website.

Creating a Genuine Website: Ready to Go?

Building a genuine website can be simple if you have the right resources and direction, even though it may seem overwhelming at first. You can create an effective online identity for your company by selecting a domain name and web hosting provider, designing and developing your website, optimising it for search engines, and maintaining it on a regular basis.

To ensure that your visitors have the best possible experience, don’t forget to give priority to user-friendly design and mobile responsiveness. So go ahead, make the bold move, and begin developing your website right now!


1. What do I need to make a website?

A domain name or website address, web hosting, and a content management system such as WordPress or a website builder are required in order to create a website.

2. Is coding knowledge necessary to make a website?

No, coding knowledge is not necessary to make a website. You can create and customise your website without knowing any code, thanks to drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-designed templates provided by website builders and CMSs.

3. How long does it take to make a website?

A website’s creation time is contingent upon a number of factors, including the intricacy of the design, the volume of content, and your level of tool proficiency. Generally, building a basic website can take anywhere from several hours to a few days.

4. Can I update my website after it’s been built?

Yes, you can update and edit your website after it has been built using the web builder or CMS platform you choose. This allows you to add new content, change images or colours, and modify the layout.

5. How much does it cost to make a genuine website?

The cost of making a genuine website varies depending on different factors, such as hosting fees, domain registration costs, premium themes or plugins if desired, and hiring professionals for custom design work or additional functionality requirements. The best practice is to first understand what features are important for your goals and then budget accordingly.

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