Videos in marketing are used to promote a brand, service or product. It is a way to connect with consumers and catch their attention in this digital world. Video is not like text; it can boost a bond between consumers and a product in an amazing way. Plus, watching video content is easier than reading it to get information. People nowadays prefer watching videos “people love videos”; according to YouTube’s official blog, people watch over a billion hours of YouTube content daily. People watch videos everywhere on social media or YouTube; this is how people, especially “Gen Z”, get their info.

Video marketing started around 2005-2006 with the launch of YouTube, then Google bought YouTube by the end of 2006, and by 2009 video marketing started to flourish. There are many reasons which make many people watch videos more and more easily, like using smartphones. Also, during the pandemic, people started to consume more time (around 19 hours weekly) watching videos.

Around 31% of marketers are using video marketing to improve SEO, websites increase page quality by adding videos, Tweets on Twitter get 10 times more engagement, videos are effective on LinkedIn, and people are watching almost a billion videos on Pinterest daily. Videos are easier to convert thoughts and emotions than usual texts, plus they are faster to spread, so marketers use videos to promote a product, service, or brand.

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is when a brand creates video content to enhance its profile; videos are usually published on YouTube or social networks, although they can come in other forms like self-hosted videos, live videos, courses or webinars, etc. Videos can be a powerful way for a brand to spread easily to a large audience. It works well with B2B and B2C strategies.

Video marketing started the mainstream in 2010, and it took around 4 years to become truly accessible for people on smaller budgets, but nowadays, it is accessible to all businesses. Making videos also don’t need creative skills or a large budget nowadays. Videos are the future of marketing.

videos in marketing

Videos are essential more than ever for some reasons.

  1. Videos are great for explaining the product: Videos can help potential buyers learn about the product; many marketers say that using video content helps them to convey their message about the product or service to the consumer because consumers will only buy something when they understand what it does.
  2. Videos have a fair return on investment: Making videos may be expensive and time-consuming, but technology and software solutions like Doodly can make it easier; spending less time and money on videos will make a positive ROI.
  3. Videos can be used in many ways: Videos can be used on social media as reels, short videos or stories. Live videos are also very effective on social media nowadays. Webinars are another way to use videos. Marketers also sometimes record and send videos to consumers to follow up on purchases or enquiries, as this can improve the experience.
  4. Videos are good for SEO: Google considers YouTube videos at the top for many search terms, so uploading videos is a good and easy way to get on Google’s first page.
What is the Use of Videos in Marketing 1

What are the Types of Videos in Marketing?

There are 12 types of videos which help in promoting a brand, service and product:

  1. Demo Videos: Demo videos shows the product and test it.
  2. Brand Videos: brand videos are part of a large advertising campaign, showing the company’s mission, vision, service or products to build awareness around the company and attract the target audience.
  3. Event Videos: Event videos show highlight reels, a part of a presentation, a conference, a round table discussion, etc.
  4. Expert Interviews: Expert interviews are about finding an influencer of a specific industry and then interviewing him to discuss the industry to attract an audience.
  5. Educational Videos: Educational videos are known as “How-to videos”. Instructional videos teach the audience new things and explain more about business and solutions.
  6. Explainer Videos: Explainer videos are videos which help the audience understand why they need the service or product.
  7. Animated Videos: Animated videos are helpful for “hard to grasp” concepts; they explain an abstract idea to the audience.
  8. Customer Testimonial Videos: Customer testimonial videos are also known as “case study videos” they are one of the best ways to prove that the product is really helpful; they are about getting one of their loyal customers on camera to describe what challenges they faced and how the company solved those problems.
  9. Live Video: Live videos give the viewers a “behind the scenes look” live stream events, interviews, and presentations can encourage the viewers to question and comment.
  10. Virtual Reality & 360° videos: These videos enable the viewers to see the content from every angle as if they were physically there; these videos are helpful for showing a location or event, and VR lets viewers control and navigate their experience.

Why Does Every Business Need to Market with Videos?

Videos can be a great easy tool for sales through the customer-buying journey, plus it can help salespeople to prioritise and qualify cold leads; here is why video marketing is an excellent way to market any product or service:

Video Marketing Appeals to Mobile Users

Smartphone users are watching videos more than reading; according to a statistical study, 77% of people who watch online videos are using smartphones or tablets. In addition, customers would rather learn about a product or service through a video than any other way. As a result, Internet users usually look for videos related to the product and reviews before visiting the store.

Video Marketing is a Great Way to Build Trust and Educate Others

According to a statistical study, 31% of users watch how-to videos and educational videos. Users, especially Gen Z, prefer lower-quality authentic videos over higher-quality videos that seem artificial and inauthentic.

Videos are Easy to Make and More Popular to Watch

It is easy now to make a video and upload it on the internet; it doesn’t cost money or high-quality equipment to make a good video which can spread; actually, videos can save money and time while promoting something or conveying a message to the audience.

Videos are the Future of Marketing

Video marketing is going bigger by default; through videos, marketers can attract many people, convert them into leads, and work with those leads to make them consumers. Users of the internet are using more videos in 2021-2022 than before, so making videos are amazing to attract potential customers.

How to Create a Video Marketing Strategy?

It is clear now that videos are more important and essential for marketing these days than ever; there are strategies for video marketing, like:

  1. Choosing the target audience and figuring out their persona.
  2. Agree with stakeholders on a plan for the video.
  3. Set a timeline along with a budget for the video.
  4. Choosing the best platform.
  5. Choosing the right type of videos which match the target audience’s personality.
  6. Deciding about the methods to track and measure the success of videos. Every video has a purpose, so editing, re-shooting, or re-framing is essential to make a good video that fulfils its purpose. In addition, choosing the right hosting platform is the key to introducing the video to the right audience after making it.

So, what are these Video Hosting Platforms?

There are many video hosting platforms, like:


YouTube is considered the largest video hosting platform and the second largest search platform, and the most visited website worldwide. People watch over five billion videos on YouTube daily. YouTube offers some features which make it a good choice for hosting videos like:

  1. Free uploading videos and optimising them for research.
  2. Building an audience of subscribers.
  3. Organising the videos into playlists.
  4. Interacting with the audience; viewers can engage with the videos by liking and commenting on them.


Vimeo is considered the second largest video hosting platform; it offers some features which make it a good choice for hosting videos like:

  1. Fewer Ads and commercials than YouTube.
  2. Vimeo videos are high quality with more professional content.
  3. There are many different choices for the business.
What is the Use of Videos in Marketing 2


Vidyard is a video platform for business; it offers tools to create, host and share videos to connect with customers. Vidyard needs some tools to enable success on this platform, like, native publishing, data reporting and video personalisation.

Social Media

Videos are very popular on social media like Instagram, and using short videos is the best practice to grab attention on social media.

What are the Benefits of Video Marketing?

Video marketing is beneficial for any growing business; it is about hitting the right audience, interacting with them and also growing the brand. Here are some benefits of video marketing and why many marketers use it:

  1. Many customers are watching videos.
  2. Videos complement marketing strategies.
  3. Videos are easily found through Google.
  4. Videos push consumers to buy.
  5. Videos make learning convenient.
  6. Videos create lasting impressions because they stimulate the senses.
  7. Videos keep users on pages for longer; they are entertaining and attention-grabbing.
  8. Videos are captivating.
  9. Videos are easier to share.
  10. Videos get the highest engagement and conversion rates compared to other posts.

Video marketing is the future of marketing. It is also an effective marketing strategy nowadays, as it saves money, time and effort and is so easy to spread worldwide in no time. There are many video hosting platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. These platforms let more people interact with videos, which makes it a very effective marketing strategy. Now you will know what is the uses of videos in marketing – how will you use your video content when marketing your business this year?

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