If you’re in business or marketing, AI marketing is no less than a trend you simply need to know about.

After all, some marketers consider that artificial intelligence has a huge future in marketing and in advertising. And marketers using advanced machine learning algorithms are already constructing AI solutions that could take over most of the time-consuming tasks they struggle to cope with.

According to Gartner, 30% of companies worldwide will be using AI in at the least one of their sales processes by 2020.

AI marketing solutions provide ways to bridge the gap between data science and execution. The methods available for sifting through and reading large amounts of data have changed forever.

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What is AI?

According to Techopedia, artificial intelligence, also known as AI, is a branch of computer science that aims to create smart machines. Research associated with artificial intelligence is highly technical and specialised. The core elements of artificial intelligence include programming computers for certain traits, including knowledge, reasoning, problem solving, perception, learning, and planning.

What is AI Marketing?

Some researchers distinguish between “narrow AI” and “general AI”.

Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) is also referred to as “weak” AI; it is the AI that exists in our everyday world. Narrow AI is AI programmed to perform a single task; the task can be checking the weather, being able to play chess, or analysing raw data to write reports.

Every sort of machine intelligence that surrounds us these days is narrow AI. Google Assistant, Google Translate, Siri and other natural language processing equipment are examples of narrow AI. A few may count on that those tools aren’t “weak” because of their ability to interact with us and process human language, but we call it “weak” AI because these machines are nowhere close to having human-like intelligence.

They lack the self-consciousness, attention, and genuine intelligence to match human intelligence. In other words, they are able to assume for themselves.

Artificial general intelligence or “strong” AI refers to machines that exhibit human intelligence. In other words, AGI can successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can. This is the kind of AI that we see in films in which people interact with machines and operating systems; they can be aware, sentient, and driven by using emotion and self-consciousness.

Artificial Intelligence

Uses of AI

Artificial intelligence has made its way into several areas.

In healthcare, the biggest bets are on AI to improve patient outcomes and lowering costs. Businesses are applying machine learning to make better and faster diagnoses than humans. The system mines patient information and other available data sources to form a hypothesis; it is then presented with a confidence-scoring schema.

In business, robotic system automation is being carried out to highly repetitive tasks commonly achieved by human beings. Machine learning algorithms are being included into analytics and CRM platforms to discover data on a way to better serve clients. Chat-bots have been integrated into websites to offer instant service to customers. Automation of job positions has additionally become a talking point among academics and IT analysts.

In education, AI can automate grading, giving educators more time. AI can check students and adapt to their needs; it supports their work at their very own pace. AI tutors can provide additional help to students, ensuring they stay on target.

In law, the discovery process, sifting through of files, in law is often overwhelming for humans. Automating this technique is an extra efficient use of time. Startups are also building question-and-answer computer assistants; they can sift programmed-to-answer questions by using examining the taxonomy and ontology associated with a database.

In manufacturing, this is a place that has been at the forefront of incorporating robots into the workflow. Industrial robots used to carry out single duties; they have been separated from human workers, however as the technology advanced that changed.

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What is AI Marketing?

Artificial Intelligence and digital marketing are starting to go hand in hand. With the ability to acquire statistics, examine these, observe and then learn; AI is transforming digital strategy. Because it continues to advance, so will the abilities to use it to enhance digital marketing strategies and valuable client insights for corporations.

Artificial intelligence marketing (AI marketing) is a method of leveraging consumer statistics and AI ideas like device learning to anticipate your customer’s next move; it also improves the customer journey.

The evolution of big data and advanced analytic solutions have made it viable for marketers to build a clearer picture of their goal audiences than ever before, and on this hotbed of development lies AI marketing.

Armed with big data insights, digital marketers can significantly improve their campaigns’ overall performance and ROI, all of which can be executed with essentially no extra effort on the marketer’s part. Even as this definition presents an overview of artificial intelligence marketing at the most basic level, there is obviously a lot more that is going on (see below).

AI tools in marketing have huge benefits for both the company running the marketing campaign and the clients. There are a means of analysing previous digital marketing campaigns and assessing how clients reacted to them; the AI is capable of learning what content gets the most positive engagements. Therefore it shows more posts of what customers actually want to see.

Marketing campaigns are demonstrated to be much more effective because of this technology. AI can provide extremely in-depth analytics and insights, which assist marketers, in acquiring a better understanding in their target audience’s needs.

Core Elements of Artificial Intelligence Marketing

With AI marketing taking the world by storm, marketers are in need to sharpen up some information and skills to adapt with these changes.

There are a number of key elements that make AI marketing as powerful because it is today; this includes big data, machine learning and the right solutions.

Big data

Big data can be a pretty straightforward concept. It refers to a marketer’s ability to aggregate and segment massive sets of data with minimal manual work. Marketing teams will then use this information to ensure the proper message is being delivered to the proper person at the right time, via the channel of choice.

Machine Learning 

Machine learning platforms come in handy once marketers attempt to make sense of this huge data repository. They can help determine trends or common occurrences; it can also effectively predict common insights, responses, and reactions. This is so marketers can understand the root cause and likelihood of certain actions repeating.

Powerful Solutions

Artificial intelligence marketing solutions actually perceive the world within the same means a person’s would. This means that the platforms will determine perceptive concepts and themes across huge data sets, incredibly fast. AI solutions also interpret feelings and communication like a human; it makes these platforms able to understand open form content like social media, natural language, and email responses.

As for the skills, adaptability is key to surviving to these changes. Communication is also vital for a successful business; in the age of AI, communication is more important than ever. Implementing AI technology in your business won’t necessarily be the most inexpensive investment you ever make so budget allocation is important.

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Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Marketing

AI marketing is gaining more attention among marketers because of the insights it provides. According to a recent study, 72% view AI as a business advantage. Some ways in which marketers will expect AI to influence marketing outcomes within the upcoming months and years.

More Intelligent Searches

As advanced technology solutions grow smarter, it’s important to recollect that audiences are getting smarter as well. Thanks to social media and search engines, people find what they are looking for faster than before. AI and big data solutions will actually analyse these search patterns; they also facilitate marketers determine key areas wherever they should focus their efforts.

Smarter Ads

Marketers are already starting smarter ads, but AI helps teams take this a layer further for truly insightful analysis. With a huge range of data available, online ads can become smarter and more effective. AI solutions can provide insight on keyword searches, social profiles, and other online data.

Refined Content Delivery

With AI, marketers can take data and targeting to a whole new level. Audience analytics will go past the standard demographics level, to understand people on an individual basis. Now, marketers can use AI to both identify potential clients or buyers; thus delivering the ideal content that’s most relevant to them.

Relying on Bots 

Client service and retention is another area where AI can play a huge role within the future. Many companies will save worker time and expenditures with these. AI bots even have access to a whole internet’s worth of data, information, and search histories. This makes them much more efficient.

AI Marketing: What is It and How Could It Help You? 1

How is AI being Used in Marketing?

With AI solutions, marketers know can know more about whatever consumers are thinking, saying, and feeling about the brand in real time. Similarly, with the increase of social media media use (and the AI to analyse it), marketers can truly understand what customers are feeling. Savvy marketers will harness this data in real-time then quickly modify messaging or branding for maximum effectiveness.

There are numerous ways that to optimise digital advertising and account-based marketing; Artificial intelligence solutions help marketers take these a step further for deeper insight and analysis. AI will tap into the abundance of consumer data hidden in keyword searches, social profiles, and other online data, for smarter and more effective digital ads. The results are human-level outcomes and insights without the manual human labour.

This abundance of knowledge can even help feed consumer profiles. AI solutions give marketers with deeper data of customers and prospective clients; it enables them to deliver the right message, to the right person, at the right time. The secret to building a very comprehensive profile lies in capturing data during each single consumer interaction. Marketers will use AI solutions to require these profiles a step further, refine marketing campaigns, and create highly personalised content.

One of the advanced capabilities of AI is its ability to investigate large blocks of open content and determine trends. This allows brands to interact directly with customers in real time through online conversations or events. Communicating with customers at the precise ‘decision-making moment’ will help directly influence buying selections. AI helps marketers monitor these social conversations and different open forums to identify any relevant conversations.

Content Creation, Curation and Email Marketing

AI still can’t write its own political opinion for a newspaper column or a blog post on the best and most practical advice for a specific industry; there are certain areas within which content created by AI are often helpful and facilitate attract visitors to your web site. It will help you save lots of time and resources. For example, AI will already write reports and news based on data and information.

AI tools like Wordsmith, Articoolo, and Quill are already being used by the Associated Press and Forbes to create news, which leads to clicks on their websites. Using templates and fill-in-the-blanks to enter data and keywords will produce unique content that provides the impression a human wrote it.
AI is not solely able to generate content; it may also curate it. Content curation by AI can make it possible to better connect with visitors on certain websites, showing them additional relevant content.

This technology is often used to build customised content recommendations that the user could find interesting; such as the typical “people who buy X also buy Y” we constantly see on Amazon.

AI content creation tools leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data, including trending topics, popular phrases, and audience preferences. By understanding these trends, AI can generate content that is tailored to specific audiences and aligns with current marketing trends.

One of the key benefits of AI content creation is its ability to personalize content for individual users. AI algorithms can analyze user data, such as past website visits and social media interactions, to understand their preferences and interests. This information can then be used to generate content that is specifically relevant to each user, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

In addition to generating content, AI can also be used to detect and correct grammatical errors, ensure consistency in tone and style, and suggest relevant keywords to optimize content for search engines. This frees up marketers to focus on more strategic tasks, such as developing overall marketing campaigns and building relationships with their target audience.

Brands are using the power of AI to personalise email marketing campaigns based on preferences and user behaviour. This makes it possible to better connect with them and, with a little luck, turn them into clients.

AI Detectors: Unveiling Hidden Insights

AI is also playing a crucial role in content analysis, enabling marketers to uncover hidden insights and optimize their content for better performance. AI detectors can analyze vast amounts of data, including website traffic, social media engagement, and customer feedback, to identify patterns and trends that would be difficult to spot manually.

This data can then be used to improve content quality, refine messaging, and optimize content distribution across various channels. For instance, AI detectors can identify which types of content resonate with specific audience segments, allowing marketers to tailor their content strategy to maximize engagement and reach.

AI detectors can also be used to detect and address potential content issues, such as plagiarism, negative sentiment, and outdated information. This proactive approach ensures that content remains fresh, relevant, and aligned with brand messaging.

Harnessing the Power of AI for Content Creation

AI is not meant to replace human creativity but rather to augment it. By automating repetitive tasks and providing valuable insights, AI can empower marketers to focus on creating more engaging and effective content that resonates with their target audience.

As AI technology continues to evolve, it is poised to play an even more significant role in content creation, enabling marketers to reach new heights of creativity and achieve their business goals.

Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is, without a doubt, the area of digital marketing where AI has been adopted with the most success.

For example, Facebook and Google Ad platforms already use machine learning and artificial intelligence to find people more prone to making the advertiser’s desired action. To achieve this, they analyse the user’s data; the information includes their interests, demographics, and other aspects to learn and detect the best audience for their brand.

Google AdWords already has an automatic auction-based system; it lets advertisers pay the lowest attainable price per conversion.

There’re also already platforms that incorporate AI and the analysis of big data candidates in their processes; wait until we tell you about Adext.

Adext is an Audience Management as a Service (AMaaS) that uses deep, transfer and machine learning to automate the handling and optimisation of your ads on platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook Ads. This means that, it can test different audiences on each ad (up to 480 everyday!) to detect the one most likely to make the desired action or conversion; it can also identify and learn what platforms are most profitable and then channel the investment toward them.

Its intelligent algorithms change and optimise budgets every hour; this allows the advertiser to get the best-sustained conversion rate (which is warranted under contract, or else the code is free).


The way users perform online searches has changed. So, now we must ask ourselves how this will affect the way in which marketers create and optimise their web content.

There are two huge advances in AI that revolutionised internet searches and search engine optimisation (SEO): voice search and Google’s algorithm, RankBrain.

Innovations like Amazon Echo, Google Home, Apple’s Siri, and Microsoft’s Cortana make it easy for people to perform searches by just pressing a button or saying a voice command.

In its blog, Google revealed that around 70% of the searches Google Assistant receives are in natural, conversational language, and do not use the typical key works that you would type out in a classic Google search.

Google’s machine learning algorithm, RankBrain, was created to induce much more relevant search results. It interprets the user’s voice searches; it also uses the power of AI to provide the user with the best results. This is found according to what is interpreted from the user’s language and context.

Voice searches require marketers to adapt their content so that it’s closer to the way a user would verbally express them. So, in this sense, those famous long-tail keywords are going to be replaced with more conversational keywords, based on the way the user would say something or do a voice search. A brand that actually is aware of a way to benefit from voice searches will be able to significantly increase their organic traffic.

Web Design and User Experience

Today, there are already applications, like Grid, that use AI to design a website based on user-provided data (like pictures, text, calls-to-action, etc.). They can build the website look professional in much less time and at an unbeatable price.

Through intelligent algorithms, it’s possible to personalise an experience on a website. After analysing thousands of data on a single user (including location, demographics, devices, interaction with the site, etc.), AI can display offers and content that are more appropriate for each user type.

A survey on personalisation in real time showed that 33% of the marketers surveyed used AI to provide personalised web experiences. They were asked about the advantages of personalisation driven by AI; 63% responded that it increased conversion rates and improved the consumer’s experience.

After all, a decent user experience is what keeps an audience browsing a website; the more time they spend on it, the higher the probability of a conversion.

These ranges from the automation of basic photo editing skills, such as trimming using image recognition techniques to the creation of elements in pictures that didn’t previously exist by studying the neighbouring pixels.


Many brands have begun to communicate with their prospects through messenger applications like WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, and Slack. Chat-bots are creating the process of automating responses to potential buyers’ frequently asked questions even easier; it provides them with a way to search for the product or service they’re looking for. A good indicator of a Chat-bots powered by AI is its ability to answer open questions.

These bots use natural learning processing and machine learning to find the correct response. Chat-bots also have many other advantages. They can serve clients 24/7 and retain their data. They’re friendly and never lose their patience. Customers might get angry; however, the bot always treats them well. Chat-bots will reply to several requests from different customers at a constant time, therefore waiting times can no longer be a problem.

Sephora, for instance, is a brand that uses a chat-bots to provide beauty advice to its users and offer them the most effective cosmetic products consistent with their wants. Through its application or website, Sephora Visual Artist lets its potential clients “test” cosmetic products like lipsticks, eye shadows, and highlighting pallets. Visual Artist is in a position to identify facial features then use augmented reality to apply the chosen product to the user’s photograph. It will even automatically apply an eye shadow suggestion based on the skin tone of the buyer.  

Chat Bot

Predictive Analysis

Predictive analysis is just the use of information, statistical algorithms, and machine learning techniques to identify the probability of future conclusions based on data history. Predictive models may be applied in many areas, and marketing is no exception. These models make it possible to predict the chance of a specific prospect turning into a consumer. They can also predict different aspects; this includes the quoted price necessary to make a conversion, or which clients are more prone to making more than one purchase.

The key here is to recollect that predictive models can only be as good as the knowledge you provide while creating them. So, if there are mistakes in your knowledge, or there’s a high level of randomness, it won’t be able to make correct or accurate predictions. This AI application can transform marketers from reactive to proactive planners, thanks to the data that serves as a forward-thinking element or guide to make the correct decisions. An example of how this discipline is applied in digital marketing is that the ranking of prospects or lead scoring.

Models generated by machine learning may be trained to rank prospects or leads based on certain criteria that the sales team defines as “qualified purchasers.” This way, the sales team won’t lose any more time on leads that will never convert and can focus on those that will. This, in additionally contributing to increasing sales, means saving considerable time and resources.  

Artificial intelligence is soon-to-be permeating nearly each aspect of our lives and the future of marketing as we know it; it is set to change with these powerful technologies. You have to keep track of the latest AI marketing trends and how they will have an effect on your marketing goals; they are going to be the key to staying competitive within the fast-changing landscape.

Robotic workforce

There has been an intense use of robots designed and programmed by artificial intelligence. Not only have they helped in cost-effectiveness however also in a better task performance. 

Cyber Security for Individuals and Countries

We all know that developed countries have made smart technology to have an edge in the battlefield. AI has done countless operations to identify risks and future threats. The market consists of so many cyber security companies in order to keep an eye on such activities. 

Voice Assistants

AI has e showstopper of consumer electronics show in 2018. Samsung, for example, designing and programming their voice assistant, Bixby.  

What Does the Future of AI Marketing Look Like?

AI-powered applications are transforming the ways in which marketers analyse information, conduct tasks, and even produce content. So, what’s on the horizon? Over the following few years, we’ll likely see enhanced analytics shift the marketing mindset from reactive to proactive as businesses plan, define, and execute campaigns.

Agile marketing

We’ve entered the age of the agile marketing team. AI-powered technologies can increase teams’ skills to react to change within the moment, avoiding lengthy campaign planning and drawn-out strategy. Increased responsiveness means the end of irrelevant communication; brands will finally be able to capture and engage the right audience with messaging that resonates at the right time. 

More Sophisticated Personalisation 

As personalisation becomes even more sophisticated, mass marketing will be replaced by intimate one-to-one marketing across all customer touch points. After all, who needs to pay dollars on those that are not likely to become customers? 

Increased creativity, less leg-work

In the next few years, expect to see marketers at all levels engaging in more creative thinking and less routine work. Basic, mundane tasks are going to be done nearly entirely by machines. Action items — for instance, creating target audiences, researching personas, managing sales and marketing systems, running surveys, and so forth — will be orchestrated by AI-powered applications.

AI Marketing: Glimpse into the Crystal Ball

The world of AI Marketing is no static picture – it’s a vibrant canvas constantly reshaped by groundbreaking advancements. While today’s landscape offers potent tools and strategies, the future promises even more mind-bending possibilities. Let’s embark on a journey through the exciting trends and technologies shaping the next chapter of AI-powered marketing:

1. Voice Search Ascendance:

  • Conversational AI as the new interface: Imagine customers interacting with brands through natural language, just like chatting with a friend. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants will become the primary interface for product inquiries, purchases, and support.
  • Hyper-personalized voice experiences: AI will analyze user data and voice patterns to personalize search results, offer relevant recommendations, and tailor advertising in real-time. Expect a world where your fridge proactively orders groceries based on your voice-activated recipe search!
  • SEO optimization for the “hear-and-say” era: Keywords alone won’t suffice. Optimizing content for natural language queries, voice search patterns, and conversational flow will be crucial for brands to be found and heard in the voice-driven future.

2. The Rise of the Conversational AI:

  • Beyond chatbots – building intelligent companions: Expect sophisticated AI companions capable of engaging in deep conversations, understanding user emotions, and proactively fulfilling needs. Imagine a virtual shopping assistant that not only recommends clothes but also helps you build a perfect outfit while understanding your style and mood.
  • Interactive storytelling and immersive experiences: AI-powered narratives will personalize brand stories, adapt to user choices, and create interactive experiences that blur the lines between marketing and entertainment. Imagine a marketing campaign where you become a character in a captivating story tailored to your interests and choices.
  • Building trust through transparency and control: As AI takes center stage in conversations, transparency and user control will be paramount. Users need to understand how their data is used and have clear options to manage their interactions with AI companions.

3. Metaverse: The Personalization Playground:

  • Tailored virtual worlds and experiences: The metaverse presents an opportunity to create personalized virtual brand spaces where users can experience products, connect with communities, and even co-create with brands. Imagine trying on clothes in a virtual boutique designed specifically for your taste, or attending exclusive events hosted by your favorite brands.
  • Hyper-localized marketing in a borderless world: The metaverse transcends geographic boundaries, opening doors for hyper-localized marketing campaigns that cater to specific communities and cultures within virtual spaces. Imagine a Japanese clothing brand hosting a virtual fashion show in the metaverse accessible to anyone in the world, tailored to local trends and preferences.
  • Ethical considerations and data privacy in the virtual realm: As we step into the metaverse, ensuring user privacy, preventing discrimination, and mitigating potential harms will be crucial. Brands must develop responsible AI practices and ethical guidelines for engaging in this immersive space.

Embrace the Future, Today: Conversational AI as the new interface

These are just a glimpse into the incredible possibilities that the future of AI Marketing holds. By staying informed about emerging trends, exploring new technologies, and prioritizing responsible AI practices, businesses can prepare to thrive in this evolving landscape. Remember, the key lies in understanding your audience, embracing innovation, and crafting personalized, engaging experiences that connect with them on a deeper level.

So, venture beyond the present, embrace the future, and use AI Marketing to paint your own masterpiece in the ever-evolving digital canvas. The possibilities are limitless, and the power to connect with your audience in transformative ways lies within your reach.

AI Marketing: Future FAQs Answered

Q: How will AI change the way I interact with brands in the future?

A: Expect deeper and more personalized interactions through voice search, conversational AI assistants, and even interactive experiences in the metaverse. Imagine having shopping conversations with virtual stylists or co-creating brand stories within personalized virtual spaces.

Q: Will AI take over my marketing job?

A: AI is here to augment, not replace. It will handle repetitive tasks and provide powerful insights, but creativity, strategic thinking, and human touch will remain crucial for successful marketing campaigns.

Q: Are there any ethical concerns regarding AI in marketing?

A: Absolutely. Responsible AI practices are essential, focusing on transparency, data privacy, and preventing bias. Brands must build trust with consumers by ensuring AI is used ethically and responsibly.

Q: Which specific AI technologies should I start exploring for my marketing strategy?

A: Start with conversational AI platforms, voice search optimization tools, and explore the potential of metaverse marketing platforms. Research AI-powered analytics and personalization tools to tailor your content and campaigns to individual user preferences.

Q: Where can I learn more about the future of AI Marketing?

A: Follow industry publications like Forbes, Marketing Land, and Adweek. Attend conferences like CES, SXSW, and Web Summit. Join online communities and forums dedicated to AI and marketing to stay updated on the latest trends and thought leadership.

Summary: What Next for AI in Marketing?

As marketing, fuelled by AI, evolves, it continues to more effectively solve user pain points and address complex user intent—and it does so in micro-moments—by responding to customer interests in the format, app and/or channel that the user prefers. Consumers can begin to use highly curated advertising more willingly as bots respond conversationally to their specific, unique needs, perhaps even before the consumer knows they are a need.

If you have ever had the Amazon sidebar suggest you get additional dishwasher detergent gel packs simply once you were running low, you’ve experienced a simple benefit of AI and the customer-centric shift from advertising as a nuance to advertising as a service. Fuelled by big data, AI-driven tech has the potential to revolutionise marketing like no other technology in the past. It will continue to create the client experience (due to rising client expectations), the driving factor of success.

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