Public relations is the professional maintenance of a favourable public image by a company or individual. While many people may know of it, not enough understand its importance. 


In today’s hyper-connected world, reputation is everything. It can make or break your business, shape public opinion, and influence even the most casual glance at your brand. This is where public relations (PR) enters the stage, wielding its magical blend of communication, strategy, and creativity to ensure your story resonates with the right audiences and leaves a lasting positive impression.

But what exactly is this elusive art of PR? Imagine it as a bridge, meticulously constructed to connect your brand with the communities that matter most. It’s about building trust, fostering dialogue, and shaping perceptions through storytelling, strategic communication, and proactive engagement. Whether it’s navigating a crisis, launching a new product, or simply strengthening your brand identity, PR serves as the architect of your public image, ensuring your voice is heard loud and clear.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a journey of building meaningful connections and influencing hearts and minds, buckle up as we delve into the fascinating world of public relations. Let’s unravel its core principles, explore its powerful tools, and discover how to harness its magic to create a public image that shines.

Brief Definition of Public Relations

Public relations (PR) is the strategic management of information and communication between an organization or individual and their key stakeholders, including customers, employees, media, investors, and the general public. Its primary goal is to build and maintain positive relationships, influence public opinion, and shape a favorable brand image. PR encompasses a wide range of activities, such as:

PR Creativity with Riki Neill
  • Media relations: Building relationships with journalists and securing positive press coverage.
  • Crisis communication: Managing negative publicity and protecting brand reputation during challenging situations.
  • Social media engagement: Building communities and fostering conversations on social media platforms.
  • Internal communication: Keeping employees informed and engaged.
  • Community relations: Partnering with local communities and supporting causes that resonate with your brand values.

PR relies on various tools and techniques, from press releases and social media campaigns to events and influencer partnerships. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to understand audiences, craft compelling narratives, and build genuine connections. Through strategic communication and proactive engagement, PR can transform how the world perceives your brand and drive tangible business results.

This week, as part of our Business Leaders series, we speak with PR industry leader Riki Neill of RNN Communications. In the interview, we explore how you can help people understand your business better while shining a positive light on your work through the clever use of PR.

To find out more, watch our full Business Leaders interview below, or read on for the highlights.

Rnn communications: what is public relations?

From Art College to PR Boss: Riki’s Business Journey

Riki Neill is the Communications Director at RNN Communications, an award-winning integrated PR company that specialises in a wide range of services including sponsorship, events and photography.

Discussing her career journey, Riki tells us how she wanted something different out of her art degree.

“When I was at the Art College, I was very much on the commercial side of things. I was never going to be an artist or an art teacher, so I really wanted to look at advertising as a medium.

“Following Art College, I went to the University of Ulster to study Communications, Advertising & PR. I took a Masters in that. At the same time, I found a role in a PR company called Life Communications.”

This first-hand insight into the day-to-day life of PR sparked Riki’s interest, inspiring her to go it alone and set up her own agency.

“I founded RNN Communications about six years ago. We were working with a lot of food, retail and hospitality brands as my background is big brand work.”

To demonstrate their expertise, Riki gave the example of one major client who receives a full range of services from RNN Communications.

“One of our largest clients in Ireland has over 200 stores and we look after their marketing remit, so we help form their marketing plan for the year. We create the plan then implement it.

“That plan involves everything from sponsorship to partnerships of Special Olympics Ireland to shopper promotions to trade campaigns.”

RNN communications
Riki Neill and the rest of her RNN Communications team. Image credit: RNN Communications

The Importance of Creativity in PR

PR is not simply all about press releases. It takes great creativity to stand out from the crowd and get noticed by prospective stakeholders. 

“There’s room for creativity no matter what. Whether it is a corporate client or a consumer client. We want our message to be heard – people are bombarded with messages every day and it’s the creativity that counts.”

Riki also emphasises how consumer attitudes, behaviours and trends have a lot to do with how PR practices pan out. 

“Also, I think there’s a bit of a movement at the moment towards reducing time on channels and people being a bit more mindful of their mental health. It’s creativity, it’s the ideas that are memorable and it’s also about really working a tactic to make it an experience rather than something static on social media.”

Explaining further, Riki states that one size does not fit all when it comes to PR campaigns for clients.

“So, a really great idea that’s just on a TV campaign? That will, of course, benchmark against some KPIs. But there’s not much more you can do with that, a really brilliant idea should be brought through the line from social to online activation to experiential marketing right through to PR. That’s how you succeed in spreading the good word about your business.”

To learn more about RNN Communications and Riki’s expertise watch our full Business Leaders video interview. To find out more about RNN Communication’s services, visit the agency’s official website

RNN Communications: What is Public Relations? 1
RNN Communications has paved the way for unique PR practices. Image credit: Down News

The Significance of Creativity in Public Relations

In the bustling realm of public relations, where a cacophony of voices competes for attention, creativity reigns supreme. It’s the catalyst that elevates your message from background noise to captivating melody, the spark that ignites engagement and propels your brand to the forefront of minds and conversations. Let’s dissect the crucial role of creativity in PR, exploring its multifaceted impact:

A. Capturing Audience Attention:

  • Break the Clutter: The landscape of communication is inundated with messages vying for attention. Creativity slices through the static, drawing eyes and ears with unexpected approaches. A witty tweet, a visually stunning infographic, or an unorthodox press event can be the hook that snags audience interest and propels them deeper into your story.
  • Fuel Curiosity: By injecting elements of surprise and intrigue, you can pique audience curiosity and compel them to explore further. A cleverly crafted teaser campaign leading to a product launch, a behind-the-scenes glimpse into your company culture, or a playful social media challenge – these are just a few ways to pique interest and invite participation.
  • Trigger Emotional Connections: Facts and figures alone fall short in creating lasting impressions. Creativity allows you to tap into human emotions, weaving narratives that resonate deeply with your audience. A heartwarming video showcasing your positive impact on the community, a powerful testimonial from a satisfied customer, or an emotionally charged storytelling campaign – these can forge genuine connections and leave a lasting mark.

B. Crafting Compelling Messages:

  • Go Beyond the Obvious: Generic press releases and cookie-cutter marketing messages fade into oblivion. Creativity enables you to frame your message in a fresh, engaging way. Develop unique angles, leverage humor or wordplay, and use unexpected metaphors to grab attention and make your message stick in the mind.
  • Tell Stories, Not Statistics: People connect with stories, not data dumps. Use creative storytelling techniques to weave your message into a narrative that resonates with your audience. Inject personality, highlight real-life examples, and showcase the human element behind your brand to make it relatable and impactful.
  • Challenge and Provoke Thought: Don’t shy away from pushing boundaries and sparking conversations. Creative thought-provoking campaigns, even if they spark debate, can generate buzz and embed your brand deep in the public consciousness. This doesn’t mean being controversial for the sake of it, but rather using creativity to offer fresh perspectives and challenge existing narratives.

C. Developing Creative Public Relations Campaigns:

1. Brainstorming Clever Ideas:

  • Step Outside the Box: Encourage a culture of “anything goes” during brainstorming sessions. Challenge assumptions, embrace offbeat ideas, and build upon each other’s suggestions. Consider outlandish possibilities and explore unconventional channels to inject a spark of innovation into your campaigns.
  • Seek Inspiration: Look beyond the world of PR for inspiration. Immerse yourselves in art, music, film, and even unexpected areas like science and technology. Cross-pollinate ideas and adapt them to your brand context to come up with unexpected and engaging concepts.
  • Embrace Collaboration: Break down silos and bring together diverse teams from different departments – marketing, sales, design, even customer service – to tap into a range of perspectives and experiences. The collision of different viewpoints can spark unexpected ideas and lead to truly unique campaigns.

2. Using Innovative Formats and Platforms:

  • Think Beyond Traditional Media: While press releases and media visits still hold value, explore the burgeoning world of digital platforms. Create interactive quizzes, host live Q&A sessions on social media, develop shareable infographics, or launch a branded podcast – the possibilities are endless.
  • Embrace Emerging Technologies: Stay ahead of the curve by incorporating technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and even artificial intelligence into your campaigns. Immersive experiences, personalized content, and AI-powered chatbots can offer unique ways to engage your audience and leave a lasting impression.
  • Partner with Influencers: Leverage the power of relevant influencers to amplify your message and reach new audiences. Collaborate on creative projects, tap into their established communities, and leverage their voices to reach beyond your usual reach.

3. Executing with Visuals and Multimedia:

  • The Power of Imagery: A compelling image or video can speak volumes beyond words. Invest in high-quality visuals that resonate with your brand identity and complement your message. Consider infographics, animations, or even behind-the-scenes glimpses to offer a captivating experience.
  • Embrace Interactivity: Make your campaigns interactive and engaging. Develop quizzes, polls, contests, or user-generated content campaigns to encourage audience participation and build a sense of community around your brand.
  • Don’t Underestimate Sound: The right music, sound effects, or even voiceovers can add another layer of emotional impact to your campaigns. Experiment with audio elements to enhance the overall experience and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Public Relations Strategies that Demonstrate Creativity

As we delve deeper into the vibrant world of creative PR, let’s explore specific strategies that showcase imagination and ingenuity:

A. Storytelling: The Power of Narrative

  1. Shaping Narratives: Storytelling isn’t simply relaying facts; it’s crafting compelling narratives that connect emotionally with your audience. Weave your message into a story that evokes curiosity, sparks empathy, and resonates with your key demographics. Use relatable characters, unexpected twists, and a touch of intrigue to keep your audience hooked and leave a lasting impression.
  2. Humanizing Brands: Brands often get bogged down in corporate jargon and impersonal messages. Creativity allows you to inject personality and human qualities into your brand. Share employee stories, showcase behind-the-scenes glimpses, and highlight your company’s values and purpose. By showing the human faces behind the logo, you foster trust and build genuine connections with your audience.

B. Influencer Relations: Amplifying Your Reach

  1. Identifying Influencers: Not all influencers are created equal. Go beyond vanity metrics and choose collaborators who authentically align with your brand values and resonate with your target audience. Look for micro-influencers with engaged communities and niche expertise, rather than solely chasing big names.
  2. Developing Relationships: Treat influencer partnerships as true collaborations, not transactional deals. Foster genuine connections, provide them with creative freedom, and empower them to amplify your message in their own voice. Don’t micromanage every step; trust their expertise and leverage their unique storytelling capabilities to reach new audiences.

C. Experiential Marketing: Creating Interactive Memories

  1. Immersive Brand Experiences: Go beyond traditional advertising and create memorable, interactive experiences that immerse audiences in your brand story. Develop pop-up events, interactive installations, or even virtual reality experiences that allow consumers to touch, feel, and engage with your brand in a meaningful way.
  2. Interactive Brand Activations: Spark conversation and encourage participation through creative activations. Launch hashtag challenges, host user-generated content campaigns, or organize interactive contests that incentivize participation and build a sense of community around your brand. By actively involving your audience, you solidify brand loyalty and generate organic buzz.

These strategies are just a springboard for unleashing your creative PR superpower. Remember, the key is to think outside the box, embrace innovative formats, and prioritize meaningful audience engagement. Experiment, have fun, and let your creativity shine through – the results will speak for themselves!

Measuring the Impact of Creative Public Relations

Assessing the success of your PR efforts, especially those fueled by creativity, requires looking beyond just vanity metrics. A true understanding of impact demands a strategic blend of quantitative and qualitative measurements. Here’s how to gauge the effectiveness of your creative PR campaigns:

A. Quantitative Metrics:

1. Website Traffic:

  • Direct Traffic: A surge in direct website traffic after a campaign indicates audience interest and successful message recall. Track the rise in direct visits or branded keyword searches during and after your campaign to gauge audience engagement.
  • Referral Traffic: Monitor the increase in traffic from social media platforms, news sites, and influencer pages. This shows your campaign reached beyond your usual channels and attracted new audiences.

2. Social Media Reach/Engagement:

  • Reach: Analyze the number of unique users who saw your content. Metrics like impressions, engagements, and follower growth showcase your campaign’s visibility and potential audience impact.
  • Engagement: Look beyond vanity metrics like likes and shares. Focus on deeper engagement indicators like comments, replies, mentions, and user-generated content. These demonstrate active audience participation and genuine interest in your message.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Utilize tools to analyze the sentiment of online conversations about your brand. Track the shift in sentiment before, during, and after your campaign to measure its impact on brand perception.

B. Qualitative Feedback:

1. Surveys:

  • Post-Campaign Surveys: Design targeted surveys to gather audience feedback about your campaign. Ask questions about recall, message clarity, brand perception, and desired future content. This provides valuable insights into campaign effectiveness and potential areas for improvement.
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Include questions about how the campaign changed their perception of your brand, influenced their purchase decisions, or increased their trust in your company. This helps you understand the real-world impact of your creative efforts.

2. Focus Groups:

  • Gather In-Depth Feedback: Organize focus groups with key stakeholders and target audiences to discuss their reactions to your campaign. This allows for deeper understanding of emotional responses, message interpretation, and potential areas for refinement.
  • Identify Unexpected Impacts: Sometimes, the most valuable insights come from unexpected sources. Focus groups can reveal unintended but positive consequences of your campaign, leading to further creative inspiration and strategic adjustments.

Beyond the Metrics:

While quantitative and qualitative data provide valuable insights, remember that creativity’s impact often goes beyond numbers. Track positive media coverage, industry awards, increased brand mentions in conversations, and improved community engagement as indicators of success. Ultimately, the true measure of a creative PR campaign is its ability to shift perceptions, spark conversations, and build lasting connections with your audience.

Keys for Success When Applying Creativity in Public Relations

Creative PR isn’t just about throwing paint at a canvas and hoping something sticks. It’s a strategic symphony of imagination and analysis, requiring careful planning and execution to truly leave a lasting impact. Here are some key ingredients for unlocking success in your creative PR endeavors:

A. Understanding the Audience: The Canvas of Your Creativity

1. Researching Target Demographics/Psychographics:

Before unleashing your creative arsenal, delve deep into understanding your target audience. Go beyond basic demographics; explore their psychographics – their values, aspirations, interests, and pain points. Conduct surveys, analyze social media conversations, and even engage in focus groups to understand what resonates with them. This research forms the foundation for crafting creative campaigns that truly connect and make a difference.

B. Setting Measurable Objectives: Defining Success Beyond Buzz

Creativity flourishes within boundaries. Define clear, measurable objectives for your campaign before embarking on a creative journey. Whether it’s website traffic growth, social media engagement, improved brand perception, or increased sales, having tangible goals keeps your creativity focused and allows you to assess the effectiveness of your efforts.

C. Executing Campaigns Strategically: Orchestrating Impact

1. Aligning Creativity with Brand Identity: Don’t let your creative spark stray too far from your brand’s core values and message. Maintain an element of consistency while exploring new avenues. A campaign that’s wildly creative but discordant with your brand identity can leave audiences confused and ultimately disengaged.

2. Choosing the Right Channels: Not all platforms are created equal. Identify the channels where your target audience consumes information and actively engages. Tailor your creative content to fit the specific format and tone of each platform for maximum impact. A captivating video that thrives on YouTube might fall flat on LinkedIn, and vice versa.

3. Experimentation and Iteration:

Don’t be afraid to try new things and take calculated risks. Experiment with different formats, test out unconventional approaches, and analyze the results. Embrace iteration as a key driver of success. If something doesn’t resonate, refine your approach and try again, always keeping your audience and objectives in mind.

4. Tracking and Analyzing:

Data is your compass in the creative wilderness. Implement effective tracking mechanisms to monitor campaign performance against your set objectives. Use analytics tools to understand audience engagement, measure reach and sentiment, and identify areas for improvement. Use this data to continuously refine your strategies and iterate upon your creative execution.

5. Embrace Collaboration:

Creativity thrives in diverse environments. Foster collaboration between your PR team, marketing department, design experts, and even external partners. Different perspectives can spark groundbreaking ideas and lead to campaigns that resonate on a deeper level.

Remember, successful creative PR requires a balance between passion and precision. Inject your campaigns with imagination and surprise, but never lose sight of your strategic goals and audience understanding. By following these key principles, you can unleash the power of creativity to tell your brand story in a way that leaves a lasting impression and drives true business results.

Public Relations: Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How can I ensure my creative PR campaign aligns with my brand identity?

A: Start by clearly defining your brand’s core values, personality, and messaging. Then, brainstorm creative ideas that complement and amplify these aspects. Be wary of straying too far from your established brand identity, as it can confuse your audience.

Q: How can I measure the success of a creative PR campaign?

A: Go beyond traditional metrics like website traffic and social media engagement. Utilize quantitative tools to track reach, sentiment, and brand mentions. However, don’t neglect qualitative feedback. Conduct surveys, gather testimonials, and organize focus groups to understand audience reactions and brand perception.

Q: What are some potential risks of using creativity in PR?

A: While creativity can yield great rewards, it also carries potential risks. Ensure your ideas are grounded in research and aligned with your audience and brand. Avoid offensive or controversial content that can damage your reputation. Always test your ideas on a small scale before committing to a full-fledged campaign.

Q: Where can I find inspiration for creative PR campaigns?

A: Look beyond the PR world! Immerse yourself in art, music, film, and even unexpected fields like science and technology. Pay attention to how different formats and storytelling techniques engage audiences. Collaborate with creative professionals from diverse backgrounds to cross-pollinate ideas and spark innovative concepts.

Q: I’m not sure where to even start with creative PR. Any tips?

A: Begin by conducting audience research and setting clear objectives. Brainstorm freely and encourage out-of-the-box thinking. Choose the right channels to reach your target audience and tailor your content accordingly. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to experiment and iterate. Be data-driven, but also trust your instinct and embrace the power of a good story.


Unleashing creativity in your public relations is not just about standing out from the crowd; it’s about forging genuine connections with your audience. By understanding your target demographics, setting measurable goals, and executing your campaigns strategically, you can transform your brand story from a monotone recitation to a captivating symphony that resonates with hearts and minds.

Remember, creativity is a powerful tool, but it’s not a magic wand. Approach it with planning, analysis, and a deep understanding of your brand and audience. And when you do, you’ll unlock the potential to build lasting relationships, influence perceptions, and achieve true PR success.

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