On average, people work 92,120 hours in the course of their working lives, so professional development and pathways are important to map out for employee satisfaction. Investing in ways to develop in your career can bring you satisfaction in your daily life and help you achieve your goals.

Dedicating time to professional development will enable you to produce the results that you want, be it broadening career opportunities or advancing in your current role. Making resolutions to develop in your career will see you grow and engage with your work in a productive way. 

How to Develop in Your Career

Setting appropriate goals and striving to achieve milestones in your career create the right environment for growth. To develop in your career, you need to be ready to invest in yourself with both time and money to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. 

Organising your work life by planning a course of action can help you focus on what you want to achieve and alleviate stress in the process. You can learn more about how to develop in your career by:

  • Being mentored and networking with others
  • Improving your interpersonal skills
  • Gaining qualifications that are academic and relevant to your chosen career path
  • Learning digital skills that will help you develop
  • Gaining industry accreditations

Setting out your short term and long term career goals will also help you prioritise your tasks and make them manageable. It will also give you a clear insight into what you have to do to achieve them. Here are seven ways to help you develop in your career.

7 Ways to Develop in Your Career

1. Set Your Goals

Goals are arguably the most important part of career development as they help you set out a plan and work out what is achievable immediately and what is going to take a little longer to accomplish.

Writing a timeline with set durations on when you want to attain your goals helps you see the longevity of your development. Identifying the tasks it will take to accomplish them should also be taken into consideration. 

Setting out your ‘quick wins’ and then your ambitious goals together allow you to feel like you’re achieving something while working towards your final destination. To get to your end goal, you might have to undertake training and extra qualifications, or perhaps need to garner the experience to progress. 

2. Ask for a Mentor 

Active learning is one of the most efficient ways to learn new skills and see career development. This can be achieved by having a mentor guiding you through your career path of choice. Ask someone who has been in your field for a while to mentor you, to teach you how to succeed in your profession. 

Mentors are able to teach you from their past experiences to help you not repeat mistakes they may or may not have made. They also give you encouragement and help you clearly see your path and what is needed to achieve it. 

With mentorship, you will be challenged, encouraged to be more productive and have your progress monitored in a way that helps you grow. 

mentor for career development
Having a mentor ensures that you have guidance and direction when trying to progress through your career. (Image Credit: Neon Brand)

3. Learn New Skills by Reading 

Learning new skills is one of the most beneficial ways to develop in your career and one of the easiest ways to develop your knowledge is through reading. Reading is able to give you valuable insight into methods and techniques that could improve your own abilities. 

In research by Neurology, it has been proven that regular reading improves your brain function and improves your memory. Integrating that with reading around subjects that will help you develop in your career could lead to promising results. 

Whatever method you choose to read in, be it in texts or books, or even using online articles and guides, regular reading can help your brain develop and help you flourish in your career. 

learning and reading for career development
Reading is a great tool to garner information from and develop in your career. (Image Credit: Nubelson Fernandes)

4. Make Connections Through Networking 

When most people conjure images of the business world, networking is one of the images that come to mind. Networking is an integral part of personal and professional development, allowing you to interact with peers and contemporaries or you can glean knowledge from. 

Networking provides a space to learn, discuss new job opportunities, realise areas of study or training that you might need to develop, or even meet someone who could mentor you in your chosen career. 

Through networking, you are able to meet new people, increase collaboration, and reach out to leaders in your field to learn more about what is required for you to flourish. Reaching out to experts helps you grow and gives you valuable insight. 

In a world that is forever changing, networking can happen in the real world and virtually. This could be done by reaching out to someone on a platform like LinkedIn to tell them you value their work and would like insight. You could attend a conference and have the opportunity to network with peers and collaborate with other individuals. Industry events are often happening – make sure to sign up to continue learning. 

develop in your career with networking
Networking is a great opportunity to meet peers and experts in your field to learn more from them (Image Credit: Evangeline Shaw)

5. Develop Your Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are the skills we use to communicate effectively and interact with others, either individually or in groups. This is a crucial skill for your career as it can transform how someone interacts with you. 

Being able to communicate and listen is considered one of the most important leadership skills, so being able to do this efficiently encourages those in places of authority to promote you when the opportunity arises as they can see you are able to demonstrate these skills. These skills are also transferable and can come in useful when you are wanting to switch job roles

Improving your interpersonal skills helps you communicate better with others, gain skills that are transferable in your personal life and career, and can help you manage stress and mistakes better. 

6. Get Organised and Improve Your Time Management Skills

Improving your time management skills is an important skill to learn if you want to develop in your career. Ensuring that you use time effectively to complete tasks that you may have on your list is done by creating schedules. 

Prioritise what is the most important or time-sensitive task but also be realistic about how much you can actually complete in a day. Good time management ensures that you complete tasks well during work hours, but it also translates into personal time – giving you more time to relax and destress with friends and family.

improve time management
Improving your time management skills will help you prioritise the right tasks. (Image Credit: Mille Sanders)

7. Develop Your Digital Skills

The world is experiencing a digital transformation with most meetings and work happening in a virtual setting. Considering this, having polished digital skills has become a necessary part of developing your career. If you are in a field like marketing or development, improving digital skills is crucial for success. 

Every industry requires some knowledge of the digital world, so honing or enhancing your skills helps you get ahead of the crowd. Keeping up to date with the latest trends and technology can set you apart from other professionals and taking the opportunity to learn skills that are highly sought after help to boost your employability. 

There are plenty of free, online courses that give you the opportunity to learn digital skills, be it programming or general IT skills. Look them up and participate in them for free, increasing the difficulty level as your knowledge grows. When you feel confident enough, you can do certified courses that are free or paid for which will look great on your CV. 

digital skills for career development
Digital skills are crucial part of today’s world. (Image Credit: Cytonn Photography)

Learning How to Flourish in Your Career

Building your career and developing your skill set is an exciting way of gaining purpose and drive in your chosen path. There are plenty of opportunities for professional development if you are constantly trying to learn and broaden your horizons. To develop professionally you can: 

  1. Set your goals
  2. Ask for a mentor
  3. Seek out opportunities to learn new skills
  4. Network and make connections
  5. Develop your interpersonal skills
  6. Get organised and improve your time management skills
  7. Develop your digital skills

By following these instructions, you will be able to gain insight and knowledge into how to go further in your career to achieve satisfaction from your daily tasks.

Tailoring Development to Different Career Stages:

1. Early-Career Professionals:

  • Focus on Building Foundational Skills: Master the basic competencies of your field and develop strong communication, time management, and teamwork skills.
  • Seek Mentorship and Guidance: Find experienced professionals willing to share their knowledge and advice.
  • Network Actively: Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with people in your field.
  • Don’t Fear Job Hopping: Early in your career, try different roles and companies to discover your strengths and interests.
  • Develop Specialized Skills: Take courses or certifications to distinguish yourself in a competitive job market.

2. Mid-Career Changers:

  • Assess Your Transferable Skills: Identify strengths and experiences gained in previous roles that can be applied to your new career path.
  • Network Strategically: Connect with individuals in your target industry and learn about their career journeys.
  • Reskill and Upskill: Consider online courses, bootcamps, or certificate programs to acquire necessary skills.
  • Volunteer or Intern: Gain practical experience and build your network within your new field.
  • Embrace the Learning Curve: Be patient with yourself, accept that you’re starting fresh, and focus on continuous learning.

3. Experienced Leaders:

  • Shift Your Focus from “Doing” to “Leading”: Delegate tasks effectively and empower your team to take ownership.
  • Nurture Your Leadership Skills: Participate in leadership development programs or executive coaching.
  • Stay Relevant with Industry Trends: Continuously learn and adapt to keep up with evolving technologies and practices.
  • Invest in Your Team’s Development: Create a culture of learning and provide opportunities for your team to grow.
  • Mentor and Share Your Knowledge: Give back to the community by mentoring early-career professionals.

Overcoming Common Challenges:

1. Fear of Failure:

  • Reframe “failure” as a learning opportunity: Every misstep is a chance to grow and improve.
  • Focus on progress, not perfection: Celebrate small wins and acknowledge your own learning journey.
  • Develop a growth mindset: Believe in your ability to learn and improve with effort.

2. Imposter Syndrome:

  • Identify the source of your self-doubt: Is it lack of experience, comparison to others, or societal expectations?
  • Focus on your accomplishments and strengths: Make a list of your achievements and skills to remind yourself of your value.
  • Connect with others who feel similarly: Talking to peers or mentors can help you realize you’re not alone.

3. Navigating Difficult Workplace Dynamics:

  • Communicate openly and assertively: Speak up about concerns and address conflicts constructively.
  • Seek support from trusted colleagues or HR: Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed.
  • Focus on your own responsibilities and control what you can control: Don’t get bogged down by negativity outside your influence.

Remember, addressing these challenges requires self-awareness, courage, and a willingness to seek support.

Leveraging Technology: Your Turbo Boost for Career Development

In today’s tech-driven world, career development isn’t confined to dusty textbooks and stuffy classrooms. A plethora of online tools and platforms empower you to learn, network, and grow on your own terms. Let’s explore how technology can fuel your professional journey:

1. Online Learning Platforms:

  • Udemy, Coursera, LinkedIn Learning: Access thousands of courses across diverse fields, from coding and data analysis to leadership skills and soft skills development.
  • Masterclass: Learn from industry icons and renowned professionals, with courses taught by the likes of Neil Gaiman, Serena Williams, and David Lynch.
  • YouTube: A treasure trove of free educational content, with channels like Crash Course, TED Talks, and Khan Academy offering bite-sized knowledge on numerous topics.

2. Professional Networking Tools:

  • LinkedIn: The quintessential professional network, ideal for connecting with colleagues, industry leaders, and potential employers.
  • Twitter: Follow thought leaders, engage in industry conversations, and build your personal brand through strategic tweets and participation in relevant hashtags.
  • Meetup: Discover local and online groups focused on specific interests and career paths, facilitating valuable in-person and virtual networking opportunities.

3. Career Development Apps:

  • Skillshare: Learn new skills through short, project-based video lessons, ideal for acquiring practical knowledge in a concise and engaging format.
  • Blinkist: Get condensed summaries of non-fiction books, allowing you to absorb key insights from a wide range of topics relevant to career growth.
  • Headspace: Cultivate mindfulness and manage stress, enhancing your focus, productivity, and well-being, which are crucial for navigating career challenges.

Remember: Technology is a double-edged sword. Use these tools thoughtfully, prioritize quality over quantity, and avoid information overload.

Mindset Shifts for Growth: Embrace the Change Within

A career isn’t a static destination; it’s a dynamic journey. Cultivating a growth mindset and prioritizing adaptability and resilience are key to thriving in this ever-evolving landscape:

1. Embrace Adaptability:

  • View change not as a threat but as an opportunity to learn and expand your skillset.
  • Be open to new ideas and experiences, even if they fall outside your comfort zone.
  • Actively seek challenges and new roles that push you beyond your current limitations.

2. Build Resilience:

  • Accept that setbacks are inevitable. Learn from them, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward.
  • Develop emotional intelligence to manage stress and cultivate healthy coping mechanisms.
  • Surround yourself with supportive mentors and colleagues who believe in your potential.

3. Grow with a Growth Mindset:

  • Believe that your abilities and intelligence can develop with effort and dedication.
  • View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, not as proof of inadequacy.
  • Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and focus on continuous improvement.

Remember: A growth mindset isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a powerful tool for unlocking your full potential. By embracing adaptability, resilience, and continuous learning, you can navigate the twists and turns of your career with confidence and grace.

Personal Development: Igniting the Rocket Fuel for Career Success

While technical skills and industry knowledge undoubtedly play a crucial role in career advancement, what truly separates high-achievers from the pack is often their investment in personal development. Cultivating strong communication skills, emotional intelligence, and other personal qualities acts as a hidden catalyst, propelling individuals towards professional success and fulfillment. Let’s delve into how personal development fuels career growth:

1. Communication Mastery: The Bridge to Connection and Collaboration:

Clear, concise, and persuasive communication is the lifeblood of any successful professional. Whether presenting to clients, negotiating deals, or collaborating with colleagues, the ability to express yourself effectively and confidently is paramount. Strong communication fosters trust, builds relationships, and ensures your ideas are heard and understood. Invest in honing your communication skills through courses, practicing active listening, and seeking feedback to continuously improve.

2. Emotional Intelligence: The Compass for Navigating Complexities:

Emotional intelligence, the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and those of others, is a game-changer in the professional arena. It allows you to build rapport, manage conflict constructively, and navigate challenging situations with empathy and insight. By strengthening your emotional intelligence, you inspire trust, foster positive team dynamics, and make well-informed decisions even under pressure. Consider resources like EQ tests, mindfulness practices, and books on emotional intelligence to enhance your self-awareness and interpersonal skills.

3. Resilience: The Shield Against Setbacks and Challenges:

The road to career success is rarely smooth. Inevitably, you will encounter setbacks, rejections, and moments of doubt. Cultivating resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity and adapt to change, is crucial for overcoming these hurdles. By developing a growth mindset, learning from mistakes, and seeking support from your network, you build mental fortitude and emerge from challenges stronger and more focused.

4. Time Management: The Key to Productivity and Balance:

The ability to manage your time effectively is essential for career success. Juggling deadlines, meetings, and personal commitments requires organization, prioritization, and the ability to focus on high-impact tasks. By mastering time management tools, delegating effectively, and setting realistic goals, you ensure you are consistently working towards your professional aspirations without sacrificing your well-being.

5. Lifelong Learning: The Fuel for Continuous Growth:

A thriving career is fueled by the desire to learn and grow. Whether through formal courses, informal learning opportunities, or self-directed research, staying curious and expanding your knowledge base keeps you relevant and adaptable in a constantly changing world.

Embrace opportunities to acquire new skills, explore different perspectives, and challenge your assumptions. This investment in lifelong learning keeps you ahead of the curve and opens doors to new career possibilities.

Connecting Development to Purpose: Aligning Your Journey with Passion

Career development often feels like a ladder to climb, rung by rung, towards an ill-defined summit. But what if that ladder led not just to an arbitrary “higher” position, but to a fulfilling and purposeful destination? By connecting your development efforts to your core values and aspirations, you transform your journey from a climb towards an unknown peak to a purposeful trek towards a fulfilling vista.

1. Unearthing Your Spark:

  • Reflect on your values: What principles guide your life? What matters most to you beyond the professional realm?
  • Identify your strengths and passions: What natural talents do you possess? What activities energize and inspire you?
  • Connect the dots: Can you find overlap between your values, strengths, and the challenges you’re drawn to? This intersection could be the spark of your purpose.

2. Charting Your Course:

  • Define your ideal work environment: Do you thrive in collaboration or thrive in independent pursuit? Would you favor a dynamic start-up or a seasoned corporate setting?
  • Create a vision board: Visually map out your career aspirations, both long-term and short-term. This serves as a powerful reminder and motivator.
  • Seek role models: Find individuals whose career paths resonate with your emerging purpose. Learn from their journeys and adapt their experiences to your own context.

3. Aligning Development with Purpose:

  • Choose skills that empower your vision: Prioritize learning and development opportunities that equip you for your ideal future, not just climb the corporate ladder.
  • Seek mentors and communities: Surround yourself with individuals who support your chosen path and can offer guidance and encouragement.
  • Celebrate small wins: Don’t wait for the summit to feel accomplished. Recognize and celebrate each step that takes you closer to your purpose-driven vision.

Remember: Finding your purpose and aligning your development with it is an ongoing process. Be open to unexpected detours, embrace learning opportunities, and don’t be afraid to adjust your course as your vision evolves.

To further enrich this section, consider:

  • Including self-assessment exercises or prompts: Provide tools for readers to actively explore their values, strengths, and passions.
  • Sharing inspiring success stories: Showcase individuals who have successfully connected their development to their purpose and achieved fulfilling careers.
  • Offering practical resources: Recommend books, workshops, or online tools that can support your readers’ journey of self-discovery and purpose alignment.
  • Emphasizing the transformative power of purpose: Paint a vivid picture of the immense satisfaction and personal growth that comes from pursuing a purpose-driven career.


1. I’m lost and unsure of my purpose. How do I even begin?

Start with self-reflection! Explore your values, strengths, and passions through journaling, talking to close friends, or taking personality or career assessments. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things to discover what sparks your interest.

2. Does finding my purpose mean I have to completely change my career path?

Not necessarily! Sometimes, aligning your development with your purpose involves reskilling or upskilling within your current field to take on more fulfilling roles. Other times, it might involve a more significant shift. Ultimately, the decision is yours, and any step towards alignment is valuable.

3. I’m afraid of taking risks and changing course. What if I fail?

Remember, there are no failures in exploring your purpose. Every experience, even those that don’t lead directly to your dream career, offer valuable lessons and growth opportunities. Embrace the journey, learn from challenges, and trust that your detours might lead you to unexpected but even more fulfilling destinations.

4. Where can I find resources and support for my purpose-driven development?

Seek out career coaches, mentors, or professional development courses focused on self-discovery and purpose alignment. Online communities, workshops, and books on career planning and personal growth can also offer valuable guidance. Don’t hesitate to leverage your network and connect with individuals who share your values and aspirations.

5. What happens if my purpose changes over time?

This is perfectly normal! Purpose is not static; it evolves alongside your experiences and values. Embrace the dynamic nature of this journey and remain open to adjusting your plans and development goals as your vision evolves.


Connecting your career development to your purpose isn’t about finding a magical destination; it’s about embarking on a journey of self-discovery, aligning your actions with your values, and cultivating the skills and experiences that empower you to lead a fulfilling and impactful professional life.

Remember, the path to purpose may not always be linear, but with each step, you cultivate resilience, grow into your authentic self, and unlock the potential to create a truly meaningful career. Take the first step today, and trust that your journey, fueled by passion and purpose, will guide you towards an incredible destination.

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