While marketers often focus most on getting consumers engaged with their products or services, they sometimes neglect win-back strategies if a potential customer walks away from a sale. Take a new approach to your digital marketing by considering those who left the purchase as potential customers still.

Marketing to your customers and target audience takes investment in time, research, and energy, and it can be deeply frustrating to see those efforts go to waste. There are win-back strategies to bring back your lost customers and increase your revenue. Try these six proven customer win-back strategies to avoid ever losing a customer again.

Understanding Why Customers Leave: Unraveling the Reasons Behind Churn

Losing customers is an unfortunate reality for every business. However, understanding the “why” behind customer churn is crucial for crafting effective win-back strategies and preventing future losses. Here’s a deeper dive into the most common reasons customers leave, methods for gathering feedback, and relevant data points:

Most Common Reasons for Customer Churn:

  • Poor Customer Service: This tops the list for many industries. Inattentive staff, long wait times, and unresolved issues can leave customers feeling frustrated and undervalued.
  • Product Dissatisfaction: If a product fails to meet expectations, lacks features, or experiences bugs, customers may seek better alternatives.
  • Pricing Concerns: Feeling the product is overpriced, encountering hidden fees, or having unclear pricing structures can push customers away.
  • Competition: If competitors offer better deals, superior products, or a more appealing experience, customers are likely to switch.
  • Neglecting Customer Relationships: Lack of communication, personalization, and appreciation can weaken the customer bond and lead to churn.
  • Changes in Customer Needs: Businesses must adapt to evolving customer needs and preferences. Failing to do so can result in customers seeking options that better fit their current situation.

Gathering Customer Feedback:

image for 6 proven customer win back strategies blog
  • Exit Surveys: Capture feedback directly from departing customers through online surveys or phone calls. Offer incentives to encourage participation.
  • Customer Service Interactions: Analyze customer service interactions to identify recurring issues and areas for improvement.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Track brand mentions and sentiment on social media to understand customer concerns and perceptions.
  • Focus Groups and Interviews: Conduct in-depth conversations with a small group of customers to gain detailed insights into their reasons for leaving.

Data and Statistics:

  • The cost of acquiring a new customer is 5-10 times higher than retaining an existing one. (HubSpot)
  • 73% of customers say friendly customer service representatives can turn their negative experiences into positive ones. (Microsoft)
  • 68% of customers abandon their carts due to high shipping costs or unexpected fees. (Baymard Institute)
  • Customers who churn represent a missed opportunity, as they would have likely spent an average of 67% more in business with you in the next three years. (Bain & Company)

Remember: The reasons for customer churn can vary depending on your industry, target audience, and specific business model. However, by understanding these common factors and actively gathering feedback, you’re better equipped to address customer concerns, implement win-back strategies, and build stronger relationships that foster loyalty and reduce churn.

Learning about a Customer Win-Back Strategy

Win-back strategies are calculated marketing plans that attract daily active users, otherwise known as DAUs, back on your website and considering your products or services. Keeping customers as active users is critical to business success as, even if they don’t make the sale themselves, they promote your business or brand to their network, bringing more potential sales in.

Keeping your DAUs also keeps your churn rate low, which simply refers to the number of users who have left your website or app for a given time period. The number of new users in comparison to your churn rate has to be higher to ensure success.

An HBR report confirmed that gaining new customers costs 25 times more than retaining a current customer. If you are able to reengage a non-active customer, you have the potential to save money and time. With a range of win-back strategies available, investing time into these processes will save you money in the long run.


marketer planning win-back strategies to revert customers
Taking time to craft effective win-back strategies saves a business money from having to find new leads (Image Credit: Envato Elements)

The Best Customer Win-Back Strategies

Once you have established why a customer has avoided using your website or app, you can employ a strategy to entice them back to your brand. This can recapture the attention of inactive customers and see them re-engage with your offers, bringing in sales for your business. Here are six of our proven win-back strategies:

1. Be Selective and Specific as Well as Personal

Selecting customers that you are going to invest in pursuing is crucial to ensure that you don’t waste any time. By looking into your site’s customer success platform data, you will be able to see who is worth pursuing and what churned customers should remain dormant.

If a user hasn’t gone beyond the 20 to 25% utilisation rate or the data confirms that they have had a low product feature adoption, then you probably won’t be able to win them back. Equally, if they have made complaints or taken issue with your product or service, chances are they won’t be returning as a customer.

Assessing this data ensures that you invest your time in customers that you can win back. Take for instance that a customer has a high utilisation rate or feature adoption, you know that they can be easily engaged again and you have invested your time wisely.

Another method that encourages a customer to come back as an active user is to use personalisation. Customers want to have a voice and feel seen. Using email marketing with personalised techniques, like addressing them by name in the email body and subject line can make them feel valued.

This encourages the customer to return to the site, reverting them to quick purchases. Ensuring your site has multiple communication channels is also key to encouraging a customer to continue engaging with your platform.

people planning strategies on paper and tablet
Creating a win-back strategy that is personal is more likely to bring your customers back than one that is generic. (Image Credit: Envato Elements)

2. Email and Push Notifications

While considering personalised emails, it is important to think about email campaigns as a means of a win-back strategy. Being specific with the message content is crucial as well, as it can be tailored towards certain audiences or segments to yield better results. Customers appreciate this technique as it ensures them that you are still interested in them.

Technology has come on leaps and bounds, and now push notifications can be enabled for browsers and phones. This means that you can have developers enable push notifications for customers that have custom messages within them that could incorporate content that had been received from previous purchases.

Push notifications give you the ability to gift your audience with an offer or discount code, encouraging them to your site again to make a purchase and thus retaining their business.

3. Using Social Media

Social media provides a great tool for engaging with prospects and your current customers. Using your social platforms to engage in conversation with your customers is a great way of winning back customers.

This can be done through posting blogs, videos, and other social posts for customers to react with. From here, you are able to chat with them, answer inquiries, and find out more about what they enjoy and what they don’t like.

This type of engagement also helps improve customer experience as you can garner what needs to be done to retain a particular customer or segment and employ it in the future.

person assessing a customer's utilisation rate on a laptop
Taking time to assess customer utilisation rate or feature adoption confirms whether you should try to retain them or not. (Image Credit: Campaign Creators)

4. Abandoned Cart Recovery

Another great method of retention is employing abandoned cart recovery. This can be toggled on the backend of your website and is used to automatically remind customers who add products to their cart and leave without purchasing their orders, to return to make those purchases.

Done around 24 hours after the cart or checkout is abandoned, sending these out refreshes the buyer’s memory and can persuade them to revert and make their purchase. Every CMS has a different method of setting their abandoned cart recovery up, so make sure that you read the FAQ before enabling it.

Of course, you need to ensure that you can meet demand if you do manage to bring would-be buyers back to abandoned carts, which means keeping track of your inventory. This applies in lots of different industries, from e-commerce to brewing. In fact, there are good examples of brewers that have reaped the benefits of an easy-to-use platform like Ollie when it comes to inventory tracking, leading to improved sales.

5. Acknowledge Your Audience

We’ve mentioned previously that your audience just wants to be seen and one way of doing this is actively listening to their grievances and concerns. Letting customers talk about their issues or apprehensions with buying from you can help them see that you are willing to solve their problems.

This tactic is a great way to revert customers as they see a company willing to go above and beyond for their customer. This tactic is a great way to revert customers as they see a company willing to go above and beyond for their customer. Implementing an inbound call center can further facilitate this process, providing a dedicated channel for customers to voice their concerns and ensuring that their issues are addressed promptly and effectively.

 6. Feedback on Your Site

Everything can be improved and having a space on your site dedicated to customer feedback ensures that you have access to relevant insights and suggestions made by users that could transform your user experience, increasing your sales along with it.

It is important to harness that feedback as well and not act on suggestions given to you by the customer. This shows customers that you are willing to change aspects of your business practices to ensure a smoother experience for them and demonstrates that you do care.

person using a tablet and paper to make a win-back plan for customers
Taking feedback adn implementing it onto your site makes the customer feel appreciated and heard. (Image Credit: Firmbee)

Execute a Multi-Channel Win-Back Campaign: Reconnect with Lost Customers

Crafting a multi-channel win-back campaign is key to re-engaging customers and bringing them back into the fold. This section will delve into using email, direct mail, and phone outreach, emphasizing tailored messaging, omnichannel coordination, and consistency.

Choosing the Right Channels:

Each channel offers unique strengths and reaches different customer segments. Consider the following:

  • Email: Cost-effective, versatile, and allows for personalization and automation.
  • Direct mail: Creates a tangible touchpoint and stands out from digital clutter.
  • Phone outreach: Enables personalized conversations and addresses complex issues directly.

Tailored Messaging for Each Channel:

Craft separate messages for each channel, considering the format and intended audience:

  • Email: Keep it concise, use visuals, and personalize offers based on customer data.
  • Direct mail: Utilize high-quality design, highlight emotional benefits, and personalize with handwritten inserts.
  • Phone outreach: Train representatives to be empathetic, offer solutions, and personalize the conversation based on customer history.

Omnichannel Coordination and Consistency:

Seamless integration across channels creates a unified experience and reinforces your message:

  • Consistent Branding: Maintain consistent messaging, visuals, and brand voice across all channels.
  • Offer Continuity: Continue the conversation seamlessly if a customer switches channels (e.g., email follow-up after a phone call).
  • Track and Analyze: Use analytics to track campaign performance and optimize messaging and timing across channels.

Strategies for Each Channel:


  • Segmented Campaigns: Group customers based on churn reasons and tailor offers accordingly.
  • Personalized Incentives: Offer discounts, loyalty rewards, or early access to new products.
  • Trigger-Based Emails: Send automated emails based on specific actions (e.g., abandoned cart emails).
  • Win-Back Series: Send a sequence of emails over time with escalating offers or reminders.

Direct Mail:

  • Personalized Greeting: Use the customer’s name and include a handwritten note for a human touch.
  • Targeted Offers: Tailor promotions to past purchase history and interests.
  • Visually Appealing Design: Use high-quality images and creative formats to grab attention.
  • Call to Action: Include a clear and compelling call to action (e.g., visit a landing page, use a promo code).

Phone Outreach:

  • Warm Calls: Train representatives to build rapport and listen to customer concerns empathetically.
  • Targeted Scripting: Prepare scripts that address specific churn reasons and offer personalized solutions.
  • Limited-Time Offers: During calls, provide exclusive discounts or incentives to encourage immediate action.
  • If calls are missed, leave personalized voicemails and send follow-up emails.

Providing Red Carpet Service: Treat Your Customers Like Royalty

Building lasting customer relationships requires going beyond simply meeting expectations. By providing red carpet service, you create an exceptional experience that fosters loyalty and turns customers into raving fans. Here’s how to roll out the red carpet with:

Dedicated Account Managers:

  • Assign a single point of contact: Customers appreciate having a designated person who knows their history, needs, and preferences.
  • Invest in building relationships: Regular, proactive communication fosters trust and understanding.
  • Empower them to go the extra mile: Give account managers the autonomy and resources to resolve issues quickly and creatively.

Proactive Check-ins and Updates:

  • Don’t wait for problems: Regularly reach out to customers even when things are going well.
  • Anticipate and address needs: Proactively inform them of potential issues and offer solutions before they arise.
  • Keep them informed: Provide transparent updates on projects, orders, or any relevant developments.

Surprise and Delight with Value-Adds:

  • Offer unexpected perks: This could be early access to new products, exclusive discounts, or personalized gifts.
  • Leverage special occasions: Recognize birthdays, anniversaries, or other milestones with tailored gestures.
  • Go beyond their expectations: Offer helpful information, resources, or services that go beyond the scope of their purchase.

Re-Engage Your Audience

No one wants to lose customers, and while a single customer isn’t a huge loss to your revenue, it demonstrates that there is room for improvement on your site or processes. Cultivating and nurturing your customer relationships are critical for win-back strategies and can help you revert clients who had once dropped away.

For a successful business you not only have to gain new customers and clients but you also have to retain them by utilising data and using personalised win-back strategies. Setting out marketing strategies can be complex and if you need a hand with implementing one, get in touch with ProfileTree today.


What are the biggest challenges in implementing a customer win-back strategy?

  • Identifying the root causes of customer churn accurately.
  • Crafting personalized and targeted win-back messages for different customer segments.
  • Balancing the cost of win-back efforts with the potential return on investment.
  • Integrating win-back efforts with broader customer retention strategies.

How can I measure the success of my win-back campaign?

  • Track key metrics like win-back rate, repeat purchase rate, customer lifetime value of recovered customers, and cost per win-back.
  • Conduct surveys and gather feedback from won-back customers to understand their experience.
  • Monitor customer sentiment and reviews online and on social media.
  • Compare churn reasons before and after implementing your win-back strategy.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in customer win-back?

  • Offering generic, one-size-fits-all solutions instead of personalized offers.
  • Focusing solely on discounts and promotions without addressing the root cause of churn.
  • Neglecting to communicate with customers throughout the win-back process.
  • Failing to track and measure the results of your win-back efforts.

How can I personalize my win-back messages for different customer segments?

  • Segment your customers based on demographics, purchase history, churn reasons, and other relevant factors.
  • Use customer data to personalize your messaging, offers, and communication channels.
  • Highlight the specific benefits of returning to your business that resonate with each segment.

Where can I find more resources on customer win-back strategies?

  • Industry reports and research papers on customer churn and retention.
  • Blogs and articles written by marketing and customer service experts.
  • Case studies of successful customer win-back campaigns from other businesses.
  • Webinars and online courses on customer retention and win-back strategies.


Winning back customers is an investment, but it’s one that can yield significant rewards. By implementing a well-crafted customer win-back strategy, you can re-engage lost customers, rebuild trust, and cultivate lasting loyalty.

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding your customers, addressing their concerns, and offering genuine value. By focusing on data-driven insights, personalized communication, and continuous improvement, you can transform your win-back efforts into a powerful tool for driving customer retention and sustainable business growth.

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