How to become a consultant and what do they do

A consultant is a professional who provides expert advice and assistance to a specific field or industry. They are hired to provide their expertise, insights, and recommendations in order to aid clients in solving problems, improving performance, and achieving their organizational goals.

Working as a consultant is a lucrative job opportunity, as you will become a valuable asset to the business you’re working on behalf of. In this article, we’ll provide you with guidance on how to become a consultant and what steps you can take to further your career in this sector. 

What is a consultant? 

Consultants help businesses or organisations increase their capacity, efficiency and performance, through expert advice and guidance. They bring an external perspective, objectivity, and deep knowledge of their field to help clients achieve their objectives and overcome obstacles. 

Consultants typically have specialized knowledge, skills, and experience in a particular area, such as management, finance, marketing, technology, human resources, or strategy. They work independently or as part of a consulting firm, and their services can be engaged for short-term projects or long-term partnerships.

What does a consultant do? 

The role of a consultant may involve many duties and responsibilities. Some of these areas in which they provide support and guidance to businesses include: 

how to become a consultant

Assessing and analysing

Consultants examine a client’s current situation, processes, and challenges to identify areas for improvement. They gather and analyze data, conduct research, and evaluate existing strategies or practices.

Providing recommendations

Based on their expertise and analysis, consultants offer recommendations and solutions tailored to the client’s needs. They propose strategies, action plans, and best practices to address specific issues or achieve desired outcomes.

Implementing changes

Consultants often support clients in implementing the recommended changes. They may assist in the development of new processes, policies, or systems, provide training and guidance to employees, and help manage the transition.

Offering expertise and guidance

Consultants serve as subject matter experts and trusted advisors. They provide guidance, answer questions, and offer insights to help clients make informed decisions and navigate complex challenges.

Project management

Consultants may take on project management responsibilities, overseeing the execution of initiatives, coordinating teams, and ensuring the project stays on track within the defined scope, timeline, and budget.

How to become a consultant – business consultancy

Delivering specialized services

Consultants may offer specialized services such as market research, financial analysis, organizational restructuring, change management, IT implementation, or marketing strategy development, depending on their area of expertise.

Consultants work with a variety of clients, including businesses, government organizations, nonprofit entities, and individuals. The value of a consultant lies in their ability to provide strategic insights, expertise, and tailored solutions to drive positive change and achieve desired outcomes.

Build Capacity

This is where a consultant differs from a freelance contractor. If an organization hires someone to complete a specific task or to do a job that it simply doesn’t have anyone on staff available to do, that’s a freelance contracting situation. 

The organization temporarily increases its ability to do certain work, but once the work is done and the contractor is gone, the capabilities of the organization haven’t really changed; capacity has not been built.

Whilst a consultant may perform specific tasks for a client and create “deliverables,” this work is typically done in close communication and collaboration with the client, giving the client the ability to develop new knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours in the process. 

A consultant will ensure that a legacy of improved capacity has been implemented before the project’s completion. 

Boost Performance 

Good consultants lead their clients to achieve higher levels of performance with the resources they already have – for example, through training, coaching, facilitating the right conversations among the right people, or implementing new systems and processes. 

While this type of consulting work generally increases a client’s capacity, it is not so much about being able to do more as it is about being able to do things better.

Increase confidence 

Often, consultants are brought in to help clients increase their clarity and confidence around key business objectives and decisions. They provide an objective perspective that can help organizations break through internal biases and barriers and bring clarity to otherwise muddled situations.

In best practice, consultants don’t just simply offer an expert opinion or make the decision for the client. Rather, they guide the client through a process to arrive at beneficial decisions and lay the foundations for acting on those objectives. 

how to become a consultant
How to become a consultant

Different Types of Consultants

There are many different types of consultants that vary depending on the industry, specific field of interest and skill set. 

If you want to know how to become a consultant, check out the different types and choose an area that aligns with your knowledge, interests and expertise. 

Sales Consultant

A sales consultant is a professional who helps develop an organization’s sales process, identifying ways to improve their sales performance and providing essential sales training to reps.

What is a Sales Consultant?

A sales consultant role is typically a data-driven individual who can deliver results that impact the bottom line. In this role, the sales consultant develops well-researched strategies to increase sales and generate more revenue.

Management Consultant

A management consultant works with leaders and teams to find, address and solve business problems. 

What is a Management Consultant?

A management consultant will collect information regarding the issue at hand and offer practical solutions to solve it. They will focus on the bigger picture, providing guidance on strategy development, process updates and growth advice.

Business Consultant

An advisor who helps identify improvements to an organization’s operational efficiency and performance. “Business consulting” can apply to a wide variety of sectors and industries.

What is a Business Consultant? 

Qualified business consultants will have demonstrated business acumen and experience in optimizing a company strategy. This role generates new business, pitches strategies to clients, oversees the implementation of client strategies and works with executive clients to develop sound business plans.

Marketing Consultant

A marketing consultant is a specialist who helps organizations create and carry out marketing strategies to increase brand awareness and generate leads for the business.

What is a Marketing Consultant?

A marketing consultant works alongside a client’s marketing organization to develop and integrate effective marketing tactics and strategies into the client’s operating rhythm. In this role, the marketing consultant will be responsible for conducting in-depth research and competitive analysis, using their findings to craft an effective marketing plan and find tactics to market the product/service to its intended audience.

Accounting Consultant

An advisor who analyzes a business’s financial stance and helps the leadership team make beneficial and profitable financial decisions.

What is an Accounting Consultant?

An accounting consultant will work alongside the client’s accounting team to oversee and advise on necessary changes to the company’s accounting procedures. They will work with their clients to locate areas of improvement in their business processes and will oversee the implementation of practical, compliant solutions. Here are some more insights on why accounting is beneficial for both you and your clients.

Technology Consultant

An expert who helps organizations install or use technology solutions in a way that improves the operations and performance of the business.

What is a Technology Consultant 

A technology consultant (also known as an IT consultant), will analyze the client’s technology systems to make sure the company is on track to meet its goals and objectives. They will propose any necessary changes to support information security and business operations and they will aid in creating and onboarding necessary changes.

A lawyer or legal professional who advises a business on legal matters, ensuring they abide by current laws and regulations. 

A qualified legal consultant will use their legal expertise to support the client’s legal compliance, profitability, and risk mitigation. Besides conducting the necessary research, this individual will also be responsible for drafting contracts, reviewing briefs, and conducting negotiations on the client’s behalf.

Public Relations Consultant

A specialist who improves communications between a business and the public.

What is a Public Relations Consultant?

A PR consultant will manage the relationships with their clients and the general public. This role shares similarities with a social media consultant.

They are typically experienced communications professionals who can proficiently draft press releases on behalf of the client, manage the client’s media relationships and contacts, and write and edit communications collateral to promote the business and offerings of the client. It is in essence, reputation management.

How to become a consultant – Management consulting

Top tips for how to become a consultant 

Breaking into the consultancy industry can be competitive, but here are some tips to give you that edge and raise your consultancy career portfolio. 


Showcase examples of your previous leadership roles, this can be previous work experience, participation in local councils, clubs, international organizations, charity organizations, etc.

Gain work experience

Develop practical experience in your field by working in related roles. This could be done through internships, part-time jobs, or full-time employment. Building a solid foundation of experience will enhance your credibility as a consultant.


If you want to go into consulting, then the best internships are undoubtedly with existing consulting firms. Mck, BCG, Bain, Roland Berger and many others now offer part-time placements and internships. Practical experience of your skill set will enhance your CV and make it stand out to recruiters and potential clients. 

Knowledge of business management 

Ensure that you can demonstrate knowledge of business management, even if you don’t have direct previous experience.  If you know how to describe a problem in a specific industry language, it will increase your chances of securing an offer. 

Choose a specific field

Determine the area in which you want to become a consultant. It could be management, finance, marketing, IT, human resources, or any other field where you have expertise.

Obtain relevant education and skills

Acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in your chosen field. This can be done through formal education such as a bachelor’s or master’s degree, or through industry certifications, workshops, and training programs.

Identify your niche

Determine your area of specialization within your chosen field. Find a unique angle or expertise that sets you apart from others in the industry. This will help you attract clients who specifically need your specialized skills.

Network and build connections

Establish a strong professional network within your industry. Attend conferences, seminars, and industry events to meet potential clients and colleagues. Networking can provide valuable opportunities for referrals and collaborations.

Develop a consulting framework

Create a structured approach or methodology that you can apply to client engagements. This framework will serve as a guide for your consulting projects and help ensure consistency and quality in your work.

Start with pro bono or small projects

Initially, consider taking on pro bono or low-paying projects to gain experience and build your portfolio. This will allow you to demonstrate your capabilities and develop a track record of success.

Create a professional brand

Develop a strong personal brand as a consultant. Create a professional website, establish a strong online presence, and showcase your expertise through thought leadership content such as blog posts or whitepapers. Leverage social media platforms to engage with your target audience.

Market yourself

Develop a marketing strategy to promote your consulting services. Identify your target market and craft compelling messages that highlight the value you bring to clients. Utilize online and offline marketing channels, such as social media, industry publications, and attending relevant events.

Deliver exceptional results

Once you start working with clients, deliver high-quality work and exceed their expectations. Positive client experiences and word-of-mouth referrals are crucial for building a successful consulting career.

How to become a consultant?

What skills do you need to become a consultant?

Becoming a consultant typically involves a combination of education, experience, and networking, but you also need to have particular skills and qualities in order to become the best within your industry. 


A great deal of the work carried out by consultants is analytical. It is mainly aimed at problem-solving and decision analysis. The professional skills of a consultant must go beyond the limitations of the average manager’s thinking and include five main areas: 

  • Judgement of the current situation 
  • Causal analysis of problems
  • Analysis and formulation of decisions
  • Implementation planning and evaluation
  • Strategic innovation

These five areas are the basic requirements for good management consultancy work. Data-driven decisions are often more credible, offering enhanced expertise compared to decisions that have been made with internal biases. 

Work ethic

A consultant must have a strong sense of work ethic, responsibility and mission. They are the creators of social and business wealth and hold a significant influence on the company culture. The nature of consultancy work is characterised by a strong pace and pressure, it is difficult to carry the weight of the profession without a dedicated and fervent work ethic. 


Consultants need to demonstrate a high level of professional communication. The issues faced by management consultants are becoming more and more complex, and they require a professional approach that is uncompromised by bias. 


Consultants must demonstrate a high level of independence, especially if they are hired on a temporary basis. This requires, to some extent, the consultant’s experience of working in senior management or undertaking an important task independently, they should be able to confidently meet deadlines and produce high-quality results. 


A consultant will ensure a thorough business diagnostic that will implement solutions to the current problems faced by the business, in addition to solving potential future issues and building upon the business fundamentals. 


Problem-solving is the essence of consulting, it is a responsibility to take on the most challenging problems in a variety of industries, to learn from them and to make changes for the benefit of the business. 

Stress management 

Managing stress is a regular part of consulting, you need to manage your own stress in addition to the colleagues and clients that you are helping. This will encourage a positive outlook on implementing changes and reassure people that it is for the benefit of the business. 

Remember, becoming a consultant requires continuous learning and adaptation. Stay updated with industry trends, invest in professional development, and refine your skills to remain competitive in the consulting field.

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