A website title is an essential element of a web page’s HTML code. It serves several important purposes and carries significance for both search engines and website traffic. 

In this article, we’ll discuss why a website title is important for the performance and visibility of your website content. It is a major factor in SEO marketing and one of the best tools at your disposal for optimising a blog or website page. 

As a leading website design and development agency with specialisms in SEO tactics, we at ProfileTree know only too well the importance of a curated website title. Keep reading this article for tips and tricks on how to make your title an effective one. 

What is a Website Title?  

A website title, also known as a page title or title tag, is an HTML element that specifies the title of a webpage. It is displayed at the top of the browser window or tab and is one of the most important on-page SEO elements. The website title is also the clickable headline that appears in search engine results pages (SERPs) when a webpage is listed.

website title
Website title

Is a Website Title in the URL?

The website title is not typically included in the URL of a webpage. The URL is the specific web address that uniquely identifies a webpage on the internet. It consists of the domain name, subdirectories (if applicable), and the specific page filename.

While the URL and website title serve different purposes, they both play important roles in search engine optimization and user experience. The URL helps with website organization and navigation, while the website title communicates the content and relevance of the webpage.

What Does a Website Title Do?

The website title serves purposes for the function and performance of your website, check them out below.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines use the website title as a crucial ranking factor to determine the relevance and topic of a webpage. It helps search engines understand the content of the page and display it in relevant search results. 

You can create an SEO title by including keywords within it. Keywords refer to popularly searched terms that already exist. You can use sites such as Ubersuggest, to generate a list of keywords and view the SEO difficulty.  This will help you create titles that appeal to search engine queries. 

Check out these tips for creating an SEO title

  • Include a power word, i.e.) memorable, amazing, wonderful, etc.
  • Place the focus keyword at the beginning of the title.
  • Use a positive or negative sentiment. 
  • Include a number.
  • Make it 50 – 70 characters long. 

You should also check out this article on, How to Write a Blog for SEO to help increase the chances of your content ranking and gain more traffic.

SEO examples

User Experience

The website title provides a concise description of the web page’s content, helping users understand what the page is about before clicking on it. It sets expectations and plays a role in user experience and attracting browsers to visit the webpage.

Browser Tab Identification

The website title appears in the title bar of the browser window or tab, distinguishing the webpage from other open tabs. It helps users identify and locate the desired webpage among multiple tabs.


When users bookmark a webpage, the website title is often used as the default name for the bookmark. A descriptive and recognizable title makes it easier for users to find and identify the bookmarked page later.

Social Media Sharing

When webpages are shared on social media platforms, the website title is typically used as the default title for the shared link. A compelling and informative title can attract attention and encourage them to click on the shared link.

How to Create a Good Website Title?

Creating a good website title involves a combination of factors, including relevance, clarity, and optimization. 

Here are some helpful tips to make your website title effective:

Be Descriptive and Relevant

Your title should accurately reflect the content of the webpage. It should provide a clear indication of what users can expect to find on the page. Use keywords or phrases that are relevant to the content and align with the user’s search intent.

Keep It Concise

Aim for a title that is concise and easily scannable. Most search engines display a limited number of characters (typically around 50-60) in the search results, so try to convey the main idea within this limit. A concise title is more likely to be read and understood by users.

Create a Compelling Hook

Make your title compelling and engaging to attract users’ attention. Use action words, intriguing phrases, or unique selling points to entice users to click on your link. Consider addressing the users’ needs or highlighting the value they will gain from visiting your webpage.

Maintain Consistency with Content

Ensure that your title accurately reflects the actual content on the webpage. Misleading or clickbait titles may lead to user dissatisfaction and higher bounce rates. The title should set proper expectations for users, helping them understand what they will find when they click through.

Consider Branding

If applicable, incorporate your brand name or relevant branding elements into the title to reinforce brand recognition and identity. However, prioritize relevance and clarity over branding if it compromises the descriptive nature of the title.

Test and Refine

Monitor the performance of your website title in terms of search engine rankings, click-through rates, and user engagement. Analyze the data and make adjustments as needed to optimize the title and improve its effectiveness.

Check out this article on Google Analytics 4 Training, which will help you understand current performance metrics.  

Tips to Remember 

Remember, your website title is an important component of your overall SEO strategy and user experience. Balancing relevance, clarity, and optimization will help you create a compelling and effective title that attracts users, improves visibility, and accurately represents your webpage’s content.

If you like to learn more about enhancing your digital presence through optimised content, we’d love to hear from you. Visit our digital training services to find out more. 

SEE ALSO: What makes a good website? | Content Optimization 101 | How to do an Analysis of a WebsiteFree GA4 Training | What is a Static Website? | How to Make a Website? | How do I Block a Website?

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