In today’s digital era, data undeniably plays a vital role in numerous aspects of our daily lives. Whether it’s personal information, financial data, client details, or even business plans, data encompasses a wide range of essential information. This has given rise to the concept of data management, a comprehensive process that involves the ingestion, storage, organisation, and maintenance of data generated and collected by organisations.‘s digital asset management system stands out as a cutting-edge solution in this arena, offering a comprehensive platform for organizing, accessing, and distributing digital content seamlessly, ensuring that businesses can fully harness the potential of their valuable digital assets.

Effective data management is a vital component in successfully implementing the IT systems that power business applications. It paves the way for organisations to ensure the security, accessibility, and reliability of their valuable information. With this in place, they can confidently navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the digital world, leveraging their data to gain a competitive edge and achieve their goals.

In other words, data management is essential for various reasons. It’s the process that includes a combination of different approaches that aim to make sure the data in corporate systems is precise and accessible. So, the more robust your data management is, the more accurate and faster data will be provided, driving your organisation towards better decision-making.

So, here’s an ultimate guide to the significance of data in today’s world and how data management solutions can ensure massive success:

The Significant Components of Big Data 

Your 101 Guide to Data Management Strategy—With Important Statistics 1

Before delving into how data management systems work, it’s essential to know a thing or two about data digitalisation, especially big data. Big data is an incredible treasure trove of information that gives analysts the ability to unravel fascinating trends and identify patterns linked to human behaviour and interactions. 

Data Management

To comprehend the vastness of big data, we ought to learn about its four vital components, collectively known as the 4 V’s: volume, veracity, velocity, and variety. These components are the foundational pillars of a sturdy data management system. Their purpose lies mainly in safeguarding and fortifying data, ensuring ultimate protection and unwavering security.

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Volume is one of the most significant Vs in data, holding a critical role in encompassing the amount of collected data. For example, individuals use various social media platforms to write updates, share photos, offer business reviews, watch videos, search for the latest trends, and actively engage with every element that shows up on their screens. The analyst’s role is to acknowledge each of these interactions, for they generate an abundance of data, eagerly awaiting to be harnessed by powerful algorithms.


The second component of big data is veracity, a crucial aspect ensuring the collected data’s accuracy and credibility. It allows the analyst to examine each data instead of relying on third-party providers to guarantee reliability. That way, as an analyst, you’ll be able to design accurate testing measures that yield relevant data. By following these practices, analysts can confidently rely on the data to make informed decisions.


Velocity in big data refers to the lightning-fast pace at which data is generated, collected, and analysed. The sheer magnitude of big data paves the way for taking immediate action in specific domains, offering a distinct advantage by providing instant information and enabling prompt actions. Embracing velocity in big data allows businesses to stay one step ahead, harnessing their potential to adapt swiftly and make informed decisions.


The last component of big data is variety. It’s the aspect that determines the extent of utilisation that can be applied to various reference points. In other words, it’s a more comprehensive approach that goes hand in hand with velocity to ensure that the collected data doesn’t project inaccuracies or biases.

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Types of Data Management Functions

The process of managing data, especially big data with huge Vs, involves various functions, forming an entire data lifecycle. This means a series of crucial steps are taken through a robust and comprehensive data architecture that saves, accesses, updates, and manages meticulously. 

Those steps range from data processing and storage to the governance of data formatting and utilisation in both operational and analytical systems. Thus, organisations often develop a strategic blueprint that guides them in effectively managing data, as well as deploying databases and other data platforms. 

Here are the different types of data management functions or software applications you need to know that ensure high-quality data that are secured, safely accessed, and regularly updated:

Database Management System (DBMS)

Your 101 Guide to Data Management Strategy—With Important Statistics 2

One of the critical elements in the world of databases is the database management system (DBMS). This powerful software serves as a vital link, facilitating a connection between the databases it oversees, the skilled database administrators (DBAs), and the various end users and applications that rely on them. With the DBMS in action, the deployment and administration of databases become more efficient and accessible, enhancing the overall user experience.

Data Modelling

Data modelling is a fascinating process that illustrates the intricate connections and flow of information within various systems. It sheds light on the dynamic journey of data through these systems. This powerful technique allows us to comprehend and analyse the complex web of data, pushing organisations towards better decision-making and more efficient operations. Data modelling is able to engage readers while providing valuable insights.

Data Integration

Data integration is a crucial process that involves infusing data from various sources, paving the way for enhanced operational and analytical capabilities. With data integration at the forefront, companies can unlock invaluable insights, uncover hidden patterns, and drive innovation in today’s data-driven world. Businesses can effectively merge information from multiple sources by utilising this technique, paving the way for productive analysis and successful decision-making. 

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Data Governance

Data governance is the process that oversees and regulates the quality and security of data by establishing policies that ensure its consistency across an organisation. This approach enables businesses to navigate the complex data landscape safely. From small businesses to multinational corporations, data governance serves as a vital framework for harnessing the true potential of data, safeguarding its integrity, and maximising its value.

Data Quality Management

Data quality management is an essential practice that focuses on rectifying and resolving data errors and inconsistencies. By diligently improving the accuracy, validity, and reliability of data, organisations can trust in its integrity and make better decisions based on credible information. This multifaceted process involves identifying and resolving data inaccuracies, eliminating duplicate entries, and ensuring consistency across various systems and databases. 

Master Data Management (MDM)

Your 101 Guide to Data Management Strategy—With Important Statistics 3

Master Data Management (MDM) is a vital tool that goes a long way when it comes to creating a centralised reference data repository. By pooling together information related to customers and products, MDM ensures that businesses have a reliable and consistent data set. Through MDM, companies can effectively manage and leverage valuable data, enabling them to make accurate assessments and informed decisions.

Key Statistics on the Growth of Data Volume in Comparison with Previous Years

  • 90% of today’s data has been created in the past two years only. 
  • Data growth is expected to increase by 61% to reach 175 zettabytes by 2025, with the more considerable volume residing in the cloud. 
  • Spending on data management technologies is anticipated to amount to $316 billion around the world by 2024.
  • Data management jobs have been increasingly demanding, with around 2.7 million vacancies for data management professionals posted in 2020.
  • 39% of businesses find it tough to cope with the continuous growth of data volume as well as its complexity, with only 3% of companies’ data meeting the basic standards of quality.
  • Despite the growing significance of data technologies, only 37% of businesses have a defined data management strategy.

Impact of Poor Data Quality on Business Operations

High-quality data is crucial for nurturing strong customer relationships, generating accurate analytics, and making sound business decisions, ultimately enhancing overall performance. While the origins of poor data quality may initially appear insignificant, they can rapidly snowball into repeated mistakes and various types of errors. 

For instance, relying on flawed data for marketing campaigns or analysis can result in missed opportunities to connect with potential customers and achieve conversions. It is imperative to prioritise data accuracy to maintain a competitive edge and drive success in today’s dynamic business landscape.

Needless to say, poor data quality can result in magnificent losses and a significant reduction in operational efficiency. That’s one of the most crucial reasons to utilise a data management system to ensure success and security. 

Statistics on the Negative Impact of Poor Data Quality on Businesses

  • A company’s operational efficiency has been reduced by 21% due to poor data quality and flawed management practices.
  • Lack of proper data management has cost companies 90% of their data. 
  • Poor quality in data costs an estimated $3.1 trillion annually in the United States.
  • Poor data quality can reduce a company’s revenue by 31%
  • Companies in all industries are subjected to losing an average of $13 million every year due to poor data management.

Concerns on Data Security and How Data Breaches and Cyberattacks Affect Industries

Data security is an issue of utmost importance to individuals, organisations, and governments, particularly in light of the alarming increase in both the frequency and severity of cyber attacks. Over the past decade, the rise of social engineering, ransomware, and advanced persistent threats (APTs) has posed daunting challenges. 

These threats are particularly abhorrent as they are exceptionally challenging to defend against and can wreak havoc on an organisation’s valuable data resources. The consequences of data breaches can be long-lasting, spanning from the potential loss of crucial information to the erosion of trust from customers and stakeholders, financial setbacks, and disruptions in business operations. 

It is essential to recognise that the theft of financial, health, intellectual, and government data is most prevalent, thereby identifying the industries that are most susceptible to cyber-attacks. While there may be ongoing debates surrounding the exact ranking, it is widely acknowledged that public administration is one of the top five industries targeted by cyber attackers.

Statistics on the Rise of Data Breaches and Cyberattacks

  • 9% of the data breaches that took place in the US in 2022 were due to compromised credentials.
  • Data breaches increased by 175% in 2021, amounting to an average size of 535 terabytes.
  • Significant data breaches mainly occur in hospitals, making up 30%
  • 45% of all breaches were mostly cloud-based data breaches.
  • In 2022, the average cost of a security breach amounted to $4.34 million, which is a 2.6% increase.
  • 16% of security breaches involve entities of the public sector.
  • Organised crime groups cause 39% of the data breaches.
  • 71% of data breaches are driven by financial motives.
  • In 2022, 816 data breaches were reported in the United States since H1.
  • 43% of security breaches affect small businesses.
  • 42 million records were compromised by data breaches between March 2021 and February 2022.
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Benefits of Data Management Solutions for Businesses’ Operations

In today’s ever-evolving world, the significance of a robust data management strategy cannot be underestimated. DMS, also known as a Data Management System, serves as a remarkable tool for enabling efficient data sharing among authorised users. With organisations increasingly depending on intangible assets to drive value, it is crucial to manage digital data within their systems effectively. 

This involves a myriad of responsibilities, including developing comprehensive policies, executing efficient procedures, and implementing best practices across the board. A formal data management strategy must encompass various aspects. It should cater to the needs and activities of both users and administrators, ensuring seamless operations throughout the organisation. 

Ultimately, the ultimate goal of a robust data management strategy should be to unlock the true potential of an organisation’s data. Therefore, investing time and resources into devising an effective data management strategy is crucial for organisations aiming to stay ahead of the game in today’s digital landscape.

1. Rules Out the Chances of Data Redundancy

Data redundancy refers to duplicated files, and it’s a common occurrence in file-based data systems. This incident can affect the efficiency of data flow, affecting numerous processes. So, minimising the chances of finding several copies across various locations in the system is one of the functions operated by data management solutions. Not only do they save the effort and time of human resources, but they also resolve the storage space issue.

2. Maximises Data Sharing And Privacy

Data management solutions are an efficient tool that would keep your cyber security intact and defend your system from the invasion of unauthorised users. That’s for the management to retain full access rights, giving permission to authorised individuals to strictly adhere to established protocols before assigning access to fellow users. That way, you can ensure that only appropriate permissions are granted.

3. Maintaining Integrity And Security of Data

One of the crucial aspects at either business or personal levels is safeguarding your valuable data and keeping them away from the various types of hackers and cybercriminals. This is one of the beneficial functions of DMS; it works on securing significant volumes of data stored across multiple databases while maintaining its accuracy. DMS makes those databases accessible to responsible users who use the provided information for critical decision-making in businesses. It’s also part of what it takes to achieve ISO 27001 certification. This is a widely adopted standard that ensures you have an information security management system that is up to scratch with industry expectations. Being clued up on the concerns and complications that you face when it comes to handling sensitive data will protect your company and your customers.

4. Prevent Unexpected Data Loss

Backup can never be underestimated, for data loss has always imposed a considerable threat on businesses in all industries. The process of regularly backing up the database can be hectic, time-consuming, and energy-draining. Thus, data management solutions are literally the solution for dealing with colossal volumes of data that need to be regularly backed up, making manual backups a thing of the past. With NAKIVO Backup & Replication, businesses can streamline and automate their backup processes, ensuring the safety of their data without the hassles of manual backups.

Introducing a robust data management system within your organisation is an absolute game-changer. It can revolutionise your operations while offering maximum data quality. Nonetheless, you empower your business and ensure delivering it to huge success through flawless daily processes and more informed decision-making. Now is the perfect moment to seize this opportunity and set your organisation in motion towards massive success.

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