Author Profile

Miranne Khaled

Miranne Khaled

61 articles published since July 13, 2023

Miranne is a language aficionado and a wordsmith who finds magic in dissecting the nuances of words. This passion for language ignited during her studies and continues to fuel her career as a content writer. When she’s not writing, she spends time collecting cactus pots or devouring books and feel-good shows, finding solace in their warmth and inspiration. She’s a wanderer in her own spiritual journey, forever seeking meaning, forever growing, forever finding beauty in the unexpected, just like the hidden blooms nestled amidst the thorns of her beloved cacti.

Posts by Miranne Khaled:

Social Media Harassment: Your 101 Comprehensive Guide to Combating Cyberbullying

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 7th March 2024

Social media has transformed how we connect, transcending geographical boundaries and creating virtual communities that bring people together. The numerous platforms have undeniably brought about significant advancements in our ability to stay connected, facilitating instant communication and enabling the exchange of ideas on a global scale. Nevertheless, alongside its widespread adoption, we are confronted with […]

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The Profound Impact of Increased Social Media Screen Time — Key Statistics 2024

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 9th March 2024

Social media has emerged as a formidable force, transforming how we connect, communicate, and consume information. With its pervasive presence, it has woven itself into the very fabric of our lives. From the moment we wake up to the instant we lay our heads to rest at night, screen time on social media is a […]

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Unmasking the Profound Impact of Misinformation on Social Media 2024

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 23rd February 2024

Welcome to the digital era, where social media has woven itself into the very fabric of our existence, revolutionising our modes of communication, information acquisition, and idea dissemination. Amidst this vast connectivity landscape, however, lies a sinister underbelly: the proliferation of misinformation on social media.  Social media has eased various aspects of our lives, but […]

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Social Media Interactions: A Comprehensive Overview for 2024

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 21st February 2024

Social media has become a vital part of our daily lives, changing how we interact and communicate with one another. Through various platforms, we engage in social media interactions, a term that encompasses a wide range of activities. Social media interactions refer to the dynamic process of engaging, connecting, and communicating with others on social […]

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Java Programming 101 For Complete Beginners: Unleashing the Power of Versatility

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 20th February 2024

For decades, Java programming has stood as a stalwart pillar in the realm of software development. Its versatility, user-friendly approach and adaptability across platforms, has propelled it to become a favourite amongst aspiring and seasoned developers. This comprehensive guide is your gateway to the captivating world of Java programming.  We’ll begin with the timeless tradition […]

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The Power of Marketing Automation: Revolutionising Business Growth 2024

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 8th March 2024

In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, where the pace of change rivals the speed of light, big and small businesses grapple with the constant need to innovate and optimise their strategies. This relentless pursuit of excellence has fueled the rise of a transformative technology: marketing automation. More than just a trend, it actually represents […]

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Mobile Marketing: The Perplexing Pocket-sized Revolution of the 21st Century

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 8th March 2024

In today’s digitally connected world, where mobiles have become an indispensable part of our lives, mobile marketing is a valuable tool used to reach the target audience and drive growth. Mobile marketing refers to the strategic approach of reaching and engaging consumers through their mobile devices. With the global proliferation of smartphones, mobile marketing has […]

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The Surpass of Digital Media Over Print Media in Today’s World 2024

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 31st January 2024

The transformation from print to digital media has revolutionised how we consume information in the ever-evolving media landscape. As the world hurtles forward in this digital age, the differences between print media and its digital counterpart have become increasingly pronounced. Print media once stood as the unrivalled medium for news, entertainment, and knowledge dissemination. Magazines, […]

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Marketing Statistical Analysis: Revealing Key Insights for Success in 2024

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 21st February 2024

Businesses today constantly search for ways to gain a competitive edge to thrive in a highly competitive business landscape. One powerful tool that has emerged in this pursuit is marketing statistical analysis. With the ability to extract invaluable insights from vast amounts of data, marketing statistical analysis is crucial for informed decision-making and successful marketing […]

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Leveraging the Powerful Potentials of Visual Content Marketing in 2024

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 27th January 2024

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing marketing landscape, staying ahead is essential for businesses of all sizes. With consumers continuously bombarded with information, capturing their attention has become more challenging. This is where visual content marketing becomes a potent tool that aims to engage and connect with target audiences. Visual content marketing is a dynamic and […]

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Businesses in China: A Prominent Economic Powerhouse—With Key Statistics

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 21st February 2024

The allure of China’s booming economy, fueled by its massive population and formidable industrial might, continues to draw the world’s attention. For investors, economists, and policymakers alike, unlocking the secrets of its business landscape holds paramount importance.  Beyond its sheer size, China’s business environment pulsates with a kaleidoscope of interconnected factors. From surging economic growth […]

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Complete Business Statistics: Unveiling the Promising Power of Data Analysis

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 29th January 2024

In the ever-evolving world of business, data has become an invaluable asset. To unlock its potential, organisations turn to the field of business statistics. Business statistics encompasses a wide range of techniques and methodologies that allow companies to make informed decisions and identify trends that enable them to gain a competitive edge.  At its core, […]

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Business Travel and Leisure Travel:

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 22nd January 2024

Travel is the very word that conjures images of distant lands, exotic cultures, and adventures waiting to be had. Throughout history, it has been a catalyst for personal growth, a key driver of cultural exchange, and a vital cog in the global economic engine. But within this vast world of exploration, two distinct categories reign […]

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Business Sustainability 101: Nurturing Success for the Long Haul

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 26th January 2024

The landscape of economic discourse has undergone a pivotal transformation, marked by the ascendant voice of business sustainability. No longer a peaceful aside in boardrooms, it has become a resounding clarion call echoing through the corridors of industry. This evolution reflects a profound philosophical shift that challenges the longstanding paradigm of unfettered economic growth. For […]

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The Significance of Business Tourism:

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 22nd January 2024

Business tourism, alternatively referred to as corporate tourism or MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions), encompasses a diverse range of travel activities that are directly associated with professional or business objectives. Within the realm of business tourism, individuals or groups embark on journeys to partake in an assortment of events such as meetings, conferences, trade […]

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Event Management for 2024: Revealing the Power of Memorable Experiences

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 4th February 2024

Event management is an indispensable and integral part of the business world, serving as the driving force behind the creation and execution of impactful gatherings that have the power to leave a lasting impression on attendees. From corporate conferences to product launches and grand-scale celebrations, event management plays a pivotal role in orchestrating seamless experiences […]

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Business Investment: The Revving Engine of Growth for 2024

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 4th January 2024

In the pulsating heart of any vibrant economy lies a critical aspect—investment. Business investment is a potent catalyst for progress within this interconnected web of interconnected actors. But what exactly constitutes this fundamental act? At its core, business investment signifies the strategic allocation of resources, primarily financial, with the expectation of future returns.  This can […]

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Business Formation: A Comprehensive Guide to Establishing A Successful Venture 2024

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 16th February 2024

Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship is both exhilarating and demanding. Dreams of success mingle with the responsibility of meticulous planning and execution. Every aspiring business owner knows that a firm foundation is essential for long-term prosperity, and there’s no more critical step in building that foundation than business formation.  In this article, we’ll delve […]

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Business Ethics 101: Profound Insights Into the Moral Maze with Key Statistics

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 11th January 2024

Imagine the marketplace as a roaring river, churning with ambition and competition. Every merchant paddles their vessel, striving to reach the lucrative shores of profit. But in this tumultuous stream, the compass often spins, the currents of morality swirling unseen beneath the surface. This is where business ethics emerges, not as a simple life preserver […]

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Business Insurance: A Safety Net for Your Venture with Recent Statistics 2023

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 27th December 2023

When it comes to exploring the intricate world of business insurance statistics, one might compare the experience to navigating through a dense fog. Even individuals with a wealth of entrepreneurial expertise can face the formidable task of comprehending the multifaceted aspects encompassing market share, premiums, and the intricate details of personal and commercial insurance lines. […]

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Introduction 101 to the Impressive Evolution of Business on Instagram — With Key Statistics

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 11th February 2024

Remember when social media was used for sharing holiday photos and cat videos? One decade fast forward, and the landscape has shifted dramatically. Today, platforms like Instagram have morphed into bustling marketplaces, buzzing with businesses of all shapes and sizes. But how did this transformation happen? And why does Instagram hold a special place in […]

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100 Ways to Navigate Social Anxiety in the Workplace

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 19th December 2023

Social anxiety is on the rise across Western countries. Image credit:

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The Perfect WordPress Design: 10 Steps Towards A Catchy Website

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 19th December 2023

Have you ever envisioned creating a captivating and mesmerising online presence? A website that not only aligns perfectly with your vision but also resonates deeply with your target audience? The good news is that WordPress can turn that dream into a reality, even if you need a coding background. However, the sheer abundance of customisation […]

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8 Effective Ways to Enhance the Loading Speed of WordPress Websites

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 11th January 2024

Speed has become of paramount importance in the rapidly evolving landscape of the digital realm. Today, the loading speed of WordPress websites has transformed from a mere luxury into an absolute necessity. Extensive research has unequivocally demonstrated the profound impact that even a minuscule 1-second delay in page load time can have, resulting in a […]

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1000+ Programming Languages: Solving the Baffling Mystery of Their Abundance

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 26th December 2023

Today, technology has reached unprecedented levels of advancement. One of the technological breakthroughs of today’s world is the numerous programming languages designed to cater to every need. Briefly, a programming language serves as a structured framework for generating computer programs, providing a means for communication between humans and machines.  These computer programs are designed to […]

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Python Programming Language: A Comprehensive Overview

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 25th December 2023

Programming languages keep emerging every day, yet some excel over others. Python is one of the multi-purpose programming languages that has gained significant popularity over the years thanks to its versatility, readability, and ease of use. It is widely used in various domains, including web development, data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.  Its simple […]

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Creating Mobile-Friendly WordPress Websites — A Comprehensive Guide

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 8th December 2023

A mobile-friendly website is no longer a mere convenience but an absolute imperative. With over half of all web traffic now originating from mobile devices, neglecting the needs of mobile users is akin to self-inflicted commercial amputation. But what constitutes a “mobile-friendly” website?  In essence, it is an online entity that exhibits the remarkable ability […]

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Canva 101 Hacks for Stunning WordPress Designs

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 11th January 2024

As the digital landscape evolves, website owners often seek new ways to enhance their online presence and improve user experience. The design they choose for their websites can significantly attract more users, consequently generating more traffic. WordPress is one of the prevalent content management systems (CMS) used for different functionalities, especially the creation of blogs […]

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Innovative Ways to Integrate WordPress Into An Existing Website to Enhance Functionality 2023

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 10th December 2023

As the digital landscape evolves, website owners often find themselves seeking new ways to enhance their online presence and improve user experience. WordPress is a well-known content management system (CMS), also known as WP, used for different functionalities, especially blog creation and building a website or even an online store.  If you already have an […]

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Beyond Limits: Innovative ADA Compliance with WordPress 2023

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 24th January 2024

In today’s digital age, websites serve as essential gateways for businesses and organisations to connect with their audience. However, ensuring that these online platforms are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is paramount. The Americans with Disabilities Act, commonly known as ADA, requires that websites adhere to specific guidelines to ensure equal access […]

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Agency Website Builders: The Road to A Successful Business

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 4th December 2023

Agency website builders are specialised tools designed to fulfil the needs of digital marketing agencies and web design firms that manage website creation and maintenance for multiple clients.  These platforms offer a range of features tailored to help agencies streamline their processes, collaborate effectively with their teams, and deliver high-quality websites to their clients.  Agency […]

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Diversity in Business: A Modern Imperative for A Productive Workplace

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 25th November 2023

Diversity in different aspects of life is essential for building a society with a functioning community. In business, this is as important. Diversity in business encompasses the presence and inclusion of individuals with unique attributes and experiences, such as ethnicity, gender, age, disability, education, personalities, skill sets, experiences, and knowledge bases​​.  It represents the variety […]

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Introduction 101 into the Magical Code Behind Apple’s Sleek and Sophisticated Website

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 25th November 2023

Apple’s websites have long captivated users with their sleek design, intuitive navigation, and seamless user experience. But have you ever wondered what programming languages power these digital masterpieces? Embark on a journey to unravel the coding magic orchestrating Apple’s web development adventure. At the heart of Apple’s website lies Swift, the company’s robust and modern […]

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The Rise of Home-Based Businesses with Statistics for 2023

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 6th December 2023

A home-based business, also known as an HBB, offers a thrilling opportunity for entrepreneurs to flourish within the comforts of their own home office. What sets these businesses apart from traditional ones is their intimate size, typically consisting of only a few employees, often immediate family members.  This brings a unique quality to these ventures, […]

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The Positive Influences of Social Media: Surprising Insights

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 11th February 2024

Over the past two decades, social media has become an integral part of our lives, seamlessly blending into our daily routines and surpassing its status as a mere luxury to become a necessity. However, recent studies have sounded alarms about the detrimental effects of excessive social media usage.  These studies have cast a sombre cloud […]

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Jewellery Industry Statistics 2023: A Comprehensive Overview

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 21st January 2024

The jewellery industry is a colossal and far-reaching global sector with a valuation that stretches into the billions of dollars. It encompasses a diverse array of activities, spanning from the creative process of designing to the intricate stages of manufacturing, distribution, and, ultimately, the retail sale of jewellery.  When we mention “jewellery,” it’s important to […]

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