Ever found yourself in a pickle trying to select the ideal website builder for your agency? It’s a bit of an uphill struggle with such an overwhelming number of alternatives.

The web design industry is booming, with designers raking in an average annual wage of $79,890 as of May 2021! This article aims to take the biscuit by simplifying this complexity and presenting an easy-to-follow guide to choosing top-notch website builders designed expressly for agencies.

Key Takeaways

website builder for agencies
  • A good website builder for agencies should offer advanced customisation options, e-commerce capabilities, all-in-one solutions, responsive website creation, and a user-friendly interface.
  • Some top choices for website builders for agencies include WordPress, PageCloud, Podsite, Sitejet, and Webflow.
  • Factors to consider when choosing a website builder include defining your website’s goals, considering your budget, assessing your coding skills if applicable, and evaluating customer support and security features.

What Makes a Good Website Builder for Agencies?

A good website builder for agencies should offer advanced customisation options, e-commerce capabilities, all-in-one solutions, responsive website creation and a user-friendly interface.

Advanced Customisation Options

You need advanced customisation options in a website builder. These tools let you change your site to match your brand. They can add unique design templates and special styles. Some builders allow custom coding for more control over the look and feel of your website.

Builders like Pagecloud make templates that are easy to change as you want. This helps create sites that stand out, drawing more people to them. Options like JavaScript events and tailored templates for agencies can be very useful, too.

website builder for agencies

E-commerce Capabilities

A good website builder lets you build your online store without trouble. They give you the right tools to show your products and get paid for them. Shopify is a helpful choice here. It gives you everything you need, such as a place to list all your items and a way to take the money.

Wix also does this well with its easy-to-use system and ways to make the site look how you want it. Website builders like these help more people find out about what you sell, too! The goal is simple—put up your shop on the web using a friendly tool, draw in shoppers, and start selling.

All-in-One Solutions

All-in-one solutions are a big help for marketing agencies. They let you handle many websites at the same time. These tools don’t just make websites; they do more than that. They have features like online store-making and adding e-commerce to a website.

All these jobs can be done from one place, one tool! This is great for people who work alone or in small teams. It makes their job easier and faster because they don’t need to switch between different tools and platforms.

Responsive Website Creation

Responsive website creation is a must for all agencies. It allows your site to fit any screen size. This can be a big phone, a small laptop, or even a large desktop! This makes it easy for everyone to use your site.

Visitors can enjoy the clean look and easy-to-use layout.

A good website builder lets you make responsive sites with ease. They come with tools that adjust content and design based on screen size. Even if you change something, the site stays user-friendly. It keeps everything in order and simple to find.

Design flexibility is also part of making responsive websites. You don’t want your pages looking cut off or out of place on smaller screens! With this in mind, choosing a builder that offers great design options helps a lot.

It’s not enough for a website to just be pretty, though! It should also perform well no matter where it’s viewed from. Fast loading times keep visitors happy as they browse through what you have to offer.

User-Friendly Interface

A user-friendly interface is key in a good website builder for agencies. It’s all about being easy to use, even for beginners. Mobile compatibility means your site works well on phones and tablets, too.

This is part of what we call responsive design. All users should have access as well, making it inclusive. A clear layout helps people find what they need quickly on your site. This comes from thoughtful navigation structure and streamlined content organisation.

And don’t forget: the text must be clear and quick to read! The best builders keep these points in mind when creating their interfaces.

Top Website Builders for Agencies

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Website Builder for Agencies 1

When it comes to website builders for agencies, there are several options that stand out in terms of advanced customisation options, e-commerce capabilities, all-in-one solutions, responsive website creation, and user-friendly interfaces.

Some of the top choices include WordPress, PageCloud, Podsite, Sitejet, and Webflow.


WordPress is a top choice for many businesses looking to build great websites. It powers over 36% of the top 1 million websites, including big names like Bloomberg and Nike. With WordPress, you can create an awesome website without needing to code.

They offer website templates and a drag-and-drop editor that makes building your website easy. You can choose from many design options to make your agency’s site stand out. There are also agencies that focus only on WordPress sites if you need extra help with web design or digital strategy.

Companies like XWP, DevriX, and WebDevStudios are there for you if needed.


PageCloud is a top tool for business owners. Its drag-and-drop feature means you can build your site with ease. You pick text, images or buttons and drop them where you want.

This gives you complete control over the look of your site. PageCloud doesn’t stop there, though. It has smart tools that use AI to help create content for your site. With these special features, your websites will perform well and stand out from others out there on the internet.

If you run an online shop, PageCloud is a great choice, too! You can design a beautiful storefront with it and manage all parts of selling goods online using it. Marketers should note that this tool also helps to grow an online presence in addition to building professional-looking sites.

Users around the world love how easy-to-use Pagecloud is, and they love the freedom its custom templates offer them as they create their dream websites.


If you’re looking for a website builder that’s perfect for your marketing agency, Podsite is a great option. It offers advanced customisation options, allowing you to create a unique and professional website.

Plus, it has e-commerce capabilities, so you can easily set up an online storefront and manage inventory and sales. Podsite also provides hosting services and a user-friendly interface, making it easy to build and manage your site.

With its responsive website creation feature, your site will look great on any device. Overall, Podsite is an all-in-one solution that meets the needs of digital marketing agencies.


Sitejet is an all-in-one web design platform designed specifically for agencies and freelancers like you. With Sitejet, you can deliver high-quality web designs to your clients while maximising your profits.

The platform allows you to effectively manage every aspect of your projects from one place, making it easy to stay organised and streamline your workflow.

One of the standout features of Sitejet is its seamless integration of website creation and project management. This means that you can build beautiful websites for your clients while also keeping track of deadlines, tasks, and client communication.

Sitejet provides a ticketing system, project manager, and client portal, making it easy for you to collaborate with clients and keep everyone on the same page.

If you’re looking for a website builder that combines powerful design capabilities with efficient project management tools, then Sitejet is definitely worth considering. Its user-friendly interface ensures that even if you don’t have advanced coding skills or technical expertise, you’ll still be able to create stunning websites for your clients.


Webflow is a website builder that allows agencies like yours to create professional websites without coding. It’s a visual canvas that helps bridge the gap between design mocks and final products, making it easier to see what your website will actually look like.

With Webflow, you can make faster iterations during the design review process, so you can efficiently make changes and adjustments. It also has a familiar user interface for working with code visually, which makes it accessible for design teams.

Plus, Webflow emphasises design features and animations, making it popular among designers who want to bring their websites to life.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Website Builder

When choosing a website builder, it is important to define your website’s goals, consider your budget, assess your coding skills, and evaluate customer support and security features.

Define Your Website’s Goals

When building a website for your agency, it is important to define its goals. Consider what you want to achieve through your website and who your target audience is. This will help guide the design and functionality of the site.

By identifying your objectives, you can ensure that the website aligns with the needs of your agency and effectively communicates your message to potential clients.

Consider Your Budget

When choosing a website builder for your agency, it’s important to consider your budget. You want to find an option that is affordable and fits within your financial limitations. Website builders offer different pricing options, with monthly fees starting as low as $9.99.

However, it’s essential to keep in mind that additional expenses may arise, such as hiring help for set-up and maintenance. Take the time to plan your finances and choose a cost-effective solution that meets both your needs and budgetary constraints.

Assess Your Coding Skills

When choosing a website builder for your agency, it’s important to assess your coding skills. Building a website from scratch requires technical expertise and programming proficiency.

You need to have a good understanding of programming languages like HTML and CSS, as well as web development skills. If you don’t have these skills, consider taking coding boot camps that can provide the necessary knowledge to help you build your own website.

By assessing your coding skills, you can make an informed decision on whether to use a website builder or delve into coding yourself.

Evaluate Customer Support and Security Features

When choosing a website builder for your agency, it’s important to evaluate the customer support and security features. Good customer support is crucial in case you need assistance or troubleshooting help with your website.

Look for a website builder that offers reliable technical support and prompt responses to your inquiries. Additionally, consider the security features provided by the platform. You want to make sure that your client’s websites are protected from threats and vulnerabilities.

Look for features like regular backups, SSL certificates, and strong password protection to keep your websites secure.


Finding the right website builder is essential for agencies looking to create professional and customisable websites. With advanced customisation options, e-commerce capabilities, and user-friendly interfaces, website builders like WordPress, PageCloud, Podsite, Sitejet, and Webflow are excellent choices for agencies.

Consider your goals, budget, coding skills, customer support and security features when choosing a website builder that meets your agency’s needs. Start building your agency’s online presence today with a reliable and responsive website builder!


1. How does a website builder for agencies work?

A website builder for agencies is a tool that allows agencies to create and design websites without coding knowledge, using pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop features.

2. Can I customise the design of my agency’s website with a website builder?

Yes, you can customise the design of your agency’s website with a website builder by choosing from different templates, changing colours and fonts, and adding your own content and images.

3. Is it easy to update and maintain a website built with a website builder?

Yes, it is easy to update and maintain a website built with a website builder, as you can make changes in real time without needing technical skills or contacting developers.

4. Can I add additional features, such as contact forms or social media integration, to my agency’s website?

Yes, most website builders offer additional features like contact forms, social media integration, galleries, blogs, and more that allow you to enhance the functionality of your agency’s site.

5. Do I need any coding experience to use a website builder for agencies?

No coding experience is required to use a website builder for agencies as they are designed specifically for users without programming knowledge.

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