Author Profile

Nouran Ashraf

Nouran Ashraf

10 articles published since June 25, 2023

Nouran is a passionate copyeditor and content writer with a deep love for language. She excels at crafting clear and compelling content, carefully balancing words and punctuation. Outside of her professional work, Nouran enjoys exploring literature, history, and cultures. She is particularly drawn to anime for its storytelling and vibrant characters. Nouran strives to connect language, culture, and storytelling in her work, aiming to create content that resonates with audiences and fosters meaningful connections.

Posts by Nouran Ashraf:

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Website Builder for Agencies

Nouran AshrafNouran Ashraf // 14th January 2024

Ever found yourself in a pickle trying to select the ideal website builder for your agency? It’s a bit of an uphill struggle with such an overwhelming number of alternatives. The web design industry is booming, with designers raking in an average annual wage of $79,890 as of May 2021! This article aims to take […]

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E-commerce Business Statistics You Need to Know NOW

Nouran AshrafNouran Ashraf // 14th January 2024

Feeling a bit swamped by the sheer surge of e-commerce and struggling to stay in step with its trends? It’s completely normal; it can be rather daunting, especially when faced with statistics revealing that global e-commerce sales exceeded an incredible $5.7 trillion in 2022! This blog is designed to slice through this knotty confusion and […]

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What Is a Programming Language? An Introduction to Coding

Nouran AshrafNouran Ashraf // 14th January 2024

Ever found yourself asking, “What is a programming language?” Trust us, you’re not alone on that score. It was this very sense of intrigue that led us to delve deeper into this intricate universe. With over 700 variants swirling around us, consider this blog post your trusty compass, steering you deftly through definitions, categories, merits […]

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Best Programming Language for an E-commerce Website

Nouran AshrafNouran Ashraf // 14th January 2024

Baffled about the ideal programming language for your e-commerce website? You’re not alone. We’ve all been there, particularly when you realise that a staggering 97.4% of all websites are churning out magic with JavaScript, according to W3Techs data. This little read will walk you through top-drawer languages like Python, Java, PHP and more, shedding light […]

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Fastest WordPress Hosting Providers

Nouran AshrafNouran Ashraf // 17th October 2023

In this highly competitive online world, every second counts. No one wants to visit a website that takes even five whole seconds to load, and no one wants to build such a website—this can lead users to storm off your site as fast as they can, leading to potential losses and bad site performance.  Since […]

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Best WordPress Calendar Plugins For You

Nouran AshrafNouran Ashraf // 31st August 2023

Plugins are an important key feature of a successful WordPress website. There are all kinds of plugins out there that you can install onto your WordPress site to further aid you, including security, SEO, and ranking plugins, among many others. There are even ones to help enhance the overall look of your websites. Among these are […]

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Your Ultimate Guide to Google PageSpeed Insights

Nouran AshrafNouran Ashraf // 12th December 2023

Searching for a free tool to test your website’s speed? Google PageSpeed Insights is perfect! Here, we will break down what you need to check when your website has a problem with speed.  There might be a lot of reasons your blog post is not getting the traffic you desire, despite being an amazingly written […]

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Best Aesthetic Chrome Extensions for a Personalised Browser

Nouran AshrafNouran Ashraf // 28th August 2023

Personalising your Chrome browser can sometimes help motivate you to get more work done. Luckily, Chrome is a mine of aesthetic extensions that can take your already existing functions to another level, giving you the space to express yourself just a little to make everything more homey and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The aesthetic […]

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Top Website Builder Platforms for Your Business

Nouran AshrafNouran Ashraf // 10th October 2023

Thinking of building a website for your brand? If your answer is anything other than “yes,” you need to think again. Having a website for your business can help you connect to a bigger audience, hence a boost in sales. This is why building your website and investing in designing its layout can be the […]

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GTmetrix: Everything You Need to Know About This Easy-to-Use Speed Testing Tool

Nouran AshrafNouran Ashraf // 25th June 2023

Have you ever visited a website so slow that you immediately closed the tab and checked other suggested results? This might be one of the worst nightmares for a website owner. A slow-loading picture on a clothing website can throw off any potential customers, resulting in unintentional losses and low revenue. But it’s not just […]

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