Content marketing isn’t just an important tool that can help you promote and grow your business; it can be a way to engage directly with customers to transform your company.

Unlike traditional marketing techniques that pitch products and services directly to consumers, content marketing uses quality content to drive people to your company’s site. 

This same content can build a following, generate leads and boost product sales over time.

The benefits of content marketing training are numerous, yet many business owners hesitate to incorporate content marketing in their overall marketing strategy.

This is partly due to a lack of knowledge or training in the content marketing field. However, the basics of content marketing and how to create a content marketing strategy can be easily outlined.

getting started with content marketing for your business
What Is Content Marketing? Why is it Important?

Why Use Content Marketing for your business?

Content marketing offers several advantages over traditional marketing methods and techniques:

Cost Efficiency 

Content marketing is less costly than traditional advertising as you won’t have to pay for advertising space. You can also publish on social media for free or boost content for a relatively small charge. 

Depending on your business and personnel, you may need to hire a content development team or contact a content marketing company for help with the content itself.


By creating relevant, timeless content, you can benefit from the positive effects of content marketing for years to come. Once you post content online, it will hold value the entire time it’s on your site. 

As you gain experience in content development, you can upgrade your marketing strategy to meet the growing needs of your business.


Content marketing can be easily combined into other strategies to enhance your marketing campaign. Its multi-functional services make content creation an effective and productive tool in your marketing strategy.

content creation on youtube
Content marketing is one of the most effective methods of growing audience engagement, developing a brand’s presence and driving sales. Image credit: Stray Media

Getting Started

Learning the basics of content marketing before jumping in prematurely can result in a long-term solution instead of a hasty decision.

Step 1: Create a Content Marketing Strategy 

This will give you clarity in how to proceed with your content marketing efforts. Your statement should address such aspects as target audience, brand values and ideal outcomes of your campaign.

Detailed instructions on creating different types of content:

Blog Posts:

1. Planning:

  • Define your target audience: Who are you writing for? What are their needs and interests?
  • Choose a topic: What are you passionate about? What are your target audience’s pain points?
  • Research your topic: Gather information from credible sources.
  • Outline your blog post: Create a clear and logical structure.

2. Writing:

  • Start with a strong headline: Grab the reader’s attention.
  • Write in a clear and concise style.
  • Use strong calls to action: Tell readers what you want them to do next.
  • Optimize your post for SEO: Use relevant keywords and meta descriptions.

3. Editing and publishing:

  • Proofread your post carefully.
  • Format your post for readability.
  • Use images and videos to break up your text.
  • Promote your post on social media and other channels.


1. Planning:

  • Choose a topic that is data-driven.
  • Gather your data from credible sources.
  • Decide on a visual style: Will you use charts, graphs, or illustrations?
  • Sketch out your infographic: Arrange your data in a logical and visually appealing way.

2. Design and development:

  • Use a design tool like Canva or Adobe Illustrator.
  • Use high-quality images and graphics.
  • Keep your text concise and easy to read.
  • Make sure your infographic is mobile-friendly.

3. Publishing and promotion:

  • Share your infographic on social media and relevant websites.
  • Embed your infographic on your blog or website.
  • Promote your infographic to relevant influencers.


1. Planning:

  • Choose a topic that is engaging and visually appealing.
  • Write a script: This will help you stay organized and focused.
  • Storyboard your video: This will help you plan your shots and transitions.
  • Gather your equipment: You will need a camera, microphone, and editing software.

2. Filming and editing:

  • Shoot your video in a well-lit environment.
  • Use clear audio.
  • Edit your video to be concise and engaging.
  • Add music and sound effects.

3. Publishing and promotion:

  • Upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Share your video on social media.
  • Promote your video to relevant websites and blogs.

Additional Tips:

  • Always be authentic and genuine in your content.
  • Create content that is valuable and informative.
  • Be consistent with your content marketing efforts.
  • Track your results and make adjustments as needed.

Here are some resources that you may find helpful:

Content Marketing; Are You Writing for Your Ideal Customers?

Step 2: Choose a Target Audience 

What segment of society do you want to reach? Who would be most interested or benefit the most from what you have to offer? These are the people you’ll target with your content. 

Specifying your demographics makes it easier to tailor content to their specific needs. It also makes it easier to get to know those you’re trying to reach. Knowing your audience – their likes, dislikes, interests, habits and mindsets – is imperative to growing your customer base.

Step 3: Identify Your Niche 

What’s your niche? Be explicit. A unique niche could give you greater scope as a business, especially if your competitors are few. It also provides greater opportunity to establish yourself as a leader in your field.

Having a specific niche often goes in hand with a loyal customer base, as they believe that your distinct product or service has added value to their lives.

Step 4: Set Goals

What do you want to accomplish through your content marketing campaign? 

Make a list of short and long term goals based on what’s best for your business. Then create content that will help you achieve your objective.

Goals set the direction for what needs to happen for your product or service to do well in the market and are the foundation of the plan you build to get there.

Step 5: Determine Brand Values and Voice

Your brand’s core values and voice help distinguish it from other brands on the market. Before developing content, determine what your values and voice will be. 

Do you want your brand to carry a formal or informal voice? A casual or authoritative tone?  Your content should align with your brand’s voice and values so people will know who you are.

Content Marketing For Your Business: Getting Started in 5 Steps 1
According to Content Marketing Institute, creating content helps your business build a relationship with your audience, particularly when the brand’s voice is already established and relevant. Image credit:

Key Ingredients of a Content Marketing Campaign

Most content marketing campaigns are composed of key ingredients that help produce positive results:

Core Blog

A strong core blog can provide a good foundation for launching a content market campaign. Your blog can be used for posting original articles, images, videos, infographics and more. 

You can experiment with different types of contents on your blog to see what resonates best with your readers. A blog is a good platform to introduce and promote personal brands, conduct surveys or have Q&A sessions with your readers.

Guest Posts

Guest posting is a technique where you write for a website or blog that isn’t your own. The post can include a link to your own website, and possibly an acknowledgement at the end.

Producing guest posts for external sites will give you exposure in your line of expertise – they improve visibility for your brand and content. 

Guest posts can spread information about your business and drive traffic to your website, while boosting your search engine performance.

How to Increase Content Engagement? Reinventing Content Marketing with Nick Mason #OnlineMarketing

Ongoing Marketing Strategies

By incorporating content marketing with other marketing techniques, you can maximize exposure and increase traffic to your site. Content marketing works well with a wide range of promotional strategies to include email, social media, SEO, paid advertising and others.

Some of the best promotional strategies include: Social Media, SEO, SEO Audit, Black Hat SEO, Grey Hat SEO, SEO Title, PPC, Display Advertising and Online Advertising

Social Media Marketing

Social media can help you reach a larger audience in a relatively short amount of time.  Knowing your audience enables you to direct your content to the sites they frequent most. 

As publishing on social media is free, you save money while getting quality exposure that can help you develop a following. Social media’s also a great way to engage with your audience.

Social media platforms to consider: LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Tumblr and YouTube.

Marketing Team and Budget

Content marketing works best when done in teamwork. You’ll need to establish a team of dedicated marketers who are loyal to your brand. 

This team could consist of talented writers, web designers, an editor, analyst, publishing manager and anyone else you feel could contribute to your marketing cause. 

You’ll also need a realistic budget to conduct a quality content marketing campaign. Your budget should coincide with your marketing vision and goals.

Means of Measuring Performance

Every content marketing campaign should have a system of measuring marketing progress and performance. You need to know if your marketing plan and tactics are working. If not, you can see how to tweak your strategy to improve your results. 

You may need to experiment with different approaches, content types, distribution channels and even team members before finding a strategy that works for you.

Measuring performance of a marketing campaign
Measuring the performance of a campaign can create a long-term view of the business, ensuring actions are aligned with the company’s goals. Image credit: Unsplash @hostreviews

Content Development

Content development will be the backbone of your content marketing strategy. By putting together a skilled content development team, you can ensure this job gets done. 

Your content development team can be responsible for topic selection, production, editing, publication and distribution of quality content for your site.

Some things to know:

Topic Selection

Quality content begins with selecting the right topics for your audience. Your topics should fulfill the needs of your target audience and provide valuable information within your particular niche. If you’re not sure what to write about, ask your readers. 

Take a survey to see what your audience would like you to cover and how they’d like the data conveyed. Read through customer comments to get an idea of what’s resonating with your readers and what’s not.

Types of Content

There are multiple types of content you can work with to round out your marketing campaign. If you’re new to content marketing, you may prefer starting out with blog posts. 

Blog posts are fairly simple to produce on a regular basis. As you gain experience, you can add images or graphs to your text or integrate interactive content like videos, live interviews, quizzes, surveys, etc.

By studying successful marketing strategies used by some of your competitors, you could get ideas on the types of content and topics people are most interested in within your industry.

Content Schedule

Publishing content on a regular basis will help you build a following. Regular posting requires that you dedicate time and effort to develop the quality content your target audience needs. 

Decide how often you want to publish – weekly, biweekly, monthly – and schedule your posts to make sure they get done.

Scheduling content for blog posts
Creating blog posts is recommended to beginners of content marketing. Image credit: Robly

Checks and Balances

Content development is a process that involves research, writing, editing, proofing, publishing and delivering the goods. Working as a team ensures every aspect of the process is covered with as little complications and delays as possible. 

Teamwork also helps to reduce mistakes in your content that could diminish its value. By the time your content is ready to be published, it should be well polished and flawless.

Promotional Management

It takes time for a content marketing campaign to show results. Having someone manage the promotional aspects of your campaign will help keep it flowing smoothly and on track towards accomplishing your goals.

Your promotional manager can research the best channels for distributing your content to give it maximum exposure so you can earn the maximum results.

There are other distribution channels, beyond websites and blogs, to get your message across:

Social Media

Social media platforms are not only popular, they’re free (aside from paid posts), making them the number one choice of business owners when launching a content marketing campaign.

Rather than post on every site, however, you can narrow your choices to those most visited by your target audience. Social media can open a whole new world for your content by greatly expanding your viewers.


Email marketing may be more on the traditional side, but it’s still a viable means of getting your message across. A well-planned email campaign can be an effective tool in your marketing strategy.

Having an eye-catching title to begin with is sure to grab the attention of consumers for a higher open rate. An example being Shutterfly’s successful email marketing campaign, where they sent emails about previous orders – “Your Order #…”. They found that when email subject lines mention the order number, it becomes clear to customers that the email contains information important to them (LinkedIn).

Paid advertising can help boost traffic to your site so viewers can see what you have to offer. You can showcase some of your best work on a landing page and use pay-per-click ads to drive traffic there.

Word of Mouth

Word of mouth provides a personal touch to your marketing efforts and can be put into effect when conversing with customers on sales calls.

Creating an organic buzz around your business by doing something good or charitable can always create a positive impression on the target audience of your business.

For example, TOMS became a famous, massively profitably shoe company with the help of the viral popularity of their One-for-One business proposition. When you buy one pair of shoes from TOMS, one pair is also donated to a child in need of shoes. This was seen as a form of consumer-driven charity and, as a result, the company’s sales boomed.

Word of mouth in action between two women
Word of mouth promotion helps build positive feelings towards your business, which further helps establish your company’s brand. Image credit: Unsplash @amyhirschi

Metrics for Measuring Performance

Content marketing is an ongoing learning experience that can open your business to bigger and better opportunities for the future.

With the use of key performance indicators (KPIs), you can measure the effectiveness of your content marketing training to make sure you’re progressing towards your goals. KPI metrics can indicate how you’re doing in different aspects of your campaign, such as number of followers, sales, conversions, etc.

KPI metrics, however, fall short when it comes to highlighting weaknesses in your campaign or showing ways to tweak your strategy to improve performance. By analysing the performance of content on an individual basis using metrics (such as Google Analytics), you can get a better idea of what’s working and what’s not.

Content Marketing Vs Digital Marketing Explained | Use them in Building Your Brand Online

Advanced strategies for content promotion and distribution:

1. Content repurposing:

  • Create multiple versions of your content for different channels. For example, you could turn a blog post into an infographic, a video, or a social media post.
  • Use content repurposing tools like or Lumen5.
  • Share your repurposed content across all of your marketing channels.

2. Paid promotion:

  • Run social media ads to reach a wider audience.
  • Use native advertising platforms like Outbrain or Taboola.
  • Consider guest blogging on relevant websites.

3. Influencer marketing:

  • Partner with influencers in your niche to promote your content.
  • Offer incentives for influencers to share your content.
  • Use influencer marketing platforms like Buzzsumo or Traackr.

4. Content communities:

  • Join online communities where your target audience hangs out.
  • Share your content in relevant forums and groups.
  • Participate in discussions and engage with other members.

5. Public relations:

  • Pitch your story to journalists and bloggers.
  • Submit your content to online directories and publications.
  • Attend industry events and conferences.

6. Viral campaigns:

  • Create content that is designed to be shared.
  • Run contests and giveaways.
  • Use social media challenges to generate buzz.

7. Paid search advertising:

  • Run ads on search engines like Google and Bing.
  • Target relevant keywords with your ad campaigns.
  • Create compelling ad copy that drives clicks.

8. Email marketing:

  • Build an email list of subscribers.
  • Send out regular newsletters with your latest content.
  • Use email marketing automation to personalize your messages.

9. Syndication:

  • Syndicate your content on other websites and blogs.
  • Use a content syndication platform like Outbrain or Taboola.
  • Promote your syndicated content on social media.

10. SEO:

  • Optimize your website for search engines.
  • Use relevant keywords throughout your content.
  • Build backlinks to your website.

Additionally, here are some advanced techniques you can consider:

  • Livestreaming: Host live Q&A sessions or webinars related to your content.
  • Interactive content: Create quizzes, polls, and other interactive experiences.
  • Personalized content: Tailor your content to individual user preferences.
  • Social listening: Monitor social media conversations to identify relevant trends and topics.
  • Content marketing analytics: Track your results and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.


1. What are the benefits of content marketing?

Content marketing offers numerous benefits for businesses, including:

  • Increased website traffic and leads
  • Improved brand awareness and reputation
  • Higher customer engagement and loyalty
  • Boosted sales and conversions
  • Enhanced SEO and organic search ranking

2. What are the different types of content marketing?

There are many different types of content marketing, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some popular examples include:

  • Blog posts
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Ebooks
  • Case studies
  • Webinars
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing

3. How much does content marketing cost?

The cost of content marketing can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size and scope of your campaign, the type of content you create, and the resources you have available. However, content marketing is generally considered a cost-effective marketing strategy.

4. How do I track the ROI of my content marketing?

There are a number of ways to track the ROI of your content marketing efforts, including:

  • Website traffic: Track the number of visitors to your website and how they found you.
  • Lead generation: Track the number of leads generated by your content.
  • Sales conversion: Track the number of leads that convert into paying customers.
  • Social media engagement: Track the number of likes, shares, and comments your content receives.

5. What are the most common mistakes businesses make with content marketing?

Some of the most common mistakes businesses make with content marketing include:

  • Not having a clear strategy
  • Creating low-quality content
  • Not promoting your content enough
  • Not measuring your results


Content marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses achieve their marketing goals. By creating high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience, you can attract more visitors to your website, generate more leads, and close more deals.

Here are some key takeaways from this article:

  • Content marketing is a cost-effective way to reach your target audience.
  • There are many different types of content marketing, so you can find what works best for your business.
  • It is important to track the ROI of your content marketing efforts.
  • Avoid common mistakes such as not having a clear strategy or not promoting your content enough.

For more advice or information, get in touch with us today.

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