After the pandemic, the dream of ditching the office altogether and embracing the freedom of remote work has become a reality for millions. Increased productivity, cost saving, more flexibility and freedom, less stress, and a generally elevated level of work-life balance are all benefits of working from home.

Yet, with that freedom comes a challenge: taming the time beast. Gone are the structured schedules and defined boundaries of the traditional workplace. Now, your home office is your command centre, where every chime of the doorbell threatens to derail your workflow and can open the way for another nasty beast: procrastination.

Fear not, fellow remote warriors! Whether you are a seasoned remote veteran or a newbie just setting foot in your home office, this article is your guide to mastering time management in the wild frontier of remote work. We will equip you with strategies to gain control of your day, slay the procrastination dragon, and transform your productivity into a shining beacon of efficiency.

So, grab your coffee, settle into your favourite corner of your home office, and prepare to become the master of your remote work destiny.

Understanding Remote Work Dynamics

Time Management for Remote Workers

Remote work, characterised by its departure from traditional office settings, introduces a distinctive set of dynamics that significantly impact how individuals manage their time. 

Understanding these unique aspects, compared to the traditional way of work, is crucial for remote workers to navigate the challenges and exploit the benefits of this evolving work model.

Flexibility and Autonomy

The first and foremost aspect of remote work that millions of people get to enjoy is its unparalleled flexibility in terms of setting one’s work hours. Such flexibility allows individuals to tailor their schedules to align with their peak productivity periods, promoting a personalised approach to task management.

Remote work also empowers individuals with a heightened sense of autonomy. The ability to control one’s work environment and make decisions independently can enhance job satisfaction and creativity.

Yet, since great responsibility usually comes with every great power, with autonomy comes the responsibility of self-management. Anyone working remotely must be adept at setting goals, prioritising tasks, and maintaining discipline to ensure consistent productivity.

Home Office

Remote work cuts the need for commuting, reduces stress, and provides more time for personal activities. For most people, the home environment offers a more comfortable and personalised setting compared to a traditional office. They can make the changes they want to make their home office as appealing and encouraging as possible, potentially fostering a positive work atmosphere.

However, it is also home that is rife with potential distractions—household chores, family members, your fluffy grey cat who loves to sit on your lap or keyboard, personal phone calls, noise from the neighbour next door fighting with her teenage son, or even the sudden allure of non-work-related activities.

Besides wasting time and sabotaging focus, interrupting the workflow by frequently engaging with these distractions removes the boundaries between work and personal life, and the home office quickly morphs into an extension of the work environment, and vice versa.

This makes it incredibly difficult to “switch off”, and many people keep working sometimes until midnight to compensate for the time they wasted during the day. Some may even work during weekends.

Then, it is not long until those people get the feeling that they are working all the time and are not getting enough time for themselves to recharge. This quickly leads to burnout and negatively impacts their well-being.

The solution? Establishing clear boundaries. Individuals need to set dedicated working hours. They have to determine when their workday starts and when it should end and develop a strategy to deal with distractions during this time to prevent wasting time and losing focus. Knowing that there is dedicated time for leisure and personal pursuits is crucial for maintaining mental and physical health, preventing burnout, and sustaining long-term productivity.

Another point is that the lack of physical separation between home and office provides a false belief of constant availability. That is why setting boundaries extends beyond individual practices.

Individuals must get clear about their availability, response times, and work hours with their managers and colleagues to ensure they are all on the same page, reduce misunderstandings, mitigate feelings of overwhelm, create a more manageable and sustainable work environment and enhance overall productivity.

The cherry on the top? Clearly defined boundaries also foster respect for personal space and time among colleagues and supervisors. This mutual respect is essential for maintaining positive work relationships and preventing potential conflicts.

Let’s also not forget the fact that working from home encourages sedentary lifestyles characterised by prolonged periods of sitting and minimal physical activity, which may have pervasive and detrimental effects on both physical and mental health. That is why taking regular breaks and incorporating exercise into the workday is essential for maintaining physical and mental health.

Digital Communication

Another aspect of remote work is its heavy reliance on digital communication tools, and like everything, this has its good and bad sides.

On the one hand, digital communication allows for instant transmission of information of various forms, such as images, videos, and documents, enhancing the richness of communication, facilitating quick decision-making, enabling seamless collaboration, and opening the door for a global talent pool. Digital communication also often leaves a trail, providing a more reliable record of conversations and transactions for future reference.

Compared to traditional forms of communication, digital methods are more cost-effective, especially for long-distance or international interactions.

Yet, one thing that is as serious as it is interesting about digital communication is how the lack of non-verbal cues—such as the tone of voice and body language—can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations, which themselves may affect relationships between colleagues. Almost everyone of us has that friend who got frustrated by something we said in a text without actually meaning it the way it did.

That is why most of our digital correspondence now often contains emojis. Emojis lighten the tone of the text and can specify certain emotions or reactions that are otherwise represented by body language in offline communication.

The lack of face-to-face interactions can also lead to feelings of isolation. Maintaining team connections through virtual meetings, collaborative platforms, and informal communication channels is highly important for a healthy work environment.

There is also the overwhelm. The fact that anyone now can share information instantly has made almost everyone share as much information as they can. This overload of data often leaves many remote workers feeling overwhelmed, which has proven to reduce productivity and increase stress.

Digital communication is also susceptible to hacking, data breaches, and privacy issues, which raises concerns about the security of sensitive information. Even if everything remains nice and secure, we still have connectivity problems, software glitches, or hardware failures that can disrupt digital communication, causing delays and frustration. 

We have all seen how the whole world went on pause when WhatsApp was globally down for a few hours back in 2022.

Time Management Strategies for Remote Workers

Time Management for Remote Workers
Time Management Strategies for Remote Workers

Taking into consideration everything we have mentioned so far, time management is as tricky as it is indispensable for remote workers. In the next section, we are going to explore some effective strategies to make the best out of your time working from home and maintain a proper work-life balance.

1. Establishing a Structured Routine

In essence, a consistent daily routine acts as a guiding framework for remote workers, offering structure in an environment that can otherwise be characterised by fluidity and unpredictability. Embracing and emphasising the significance of a routine is a powerful tool for remote workers and does provide a set of benefits that help cultivate a fulfilling professional and personal life.

First of all, following a routine streamlines the allocation of time for different tasks. By designating specific time slots for work-related activities and personal commitments, remote workers can optimise their time and accomplish tasks more efficiently. This allows them to maintain a good work-life balance, which is indispensable for preventing burnout, sustaining job satisfaction, and fostering overall well-being.

Incorporating activities such as exercise, breaks, and meals into a daily routine also encourages the development of healthy habits. These habits, when consistently practised, contribute to both physical and mental wellness.

Such a consistent daily routine instils a sense of predictability and stability. It is easier to know what to expect each day, which helps remote workers feel more in control and reduces the uncertainty and decision fatigue that can come with the fluid nature of remote work. This, in return, allows remote workers to conserve mental energy, resulting in improved focus and concentration during work hours.

Following a routine also fosters a sense of discipline, which is instrumental in boosting productivity. When tasks become habitual parts of the daily routine, remote workers are more likely to accomplish their goals and meet deadlines consistently. Structured routines mitigate procrastination by creating a rhythm that minimises the temptation to postpone tasks or succumb to distractions.

Let’s also not forget the sense of accomplishment that stems from completing tasks according to a well-structured routine, which can positively impact motivation and self-esteem and reinforcing a cycle of productivity.

Establishing a Morning Routine

The famous video-sharing website YouTube is filled to the brim with content about morning routines and how they completely transformed the lives of millions, mainly by instilling a sense of discipline and time management.

Simply put, a morning routine is a set of activities or habits that individuals engage in consistently upon waking up. It typically includes personal rituals, self-care practices, and preparations for the day ahead. Commencing the day with a purposeful morning routine was found to have numerous benefits that extend beyond merely jumpstarting the day.

For instance, engaging in activities like morning exercise boosts blood circulation and releases endorphins, providing a natural energy boost. This heightened energy and alertness can enhance overall cognitive function throughout the day. Morning exercise also contributes to physical health by developing cardiovascular fitness, maintaining a healthy weight, and supporting muscular strength. It has long-term benefits for heart health, metabolism, and overall well-being.

Meditation, when incorporated into the morning routine, helps with calming the mind, reducing stress, and enhancing mental focus. Starting the day with mindfulness promotes clarity of thought, enabling better decision-making and problem-solving abilities. Both exercise and meditation are proven stress-reducing activities that better equip individuals to handle challenges and maintain a positive mindset throughout their workday.

Another thing that many people include in their morning routine is goal setting, which allows them to prioritise tasks and create a roadmap for the day ahead. This strategic approach boosts productivity by providing a clear direction and preventing a sense of aimlessness.

Speaking of duration, there is no one-size-fits-all answer for how long a morning routine should be. Some people take only 15 minutes to focus on essentials like hydration, breakfast, and getting dressed. Some spend between 30 and 60 minutes exercising, meditating, journaling, or reading to kick-start their day. Others like to take up to 90 minutes before they start their workday.

So, it all boils down to what you prefer and works best with your work style.

2. Creating a Dedicated Workspace

Setting boundaries between work tasks and personal commitments also extends to space—not space as in the cosmos but where in your home you work. Having a dedicated workspace signals the start of the workday and helps individuals mentally transition into a professional mindset. When the workday ends, leaving the workspace helps individuals mentally detach from professional responsibilities.

So, what exactly should such a dedicated workspace look like? 

While this does not necessarily require you to order a new home office set, rug included, from IKEA, you just need to make sure your home workspace enjoys the following:

  1. It has properly positioned furniture and equipment that promote good posture.
  2. The room is well-lit, preferably with natural light.
  3. Tools, documents, and resources are easily accessible, so less time is wasted searching for items.
  4. It is organised and clean to promote a sense of control and calmness.

Interestingly, a well-designed and organised workspace backdrop during virtual meetings contributes to a professional image. It conveys a sense of order and attention to detail, positively influencing how colleagues, clients, or supervisors perceive the remote worker.

More elaborately, to create a well-designed workspace, you can:

  1. Invest in an adjustable and comfortable chair, which provides lumbar support. Ensure that the chair makes your feet rest on the floor in a flat position and that your knees form a 90-degree angle. If your chair lacks sufficient padding, consider using a comfortable cushion to provide additional support and enhance comfort during prolonged sitting.
  1. Opt for a desk that is at a comfortable height, allowing your elbows to be close to your body and form a 90-degree angle when typing, with enough space under the desk for your legs. Position your desk near natural light if possible. Add task lighting to help reduce eye strain and keep it to the side of your monitor to minimise shadows.
  1. Add personal touches to your workspace, such as artwork or plants, to create a nice, pleasant and inspiring environment. Keep your desk clutter-free to minimise distractions and create a focused work atmosphere.
  1. Speaking of your monitor, make sure you place it at eye level to reduce strain on both your neck and upper back. Consider using a monitor stand or adjustable arm to achieve the optimal height. Position the monitor about an arm’s length away to reduce eye strain.
  1. Place your keyboard and mouse close enough to your body to avoid reaching or overreaching. Keep them at a comfortable height to reduce strain on your shoulders and wrists. 
  1. Invest in an ergonomic keyboard and a mouse, too, to minimise strain on your wrists and hands. Look for models that provide a natural hand position and support your typing and mousing activities.
  1. Keep cables organised to prevent tripping hazards and maintain a tidy workspace. Use cable organisers or clips to secure cables and prevent them from tangling.

Remember that individual preferences may vary, so it is crucial to adjust your setup based on your specific needs and comfort level. Make sure you regularly assess and adapt your home office environment to ensure that it remains ergonomic and conducive to your well-being.

3. Prioritising Tasks with Time Blocking

Time Management for Remote Workers
Prioritising Tasks with Time Blocking

Time blocking is that effective time management technique designed to help individuals take charge of their schedules and ensure that their time aligns with their priorities. It enhances productivity, optimises workflow, minimises distractions, and makes significant strides toward achieving their goals.

The key principle behind time blocking is to assign specific time periods to particular categories of work, ensuring that each task receives the right amount of time and the focused attention it deserves. Time blocking facilitates better time management by providing a clear roadmap for the day. When every task is allocated, there is no way the day slips away without meaningful progress.

This approach inherently encourages individuals to identify and prioritise their most crucial tasks. It ensures that important activities are not overshadowed by less critical, but perhaps more urgent, demands on their time. It also creates a focused environment for work. Knowing that a specific period is allocated for a particular task creates a sense of accountability and encourages individuals to tackle their to-do lists more promptly.

The structured nature of time blocking is also an effective deterrent to procrastination—we will delve more into how to beat procrastination in a bit. Having designated time slots for tasks helps minimise multitasking and distractions, promoting deeper concentration and higher-quality output.

Here is a simple guide on how to use time blocking:

  1. Identify Your Priorities: Decide what your most important tasks and goals for the day are. Consider both work-related and personal priorities.
  1. Allocate Time Blocks: Using a digital calendar, planner, or time management app, divide your day into distinct time blocks. These blocks could be based on hours or half hours, depending on your preference and the nature of your work. Be realistic about how much time is needed to complete each task, and avoid overloading your schedule.
  1. Assign Tasks to Each Block: Assign specific tasks or types of activities to each time block. Group similar tasks together to minimise context-switching and enhance focus. Do not forget to allocate time for personal activities, self-care, and any recurring commitments.
  1. Prioritise High-Value Tasks: Allocate your highest energy and focus periods to tasks that require the most attention. Reserve your peak productivity times for critical or challenging work.
  1. Include Breaks: Integrate short breaks between time blocks to rest and recharge. Breaks help prevent burnout and maintain overall well-being.
  1. Stick to the Schedule: Once you have created your time blocks, commit to them as closely as possible. Consistency is key to forming a productive routine.
  1. Flexibility and Buffer Time: Still, you must allow for some flexibility in your schedule and include buffer time between tasks. This helps accommodate unexpected interruptions or delays.
  1. Regularly Review and Adjust: Periodically review your time-blocking system to assess its effectiveness. Adjust the schedule based on changes in priorities, workload, or personal circumstances.

4. Setting Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is a great strategy for managing time, enhancing productivity and achieving meaningful outcomes. The SMART framework provides a clear and structured approach to goal-setting, increases the likelihood of success, and maintains a focused and purposeful approach to your work.

Here is how you can use this technique to set SMART goals:

  1. Specific (S): Clearly define your goal. Be specific about what you want to achieve, answering the questions: What, Why, and How? Make sure the goal is clear and well-defined, leaving no room for ambiguity. So, instead of a vague goal like “Exercise more,” a specific goal would be “Run five kilometres three times a week to improve cardiovascular fitness.”
  1. Measurable (M): Establish criteria to measure your progress. Quantify your goal so that you can track your achievements and know when you have reached the objective. For instance, rather than saying, “Read more books,” make it measurable by stating, “Read one book per month for the next six months.”
  1. Achievable (A): Make sure your goal is realistic and attainable. Consider your resources, skills, and time constraints. An achievable goal should stretch you slightly, but it should still be possible. If you are currently running one kilometre, for example, jumping to a marathon might be unrealistic. An achievable goal might be “Increase running distance to three kilometres within the next two months.”
  1. Relevant (R): Your goal must be relevant to all your objectives and align with your values. It should be worthwhile and meaningful to you, contributing to your larger plans. If your broader goal is to improve overall well-being, a relevant goal might be “Practise meditation for 10 minutes daily to reduce stress and enhance mental focus.”
  1. Time-bound (T): Set a deadline for achieving your goal. Having a specific time frame creates a sense of urgency and helps you stay focused. It also allows you to measure progress and celebrate achievements. Instead of saying, “Lose weight,” make it time-bound with “Lose five kilos within the next six weeks through a combination of regular exercise and a balanced diet.”

Make sure you regularly review your goals, track your progress, and allow adjustments when needed to stay on course.

4. Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination refers to the act of delaying, postponing, or avoiding important and sometimes unpleasant tasks and activities, especially those that require immediate attention, in favour of less demanding or more enjoyable ones.

Procrastination often occurs due to a combination of psychological factors like fear of failure, lack of motivation, and a preference for short-term pleasure over long-term gain. It can be linked to perfectionism, where individuals fear not meeting high standards, leading them to delay starting a task. Additionally, a lack of clear goals or a sense of overwhelm can contribute to putting tasks off.

The immediate rewards of avoiding a challenging task, coupled with the belief that there is still ample time to complete it, can also reinforce procrastination.

However, this nasty habit is pretty serious as it hinders goal attainment and diminishes overall productivity, impeding personal and professional success. Chronic procrastination even causes increased stress, anxiety, and a decline in mental well-being and can also strain relationships and compromise reliability in work or academic settings.

That is why overcoming procrastination is a must for better time management and improved productivity. Here are some practical tips to help you overcome procrastination:

  1. Use the Two-Minute Rule: If a task usually takes two minutes or less to complete, do it immediately. This prevents small tasks from accumulating and becoming sources of procrastination.
  1. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Break down big and overwhelming tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. Focusing on individual components makes the overall task less daunting.
  1. Set Deadlines: Establish realistic deadlines for tasks to create a sense of urgency. Self-imposed deadlines can be as effective as external ones, motivating you to complete tasks in a timely manner.
  1. Create a To-Do List: List your tasks in order of priority. This helps in organising your workload and provides a visual guide to follow. Focus on completing one task at a time and cross off completed tasks for a sense of accomplishment.
  1. Try the Pomodoro Technique: The Pomodoro technique involves dividing your work into focused intervals or cycles, typically 25 minutes each, followed by a short break. When you complete four cycles, take a longer break. This method helps in maintaining focus and preventing burnout.
  1. Use the “Eat That Frog” Technique: Tackle the most challenging or least appealing task first thing in the morning. This technique, popularised by Brian Tracy’s book “Eat That Frog,” helps in overcoming procrastination by eliminating the temptation to postpone difficult tasks.
  1. Eliminate Distractions: Identify and minimise potential distractions during work periods. Turn off unnecessary notifications, create a quiet workspace, and use tools like website blockers if needed.
  1. Visualise the End Result: Envisioning the positive outcomes of completing a task is a powerful motivator. Imagine the sense of accomplishment and the benefits of finishing the task to boost your motivation.
  1. Reward Yourself: Establish a reward system for when you complete tasks. Treat yourself to a break, a small snack, or an enjoyable activity after successfully finishing a task. This positive reinforcement encourages consistency.
  1. Accountability Partners: Make sure you share your goals with a friend, colleague, or family member who can serve as an accountability partner. The fact that someone is aware of your objectives can increase your commitment to completing them.
  1. Reflect on Consequences: Consider the consequences when not completing a task. Understanding the potential negative outcomes can provide added motivation to tackle the task promptly.

5. Taking Breaks and Avoiding Burnout

The demands of modern work often lead individuals to neglect breaks in the pursuit of productivity, but extended periods of concentration can lead to diminishing returns in terms of focus and attention, have detrimental effects on physical health and may potentially lead to burnout.

Burnout is that state of chronic emotional and physical exhaustion, often accompanied by feelings of cynicism and detachment from work responsibilities. It affects various aspects of an individual’s life, including their job performance, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.

Taking regular breaks plays a crucial role in preventing burnout, maintaining mental well-being, and boosting overall productivity. Short, regular pauses to engage in activities you enjoy, such as a short walk, listening to music, or practising mindfulness, help refresh the mind, prevent mental fatigue, and reset attention spans, allowing individuals to return to their tasks with improved concentration and mental clarity.

Sedentary work habits can also have negative effects on physical health. That is why taking regular breaks encourages movement, eliminating the risk of musculoskeletal issues and promoting overall well-being.

As we mentioned earlier, you need to plan your breaks in advance and schedule them within your time blocks. This ensures that you allocate specific times for breaks and are less likely to skip them. Incorporate longer breaks during the day, such as a lunch break. Use this time to recharge, eat a balanced meal, and engage in activities you enjoy.

However, breaks do not always have to be systematic. One way to determine when you can take a break is simply by listening to your body. Pay attention to your energy levels and concentration. When you feel fatigue or a drop in focus, it is a good indicator that a break is needed.

Likewise, breaks do not necessarily have to be long, so learn to incorporate short micro-breaks throughout the day. If you use the Pomodoro technique, for instance, take a short break of five minutes after every 25-minute work session. Stretch, stand up, or take a quick walk to refresh your mind and body. After completing a set number of sessions, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.

During your breaks, avoid staring at screens to reduce eye strain and mental fatigue. Step away from your desk or workstation to change your surroundings. Spend time in a different room and talk to your family members; a brief conversation can provide the mental break you want. You can also practise deep breathing or mindfulness exercises, go outside, or find a quiet space for relaxation.

Remember that the key is not just taking breaks but taking breaks that help you recharge. Experiment with different approaches to find what works best for you, and be consistent in prioritising regular breaks throughout your workday.


As we navigate this transformative era of work, let us recognise that time management is not just about squeezing more tasks into the day; it is about creating a life that is fulfilling both professionally and personally. By mastering time management, remote workers can sculpt a workday that is not just productive but also balanced and conducive to long-term success and happiness.

Yet, let’s always remember that the journey to mastering time management is personal, and the strategies that prove most effective may vary from one individual to another. It is about finding a rhythm that aligns with your own preferences, energy levels, and work style.


1. What are the four Ds of time management?

The 4 Ds of time management are: Do, which is performing the task immediately if it takes less than a few minutes. Delegate, as in assigning tasks to others when possible to lighten your workload. Delay includes postponing tasks that are not urgent or critical to a later time. Delete means to eliminate tasks that do not contribute significantly to your goals or priorities.

2. What are the four types of tasks?

Tasks can be categorised based on urgency and importance. There are urgent and important tasks, ones that are important but not urgent, urgent but not important tasks, and finally, there are tasks that are neither urgent nor important.

3. Are there specific tools or apps that can help improve time management skills?

Yes, numerous tools and apps are designed to enhance time management skills. Task management apps include Todoist or Asana. Toggl or RescueTime are time-tracking tools. Calendar apps like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook aid in scheduling and planning. Other time management apps include Forest and Focus@Will.

4. How can I deal with distractions to stay on track with my work?

To manage distractions and stay on track with work, you need to communicate your focused work periods to colleagues or family members, designate specific intervals for checking emails or messages, utilise tools that block distracting websites or apps during work hours, prioritise tasks and tackle them in focused sessions, allowing for breaks in between.

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