World Kindness Day: Interview with Little Penny Thoughts 1

It’s World Kindness Day, a day to highlight the little things that can make us kinder to not just other people, but also ourselves.

In times like now, the need to be kinder is more important than ever.

To celebrate this important day, we chatted to Annette Kelly, the founder of Little Penny Thoughts, an online platform based on promoting positivity. 

Famous on Instagram for her inspirational quotes, Annette created Little Penny Thoughts in 2015 to give her now 100,000+ followers a safe space to be motivated and uplifted daily.

She defines herself as a personal development and wellbeing advocate, and is also a writer and keynote speaker.

World kindness day: interview with little penny thoughts

In the interview, Annette discusses all things kindness from changing mindsets, to giving advice on how we can be kinder to others and ourselves in these unusual times.

Talking All Things Kindness with Annette Kelly of Little Penny Thoughts

How Did You Decide to Create This Platform of Positivity?

I felt that the online world can sometimes be quite negative, and we need daily reminders that can stop us in our tracks. 

The online world can be a fantastic resource – but it can be a double-edged sword at times.

I just wanted to create a place where people could go if they needed the lift. Or even if a quote came up on their timeline – it might make them pause and anchor them for the day ahead.

Even if they read at night, it can give them peace of mind and bring them a wee bit of contentment. 

Words are very powerful, they can hurt or heal, and I am all about those healing words.

Where Do You Find the Motivation to Inspire Kindness Continually?

It comes from within. It comes from a deep desire to help others, it comes from the reason I decided to start Little Penny Thoughts. I had the same motive now, that I did five years ago.

It comes from knowing we can all do our part to make a difference, no matter how small.

People’s messages of support motivate me as well – when people get good from something and give me feedback. That inspires me to keep going and continue. 

I never feel under pressure to post, it just comes naturally. None of my posts are scheduled, they just come from how I feel there and then, whether it is my own quote or someone else’s, I put it up in the hope that it can help others and that’s what motivates me.

What Advice Would You Give to People Who Are Struggling With Lockdown?

That everything in this life is temporary. The good times and the bad times. If people are struggling at the moment or are in a bit of a standstill, know that things can and will get better. 

If people do have more time on their hands, my advice would be to try and upskill themselves as much as possible, explore different avenues and pursue their passion. 

They can do a lot of inner work on themselves and what they want to do. Like I say, nothing in this life is permanent – and there’s so many opportunities – especially in this day and age to go down a new route. 

Even though it is a lot easier said than done, I believe there is always a way through.

World Kindness Day: Interview with Little Penny Thoughts 2
Annette Kelly of Little Penny Thoughts talks all things kindness for World Kindness Day.

With These Strange Times, How Important Is It to Be Kind to Yourself and Other People?

It is vital. It always was vital – but now more than ever. So many people are having inward battles that we don’t really know about. We have to be so compassionate towards other people’s situations, whether it be their personal or professional life.

But it all starts with yourself. If you’re that wee bit kinder to yourself, in turn you’ll be happier, and you’ll be kinder to others. 

That’s why your thoughts are very powerful, you have to think: ‘Are your thoughts serving you today?’ so the likes of battling your inner critic, you have to nip it in the bud and change your inner dialogue.

Being kind to yourself is one of the toughest things you can do, but it is one of the best things, because we can be our own worst critic. But when you become your own best friend, you make life easier for yourself.

I always say catch those thoughts, challenge them and change them.

What Can People Do to Be Kinder to Themselves With Current Restrictions?

It’s all about practicing self-care. Doing things that they enjoy, putting a wee bit of joy back into their life by focusing on their interests and connecting with the right people. Ultimately, it starts from within – if you’re kind to yourself, you can treat yourself.

It does not have to be materialistic things either, it can be things like going for a walk, or running a bath. Self-care comes in many different forms. But for me, kindness can result in you taking action to be good to yourself.

How Does Being Kind to Someone Make a Difference to Their Life?

We don’t know what everyone is going through, especially at the moment. It could be that one person that turns another person’s day around.

We have the ability to support each other, we are each other’s greatest resource and we can provide the moral support to help. As human beings, we need that human connection, so it is important to be as kind as possible because you can really help to turn around their day. 

The smallest act of kindness does go a long way.

What Small, Simple Acts of Kindness Can People Do for One Another?

The simplest act of kindness you can give someone is your time. 

We can be rushing about and be too busy for other people. But you need to take the time to communicate, make a phone call, visit at a distance while things are challenging. 

But first and foremost, give someone the time of day, you don’t know how that could impact their life. It is the little things that go a long way.

You can find Annette on the Little Penny Thoughts Instagram and website for her thoughts of the day, information on workshops and events, as well as her new stationery range. 

Research and Statistics on the Positive Impact of Kindness

Kindness isn’t just a feel-good notion; it’s a powerful force with demonstrably positive effects on individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Here’s a closer look at the research and statistics that highlight the transformative power of kindness:

Individual Benefits:

  • Mental and emotional well-being: Studies show that acts of kindness trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone associated with happiness, trust, and reduced stress. Kindness can also combat anxiety, depression, and loneliness, leading to greater emotional resilience.
  • Physical health: Research suggests that kindness can boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, and even reduce the risk of heart disease. Engaging in kind acts can also promote healthy behaviors like exercise and improve sleep quality.
  • Personal growth and development: Practicing kindness cultivates empathy, compassion, and self-esteem. It fosters a sense of purpose and connection, leading to increased happiness and personal satisfaction.

Community Impact:

  • Stronger social bonds: Acts of kindness create a ripple effect, fostering trust, cooperation, and a sense of belonging within communities. This leads to reduced conflict, increased social support, and a more positive overall environment.
  • Greater civic engagement: Kindness encourages individuals to actively participate in their communities, volunteer their time, and advocate for positive change. This fosters a more collaborative and inclusive society.
  • Reduced violence and crime: Studies suggest that communities with higher levels of kindness experience lower rates of violence and crime. This is likely due to increased trust, social cohesion, and a stronger sense of shared responsibility.

Societal Benefits:

  • Economic prosperity: Kindness can have a positive impact on the economy by promoting trust and cooperation within businesses, leading to increased productivity and innovation. Additionally, studies suggest that happier and healthier individuals are more engaged in the workforce and contribute more to the economy.
  • Reduced healthcare costs: Kindness can lead to a healthier population, potentially translating to lower healthcare costs due to decreased stress-related illnesses and improved overall well-being.
  • Sustainable development: Kindness encourages individuals to act more responsibly towards the environment and each other, fostering a more sustainable future for all.

Examples of Research and Statistics:

  • A 2019 study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that people who engaged in acts of kindness for six weeks experienced a decrease in loneliness and depression, and an increase in happiness and life satisfaction.
  • A 2015 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that witnessing acts of kindness triggers the release of oxytocin in the brain, promoting trust and cooperation.
  • A 2013 study published in the journal PLOS One found that communities with higher levels of perceived kindness had lower rates of violent crime.

Remember: These are just a few examples of the vast research highlighting the positive impacts of kindness. By incorporating kindness into our daily lives, we can create a ripple effect of positivity that benefits individuals, communities, and the world as a whole.

Engaging Acts of Kindness Tailored to Different Groups:

Fueling the spirit of kindness requires activities that resonate with various groups. Here are some ideas to inspire acts of creativity and compassion:


  • Create kindness cards: Decorate cards with positive messages and distribute them to neighbors, classmates, or frontline workers.
  • Organize a toy drive: Collect gently used toys and donate them to a local children’s hospital or shelter.
  • Bake treats for neighbors: Prepare simple cookies or brownies and share them with those around you.
  • Plant a community garden: Get together with other families and plant flowers, vegetables, or herbs to beautify your neighborhood.
  • Read books about kindness: Organize a story time session at a local library or daycare, focusing on stories that promote kindness and empathy.


  • Volunteer at a local animal shelter: Spend time playing with cats or dogs, or help with cleaning and walking duties.
  • Organize a neighborhood cleanup: Gather families and neighbors to pick up litter and beautify your community.
  • Cook a meal for someone in need: Deliver a home-cooked meal to an elderly neighbor, a new parent, or someone facing a challenging situation.
  • Write letters of appreciation: Compose heartfelt letters expressing gratitude to teachers, healthcare workers, or other deserving individuals.
  • Start a family gratitude jar: Each day, write down something you’re grateful for and add it to the jar. Share the contents at the end of the week or month.


  • Offer to run errands or do chores: Assist with grocery shopping, yard work, or other small tasks that might be challenging.
  • Visit a retirement home or senior center: Spend time chatting, playing games, or reading to residents.
  • Offer tech support: Help older adults learn how to use new technologies or troubleshoot technical issues.
  • Organize an intergenerational activity: Connect elderly individuals with younger generations through shared activities like gardening, crafting, or storytelling.
  • Plant a flowerbed: Create a beautiful and accessible flowerbed outside a senior center or assisted living facility.

Other Groups:

  • Support local businesses: Choose to shop at locally owned businesses or donate to their fundraising initiatives.
  • Leave positive messages in public places: Place uplifting notes or quotes on bus stops, park benches, or library bulletin boards.
  • Donate blood or plasma: Give the gift of life by donating blood or plasma at a local blood bank.
  • Mentor a young person: Share your knowledge and experience with a young person through a mentoring program.
  • Support a cause you care about: Volunteer your time or donate to an organization working on a cause you believe in.

Remember, the most important aspect of kindness is the genuine intention behind it. Choose activities that are feasible and meaningful for you and the recipient. Encourage others to join you, making kindness a contagious act that ripples through your community and beyond.

World Kindness Day: A Global Celebration of Compassion

World Kindness Day, observed on November 13th, transcends borders and cultures, uniting people under a common banner of empathy and compassion. While the core message remains universal, diverse regions around the world celebrate this day with unique traditions and initiatives, reflecting their local context and values.

Here’s a glimpse into the global tapestry of World Kindness Day:


  • Japan: “Omotenashi,” signifying selfless hospitality, is deeply ingrained in Japanese culture. On World Kindness Day, individuals practice acts of kindness towards strangers, colleagues, and family, strengthening social bonds.
  • India: The “Daan Utsav” festival encourages charitable giving and acts of service. Many participate in community service projects, donate to causes they support, and express gratitude to loved ones.
  • South Korea: The “Random Kindness Mission” movement promotes anonymous acts of kindness, such as paying for someone’s coffee or leaving encouraging notes in public places.


  • United Kingdom: The “Random Acts of Kindness Week,” leading up to World Kindness Day, encourages individuals and organizations to spread kindness through surprise gestures and community initiatives.
  • Italy: The “Settimana della Gentilezza” (Kindness Week) features workshops, conferences, and flash mobs promoting kindness as a core societal value.
  • France: The “Journée Internationale de la Gentillesse” sees schools organizing kindness-themed activities, while organizations promote acts of generosity and solidarity.


  • South Africa: The “Acts of Kindness South Africa” movement encourages everyday kindness through a mobile app and social media campaigns.
  • Kenya: The “Shujaa Awards” recognize and celebrate individuals who display exceptional acts of kindness and community service.
  • Nigeria: Religious communities and NGOs organize events promoting kindness, highlighting its role in fostering peace and understanding.

North America:

  • Canada: The “Kindness Revolution” encourages Canadians to pledge acts of kindness and share their stories online, creating a ripple effect of positivity.
  • United States: Schools organize kindness-themed activities, communities hold “pay it forward” initiatives, and organizations promote acts of kindness through social media campaigns.

Latin America:

  • Brazil: The “Semana da Gentileza” (Kindness Week) features educational campaigns, community service projects, and cultural events promoting kindness and empathy.
  • Mexico: The “Día Internacional de la Amabilidad” sees individuals exchanging kind words and gestures, reminding each other of the power of small acts.
  • Argentina: Schools and community organizations hold workshops and activities focused on empathy, compassion, and responsible citizenship.

This is just a snapshot of the diverse ways World Kindness Day is celebrated around the world. These examples showcase the adaptability and creativity with which communities embrace the spirit of kindness, weaving it into their cultural fabric.

Remember: Whether it’s through grand gestures or simple acts of everyday courtesy, celebrating World Kindness Day reminds us that our actions have the power to connect, uplift, and build a more compassionate world. Let’s continue to learn and share from each other’s traditions, ensuring that kindness knows no borders and leaves a lasting impact on our global community.

World Kindness Day FAQ:

What is World Kindness Day?

World Kindness Day, celebrated on November 13th, is a global movement promoting kindness and compassion as core values in our lives. It encourages individuals, communities, and organizations to connect, uplift, and build a more caring world.

How can I celebrate World Kindness Day?

The possibilities are endless! You can participate in organized events, engage in random acts of kindness, share positive messages, offer help to others, or simply choose to be more mindful and courteous in your daily interactions.

What are some simple acts of kindness I can do?

  • Leave a kind note for someone unexpected.
  • Offer to help a neighbor with errands or chores.
  • Donate to a cause you care about.
  • Compliment someone genuinely.
  • Smile at strangers and engage in friendly conversation.
  • Pay for someone’s coffee or meal.
  • Write a letter of appreciation to someone who has impacted your life.
  • Volunteer your time to a local organization.
  • Be patient and understanding with others.

Where can I find more resources on kindness?

This article provides a starting point, but there are many amazing resources available online and in your community. Explore the organizations and websites listed throughout the article, and discover initiatives and stories that inspire you.

How can I make kindness a habit?

Start small and incorporate acts of kindness into your daily routine. Reflect on the positive impact these acts have on yourself and others, and let that motivate you to continue. Share your experiences with others and encourage them to join you in cultivating a kinder world.

World Kindness Day Conclusion:

World Kindness Day is a powerful reminder that even small acts of compassion can have a ripple effect, creating positive change in our communities and ourselves. By embracing kindness as a cornerstone of our lives, we can build a more connected, supportive, and ultimately happier world. Let’s continue to learn, share, and inspire each other, ensuring that kindness remains a vibrant force throughout the year, not just on a designated day.

Remember, every act of kindness, big or small, has the power to make a difference. So, be kind, spread kindness, and together, let’s create a world where kindness is the norm.

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