Author Profile

Esraa Mahmoud

Esraa Mahmoud

27 articles published since December 17, 2023

With a decade of experience in writing, Esraa Mahmoud is a versatile wordsmith who can craft compelling content across the board. Whether it is blog posts, SEO content, magazine articles, or even a whole booklet, Esraa smoothly adapts to any tone, platform, or audience, turning ideas into captivating narratives that shine!

Posts by Esraa Mahmoud:

Social Media Isolation Statistics: Is Social Media Making Us Lonely?

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 5th March 2024

Ever scroll through a seemingly endless stream of perfect vacations, flawless selfies, and friends living their “best lives” online, only to feel a pang of loneliness settle in as you close the app? You’re not alone. In the UK, despite our constant digital connection, a surprising number of us grapple with a new kind of […]

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Social Media Safety Statistics: Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 9th March 2024

Social media has become an undeniable part of everybody’s life in the UK, connecting us with friends, family, and the wider world. But beneath the seemingly harmless surface lurks a potential minefield of dangers. From cyberbullying and online predators to the insidious effects on mental health, the issue of social media safety is more pressing […]

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Unlocking Profits: The Ultimate Guide to Social Media ROI Statistics!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 9th March 2024

Are you pouring your heart and budget into social media but feeling lost in a sea of likes and shares with no clear path to profit? You’re not alone. Many UK businesses grapple with the unique challenges of navigating the social media ROI landscape and measuring the true impact of their efforts. While global statistics […]

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Social Media Privacy Statistics: Shocking Numbers & What You Can Do!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 28th February 2024

Have you ever felt that unsettling shiver down your spine when you see an ad eerily specific to a recent conversation you had in private? Or maybe you’ve experienced the sinking feeling of realising you’ve unknowingly shared way more information online than you intended. If so, you’re not alone! Millions of users worldwide are grappling […]

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A Guide To Java Socket Programming: Everything You Need To Know!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 23rd February 2024

Java Socket Programming empowers developers to build powerful network applications by establishing communication channels between devices over a network. By utilising sockets, developers can create robust client-server applications, facilitate real-time communication, and integrate various components of distributed systems while ensuring data exchange and security across networks. Java Socket Programming is your ticket to the open […]

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Beyond Likes & Shares: Social Media Scamming Statistics That Will Make You Wary!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 23rd February 2024

Have you ever double-tapped a picture of a luxurious lifestyle, only to be bombarded with messages promising you the same… for a small investment? Or perhaps swiped right on a charming profile, only to discover it was a catfish waiting to reel in your bank account? If you’ve ever felt a pang of excitement followed […]

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Social Media Sales Stats: Explode Your Sales & Outsmart the Curve!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 23rd February 2024

Feeling frustrated that your social media presence isn’t lighting up the sales leaderboard? You’re pouring your heart and soul into crafting stunning posts, running captivating ads, and engaging with your audience, but the numbers just aren’t singing the sweet melody of success. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Countless businesses are drowning in a sea of […]

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Understanding The Minority-Owned Business Statistics in the UK!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 22nd February 2024

While the UK boasts a diverse population, representation in the entrepreneurial landscape hasn’t always reflected this. However, recent years have seen growth in the number of minority-owned businesses, contributing significantly to the economy and showcasing their potential. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the business […]

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How Government Business Statistics Can Help Your Business Thrive in 2024?

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 24th February 2024

In today’s fast-paced business world, access to reliable information is crucial. While news headlines scream opinions and pundits spin narratives, there’s often a silent majority: government business statistics. These data gems, collected and published by official agencies, hold the key to valuable insights that can empower your business decisions. These meticulously collected and analysed datasets […]

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Beyond the Charts: Unveiling the Power of Business Intelligence Statistics

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 18th February 2024

Every world has its hero, and in the business world, that hero is Business Intelligence (BI)! Think of it as your personal data decoder, transforming raw numbers into actionable insights that illuminate your path forward. Forget feeling overwhelmed—imagine wielding data as a strategic weapon, transforming numbers into actionable insights that propel your business forward. This […]

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Trust in Media Statistics: Is Reality Fading Into the Fake News Feed?

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 22nd February 2024

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when we read trust in media statistics is, “Can the media be trusted to begin with?! Well, it is complicated! Remember the days when headlines felt like reliable guides, not a dizzying funhouse of questionable claims and political spin? Yeah, us neither! In today’s information overload, navigating […]

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Unveiling the Shocking Truth About Your Time Spent on Social Media!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 21st February 2024

Do you ever lose track of the time spent on social media while mindlessly scrolling through endless cat videos and celebrity updates? Feeling that familiar pang of guilt after realising hours have melted away into the digital abyss? You’re not alone. In today’s hyper-connected world, social media has become both a source of connection and […]

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Why Digital Marketing ROI Statistics Matter Now More Than Ever!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 21st February 2024

Digital marketing can be a bit overwhelming, but understanding the ROI (Return on Investment) statistics can help you determine which strategies are worth investing in. Why should you care about such statistics in the first place, you might ask? Consider this: in an age saturated with advertising noise, businesses are laser-focused on maximising every marketing […]

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Event Marketing Statistics: How to Make the Best of Your Event!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 21st February 2024

If you are an event planner, should you care about event marketing statistics? Well, the answer is absolutely yes! Here is why! Imagine pouring your heart and soul into an event, only to be left wondering… did it actually pay off? Was it worth the sleepless nights, the budget battles, the endless cups of coffee? […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing ROI Statistics!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 11th February 2024

Do you feel like your content marketing is a bottomless pit, swallowing your budget but spitting out crickets? You’re not alone. Many businesses struggle to measure the true impact of their content efforts, leaving them frustrated and unsure if their hard work is actually paying off. But fear not, weary marketer! Today, we’re diving deep […]

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Healthcare Marketing Statistics: The Numbers You Need to Know!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 21st February 2024

In the labyrinth of modern healthcare, where advancements in medicine intersect with the intricacies of consumer engagement, the role of marketing emerges as a crucial force in shaping the landscape of patient care. As we navigate the dynamic terrain of healthcare marketing, we uncover a trove of compelling statistics that unveil the evolving relationship between […]

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A Dive into Social Media Statistics Worldwide

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 21st February 2024

Social media has become an integral part of our global society, shaping the way people connect, share information, and engage with each other. As of the latest available social media statistics, the worldwide landscape of social media is vast and continually evolving, reflecting the dynamic nature of online communication. In the blink of an eye, […]

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Business Burglary Statistics: A Comprehensive Analysis

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 21st February 2024

Business burglary is a pervasive issue that affects companies of all sizes and industries worldwide. It involves unauthorised entry into a business premises with the intent to commit a crime, typically theft. The implications of business burglary are far-reaching, affecting not only the financial health of the company but also its operational continuity, employee morale, […]

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Your Guide To Understanding Everything You Need About Music Video Production!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 21st February 2024

Music video Production is like a kaleidoscopic playground where music morphs into visual magic. They’re the technicolour dreamscapes that launch tracks into the stratosphere, the miniature movies that ignite trends and break the internet. But what’s the secret sauce behind these pop culture powerhouses? Buckle up, music lovers, because we’re taking a deep dive into […]

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The Alarming Social Media Bullying Statistics You Need To Know About!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 11th February 2024

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and while it has many benefits, it also has its downsides. One of the most significant problems with social media is social media bullying. According to social media bullying statistics, social media bullying, aka cyberbullying, is more prevalent than most people think, especially among […]

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What Marketers Can Learn from the Barbie Movie!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 21st January 2024

Forget everything you thought you knew about Barbie. She’s shed the plastic smile and traded her convertible for combat boots. In 2023’s live-action Barbie, our childhood icon struts onto the silver screen not as a passive princess but as a rebel with a cause. This isn’t your grandma’s Barbie movie. This is a bold reimagining, […]

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What is AutoCAD Used For?

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 11th January 2024

An architect working on a blueprint in a modern office.

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Web Application Development Using Java: How Is it Done?!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 11th January 2024

Since the olden days of web application development, Java has been a mighty force, conquering uncharted territories. Java isn’t just for desktop applications; it’s a seasoned sailor, equally adept at navigating the choppy seas of the web application development process. Web application development using Java involves many tools, frameworks, and best practices to create scalable, […]

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Top Java Development Tools and Techniques You Need for Your Web Application!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 11th March 2024

There are many reasons why Java is a widely used programming language; one of them is definitely the Java development tools and techniques that aid developers in building robust, scalable, and efficient applications. These Java development tools and techniques streamline the development process, enhance productivity, and ensure the delivery of high-quality software. However, many Java […]

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Building Java Programs 3rd Edition: Everything You Need To Know About The Book!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 11th January 2024

One of your most essential resources if you are looking for the best way to venture into Java Programming is books, and there is no better book than Building Java Programs 3rd Edition by Stuart Reges and Marty Stepp. The book cleverly provides comprehensive solutions for the self-check problems in each chapter, helping beginners learn […]

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Mastering Java Programming: Your Guide to Navigate the Java World!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 14th February 2024

Mastering Java programming for web development can feel like navigating a labyrinth blindfolded. Endless tutorials, confusing jargon, and a looming sense of “where do you even begin?” can leave even the most determined coder feeling lost. Mastering Java programming opens doors to a vast software development, innovation, and problem-solving world. From powering mobile applications to […]

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Java Programming Training: Why You Need It!

Esraa MahmoudEsraa Mahmoud // 14th January 2024

Imagine this: you’re sitting at your computer, fingers flying across the keyboard, crafting code that brings your ideas to life. You’re not just writing code; you’re building the future. This, our dear reader, is the power of Java programming. Java, that ubiquitous programming language, is the backbone of countless applications we interact with daily. From […]

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