This guide will walk you through how to set up delivery methods on Wix. Let’s explore how to offer the most satisfying experience to your customers.

When you set up your store on Wix, you’ll have the capability to enjoy different shipping and delivery options. You can offer delivery to your customers with premium services like first-class shipping, standard shipping, local delivery, and more.

It’s flexible, and you can determine this scope of shipping service based on how far your customers are and the product’s total weight.

Not just that, but you can also set up pick-up and collect options if you want to give customers the opportunity to come into your store and bring their orders. The best thing is that Wix is convenient with all of that. So, how can you use it to do so?

Let’s get started!

How to set up delivery methods on wix ecommerce

How to Set Up Delivery Methods on Wix

Let’s find out how you can manage shipping strategies through Wix e-commerce.

1. Go down to your settings

On Wix Editor, go to the dashboard and choose settings.

2. Click on shipping and fulfilment

Here, you can find all shipping and delivery options to optimise your online store.

How to Set Up Delivery Methods on Wix eCommerce 1

3. Add shipping regions

(Regions here are essentially the areas that you’re willing to ship to.)

Depending on the customer’s delivery address, they will only see options based on their delivery address and what shipping options you’ve selected for that.

4. Set up the shipping rates

There are different ways to display the shipping fees (Free Shipping, Flat Rate, Rate by Weight, Rate by Price, Rate by Product).

Free shipping

If you want to offer free shipping to everyone in every region, no matter what they’ve bought, you can choose Free shipping from “Select how shipping is calculated” and give it the name: Free shipping.

By selecting this, your customers will see your free-shipping offer when they checkout.

Flat Rate

What if you want to put a rate for shipping?

You can do that, of course. Just choose Flat Rate, and then you need to name your shipping service in “Shipping Option Name, ” like “Standard Shipping”. Then you can enter the shipping rate.

What if you want to offer free shipping on specific orders?

That’s possible too. You can activate this option by checking: Offer Free Shipping when a customer buys over a certain amount, then put the purchase amount.

For example, if you wanted to offer free standard shipping, a customer who spends over 45 dollars in their basket could get free standard shipping, depending on how much they’ve asked for. 

If you want to offer free first-class shipping for someone who has paid over 80 dollars worth of goods, they’ll be qualified for free first-class shipping once they’ve made 80 dollars or more of orders.

Pro tip: if you need to offer a premium service, you can do so by clicking “Add another Delivery Option” to give consumers the opportunity for fast delivery, and then click Save. This flat fee will be added to the end of a customer’s order. You can add as many flat rates as you want.

For example, standard shipping could take 4 to 5 working days, but first-class shipping can take 1 to 2 working days.

You can also give your customers the option to choose their ideal form of shipping: standard shipping, first-class shipping, next-day shipping, or whatever shipping options you give them. Of course, each option would have its own parameters.

Rate by Weight

That happens when you add weight to the product information. This might not be relevant for retail, food, or anything else. But transporting heavier things, such as furniture, might be more appropriate.

If you know certain furniture weights will cost much more to ship, you can also factor that into the shipping.

Pro tip: if you need help finding the region you will send your products to, you can always contact customer service to help you add the missing region. 

For example, once you’ve added in the weights for all the products, what you can do is, again, the same as before, set a standard shipping rate, give it an estimated time, and then provide the weight range and the price for it.

How to set the price for each weight

So by default, it’ll ask for the weight range from zero to one kilogram and then one kilogram and up. Depending on that, you can set your shipping price range. Of course, you can offer free shipping for products exceeding your chosen weight range (E.g. free shipping is available for orders exceeding 45 kg).

Important: The rate takes into account the weight of the entire product order, not just per product. So if they buy in their order a product that’s 45 kg and another 10 kg, their total weight is 55 kg, which falls into the category allocated for this.

Rate by Price

The other thing you can do is rate by price. So it’s the same as the shipping and the weight, but it’ll take someone’s order total instead of the weight total, and you can give it a price range.

Rate by Product

You can offer different rates based on the product. So, you have to create a product group.

Start with setting up different payments for each group. That means if a product is in the household items group, it’s a certain amount; if it’s in the outdoor products group, it’s another certain amount, etc.

So it’s up to you how you want to offer that. Wix gives you a super flexible experience on how you want to provide the shipping.

5. Set up a delivery time

It is optional. The general rule of thumb is to put an estimated time within three to five days or three to five working days if that works for you!

How to Set Up Delivery Methods on Wix eCommerce 2

6. Offer Local Delivery 

Local delivery allows you to deliver to your local customers by setting up a hand delivery option, and you can also set up delivery within a specific time frame.

For example, you will give your customers a great option to get their product within one to two business days if they’re based in a certain location.


Give the area name, like delivery to South Belfast, and then give it the rate you want. Then, you either set the area by radius on Google Maps.

You choose an address at the centre point of the radius, and then you can select your business address or other address that you’re delivering from. And then, you can set how large your radius is.

Thus, if someone is within 7 km of this address, they qualify for local delivery.

Another feature is to do it by postcodes. You can enter complete postcodes, also known as zip codes, and save time by entering partial postcodes with an asterisk, and all people within the same postcodes will get the same shipping rates.

Please remember:

When adding the postcodes, follow them with an asterisk to help the platform stacks all similar postcodes with each other.

So, for example, if you want to deliver to areas with the postcode BT9, you can do BT9 with an asterisk. So anything that starts with BT9 will fall into area and rate. You can also type in the full postcode, whichever is more accessible, and then just set the delivery time. Once you’re done, you can just put the shipping rate.

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7. Set up a pickup option

If you’re not ready to ship to customers but you do want to give customers the option to receive their product, you can set up a pickup.

Click the add pickup option as the last option inside each region. Then, give it a name like “Pickup.” Type in the address where they need to pick up their order, and then you’d display the estimated ready time and the pickup instructions under “When will the order be ready for the pickup?”

Then add any further instructions, such as: 

“Please wait for an email from us before picking up your order. Don’t forget to bring your ID to get your package from the store. Also, note that our opening hours are Monday to Friday.”

You can give a maximum date as well.

This will be the same rule for whatever region you pick, not the product they buy. Make sure that the estimated time you provide is suitable for all products, not just certain ones, by doing the necessary calculations.

Additionally, you can remove all other types of shipping and offer only pickups. That way, your stores collect in-store only.

Eventually, you can activate all options and tell the customer the best way to deliver the order, from standard shipping to local delivery and pickup, or offer one or two. 

That’s all for your shipping and delivery set-up. That’s why Wix is a great way to launch your online store. Many features to control your business without hassle, and you can pick one or more options that suit your scope and what you can offer.

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Before you go

  • Make sure you do the same for all regions and all your shipping rates.
  • If someone were to type in a delivery address that doesn’t fall into areas you create, they’d get a message saying that we don’t ship here, which also gets covered by Wix.
  • Set a separate category for each region to which you’d like to send your products. If you don’t include a region, customers from that region will never be able to make a purchase. 

Things to Consider When Setting Regions on Wix eCommerce

There are two important things to keep in mind when setting regions on WiX eCommerce:

Group the Right Regions together

When setting up shipping methods on Wix, you need to group the regions with the same rules.

For example, you could ship to the United Kingdom. That includes Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales, which all have the same shipping rules. Or you could have two regions with the same shipping rules, such as England and Wales, so you don’t have to set them as different regions.

Name Each Group Accurately

Each group should have a clear name. You can do so by clicking “Edit” and changing the name.

For example, if you will ship within the United Kingdom, name it UK. And then, within the region, add all destinations. Click “Save,” and then you can make another region with a different name and so on.

Is Wix the best option for e-commerce?

When deciding the best tool or website for your business operations, there is no direct answer. Many options are out there with different plans, features, and capabilities. But if you’re looking for an easy, functional, affordable, and quick way to establish your online store, Wix will be the answer.
After years of exploring different platforms and searching for the best strategies to set up a successful e-commerce website, we found out Wix is a rich-featured online shop, especially if you want more creative space to customise your storefront with many options for integrations to enhance your customer experience.
However, one of the most significant drawbacks of using Wix eCommerce is that you cannot change the template once you build your website. So, if you’re in a rush and want to publish your website as soon as possible, future optimisation with Wix will cost you a lot.

How Does Wix eCommerce Work?

Wix is one of the most handy and straightforward e-commerce platforms you can use to start promoting your business online and reach new segments. It enables you to create separate pages automatically for each product and build an online inventory with an engaging storefront.
Or you can build your catalogue from scratch, choose and upload product photos to an all-in-one platform.
However, Wix eCommerce lets you upload all photos at once if you keep them in a CSV file. 
Another option to save time and effort is using an app like Cart2Cart if you have an existing online store and need to move it to the Wix shop. 
One of the great options for Wix is that you can take advantage of ready-to-use templates. They come with an optimised structure, great captions, CTAs, and much more.

Wix is a website builder offering many features for a stunning online presence that will enable you to hit differently through search engines and build lasting relationships with potential customers. To establish your online store on Wix, you only need to subscribe to a business plan and install the Wix Stores app on your dashboard or your Wix Editor.

If you’re looking for professional help to build your Wix store, our top talented developers, marketers, and content creators are ready to go wild with your brand. Let’s work together. 

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