When you add a new blog post to your website that uses the Rank Math SEO plug-in, you will see that an SEO Score is automatically assigned. This score, which is based on a total of 100 parameters, will aid you in improving your SEO rankings.

You might believe that you should always aim for 100/100, but this is not always possible or even the best course of action. To ensure you are meeting some of the important SEO requirements, it can be quite helpful to consult this guidance while adding new material to your website.

Sections of Website SEO in Rank Math

The Rank Math list that calculates your SEO Score is broken down into the following: Basic SEO, Additional SEO, Title Readability, and Content Readability. These sections are preceded by the Preview. In this article, we will review each section thoroughly.


On the right side of the WordPress page, the first section is the Preview, which shows you how your web page appears in Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). You only need to go to the preview snippet editor and edit the title, the permalink, and the description without exceeding the character limits.


You can alter the description at any time by clicking the description box in the preview snippet editor. The bar above it shows you how much content you are writing. The title and description have all the necessary information; however, it should not exceed the allotted space.

SEO / Sections of Website SEO

The title should not contain more than 60 characters, and the description should not exceed 160 characters. You should stay within that limit as much as possible. Each of them should contain your focus keyword. Once you have done your edits, you can just leave the snippet editor, and every word you wrote will be saved.


Likewise, make sure the permalink has the focus keyword and watch out for its length, as it should not exceed 75 characters. You can watch out for the bars to ensure you are typing within the limit.

If you exceed the limit, you will not drop in Google’s rankings. However, the permalink will be cut off if you write too many characters. This makes it impossible for people to read the entire title or description, which could be better for the user experience.

Section 1: Basic SEO

Explore the 4 Sections of Website SEO 1

Now, let’s move to the Basic SEO section. You can optimise your post using the fundamental SEO tips listed in the Basic SEO section. Since the section is titled Basic SEO, the tips it offers are effective as they prompt you to carry out “basic” optimisations, which are foundational rather than simple. This section includes adding your focus keyword in the:

  • SEO Title.
  • SEO Meta Description.
  • URL.
  • Introduction or the first 10% of the content.
  • Content itself.

Now, look through the list of Basic SEO. In the list, a green mark indicates that you have completed the task successfully and no modification is needed. An orange mark is not always wrong; however, you should modify it as much as you can. Anything highlighted in red denotes a mistake that must be corrected immediately.

Employing the focus keyword in the SEO title is one of the things that keeps coming up. You should ensure that the keyword appears in the SEO title as well as in the meta description.

The other thing you should check is that the URL contains the keyword. Before publishing, you can alter the permalink to ensure the keyword is being used by going to the snippet and seeing what is there. After publishing the article, you should not alter the permalink as it affects the ranking.

You want also to employ the keyword towards the beginning so that it appears in the first 10% of the text, which is your blog content. Additionally, users must be able to locate the keyword in the article, within the text in general. Hence, the content length is one item that should also be taken into consideration.

Need Help?

Whenever you have questions, you must click on the small question mark beside each task. It sends you to Rank Math’s resource page, where you can learn more about the problem and their suggestions. Read their advice and do as they suggest.

Rank Math provides you with a straightforward guide and directs you towards what, in general, they believe would be excellent for a good amount of content. It is an excellent tool for learning as it is intended for those who have a basic understanding of SEO and wish to learn more.

Your score varies as you type and further revise the text by either improving or decreasing. As a result, Rank Math continuously checks the page to ensure everything is in order. Thus, it functions in real-time. Then, there are additional actions you can take to raise your score.

Section 2: Additional SEO

Additional SEO tips are provided in the next section, which explains how to further improve your post. The Basic and Additional suggestions should be used for the greatest SEO impact. In the Additional section, the elements listed below should be applied to your article:

  • The focus keyword should be in headings/ subheadings.
  • Images should have your focus keyword as alt text.
  • The URL should not have more than 75 characters.
  • External and internal resources should be included.

Headings and Subheadings

Ensuring the term you choose as a focus keyword is appropriate for headings/ subheadings is one of the things you can do to improve your SEO score. So, make sure some of the headings and subheadings you add contain the keyword.

Unique Focus Keyword

The fact that you have never utilised a focus keyword before is another positive thing. Google prefers to view pages with unique keyword placement rather than duplicate material on multiple pages. Therefore, you should provide a unique keyword for your new blogs and pages when you add them.

Keyword Density

Keyword density is a confusing section where things might not go well. It measures how frequently a certain keyword appears in your content. As a result, you receive points for each time you include the keyword in your content and at the beginning of your article. Rank Math gives you a score based on how frequently you mention this keyword. Try to increase that number until the mark turns green. Meanwhile, do not overuse it since it may affect the score.

Images and Alt Text

Alt text is short for alternative text. It describes how an image appears and functions on a page. Adding a picture with your focus keyword in the alt text is one of the other things that is working effectively in SEO Rank Math. When you upload an image, make sure you set alt text for it.


Rank Math appreciates both internal and external links. They prefer to see links throughout your website. So, you should include things like shortened URLs and links to internal and external resources throughout your article.

You can notice that your score rises if you add a link to an internal resource. You can link as many internal resources as possible because they keep visitors on your website longer. Internal links help you ensure that your website visitors are clicking through and exploring your website more. They are also very beneficial for connecting pages on your website.

On the other hand, external links are beneficial for connecting to other websites. If there is only one external link in your article, that would be great. However, avoid overly frequently linking external resources to your website.

Section 3: Title Readability

Explore the 4 Sections of Website SEO 2

Title readability comes next. It concentrates on your SEO title. You can modify a list of things to maximise your score as much as possible. All these elements increase the intrigue of your title and encourage users to click on it.

It is preferred that your focus keyword appears at the start of the SEO title, in the first four or five words. The title should also give the feeling of positivity or negativity. Words that arouse stronger emotions are the best practices and have the highest quality. Additionally, titles with powerful words and numbers always rank higher.

Section 4: Content Readability

Content readability focuses on how simple it is for the user to read the text. The way you do it is to scroll down and look at the content readability section that contains the length of the paragraphs, the media, and the table of contents. 

Using shorter paragraphs when writing is favourable. To break up the material, you can include images and movies. Images are an excellent method to make your text easier to read and to keep readers on your page longer because they make your article more engaging. Some people like watching videos instead of reading long texts.

The Pro version

There is a lot to consider if you want to optimise your blogs and pages. Begin with the fundamental tips and adjust them as much as possible. You can do many things using Rank Math, even in its basic form.

Rank Math does give you immediate results as you make adjustments, which is perfect. You would use it in this manner in each of your posts to apply the necessary changes to your content and meta description and improve the score.

Although Rank Math has a free version, the pro version offers a few more items than the fundamentals. You might upgrade to the pro version when you feel more confident and knowledgeable. Meanwhile, you can receive keyword tracking and round-the-clock support with the pro version.

Another SEO Plug-in: Yoast

Besides Rank Math, Yoast is another prominent SEO plug-in. It is crucial to remember that you only need one SEO plug-in. So, you do not need to include Yoast if you have Rank Math, and you do not need to include Rank Math if you have Yoast. Anyway, Yoast or Rank Math can both be employed.

Yoast is an SEO plug-in created to assist you in optimising each page and post on your website so users and search engines may benefit the most from it. It can be downloaded for free from the company’s website or through the WordPress directory in its most basic form.

After installation, you only have to click the Activate button to make it live on your website. Your page will be refreshed, leading you to the Yoast installation wizard. You may either follow the wizard’s instructions or bypass them entirely. If you choose the second option, you can begin optimising your sites and posts immediately.

If you go with the first option, you will find the wizard is relatively simple to use moving forward. Click on Start first-time configuration and fill in the necessary information, such as your company’s name. Once the initial configuration is complete, you can now begin optimising your pages and upload content.

If you check the Post dashboard, you will find a few options now. There are new columns for SEO so that you can receive both an SEO score and a readability score. You can also receive a concise SEO title, description, and keyword. By doing so, you can track which blogs and websites require updates and which ones are acceptable. 

Yoast also employs a traffic light system. Everything that is highlighted in red is crucial, and it would help if you altered it. The items in orange are less critical or urgent; however, you should still change them. Anything green indicates that you are doing okay.

First, Yoast analyses your website like Google does. Next, it shows you any technical problems that need to be fixed and the material that needs to be optimised. Then, it asks you through the website representation about your website or business, like your organisation’s title and your website name.

Following that, you should choose a logo and add any social media accounts you may have. Once you copy the social media profiles’ links, such as Twitter and Facebook, Yoast will optimise their information.

Yoast will ask you whether they should track your website data. Tracking it is entirely up to you. You can also register to get the newsletter. After they analyse your website, you now have a variety of alternatives to begin optimising it yourself. Any problems they encounter or discover during the research phase will be listed in the SEO dashboard, along with suggestions for resolving them. That is why it is a great addition.


One of your objectives when writing a new post is to increase traffic. Rank Math’s content analysis and optimisation features are made to do just that. By providing you with tactical recommendations based on your content, Rank Math helps you optimise each article you write so that it gets the most possible traffic. If you adhere to every suggestion, your post will be fully optimised from a content standpoint, increasing the likelihood of ranking highly in search results.

The entire process of optimising your post using Rank Math goes from 0 to 100. You may think the process is overwhelming and difficult, but we promise you that it is not. In general, it is difficult to do something for the first time. So, we guarantee that the procedure gets simpler every time you perform it. After a few repetitions, you start to do it automatically without thinking about it.

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