That little blue checkmark next to a Twitter handle has long been held in high esteem. You see, one of the highest forms and rankings of social media currency is a verification logo on popular networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Find out how to get verified on Twitter!

how to get verified on twitter

Though all of them are operated by separate social media entities, the parallels regarding successfully being verified are almost very similar. The methods on how to get verified on Twitter are perhaps not simple but are as clear as fresh water.

In 2022, Twitter updated their verification policy under new CEO Elon Musk, making the coveted blue checkmark more difficult to obtain. According to Twitter’s latest rules, accounts must demonstrate authentic, active usage on Twitter and have complete profiles to qualify.

As of October 2022, Twitter had approximately 423,000 verified accounts globally, according to online statistics portal Statista. The verification acceptance rate is estimated to be less than 1% of applicants.

What Is Account Verification?

If you don’t know what a blue checkmark is, it’s an icon that shows that the account is authentic and represents the person(s) associated with it.

How to Get Verified on Twitter

A Facebook/Instagram/Twitter verified account badge is always placed next to the account name and is only applied by the platform itself.

What’s usual is that verified Twitter accounts are people or brands in the fields of music, acting, fashion, politics, journalism, media, sports, business and other key interest areas. Basically, you have to be a public figure of sorts to get verified on Twitter.

But what exactly is a public figure? A public figure is someone who gets recognized by the media as an important person or expert in their industry.

History of Twitter Verification

Twitter verification was launched in June 2009 in response to the growing number of impersonator accounts on the platform. The initial goal of verification was to help users identify legitimate accounts of public figures, government agencies, and businesses.

Over time, Twitter has expanded its verification criteria to include a wider range of accounts, such as journalists, academics, and activists. However, the blue checkmark remains a symbol of prestige and authority on Twitter.

Why Twitter Verification Exists

Twitter verification exists to help users identify legitimate accounts of public figures, government agencies, and businesses. It can also help to reduce the spread of misinformation and disinformation on the platform.

Verified accounts are more likely to be trusted and engaged with by users. They are also more likely to appear in search results and on the Explore page.

Types of Accounts Eligible for Verification

Twitter verification is available to a variety of account types, including:

  • Government agencies
  • Businesses and brands
  • News organizations
  • Journalists
  • Authors
  • Musicians
  • Actors and actresses
  • Athletes
  • Activists
  • Other notable individuals

Requirements for Verification on Twitter / X

To have a shot at verification under the new Twitter Blue program, accounts must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Active use of Twitter – You must have logged in and used Twitter frequently over the past 6 months per Twitter’s activity logs. Inactive or infrequently used accounts will be denied.
  • Complete profile details – Your account must have a profile image, header image, bio, website link, and birthday and be set to public. Fake, incomplete, or default profiles often get rejected.
  • Authentic engagement – Your account history should show organic engagement and posting. Any signs of platform manipulation, like aggressive following, spamming, or automation, can lead to disqualification.
  • Account history – Your account must meet a minimum age requirement. While Twitter has not disclosed the exact tenure, experts observe 1-2 years as ideal. You also need a reasonable amount of followers, estimated at 5,000+.
  • Adherence to Twitter rules – Accounts with violations, bans, or abusive behaviour will not qualify. You must be in good standing by following Twitter’s rules and terms of service.
  • Notability – Twitter tends to favour authority figures and notable accounts within their field or category, like government, news, entertainment, or brands.
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Who was the First Verified Account on Twitter / X?

The Centers for Disease Control was one of the first accounts to be verified several years ago. Twitter said it was verified “in order to help citizens find authentic and accurate public health information straight from the source.”

Oprah was also among the first to get the checkmark, along with Kim Kardashian and the Milwaukee Police.

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How to Get Verified on Twitter: A Simple Guide

Twitter began allowing anyone to apply for a verified account. While this doesn’t mean it’ll be easier to become verified, the process is at least more straightforward.

If you meet Twitter’s revised verification criteria, here are the steps to submit a verification request within your account settings:

  1. Log in to your Twitter account on desktop or mobile and ensure your profile is completely filled out. Add or update your profile photo, header photo, bio, location, birthday, and website.
  2. Go to your Settings and select the “Account” menu. Then, navigate to the “Verify request” option.
  3. Carefully fill out the verification application with your account details and reasoning for why you should be verified. Upload any relevant documentation or web links to demonstrate notability or authority.
  4. Click submit. Twitter will now review your request and associated account history.
  5. If approved, Twitter will place a blue verification checkmark icon next to your name within a few weeks. The status of your application can be tracked under “Requested Verification” in account settings. If denied, you must wait 30 days before reapplying.

Tips for Increasing Your Chances of Getting Verified

Here are some tips for increasing your chances of getting verified on Twitter:

  • Make sure your profile is complete and up-to-date.
  • Be active on Twitter and post high-quality content.
  • Engage with other users and build relationships.
  • Get mentioned by other verified accounts and news organizations.
  • Submit a well-written and informative verification application.

Become Eligible for Review First

how to get verified on twitter

So the first thing you’ll want to do is to make sure that your information is up to date. Your birthday, email address, phone number, and website link must be all in check. Twitter won’t deem you eligible for verification if you don’t have this information in place.

Request Verification

Then, go to the Verified account on Twitter, and its username is @verified. Then, you click on the link in the account’s URL section.

How to Get Verified on Twitter / X: Get the Blue Check-Mark! 1

Once you click on the link and go past the next screen, you’re going to see your username filled in. Click on the checkbox, followed by ‘next’.

Show Twitter Some of Your Credibility

The upcoming part is very important: Twitter allows you to submit up to five URLs in order for them to verify that you’re an owner of a website, or you’re a staff member, or that you had some sort of presence online.

As aforementioned, it’s intensely crucial that you position yourself as being someone of importance. Twitter is not going to go ahead and verify you just because you’re active on social media.

So, this is where you must build your case and be very selective with what you share with them.

How to Get Verified on Twitter / X: Get the Blue Check-Mark! 2

Besides the five links you submit, you’ll be allotted 500 characters to state that case and let Twitter know why you’re applying for the checkmark and why they should accept that request.

Don’t try to include any additional links in this section. Otherwise, you won’t be able to click next.

The last section at the end of this page would be to add a photo ID. Some people would submit their driver’s license or their passport, so they could go ahead and see through a government-issued ID.

That confirms that the same person requesting verification is the same person that has a Twitter account.

Confirm Your Information

How to Get Verified on Twitter / X: Get the Blue Check-Mark! 3

Once you’ve completed this form, you’ll be directed to another confirmation page. Verify that the information is correct and support the list of reasons you provided for why Twitter should verify your account.

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Wait for the Confirmation Email from Twitter

If Twitter approves your request, you’ll receive a confirmation stating that your account has been verified.

There are a couple of things you have to consider: In the bio of your Twitter account, ensure that you have the URL link to the website.

Another note is that this approval process could take weeks if not months. It all depends on how backed up Twitter’s verification system is. Hearing nothing back means that your application is still pending.

You’ll know you’re verified when the verified account follows you on Twitter. You’ll also receive an email from Twitter’s support team if they reject your request so you can find out why it is rejected.

Tips for Getting Verified on Twitter

Here are some expert tips to boost your chances of successfully getting verified on Twitter in 2023:

  1. Showcase achievements or press links demonstrating your authority in your field of work. Twitter favours subject matter experts.
  2. Organically build your follower base to 10,000+ followers. Verified users average 15,800 followers.
  3. Engage frequently by posting Twitter threads, media, retweets, and @ mentions multiple times weekly.
  4. Use a real profile photo of yourself or a company logo. Stock images appear inauthentic.
  5. Follow influencers or decision-makers relevant to your industry to build connections.
  6. Be patient. In 2022, the verification process takes 2-3 months on average due to high demand.
  7. If denied, take time to organically improve your account history and reapply after 30 days. Appeals are rarely successful.

The Benefits of Being Verified on Twitter

One of the main benefits of getting verified is that it boasts personal branding. Moreover, with the verified badge, you can have lots of perks, including accountability and stability and definitive access to more specialized Twitter analytics.

You will also gain trust in the community and extra security, avoid identity theft and helps you network with others, new followers and much more.

Identifier of Value Determined by an Authority

This is an interesting perk of verification because it only works as long as people consider Twitter an authority. In the past, verification has been solely at the discretion of Twitter.

You couldn’t request it or really do anything to attract it besides growing as a person or as a brand to the point where people notice you and then to the point where Twitter notices you.

This means that verified users were all verified through direct notice and intervention on the part of Twitter itself. Now, all that has changed, as Twitter opened their request forms to anyone.

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Adds Accountability and Stability

Two words: Fake accounts. Social media is swarming with fake accounts of people pretending to be celebrities, public figures, or even key members of organizations.

Some of these accounts would use hate speech or offensive words to trigger other people, and sometimes other people believe they are authentic (yes, social media is full of these kinds of people.)

So to distinguish these fake accounts from the real ones, having the blue checkmark is necessary for yourself and your business. Signals of high authority and authenticity. After all, 85% of customers buy products and patronize services from brands they trust.

Consequently, This Indicates a Sign of Trust among Twitter’s Community

While some sceptical users will decry the value of verification, the fact is that it’s still a valuable source of authority for the average user.

Most people are taught in the arcane ways of marketing. All they know is that some people have a blue check mark and others don’t and that having one is a good, rare thing.

It’s much the same way that many people know that earning a Medal of Honor in the military is a high accolade, but they don’t know anything more specific about it.

You don’t need to know the ins and outs of Twitter marketing or the details of earning verification to understand that if Twitter itself bestows the verification upon you, it means you have passed some kind of test of worth.

Twitter is a great place to build thought leadership, and a blue verification check mark generally correlates to easily building more followers.

Prevents Twitter Identity Theft

Impersonation on Twitter can range from a benign parody account to a malicious phishing attempt, and it’s the latter that are the worst for businesses to deal with.

When someone sets up a profile with your information copied from your profile, there’s very little way for users to determine which is the real account. They can look at the recent tweets, the account creation date, and the interaction history, but that only goes so far.

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It Helps You Network with Influencers

Influencer marketing is the Next Big Thing on the web right now, and it means people with authority are in high demand.

Those people know it, though, and tend to be selective with who they engage on a deep basis. Superficial responses are par for the course, but if you want them to recognize you or open up deeper options for a relationship in business, you need to stand out from the crowd.

One such way to stand out is to be verified yourself.

When an influencer sees an incoming message, they’re likely to look for reasons to ignore it. If it’s from someone verified, they’ll give it more attention than they otherwise might.

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FAQs About Getting Verified on Twitter

Q: How long does it take to get verified on Twitter? A: In 2023, the verification process takes 1-3 months. Twitter support states decisions can take a few weeks, but most users report 2+ month waits.

Q: Does being verified help get more followers?
A: Yes, verified accounts gain an average of 15-20% more followers compared to non-verified accounts. The blue checkmark increases credibility.

Q: Can you get verified without being famous? A: It is possible if you demonstrate expertise in your field and have an authentic, complete profile. But getting verified remains difficult for non-public figures.

Q: Does Twitter verify parody or fan accounts? A: No. Twitter only verifies real identities of public figures, companies, brands, or professionals within their industry.

Q: Can you lose verification status? A: Yes, for actions like changing your name or bio to mislead, violating Twitter rules, or losing notability.

Q: What are the benefits of being verified on Twitter?

A: Verified accounts receive more engagement and visibility than non-verified accounts. They are also more likely to appear in search results and on the Explore page. Additionally, verified accounts are more likely to be trusted by users and are less likely to be reported as spam.

Q: How long does it take to get verified on Twitter?

A: The verification process can take several weeks.

Q: What are the chances of getting verified on Twitter?

A: The chances of getting verified on Twitter vary depending on a number of factors, such as the category of your account, your level of engagement, and the number of other verified accounts that you are connected to.

Q: What can I do to increase my chances of getting verified on Twitter?

A: You can increase your chances of getting verified by following the tips listed above.

Key Takeaways

  • Meeting Twitter’s strict verification criteria and having an authentic, complete profile gives you the best chance at success.
  • Demonstrating real-world authority, influence, and a strong Twitter presence is key to standing out.
  • The process takes 1-3 months in 2023 so patience is critical.

With Twitter’s shifting policies and limited number of verifications granted, there are no guarantees. But using these best practices optimizes your chances of getting that coveted blue checkmark.

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Twitter’s Identity Crisis: Name Change to X and New Ownership

Twitter has undergone some major shifts in 2022 that directly impact the platform’s identity and future.

In October 2022, Tesla CEO Elon Musk acquired Twitter for $44 billion dollars, taking the company private. Musk immediately shook things up, firing top executives and laying off over 50% of Twitter’s staff.

Musk also proposed turning Twitter into an “everything app” named X. The idea is that X would incorporate other services like payments, shopping, and content subscriptions beyond social media.

However, Musk later scrapped the X rebranding after acquiring the domain name for $7 million in a legal settlement. It seems the iconic Twitter name will remain, for now.

But the question still looms – how will Twitter change under Musk’s leadership? He has suggested loosening content moderation, verifying all accounts, and shifting to subscription-based models.

These factors may significantly impact Twitter’s brand identity. The platform was founded on the principles of free speech and public conversation.

Only time will tell if Musk’s proposed changes align with Twitter’s roots or veer drastically in a new direction. The path to verification and blue checkmarks may also transform under Musk’s vision.

In a Nutshell

In the past, the process for how to get verified on Twitter was difficult. Now, Twitter has made it possible to request verification—all you need to do is make sure you have all your ducks in a row before applying.

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