Making a Difference

Community Support is a big part of ProfileTree, we are aware of the impact digital marketing can have within the local community. We focus our community efforts on young people – as they are the future and digital will be a big part of their lives. Our engagements range from providing many placement and intern opportunities during the year, to speaking at schools, colleges and universities locally and around the world.

We also provide our services to selected organisations to help them reach new people, spread the word of what they are doing or providing help and guidance to them in digital and online. Lastly we provide sponsorship to a range of teams in many communities across Ireland and the UK. It is our customers who enable us to have such a big impact in these areas and we will be forever grateful.

Community Support

Giving back

We are delighted to be in a position to donate digital marketing agency services to a wide range of charities and social enterprises making a real difference in the community. One of those has been the Cancer Fund for Children, an organisation that supports over 1,500 children, young people and their families every year in Northern Ireland. For the organisation we were able to deliver a range of corporate videos to showcase their incredible Daisy Lodge facilities, support with PR and social media to raise awareness of the incredible work that the deliver.

Find out more about the organisation and how you can support them on their website as they work on delivering the new facilities in Co. Mayo, Ireland. We always advise charities and social enterprises to register for the Google charity grants that are available as well as using video to highlight the great work they are doing, but also to consider digital fund raising as well as to focus on content creation. There are so many amazing stories to share – through content, more people can be reached for support and help – both ways.

Business Making A Difference

Our Customers Allow Us to Make a Difference

“We are grateful that our wonderful customers keep using us to deliver their digital marketing services, websites and digital strategies, as this allows us to make a real difference in the community through offering free support, services and sponsorships. We hope to continue being involved in our community as well as involving more of our own team in the months and years ahead.”

Ciaran Connolly, CEO ProfileTree

£0 Donated

0 Sponsorships

0 Hours Volunteer Hours

Promoting Support

Sharing great stories and organisations

We are surrounded by incredible people making a real difference in our local communities. We have been lucky to have had a chance to sit down with many leaders from different organisations and get an insight into their day to day, the impact they are having in the community as well as how anyone can support them.

Fundraising | Daisy Lodge Newcastle | Cancer Fund For Children | Joan Burden
Technology Charities UK |Inspiring STEM Careers | Employability Skills | Bytes Project
Mental Health in the Workplace – Richie Perera – Mental Health First Aid

Supporting Sports Groups in the Community

ProfileTree is a major supporter of children and community involved organisations. We all understand how important it is to develop team sports and support young people. Sports teams get young people out and helps them develop their self confidence, teaches respect and fairplay, improves willpower, helps develop social skills as well as helps build strong relationships and perseverance.

We have been honoured to have been able to support a number of different sports teams and events over the years. From local football teams such as Linfield youth through to Gaelic football clubs all the way to professional teams such as the UK Basketball Champions – London Lions, who are heavily engaged in promoting engagement with young people in inner London.

For ProfileTree it is important that we can engage with a wide range of organisations in many different locations, with many different purposes and many different communities. This allows us to share a little bit of the ProfileTree ethos across a range of increible teams and build genuine long term relationships that matter.

Sponsoring youth teams allows our business as well as our team members have a real impact in the community. We enjoy providing youth sport teams with funding that gives them access to positive times and experiences. We are helping clubs keep “kids off the street and on the field”, to coin an overused phrase.

By providing sports kits for youth teams we have found that we do not only build goodwill, but also help families afford to sign up to the sports programme. A lower barrier to entry or cost can often mean more children are able to receive the many benefits of support. Over the years we have been able to support a range of different teams and different sports with an aim to helping young people be involved in a range of sports.

Photograph of Linfield Youth Team on Football pitch with ProfileTree branded jerseys
Photograph of Linfield Youth Team on Football pitch with ProfileTree branded jerseys

London Sponsorship of Website Optimisation and Digital Strategy

As a digital website agency, our clients and impacts are not only locally here in Belfast or Ireland where we have offices, but we help companies across the world. One such brand that we connected with a few years ago was a professional basketball team in London called London Lions. The team had very similar principals to our agency where they were focused in supporting the local community in their own unique way. Part of their purpose is to work with young people in the inner city of London, introducing them into core principals of hard work, drive, ambition and reaching for the stars. We were delighted we could support the London club on part of their journey with digital strategy and website optimisation.

The London team are based in Stratford in the city – but they have a wide reach with schools, local youth groups as well as commercial organisations. The team won the BBL league in the 2018-2019 season as well as finishing 2nd in 2017-2018 and 2020-2021. They have also been playing in the European Champions League against clubs all over Europe. While we no longer sponsor the team, we do continue to work with them on their website, ecommerce, SEO and digital strategy.

ProfileTree Agency Sponsorship - London Lions Basketball team

Sports Sponsorship – Team McKenna

Throughout our journey we have had the opportunities to meet and help many great sports people as well as sports teams. We occasionally have an opportunity to sponsor a sports team. We get to showcase our own digital skills and help a sports person on their journey.

People who dedicate themselves to sport – to being a master, an expert at what they do are a real inspiration to us as a business. We hope our own team excel to being experts in their own skills and chosen path. It is one of the values of ProfileTree – being an expert. Hence we see a lot in common with sports people on their journey or who have reached the top.

An example of our supports for young sports stars of the future is the McKenna boxers from Monaghan. Clearly passionate around boxing and it is clear to see their love and dedication for what they do. They are aiming for global domination – to be the global experts at what they do, hence the common thread and connection to ProfileTree and our own aims. We want to be the global leaders in what we do – always be the expert!

We are privileged to be a tiny part of what the brothers are doing to be the experts in their sport and are delighted to have had the opportunity to support them on their own journey – which no doubt will have plenty of ups and downs. Ireland – both north and south has had some incredible sports stars over the years and the country, even with its small size continues to create and deliver some incredible wins against all the odds.

Whenever Irish sports and sports fans are found on a global scale they are often recognised for their friendliness, supportiveness and character. These are skills that we want to continue to develop with our own team and business, where we are seen as leaders in supporting business owners, delivering incredible service and supporting wherever we possibly can. Hence we hope we will have the opportunity to support you on your journey – if building a new website, web design and development of any online platform, through to digital training and digital campaigns – we would be delighted to have an opportunity to work with you and your business.

Do check out Team McKenna and see how they are developing on their journey for world domination – hopefully you will meet us on the same road.

Amazing Food and Drink – Supporting Local Business

We recognise how important the food and drink sector is to Northern Ireland and Ireland as a whole. We feel that the stories and what goes on behind the scenes is often forgotten. As consumers we get to see a plate of food presented to use – but often do not realise the amount of work that has went into getting this prepared.

Hence our support of the amazing food and drink produced on our Island. Our founder is from a farming family and recognises the long hard days and work that goes into creating and producing incredible local food. Tourism and Hospitality is also a special sector in Ireland that we are known around the world for. We created a digital food and drink brand to share the stories and behind the scenes of some incredible food, drink, companies and people.

Do check out our food and drink YouTube channel as well as the website and social media – see the great food produced in Ireland and hopefully you will support us in sharing their story online. We aim to dominate the rankings globally in food and drink searches with this brand – promoting local companies to a new worldwide audience.

Small business is the lifeblood of our community, while we are a commercial organisation – we support small business as much as possible through promoting and sharing their brand to a global audience.


Learning Mole – Free Education

We identified a gap in the market for digital learning. We found that parents were turning to the internet to use resources to help educate their own children as well as themselves in modern teaching techniques and topics. Hence we seen we could support with this and started to create content for anyone to use online. This free educational resource site for parents and teachers quickly grew into something much bigger than we planned.

In time we spun the brand out to be its own company, hire its own team and developer a commercial stream, so it can reach and impact more people that we could do with an internal brand. As its own brand we created an Learning Management System – a platform where schools and parents can login and use the premium educational resources, but more importantly we have published hundreds of free educational videos for children that have been watched millions of times, as well as published over 1,000 pages of resources on the website – reach hundred’s of thousands of children every month. We are delighted to be able to help educate children in coding, finance and general knowledge with our teams creations.

Our agency services

We grow business to new and exciting levels online

Our Services

Web Design

We design stunning, user focused websites that present your brand beautifully and convert visitors into sales.

More on Web Design

Web Development

At our core we are a website development agency – focused on delivering for your business and its clients through its website.

More on Web Development

Digital Training

Our team of digital experts excel at training clients on social media, websites, content, seo, video and digital strategy.

More on Digital Training

Digital Marketing

We can create a plan for your digital marketing, helping you get the highest impact and best return from your marketing and sales budget.

More on Digital Marketing

Content Marketing

We support with content writing, seo, keyword research and digital strategy so your content marketing gains visitors, leads and sales.

More on Content Marketing

SEO Agency Services

We produce highly optimised written and visual content to help you educate and engage with your customers on a range of platforms.

More on SEO Services

Digital News & Insights

Our Digital Agency Blog with expert tips and how-to guides

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