Arguably the most important parts of any piece of writing, including those enhanced by paper writing services, introductions and conclusions, are what explain the article and summarise it. The introduction sets out the argument you want to make, whereas the conclusion summarises it through the evidence you have produced in your body paragraphs. 

Using your introduction to identify your topic helps the reader decide whether or not they shall remain on the piece or move off it. It is used to provide crucial information and context to a reader and needs to be written to engage a reader. Conclusions bring a sense of closure to every piece of work, so ensuring they are sound and informative is integral. We’ve put together some guidelines to help you write the perfect introduction and conclusion. 

woman writing her introduction notes in a book
Being thoughtful about your introduction ensures that you are creating engaging content that makes your reader want to read on (Image Credit: Hannah Olinger)
What Is Content Writing and How to Be a Good Content Writer

The importance of an introduction 

For many writers, the most difficult part of any piece of writing is the introduction. The introduction helps us understand three things: 

  • What – it defines what your body of the text is and explains the purpose of the piece. This helps the reader understand what you are going to talk about
  • How – it helps readers grasp how you will approach a particular topic and the opinions you are going to share
  • Why – it helps readers understand why you are discussing this topic and why it is important or relevant to your field of study or work. 

Introductions function as bridges between your reader and the topic you are going to investigate. It allows them to see the general format of your blog and the points that you want to stress. 

Something that has a confused or distorted introduction can confuse the reader and make them unsure of what they’re about to read. This has a negative impact on bounce rate and can dim your content marketing efforts. Creating fresh, exciting content begins with a strong introduction and that’s something that experienced copywriters want to deliver to their audience.

image for the how to write a perfect introduction and conclusion blog
person typing their introduction onto a laptop
Introductions and conclusions help set out what your argument will be and summarise the findings (Image Credit: LinkedIn Sales Navigator)

How to write a perfect introduction

When writing an effective introduction the first thing that you should begin by doing is working out the questions you want to answer. This content strategy will help you focus on what keywords and phrases you want to illustrate in your body copy that can help this page become valuable, moving you up the results page.

Some methods of developing a good introduction include using a statistic to pull people in. This helps others see the problem or how something could be a solution to their problem. 

For example, video marketing will make up 82% of internet traffic according to Cisco. This makes the reader want to take action around video content and introduces why you think video marketing an important part of their content strategy.

You can quote an expert in the industry or field that you are going to talk about. This ensures that people will engage with your content as they recognise the name and you are basing your content on something that an authority in the industry has said. 

Things to avoid, if possible, when writing your introduction can include not going into too much detail in your introduction. This should be left for your body copy, to allow for the full and complex explanation. 

Another thing that some people do in their introduction is to give dictionary definitions. Most of the time, this is entirely unnecessary. This is only appropriate if you are using a word or term that people would not have heard before. 

content planner book to plan out introductions, body copy, and conclusions
It is important to take the time to think about planning your introductions and conclusions as they are sometimes all your reader looks at (Image Credit: Aaron Burden)

Why you need an effective conclusion

Conclusions are a wonderful way of summarising your findings to your reader and give them clarity on the topic that you have just formed. Usually, they provide key takeaway information that the reader will be able to scan if they don’t have the time to read the full article. 

The conclusion presents your evidence from your findings in a digestible way for your reader. It lets you reflect on your research and gives you time to apply it to a wider picture as well. For example, how hiring a copywriter will help with social engagement because of the constant output of fresh content. 

Through a conclusion, your target audience will be able to have a deeper understanding of the major points you were trying to make in your content as well. This encourages them to keep researching and, if you have content on site about a relevant topic, you are more likely to keep them interested in what you have to offer on your website. 

Woman writing her conclusion on paper beside her computer
Conclusions summarise your points and provide key takeaways for your readers (Image Credit: J Kelly Brito)

Writing content for businesses 

When writing content, sometimes we lose track of the importance of the introduction and conclusion. Some key takeaways for an introduction and conclusion are:

  • Take the principles ‘what, why, and how’ when you’re writing your introduction.
  • Your introduction should always frame the questions you are going to answer
  • Use quotes or statistics to engage the reader
  • Don’t go into too much detail or use irrelevant dictionary definitions in your introduction
  • Use your conclusion as a means of warning readers of not taking action on the topic you are writing about
  • Direct your readers to a specific course of action so they know what to do when in this situation. It will encourage them to return if they have other queries in the industry or topic that you are writing about
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Why Introductions and Conclusions Matter: The Captivating First and Lasting Impression

Introductions and conclusions are often the first and last impressions a reader receives from your writing. As such, they play a critical role in capturing their attention, conveying your message effectively, and leaving a lasting impact. Here’s an overview of why introductions and conclusions matter:


  • Grab attention and hook the reader: A strong introduction sparks curiosity, engages the reader’s interest, and sets the tone for the entire piece.
  • Provide context and background information: Introductions introduce the topic, establish the purpose of the writing, and provide relevant background information to orient the reader.
  • Present the thesis statement: A clear and concise thesis statement summarizes the main argument or point of the writing.
  • Serve as a roadmap for the essay: Introductions outline the main points to be covered, giving the reader a sense of direction and organization.


  • Summarize the main points and reemphasize the thesis: Conclusions effectively recap the key arguments and drive home the central message.
  • Provide closure and a sense of satisfaction: Strong conclusions offer a sense of completeness and leave the reader with something to consider.
  • Reinforce the writer’s credibility and authority: Conclusions allow the writer to restate their position and reaffirm their expertise on the topic.
  • Leave a lasting impression and encourage further exploration: Effective conclusions inspire the reader to reflect, engage in further discussion, or take action based on the presented information.

Impact on Reader Perception:

  • First impressions are crucial: Studies show that readers form an opinion about a piece of writing within the first few seconds. A compelling introduction can make a positive first impression and draw the reader in.
  • Clarity and organization enhance understanding: Well-structured introductions and conclusions guide the reader through the writing, making it easier to understand the main points and follow the author’s argument.
  • Strong endings leave a lasting impression: A well-crafted conclusion leaves the reader with something to remember, increasing their engagement and overall positive perception of the writing.

Structuring Introductions:

1. Hook:

  • Start with a captivating element to grab attention. This could be an anecdote, a surprising statistic, a thought-provoking question, or a relevant quote.
  • Start with a bang: Capture your reader’s attention from the very first sentence. Use a surprising fact, a thought-provoking question, a personal anecdote, or a relevant quote to pique their interest.
  • Stay relevant to your topic: Ensure your hook directly connects to the main point of your writing and provides a clear introduction to the subject matter.
  • Keep it concise: Avoid lengthy introductions and get straight to the point. Aim for a hook that is engaging and efficient.
  • Variety is key: Experiment with different types of hooks to find what works best for your writing style and audience.

2. Background Information:

  • Provide necessary context and background knowledge to situate the reader within your topic. Briefly introduce key concepts and terminology.

3. Thesis Statement:

  • Clearly state your central argument or main point of the writing. This provides a roadmap for your essay and guides the reader’s understanding.

4. Preview:

  • Briefly outline the main points you will cover in your essay. This serves as a guide for the reader and helps them connect with the overall structure.

5. Thesis Statements:

  • Clearly state your argument or main point: Avoid ambiguity and present your thesis in a clear and concise manner.
  • Be specific and focused: Narrow down your topic and avoid making overly broad claims.
  • Position your thesis strategically: Consider placing your thesis at the end of your introduction after providing context and background information.
  • Craft a debatable statement: Your thesis should invite discussion and encourage further exploration of the topic.

6. Summarizing Key Points:

  • Identify the most important information: Focus on highlighting the key arguments, supporting details, and main takeaways from your writing.
  • Use your own words: Avoid simply repeating phrases and sentences from your essay. Rephrase key points while maintaining their original meaning.
  • Maintain a concise and objective tone: Avoid injecting personal opinions or biases into your summary.
  • Ensure clarity and coherence: Structure your summary logically and use transition words to smoothly connect ideas.

Structuring Conclusions:

1. Recap the Main Points:

  • Briefly summarize the key arguments and essential information presented in your writing. This reinforces the reader’s understanding and reaffirms your main message.

2. Reiterate the Thesis Statement:

  • Restate your thesis in a slightly different way to drive home the central argument and leave a lasting impression.

3. Conclusion Sentence:

  • Offer a concluding remark that provides closure and leaves the reader with something to ponder. You can inspire reflection, encourage further action, or pose a thought-provoking question.

Organizational Strategies:

1. Use Transition Words and Phrases:

  • Employ transition words and phrases to smoothly connect ideas and guide the reader through your writing. This helps ensure a logical flow and promotes understanding.

2. Vary Sentence Structure:

  • Utilize different sentence structures and lengths to avoid monotony and maintain reader engagement. A combination of short and long sentences adds rhythm and keeps the reader actively involved.

3. Employ Parallelism:

  • Use parallel sentence structure to create emphasis and enhance the clarity of your writing. This can be particularly effective in summarizing key points or concluding remarks.

4. Proofread and Revise:

  • Carefully proofread and revise your introduction and conclusion to ensure clarity, conciseness, and impact. Check for grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, and any redundancy.

Additional Tips:

  • Tailor your introductions and conclusions to the specific writing task and audience.
  • Consider the tone and style of your writing and maintain consistency throughout.
  • Use vivid language and imagery to create a lasting impression.
  • Practice writing strong introductions and conclusions regularly to hone your skills.

By following these structuring techniques and organizational strategies, you can craft powerful introductions and conclusions that enhance your writing, engage your audience, and leave a lasting impact. Remember, effective beginnings and endings are crucial for crafting compelling and memorable pieces of writing.

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Captivating Introductions and Conclusions: Examples and Samples

Crafting effective introductions and conclusions can be a challenge, but with the right approach, you can create compelling beginnings and satisfying endings for your writing. This guide will provide examples and samples of introductions and conclusions, along with helpful tips for each element.

1. Introductions:

Example 1: Hook with a Statistic

  • Hook: “Did you know that the global coffee market is worth over $460 billion?” (Source: Statista)

Background Information:

  • “From its humble origins in Ethiopia to its current status as a worldwide phenomenon, coffee has captivated hearts and fueled minds for centuries.”

Thesis Statement:

  • “This essay will explore the history, cultural significance, and economic impact of coffee, highlighting its unique role in shaping society.”

Example 2: Start with a Question

Hook: “Can artificial intelligence ever truly replace human creativity?”

Background Information:

  • “As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, the line between human and machine capabilities continues to blur.”

Thesis Statement:

  • “This essay will examine the potential of artificial intelligence in creative fields, exploring its limitations and highlighting the enduring power of human imagination.”

Additional Tips for Introductions:

  • Tailor your introduction to your audience and the specific context of your writing.
  • Vary your sentence structure and use vivid language to capture attention.
  • Ensure your introduction is concise and focused, providing a clear roadmap for your writing.

2. Conclusions:

Example 1: Recap and Reiterate Thesis


  • “Throughout this essay, we have examined the impact of social media on mental health, exploring both its positive and negative aspects.”

Reiterate Thesis:

  • “While social media can offer connection, support, and a sense of belonging, it is crucial to be mindful of its potential downsides and prioritize healthy online habits.”

Concluding Sentence:

  • “By maintaining a balanced and mindful approach to social media, we can ensure it serves as a tool for positive connections and well-being.”

Example 2: End with a Call to Action


  • “This essay has provided a glimpse into the fascinating world of renewable energy solutions.”

Call to Action:

  • “Let us embrace these innovations and collectively work towards a cleaner and more sustainable future for our planet.”

Concluding Sentence:

  • “The time for action is now. Let us harness the power of renewable energy and create a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.”

Additional Tips for Conclusions:

  • Offer a sense of closure and leave a lasting impression on your reader.
  • Avoid introducing new information in your conclusion.
  • Proofread and revise your conclusion carefully for clarity and impact.

Sample Introductions and Conclusions:

Here are some sample introductions and conclusions for different writing types:

Argumentative Essay:


  • “In today’s rapidly changing world, the issue of climate change remains a critical concern. As scientific evidence mounts and its impact becomes increasingly evident, the need for immediate action becomes undeniable.”
  • “This essay will argue that transitioning to renewable energy sources is not only necessary for environmental sustainability but also offers significant economic benefits and technological advancements.”


  • “Therefore, it is imperative for individuals, businesses, and governments to collaborate and implement sustainable energy solutions. By embracing renewable energy sources, we can mitigate the effects of climate change, secure a cleaner future for generations to come, and usher in a new era of technological innovation.”

Narrative Essay:


  • “The old, creaking swing set stood abandoned in the overgrown backyard, a silent reminder of childhood summers spent laughing and soaring through the air.”
  • “This essay will recount a pivotal moment from my childhood, exploring the themes of memory, nostalgia, and the bittersweet passage of time.”


  • “The memory of that summer afternoon remains etched in my mind, a reminder of the simple joys and fleeting moments that shape our lives. As I look back, I carry with me the lessons learned and the cherished memories that continue to inspire me today.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the most important element of an introduction?

The most important element of an introduction is the hook. It should grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read more.

2. What makes a good thesis statement?

A good thesis statement is clear, concise, and debatable. It should state your main argument or point of view in a way that can be proven or supported by evidence.

3. How can I vary my sentence structure?

Varying your sentence structure is important to keep your writing engaging. Try using a mix of short and long sentences, as well as different types of sentences (e.g., declarative, interrogative, exclamatory).

4. What is the difference between summarizing and rephrasing?

Summarizing is providing a concise overview of the main points, while rephrasing is stating the same information in different words.

5. How long should an introduction and conclusion be?

The length of your introduction and conclusion will vary depending on the length of your writing. However, a good rule of thumb is to keep them relatively short, no more than a few paragraphs each.


Crafting effective introductions and conclusions is a valuable skill for every writer. By following these tips, practicing consistently, and using the provided examples as inspiration, you can develop the ability to create compelling beginnings and satisfying endings that elevate your writing and leave a lasting impact on your readers.

Remember, the first and last impressions count, so make them memorable and impactful.

We can’t all write perfectly and if you need a hand on writing the best introduction and conclusion for your content, ProfileTree can help. Get in touch with our copywriting team today to see how we can transform your writing and content.

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