Author Profile

Nour Hany

Nour Hany

2 articles published since July 12, 2023

Posts by Nour Hany:

E-Commerce: Easy and Flexible Guide With Definition, 6 Types of Business Models, and Platforms

Nour HanyNour Hany // 23rd January 2024

Over the past few years, buying stuff online has been a popular act, and in the last three years, especially after COVID-19, it has become the norm of buying, selling, and advertising. So, what is E-commerce, and how is it used nowadays?  E-Commerce: Definition Simply put, e-commerce is a process in which you sell or […]

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Animated Videos for Business Marketing: Boost Your Profits With This #1 Easy-to-Apply Strategy

Nour HanyNour Hany // 4th February 2024

Have you ever wondered what makes certain businesses successful while others are not? Have you questioned your marketing strategy and thought there may be something you missed? Well, think no more! ProfileTree will take you on a tour to investigate one of today’s most successful marketing strategies. Animated business videos are among the most successful marketing […]

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