Author Profile

Salma Samir

Salma Samir

3 articles published since January 10, 2024

Salma is a writer who stumbled upon this beautiful world of words by chance and instantly fell in love with it. She is captivated by all things artistic and loves incorporating that passion into writing. When it comes to trying new things, especially food-related, Salma is your go-to person! If you’re craving something delicious, she’s got you covered because she knows all the best comfort food spots out there.

Posts by Salma Samir:

How To Use ChatGPT: Unlock the Power of Conversation

Salma SamirSalma Samir // 19th January 2024

Ever wished you could chat with a witty robot who could keep up with your wildest jokes, answer your deepest questions, and even write you a sonnet about your pet goldfish? Well, step aside, Alexa, because ChatGPT is here to revolutionise your online interactions. This powerful language model from OpenAI is more than just a […]

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Exploring the Rollercoaster of Family Business Statistics 

Salma SamirSalma Samir // 20th February 2024

Imagine a world where Grandma’s secret cookie recipe is worth more than Bitcoin, and your cousin’s used sock collection funds the next big tech startup. That’s the reality of family businesses, where blood, sweat, and (sometimes) tears combine to build empires that make Game of Thrones look like a children’s tea party. But before you […]

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Unveiling the Secrets of Construction Industry Statistics

Salma SamirSalma Samir // 11th February 2024

The world we inhabit rises from the ground, brick by brick, beam by beam. But behind every towering skyscraper and cosy bungalow lies a hidden language—the language of construction industry statistics. Far from cold and dry, these numbers paint a vibrant picture of a sector that shapes our lives in countless ways. This journey isn’t […]

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