Tag: Entrepreneur

Our expert business blog offers a world of digital how-to

Want to Become a Thought Leader? Here’s Your Ultimate Guide to Thought Leadership

Asmaa AlhasimyAsmaa Alhasimy // 10th February 2024

In a world saturated with noise, the voice of a true thought leader rises to guide others through the fog of uncertainty. It’s not about ego; it’s about impact. It’s about crafting solutions that resonate, sparking change, and leaving a long-lasting mark on your industry. Thought leadership isn’t about ego or hollow platitudes; it’s about […]

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Girls Group Holiday: How Travel Can Empower Women in Business

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 18th January 2024

Sophia Khalid, Human Rights Lawyer and Founder of Girls Group Holiday. Image credit: Girls Group Holiday

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Immeasurable Minds: How to Use Mindfulness at Work

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 8th January 2024

Immeasurable Minds helps people tap into their inner mindfulness using certain tools and techniques. Image credit: Immeasurable Minds

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How to Become a Teenage Millionaire: 15 Success Stories

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 15th February 2024

To a lot of businessmen, making the first million is one of the most important milestones, the beginning of a financial endeavor for economic success. Sweat, blood, and tears are spent and sometimes not in the metaphorical sense. It certainly takes economic talent and good risk assessment to pursue the right path, not everyone is […]

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Understanding Business Strategy in the 21st Century

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 18th December 2023

Business priorities have changed greatly in the last century. Image credit: SeekMomentum

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Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: A Modern Essential

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 18th December 2023

Most of the most successful people display high levels of emotional intelligence. Image credit: ColoradoLeeds

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Your Learning Style: Discovering Your Optimal Learning Style for Enhanced Knowledge Acquisition

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 11th December 2023

There are 7 key learning styles. Image credit: Billie Gibbs

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Career Shift: 5 key steps for a successful career shift

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 21st January 2024

The majority of people would consider a career shift in the near future. Image credit: Fiverr

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Self-Motivation: Inspirational Ways To Unlock Your True Potential and Achieve Your Goals

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 23rd January 2024

Growth, recognition and fun all drive professional motivation. Image credit: Medium

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How to Build an Empire: The Building Blocks of a Successful Business

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 10th January 2024

Is your goal to build an empire around your business? That dream, held by many, doesn’t happen overnight. In the days of online entrepreneurship, the question of how to build an empire is more common than ever. So, what does it take to achieve success? And where should you start? Building a business empire is […]

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Top Latest Small Business Loan Statistics

Eman SamehEman Sameh // 8th March 2024

Delving into the world of business loans can seem like a daunting task, filled with complexities and uncertainties. However, by carefully examining the latest statistics on small business financing, valuable insights can be gained to help navigate the funding landscape and make informed decisions. In this article, we will decode percentage approval rates, average loan […]

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Financial Management: A Comprehensive Toolkit for Building a Secure Future

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 21st February 2024

There are many different elements to financial management. Image credit: MtpPLC

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Key Insights from Today’s Digital Business Statistics

Noha BasionyNoha Basiony // 11th February 2024

Traversing the somewhat bewildering terrain of digital business can certainly appear intimidating for a good number of organisations out there. But here is a bit of comforting news: you are in rather good company. With an impressive 56% of firms globally prioritising their own transition into the digital sphere, it is starkly evident that we […]

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Women Entrepreneurship: Resources, Funding Tips, and Inspiring Role Models

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 15th December 2023

Only a third of businesses around the world are owned by women. Image credit: WorldBank

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Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Model for 21st Century Learning

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 16th November 2023

Entrepreneurship requires a wide skillset. Image credit: HBR.org

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Definition of Entrepreneurship – Top 5 Characteristics That Set True Entrepreneurs Apart

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 8th March 2024

Entrepreneurship often means taking care of all business functions by yourself. Image credit: AmazonAWS

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Entrepreneurship Ideas: Top 10 Most Profitable Small Businesses You Can Launch

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 13th February 2024

Entrepreneurship requires a wide skillset. Image credit: HBR.org

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Global Entrepreneurship Week: 10 Event Ideas to Drive Leads and Promote Your Startup

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 13th November 2023

Global Entrepreneurship Week spans over 100 countries. Image credit: PSU.edu

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How an Internet Marketing Consultant Can Help Grow Your Business

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 25th October 2023

If your marketing team is not well-versed in online activity, you may benefit from hiring an internet marketing consultant to handle the online presence of your business. An internet marketing consultant handles companies’ web presence and online advertising to increase traffic, gain followers and promote conversions. They have specific goals and objectives to attain and […]

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E-Commerce: Easy and Flexible Guide With Definition, 6 Types of Business Models, and Platforms

Nour HanyNour Hany // 23rd January 2024

Over the past few years, buying stuff online has been a popular act, and in the last three years, especially after COVID-19, it has become the norm of buying, selling, and advertising. So, what is E-commerce, and how is it used nowadays?  E-Commerce: Definition Simply put, e-commerce is a process in which you sell or […]

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Freelance vs. In-House Copywriters: Unleashing Content Excellence To Unlock Business Success

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 23rd January 2024

Copywriters are an essential part of any business who wants a good digital marketing strategy and great content to share. (Image Credit: Glenn Carstens)

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