Tag: B2B and B2C Marketing

Our expert business blog offers a world of digital how-to

Essential Email Marketing Statistics for Businesses

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 14th February 2024

Running a business in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, you might ponder the mystic art of email marketing. We’ve all been there: an onslaught of endless emails flooding our inboxes with little noticeable reward for businesses. But hold on—did you know that more than 306 billion emails are dispatched and received globally daily? This makes it […]

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Global Marketing Data and Market Share Statistics

Panseih GharibPanseih Gharib // 21st February 2024

The marketing world is abuzz with activity, constantly evolving to keep pace with shifting consumer habits and technological advancements. Yet, amidst the noise and change, one constant remains: the power of data. Understanding industry trends, competitor actions, and customer preferences are the main factors of any successful marketing strategy. But navigating the vast ocean of […]

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Retail Strategy: Your Guide to Retail Success in the Digital Age (With Examples)

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 6th February 2024

When you hear that successful brands such as Toys R’ Us, Forever21, and Bebe are closing their retail stores, you can’t help but wonder: where did they go wrong? At some point, these were beloved and popular brands. Why are they closing their stores? Can the growing power of e-commerce and technology take all the […]

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AI Marketing in 2024: Stats that Will Blow Your Mind (and Boost Your ROI)

Miral NassarMiral Nassar // 21st February 2024

In 2024, AI marketing is set to revolutionise how businesses connect with consumers. With advancements in AI technology, marketers can expect mind-blowing results that will significantly boost their return on investment. This article provides an in-depth look at the state of artificial intelligence in marketing as we enter 2024. It explores the utilisation of AI […]

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Content Personalisation: Requirements and Implementation Strategies

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 29th January 2024

Audience insights are the biggest barrier to creating personalised content. Image credit: HubSpot

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B2B Digital Marketing Essentials: A Complete Guide

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 17th January 2024

B2B digital marketing trends are always changing, and so are the methodologies, strategies, and nature of modern campaigns. Whilst the risks and challenges are not rapidly shifting like in the B2C ecosystem, it still does require a lot more effort – rather than just knocking on clients’ doors and offering services! The introduction of digital […]

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Digital Marketing Trends to Keep an Eye On

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 4th February 2024

Digital marketing trends are the curves that set everything straight. It’s no longer considered a novelty to spend time in comprehending the basics of digital marketing. When companies attempt to allocate their efforts into cultivating effective marketing techniques, they often miss out on how to maximise the benefits of these flows of digital marketing trends. […]

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Data Science Mastery: A Symphony for Business Success

Miran ShahineMiran Shahine // 20th January 2024

Data science stands as a beacon in today’s data-rich landscape, providing businesses with the tools and techniques to transform a sea of information into a treasure trove of insights. From customer interactions to supply chain operations and internal processes, data science unlocks the hidden potential that lies dormant within vast datasets. By harnessing the power […]

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LinkedIn Engagement: Incredible Ways To Utilise Your Employee Network 

Nuala DaviesNuala Davies // 23rd January 2024

From LinkedIn’s ‘about page’ we are told that the platform ‘Is the world’s largest professional network with more than 1 billion members in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.’  These stats verify that LinkedIn offers a world of possibility in regards to representation of your business online.It is emerging as top dog in relation […]

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How To Network On LinkedIn: Master These Amazing Do’s And Don’ts

Nuala DaviesNuala Davies // 14th February 2024

LinkedIn is arguably the top platform for professional networking online. This digital space allows industry-wide networking, connection, and relationship building.  From the construction industry to the beauty industry, there is space for all different types of corporations to thrive. With these diverse industries in mind, you might be wondering how to network on LinkedIn and […]

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Must-Know Business Development Statistics

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 20th February 2024

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed amidst the business development labyrinth, unsure how to steer in the right direction? You’re certainly not alone; it’s a path many have trodden before. It may astound you that 90% of global firms are small businesses—a righteous salute to all those intrepid entrepreneurs who dive headlong into the bustling world […]

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Business Email Compromise Statistics

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 14th January 2024

Are you concerned about escalating business email compromise (BEC) scams? You’re certainly not alone in your troubles. The distressing trend is growing, with worrisome figures showing a startling 81% increase in these underhanded attacks throughout 2022. This issue has indeed landed squarely on all our radars. Within this blog post, we’ll be unpacking key facts […]

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What Is B2B Marketing? Essential Definition

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 28th November 2023

Salesforce heavily rely on hard data for their B2B marketing messages. Image credit: Salesforce

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Mastering B2C Marketing: 7 Keys to Customer Loyalty in the Digital Age

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 11th February 2024

Chopani are highly proficient at Instagram marketing. Image credit: MediaKix

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The Ultimate Guide to Business Blogging Statistics

Panseih GharibPanseih Gharib // 11th February 2024

In the digital age, business blogging statistics show that blogging has become an integral part of content marketing strategies for companies aiming to establish a strong online presence. Understanding business blogging involves creating compelling and relevant content and leveraging data-driven insights to inform the content strategy. With the ever-changing digital marketing landscape, staying updated with […]

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Top 10 Business Networking Sites to Grow Your Connections

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 21st January 2024

The more you network, the more likely you will make a sale. Image credit: MarketingExpertus

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A Guide to Effective B2B Marketing Strategies and Tactics

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 21st January 2024

B2B marketing strategies have intricacies that call for different approaches than the ones you’d employ selling directly to consumers. Business customers behave differently from normal consumers and often make more expensive purchases. While B2B buyers share some behaviours and traits with consumers, B2B marketing strategies need to take their differing needs into account. Different businesses […]

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WhatsApp Business Features to Help Your Company Grow

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 21st January 2024

The following WhatsApp Business Features can alter how you communicate online with clients or consumers for good. About 300 million people use WhatsApp every day. This staggering number has inspired the company to work on a Business API, WhatsApp Business, to nourish and cultivate relationships between small companies and consumers.   The app works its magic […]

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E-Commerce: Easy and Flexible Guide With Definition, 6 Types of Business Models, and Platforms

Nour HanyNour Hany // 23rd January 2024

Over the past few years, buying stuff online has been a popular act, and in the last three years, especially after COVID-19, it has become the norm of buying, selling, and advertising. So, what is E-commerce, and how is it used nowadays?  E-Commerce: Definition Simply put, e-commerce is a process in which you sell or […]

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LinkedIn Industries 101: How To Choose The Perfect Industry Code

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 30th January 2024

LinkedIn industries have become a critical component in the optimisation of LinkedIn profiles. Since the launch of LinkedIn in 2003, the social media platform has become a fantastic resource for businesses, particularly when it comes to B2B marketing, recruiters, and employees.

However, did you know that there are over 149 LinkedIn industries to choose from when setting up your LinkedIn profile? This is a critical step when optimising your LinkedIn page as this impacts a company’s placement within the LinkedIn search.

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8 Useful TikTok Business Statistics To Boost Your Social Media

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 4th January 2024

TikTok business statistics are essential for businesses and marketers to recognise current trends and consumer behaviours, and utilise these statistics to improve their social media marketing.

Since the release of TikTok in 2016, businesses have utilised the social media platform to increase brand awareness, generate sales, liaise with influencers, and promote video marketing content.

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8 Important Facebook Business Statistics For Your Marketing Strategy

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 14th February 2024

Facebook business statistics are an amazing resource for businesses and marketers to understand user behaviour and Facebook marketing tools to improve a marketing strategy.

With over 2.9 billion users on Facebook as of 2023, the possibilities to elevate your business on Facebook are endless. Over the years, Facebook has proven to be a powerful social media platform to direct traffic to websites, generate leads, reach new customers, and increase sales.

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8 Essential Statistics About Social Media Marketing To Improve Your Online Presence

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 11th February 2024

Statistics about social media marketing are incredibly beneficial for business owners and marketers as they provide essential insight into how users behave on social media and how this may impact a digital strategy. 

For businesses, it is important to recognise statistics about social media marketing to ensure that your current digital strategy is relevant and generating the most effective results.

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9 Useful B2B Social Media Marketing Statistics You Need To Know

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 9th February 2024

Business-to-business, or B2B, social media marketing statistics help inform businesses and marketers about the current marketing landscape.

When promoting your business online, it’s important to review your current B2B strategy to promote your products or services to other businesses and convert these into customers.

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3 Powerful Ways To Enhance Your Twitter Marketing Strategy

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 3rd November 2023

Twitter marketing has remained one of the most powerful social media tools for online users to communicate with each other and keep up-to-date with current news and trends. Twitter is a fantastic platform for businesses to enhance their online presence and increase brand awareness.

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4 Ways to Use LinkedIn Marketing To Increase Your Brand Awareness: A Complete Guide To LinkedIn

Claire MulliganClaire Mulligan // 13th February 2024

LinkedIn marketing has transformed how businesses and professionals interact with each other. LinkedIn has become a social media platform for businesses to enhance their online presence and increase brand awareness to stand out amongst competitors.

Our complete guide on LinkedIn marketing will help you optimise your LinkedIn page and leverage the platform to increase your brand awareness and visibility.

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B2B website design – what to consider for a successful website

Sara LynchSara Lynch // 28th February 2024

A B2B website is one of the most valuable tools for marketing within B2B organisations. With curated B2B website design, your website can rank highly on search engines, increase traffic, generate more sales and become a resource of support for its targeted businesses. 

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Brand Positioning Basics: Establish Your Brand in Easy 4 Steps

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 24th November 2023

Fairy has a great brand awareness with consumers placing their trust in the brand because of its longevity and history. (Image Credit: WynnStay )

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17 Amazing Brand Storytelling Examples: A Brand’s Once Upon a Time

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 6th October 2023

Storytelling is such a buzzword in the marketing industry these days. There’s been a lot of hype about successful brand storytelling examples because ultimately, people like to hear the story behind their favourite products/services, it builds brand loyalty and helps create an emotional connection that will ensure your business stands out from competitors.  But what […]

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How to Write a Creative Brief: A Brief History of Briefs (With Examples)

carolcarol // 4th March 2024

How to write a creative brief that you enjoy writing and at the same time gives a precise and valuable overview of the project? A creative brief is a very common, yet feared word among those who work in the marketing and advertising field. Brand managers and marketing specialists find it a heavy task and […]

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