Author Profile

Asmaa Alhasimy

Asmaa Alhasimy

5 articles published since January 2, 2024

Asmaa Alhashimy is a detail-oriented content writer experienced in creating compelling content. Her keen attention to detail shines through in every piece, ensuring that each creation leaves a lasting impression. Her work reflects a commitment to excellence and delivering engaging and practical information.

Posts by Asmaa Alhasimy:

How to Measure Your Corporate Video Production’s Success

Asmaa AlhasimyAsmaa Alhasimy // 22nd February 2024

Remember the last time you sat through a corporate presentation? Eyes glazed over, phones scrolling, minds drifting to that long-awaited coffee break? Yeah, we’ve all been there. But what if your next presentation could do the opposite? What if it could spark curiosity and ignite a wave of excitement about your brand? 55% of people […]

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Want to Become a Thought Leader? Here’s Your Ultimate Guide to Thought Leadership

Asmaa AlhasimyAsmaa Alhasimy // 10th February 2024

In a world saturated with noise, the voice of a true thought leader rises to guide others through the fog of uncertainty. It’s not about ego; it’s about impact. It’s about crafting solutions that resonate, sparking change, and leaving a long-lasting mark on your industry. Thought leadership isn’t about ego or hollow platitudes; it’s about […]

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A Comprehensive Guide to Online Video Production: How to Make Videos That Sell

Asmaa AlhasimyAsmaa Alhasimy // 21st February 2024

In a world saturated with noise, online videos have the power to break through the clutter and skyrocket your brand awareness like never before. 87% of consumers watch video content online, and 90% say they’d rather watch a video than read text about a product. 72% of businesses report increased website traffic thanks to video, […]

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Why Do We Need CAD? Top Advantages of CAD Software

Asmaa AlhasimyAsmaa Alhasimy // 26th January 2024

CAD has risen as a digital Michelangelo, sculpting intricate 2D and 3D designs with unparalleled precision and efficiency. Beyond the sleek interface and dazzling visuals lies a treasure trove of advantages that have redefined the way we design, build, and innovate. So, what exactly are the advantages of CAD software? Why, in this age of […]

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Exploring 5 Different Types of CAD Software

Asmaa AlhasimyAsmaa Alhasimy // 2nd January 2024

Exploring the realms of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) with a multitude of choices—from SolidWorks to AutoCAD and beyond—can be daunting. It’s like steering through a vast sea of options that seem to multiply with each passing day. This blog is here to help cut through the jargon and decode the intricacies of the different types of […]

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