Author Profile

Aya Radwan

Aya Radwan

9 articles published since July 17, 2023

Aya has had a love for writing since her early years. She loves reading, writing, crafts, cycling, travelling, nature, good food, winter and all colours blue. With an active online presence since 2011, writing for online magazines, and blogging since 2014, she has published three books! She juggles motherhood with her writing passion and discovering new things with her daughters.

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Posts by Aya Radwan:

Java Programming Interview Questions You Need To Know Before Your Interview!

Aya RadwanAya Radwan // 8th March 2024

Feeling a touch nervous about your imminent Java programming interview? You’re in good company – these interviews can indeed pack a punch, even for the seasoned developers among us. In this blog post, we’ve pulled together an essential list of Java Programming Interview Questions that are practical and revealing, crafted from real-life encounters and detailed […]

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Anger Management Statistics: A Sobering Look at Its Destructive Effects

Aya RadwanAya Radwan // 4th February 2024

While anger is a natural human feeling, it can become destructive when left unchecked. This powerful emotion has an incredible rippling impact inward, affecting our mental and physical health, relationships and even workplace productivity. It can also lead to destructive societal effects when we don’t take the necessary steps to handle it better. This Anger […]

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Object-Oriented Programming In Java

Aya RadwanAya Radwan // 11th January 2024

What is object-oriented programming, or OOP, in Java? Whether you’re studying programming as a hobby or a career choice, you will find that using Java is inevitable. This universal programming language is one of the easiest to learn and use, hence its undeniable popularity. However, to fully understand and reap the benefits of Java as […]

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Hotel Marketing Statistics that Prove the Hospitality Industry is Bouncing Back

Aya RadwanAya Radwan // 11th February 2024

The hotel industry is one of the pillars of the hospitality industry, a powerful industry that contributes to the development of their countries and the overall economy. The hospitality industry is expected to bounce back after the Covid-19 Pandemic and continue powerful growth to reach $4,699.6 billion in 2023. Furthermore, the booming hotel market reached […]

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Businesses Going Green Statistics: How Maintaining Earth is Good for Business

Aya RadwanAya Radwan // 26th July 2023

We’ve heard the calls for sustainability in business for years, and today, this matte couldn’t be more important. The earth’s surface and core began to change as a result of decades of harmful waste and exploitation. The calls to protect our world have never been louder; it’s not enough to be eco-friendly; as a business […]

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Business Travel Statistics that Reflect the Importance of Travelling

Aya RadwanAya Radwan // 21st January 2024

Business travel is an integral part of completing the company’s work; this includes taking national or international trips with the intention and schedule to complete such business. This includes attending meetings, conferences and product launches that are relevant to your company’s work. When you travel for business between major hubs like NYC and Boston, reputable […]

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Shocking Negative Social Media Statistics Expose the Dark Side of These Platforms

Aya RadwanAya Radwan // 30th December 2023

Social media turned the online community upside down; it basically invented online social societies. Social media helped bring people closer, reconnect old classmates and find a long-lost relative. These platforms earned its power deservingly. Today it helped an unlimited number of people start new businesses until it became indispensable in every marketing strategy. However, this […]

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Women in Business Statistics that Demonstrate the Shift in the Business World

Aya RadwanAya Radwan // 4th January 2024

A few decades ago, societies considered a female entrepreneur unthinkable. Even though there were unerring examples of self-made female businesswomen, such as Madam C.J. Walker in the late 1900s, to inspire women worldwide to courageously enter the leading business field. Madam Walker made history by being the US’s first self-made millionaire. Over the following decades, […]

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54 Instagram Business Statistics You Must Know to Push Your Business Forward

Aya RadwanAya Radwan // 7th December 2023

After the release of Instagram in 2010 as the latest photo-sharing application, it joined the list of social advertising applications. Today, it’s rare to find a marketing strategy that doesn’t include Instagram in its social media marketing plan. The viral application helped both businesses to reach customers on the other side of the globe and […]

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