Web Design, Marketing and Business Blog - Page 7

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We aim to produce the best business blogs on digital marketing, content creation, business and entrepreneurship as well as web development, business strategy and social media.

The State of Business Credit Cards: Trends, Stats, and Insights for 2024

Miral NassarMiral Nassar // 21st February 2024

The world of business credit cards is constantly rising, and as we step into 2024, it’s important to stay up-to-date with recent trends, statistics, and insights. Understanding the current state of business credit cards can provide invaluable knowledge for seasoned business owners and budding entrepreneurs. Let’s investigate the latest statistics, usage trends, and critical factors […]

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Apple iOS 14 and Your Facebook Ads

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 1st February 2024

With increasing concern around privacy in the digital age, Apple has announced that they will be making changes to increase security with iOS 14. This includes how we process conversions through tools like Facebook Pixel. This update has naturally caused some friction between Apple and Facebook due to the argument for ad targeting in marketing. […]

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6 Tips for Creating Great Social Media Video Content

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 1st February 2024

When using social media for business, it can be hard to stand out and make an impression on users. Social media video content is an easy way to do this. When creating video content for social media, some tips and guidelines work across all social media platforms. These are great places to start from when […]

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6 Ways To Make Sure Your Website Is Secure for Customers

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 1st February 2024

Every website can undergo security breaches and while you might not think that there is anything of value on your site, this doesn’t mean there isn’t an opportunity for it to be compromised. Something to note is that the majority of website security breaches are attempts to use your server as an email relay for […]

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SEO Guide: Google’s Caffeine Update

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 1st February 2024

Over a decade ago, Google underwent a major update that revamped its indexing system. The Caffeine Update of 2010 greatly increased the efficiency of Google’s web crawling, allowing web pages to appear on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) faster. This update provided opportunities for lesser-known sites to appear on Google’s SERP. As a result, […]

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5 Amazing Web Development Ideas

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 13th February 2024

Web Development Ideas: In the ever-evolving world of web development, fresh ideas are the lifeblood of innovation. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a budding enthusiast, the thrill of conceptualizing a project that not only meets user needs but also pushes boundaries can be incredibly motivating. Yet, staring at a blank screen or a brainstorming […]

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What to Expect From Influencer Marketing: The Pros and Cons

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 1st February 2024

Influencer marketing is a specific market in which social media influencers are the advertisers. Essentially, the influencers endorse products on behalf of the brand that has hired them. Instead of advertising directly to a large group of consumers, a business or brand will hire an influencer to create social media content involving the product. The […]

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How to Drive Ecommerce Sales with Dynamic Facebook Ads

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 1st February 2024

Back in 2015, Facebook launched dynamic product ads to help eCommerce businesses run scalable ad campaigns that were targeted and optimised. Utilising dynamic Facebook ad campaigns can increase conversions and boost sales without users spending precious time configuring individual campaigns.  Most eCommerce stores have integrated features like Facebook Catalog and Facebook Pixel to make setting […]

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6 Do’s and Don’ts To Make Your Logo Great

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 1st February 2024

A brand’s logo is more than just an image that you put on social media and your website. Your logo is truly at the heart of your entire business. It represents your brand on promotional advertisements, product packaging, and everywhere online. Your logo is how customers will recognise you, what will draw in new potential […]

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What Is Unique Selling Point? Ultimate Guide

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 1st February 2024

Your unique selling point should differentiate your products from your competitors. Image credit: TractionWise

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Voice Search: Why the Future Is Voice

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 1st February 2024

Voice search was once just a part of a futuristic, sci-fi movie – that’s all in the past now, much like when encyclopedias were cool until the introduction of digital search engines. Bit by bit, the nature of those search engines took several forms and developed over the last decade until they’ve reached their latest […]

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SEO for Events: A Complete Guide

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 1st February 2024

The search engine results page feature that shows all the events in an area you have searched for is known as the events pack. (Image Credit: ProfileTree)

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SEO Guide: May 22nd Google Algorithm Update

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 20th February 2024

Google’s ranking and indexing processes change constantly. Unfortunately, they don’t always tell us what these changes are. This seems to be the case for the unconfirmed May 22nd Google Algorithm update. Naturally, this makes life difficult for SEO pros. Ultimately, the goal of SEO is to make your site as attractive as possible to Google’s […]

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Digital Value Proposition: Customer-Orientation

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 1st February 2024

Value proposition is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as “business or marketing statement that describes why a customer should buy a product or use a service”.

Value proposition is central to the marketing process. At a fundamental level, a value proposition is the means by which a brand answers the question of why someone should do business with them. This applies equally to a brand in a digital and non-digital context. Central to the digital value proposition is customer orientation, it ensures a brand is customer-orientated, outward-looking and crucially willing to update and adapt.

This blog will go through the ways in which you can develop a unique digital value proposition to appeal to customers whilst differentiating your business from competitors. We’ll be discussing information from positioning and crafting compelling digital value propositions to adapting and measuring your digital value proposition.

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What is Instagram Search and Explore?

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 1st February 2024

In recent updates, Instagram has placed a big emphasis on aiding access to original content. With value being at the forefront of the app, it has introduced an Instagram Search and Explore tab to help users search and discover meaningful content to them. While this may sound primarily beneficial for users – businesses big or […]

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A Comprehensive Comparison Between CATIA and SolidWorks  

Noha BasionyNoha Basiony // 15th February 2024

In the dynamic realm of computer-aided design (CAD) and engineering, the choice of software can define the success of a project. Among the myriad of CAD tools available, CATIA and SolidWorks emerge as formidable titans, each renowned for its prowess in facilitating intricate design, engineering, and manufacturing processes. Yet, when it comes to choosing the […]

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The Surpass of Digital Media Over Print Media in Today’s World 2024

Miranne KhaledMiranne Khaled // 31st January 2024

The transformation from print to digital media has revolutionised how we consume information in the ever-evolving media landscape. As the world hurtles forward in this digital age, the differences between print media and its digital counterpart have become increasingly pronounced. Print media once stood as the unrivalled medium for news, entertainment, and knowledge dissemination. Magazines, […]

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Fairstone NI: The Importance of Financial Planning

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 26th February 2024

Most of us leave our financial planning efforts until it’s too late. We learn about the benefits of doing it early on with Peter Savage and Sean Larkin from Fairstone NI.

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Instagram Live Rooms: The New Feature Transforming Live Content

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 31st January 2024

This week saw the launch of Instagram Live Rooms, an exciting new feature built to reinvent the way users collaborate and entertain in real-time. This recent addition allows users to add up to three guests when they go live to their followers. This is two more than the previous limit, where users could only host […]

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4 Content Marketing Mistakes Everyone Makes

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 11th February 2024

Content marketing is the underdog of business success. By investing your time and energy into it, you will actively engage your audience and equally promote your business. But what’s the catch? There is a common misconception that content marketing is easy. While it can be – if you do it right – there are unfortunately […]

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How to Overcome Procrastination: 8 Simple Steps to Increase Productivity

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 31st January 2024

Procrastination wastes vast amounts of time. Image credit: Brandon Gaille.

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Empowerment Through Technology with Lauren Allison

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 31st January 2024

This week, we caught up with Lauren Allison of #TechMums to discuss her business journey, empowering women through technology and the importance of digital transformation in the age of Covid-19.

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World Kindness Day: Interview with Little Penny Thoughts

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 31st January 2024

As part of World Kindness Day, we spoke to social media giant and wellbeing professional Annette Kelly from Little Penny Thoughts.

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10 Common Mistakes People Make When Setting Up Google Analytics

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 14th February 2024

Google Analytics is, arguably, the best method of providing a summary of how your business is performing online. With a variety of metrics that allow for demographics to be observed, how many conversions are occurring on your landing pages, and click-through rates being noted, its uses have no end. Despite all these incredible benefits, there […]

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Understanding Financial Wellness with Nick Lawlor

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 31st January 2024

In an interview carried out pre-lockdown, we caught up with Nick Lawlor to discuss the right approach to income and money and how to stay prepared for all eventualities in life.

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How to Select the Best iOS Game Development Company for Your Project

Ciaran ConnollyCiaran Connolly // 4th February 2024

If you’re interested in developing an iOS game, you’ve probably already realized that the market is booming with opportunities and the competition is fierce. But if it’s your first time entering this space, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why we’ve compiled this guide: to help you identify some key considerations […]

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SEO Basics: Understanding Google Algorithm Changes

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 31st January 2024

Google uses various algorithms to run its search engine, determine factors that rank each website page and implement filters to make changes to search results. Google is the top search engine in the world, and to keep its engine running properly, it constantly updates its algorithms. The algorithms are the primary way that Google finds, […]

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Veri: Digitising Compliance Paperwork and Data Governance

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 31st January 2024

We’ve highlighted one of our most relevant interviews from the Business Leader Archives, sitting down to discuss the digitisation of compliance paperwork and data governance with Veri’s Ann-Marie McSorley.

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5 Essential Wix Apps For Your Online Store

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 31st January 2024

In today’s competitive online landscape, building a beautiful and functional website for your online store is just the beginning. To truly thrive, you need to equip your store with the power and flexibility to adapt to ever-evolving customer demands and industry trends. That’s where Wix Apps come in. Wix is a website builder that prides […]

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SEO Training: Everything You Need to Know about It

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 31st January 2024

SEO specialists are probably the most widely misunderstood marketers. Despite this, it’s an area that more and more people want to break into. To gain the right skills to succeed, many marketers choose to take dedicated SEO training. And to be fair, there’s probably never been a better time to break into SEO. This is […]

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Mastering The Art of The Social Media Video Editor: Creating Incredible Micro Content

Nuala DaviesNuala Davies // 30th January 2024

Since the pandemic, platforms such as Instagram and TikTok have become powerhouses in the digital content landscape attracting billions of users all across the world. When delving into the world of content creation, short form video offers an abundance of opportunity. Video content and micro content has boomed, changing the way we consume media online. With […]

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The Rise of UK Farmers Markets: Stats, Trends, and the Future of Local Food

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 30th January 2024

Have you ever been to a farmers market? If you have, you know what we’re talking about when we say it’s where fresh produce is everywhere your eyes can see, local communities connect and socialise, and life feels straight out of a novel. Once you step foot in a farmers market, you will count the […]

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How to Write an Effective Email to Engage Users?

Sara LynchSara Lynch // 12th February 2024

Creating an engaging and effective email is a necessary step for successful email marketing campaigns. In this competitive digital world, it is not an easy task to stand out among others without putting in extra effort. It includes creating and following a strategic approach and implementing several proven techniques to make your email engaging. 

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Video First: Talking UI Testing with CEO Bob Marks

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 30th January 2024

Are you aware of the importance of UI testing, and how avoiding it could have disastrous consequences? Video First Software CEO Bob Marks explains why.

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Digital Transformation for Small Businesses with Rich Dale

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 7th March 2024

Today’s marketplace is changing, and ‘digital transformation’ is on the lips and minds of business owners across the globe. Gone are the days when websites were built merely to hold an online presence: customers now have greater expectations and demand that websites serve as true digital showcases for their favourite brands, big or small. With […]

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Expanding Your Business Network with Michael Osborne

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 30th January 2024

In a highly relevant pre-Covid interview, ProfileTree CEO Ciaran Connolly sat down with Business First’s Michael Osborne to talk about the benefits of joining a business membership group.

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