Author Profile

Maha Yassin

Maha Yassin

37 articles published since December 1, 2023

Maha Yassin is a content writer for ProfileTree. She writes articles for the company’s various websites. She’s always chasing the next fun thing and likes to write about different topics to broaden her horizons and hone her skills. In her free time, Maha is an illustrator and an avid k-drama fan.

Posts by Maha Yassin:

Business Demography Statistics: A Comprehensive Look

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 6th March 2024

Imagine a world where businesses are born, grow, and die like living things. Welcome to the fascinating realm of business demographics, where statistics paint a picture of the rise and fall of companies, revealing hidden trends that shape our economy. Buckle up because we’re about to delve into the data jungle and uncover the secrets […]

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Change Management Statistics: Demystifying the Challenging Journey of Transformation

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 6th March 2024

Forget gut feelings and blind leaps of faith. Successful transformations hinge on cold, hard facts in today’s volatile business landscape. Welcome to the world of change management statistics, where numbers illuminate the path to organisational triumph or expose the pitfalls that sink initiatives. A staggering 66% of change efforts fail. Why? Let’s dissect the data. […]

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Social Media Advertising Effectiveness Statistics

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 4th March 2024

Social media has become an undeniable force in our daily lives, and businesses have taken notice. It’s no longer just about connecting with friends and family; social media platforms have also become powerful marketing tools. With billions of users engaged daily, these platforms offer brands a unique opportunity to reach a vast and targeted audience. […]

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A Full Guide to The Power of Social Media for Small Businesses

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 28th February 2024

In today’s digitally driven landscape, maintaining a solid online presence is essential for any small business hoping to thrive. Due to their extensive reach and diverse functionalities, social media platforms have become essential for small businesses to engage with customers, establish brand awareness, and stimulate growth. Understanding the power of social media statistics can equip […]

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Restaurants Social Media Statistics: A Powerful Tool for Growth

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 27th February 2024

In today’s digital age, where smartphones are ever-present and online reviews hold immense power, social media has become an indispensable tool for restaurants. Statistics reveal a staggering 90% of consumers research restaurants online before dining, with a significant portion turning to social media for discovery, decision-making, and inspiration. This article delves into the key insights behind restaurant social […]

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9.2% of Revenue Drained: Contract Management Statistics

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 26th February 2024

Contracts are the lifeblood of business. From the most minor purchase order to the multi-million dollar enterprise agreement, they underpin every transaction and collaboration. Yet, despite their ubiquity, contracts often go overlooked, relegated to dusty filing cabinets or forgotten corners of digital servers. This neglect, however, comes at a steep price. Ineffective contract management can […]

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Project Management Statistics: Decoding the Numbers Behind Project Success

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 26th February 2024

In the relentless pursuit of progress, projects form the lifeblood of every industry. Whether launching a groundbreaking tech product, constructing a towering skyscraper, or orchestrating a captivating marketing campaign, each project represents a carefully orchestrated dance of resources, timelines, and objectives. Amidst the chaos and complexity lies a hidden language—the language of statistics. Understanding these […]

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A Deep Dive into Business Closure Statistics

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 26th February 2024

Have you ever walked past a vacant storefront, its dusty windows reflecting the empty promises of a bygone dream? Business closures, like tumbleweeds rolling through our economic landscape, are a reality silently shaping our world. In the blink of an eye, shops disappear, restaurants fade into memory, and companies vanish, leaving behind echoes of ambition […]

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Misused Statistics in the Media: The Ultimate Guide

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 26th February 2024

You’re scrolling through your newsfeed, bombarded with headlines screaming about a new study linking coffee to cancer. Panicked, you ditch your morning latte, only to discover a week later that the research was based on a tiny group of overcaffeinated hamsters and has no bearing on human health. Welcome to the wild world of statistics […]

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Business Data Statistics: How Numbers Drive Profits

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 26th February 2024

Navigating the business world in our data-dominated age can often feel like winding your way through a bewildering labyrinth. We have found ourselves wrestling with mounds of raw data, seemingly devoid of any identifiable pattern or purpose. However, would it astound you to learn that the global Big Data and Analytics market is worth an […]

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Social Media Popularity Statistics and Their Implications

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 8th March 2024

Social media has become an undeniable force in our lives, transforming how we connect, share information, and consume content. From staying in touch with loved ones to keeping up with current events, these platforms have permeated nearly every aspect of our daily routines. Understanding the scope and dynamics of social media usage is crucial for […]

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Social Media Platforms User Statistics: A Deep Dive

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 24th February 2024

In today’s interconnected world, social media platforms have become ubiquitous, transforming how we communicate, share information, and even consume news. Understanding the intricate tapestry woven by social media platforms user statistics is no longer just a marketing necessity but a crucial step towards navigating the complexities of online interaction. This article delves into the fascinating […]

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Social Media Phishing Statistics: A Shocking Rise

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 24th February 2024

In today’s digitally connected world, social media plays a central role in our lives. We connect with friends and family, share experiences, and even conduct business through these platforms. However, this growing reliance on social media has also created a fertile ground for a dangerous threat: social media phishing. Phishing, the deceptive practice of stealing personal […]

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A Data-Driven Guide to Knowledge Management Statistics

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 23rd February 2024

In today’s dynamic business landscape, knowledge is power. Organisations are increasingly recognising the strategic importance of effectively capturing, sharing, and utilising the collective expertise of their workforce. This is where knowledge management (KM) comes into play. KM encompasses a range of practices and technologies aimed at creating, disseminating, and leveraging organisational knowledge to achieve strategic […]

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Essential Email Marketing Statistics for Businesses

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 14th February 2024

Running a business in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, you might ponder the mystic art of email marketing. We’ve all been there: an onslaught of endless emails flooding our inboxes with little noticeable reward for businesses. But hold on—did you know that more than 306 billion emails are dispatched and received globally daily? This makes it […]

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Unveiling Key Inventory Management Statistics and Technological Trends

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 6th February 2024

In the intricate dance of modern business, effective inventory management is not just a logistical necessity; it’s a strategic imperative. The delicate balance between supply and demand, achieved through meticulous inventory control, is critical to a company’s financial health, customer satisfaction, and operational prowess. As businesses navigate this critical terrain, technology emerges as a transformative […]

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The Rise of UK Farmers Markets: Stats, Trends, and the Future of Local Food

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 30th January 2024

Have you ever been to a farmers market? If you have, you know what we’re talking about when we say it’s where fresh produce is everywhere your eyes can see, local communities connect and socialise, and life feels straight out of a novel. Once you step foot in a farmers market, you will count the […]

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The Massive Power of Experience: Unveiling Experiential Marketing Statistics

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 9th February 2024

Brands are desperate to connect in a digital world choked with forgotten banner ads and fleeting social media pings. Forget the fight for clicks; the future is about forging memories. Enter experiential marketing: crafting immersive experiences that leave customers breathless, not bored. And the stats? They’re mind-blowing. Experiential campaigns deliver a 65% ROI boost, build […]

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The Unexpected Hero: Direct Mail Marketing Statistics

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 21st February 2024

Forget what you think you know about snail mail. In the age of digital overload, a curious phenomenon is unfolding: the resurgence of direct mail marketing. Once relegated to dusty catalogues and unsolicited flyers, direct mail is making a stunning comeback, armed with surprising statistics that challenge the dominance of digital advertising. Don’t believe the […]

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Social Media Recruiting is Transforming Talent Acquisition!

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 17th February 2024

Remember the days of scouring endless job boards and submitting resumes into the void? In today’s dynamic landscape, the career search has gone social. Enter social media recruiting, a game-changer that’s shaking up the talent acquisition scene. Picture this: 4.62 billion people—nearly half the world’s population—are active social media users. And guess what? A whopping […]

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The Importance of Business Statistics for Success

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 26th January 2024

In the bustling business world, where intuition and risk often tango, a robust partner emerges: business statistics. Far from dry numbers confined to spreadsheets, these statistical tools weave a vibrant tapestry of insights, guiding crucial decisions at every turn. Imagine navigating intricate financial landscapes with predictive models, optimising operations with precise data analysis, or unearthing […]

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Busting Myths: The Statistics Behind Business Success

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 13th January 2024

Starting a business is indeed an exhilarating endeavour, isn’t it? Yet, as we both know, there’s no denying that it can be akin to navigating a ship on stormy waters. Even from our perspective as seasoned business owners, we cannot simply ignore the chilling statistic that nearly 20% of businesses sadly capsize within their maiden […]

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Must-Know Business Development Statistics

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 20th February 2024

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed amidst the business development labyrinth, unsure how to steer in the right direction? You’re certainly not alone; it’s a path many have trodden before. It may astound you that 90% of global firms are small businesses—a righteous salute to all those intrepid entrepreneurs who dive headlong into the bustling world […]

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Social Media Ads Statistics and How to Make Them Work for You

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 11th February 2024

Social media is the constant hum of our digital lives, the endless scroll of friends, news, and…ads. But how much do we really know about these ubiquitous marketing messages? Fear not, fellow scrollers, for we’re diving deep into the world of social media ad statistics in 2024! Get ready to unlock the secrets of the […]

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Your Best Guide to Java Programming Practice

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 11th January 2024

Are you struggling to navigate the intricate vines of Java syntax? Feeling tripped up by tangled arrays and tripped over pesky null pointers? Well, fret no more, fellow programmers! This blog is your machete through the dense jungle of Java. Here, we’ll be hacking away at the undergrowth of harmful practices, clearing paths to optimised […]

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Mastering AutoCAD: Essential Tips and Tricks

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 11th January 2024

Ready to unleash your inner architect or engineer? AutoCAD, the industry-standard software for 2D and 3D drafting and design, is your gateway to a world of creative possibilities. Whether envisioning the blueprint for your dream home, meticulously planning the layout of a new factory, or crafting stunning 3D models, AutoCAD empowers you to bring your […]

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The Numbers Don’t Lie: How a Business Strategy Can Change the Game

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 25th December 2023

Venturing into the business world is often likened to solving a complex puzzle. From personal experience, we can attest this includes an underappreciated component – harnessing critical business strategy statistics. Studies suggest that whilst 67% of leaders deem their organisations skilful at formulating strategies, only half feel they execute them adeptly. In this article, we’ll […]

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How to Be a Successful YouTuber: Joining the Creator Community

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 8th March 2024

The continued growth of YouTube has been incredible. What started out as a platform for watching funny cat videos has now become the second-largest search engine in the space of only a few years. Every minute, there are more than 500 hours uploaded to YouTube. Other social media platforms have attempted to introduce their form […]

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Business Email Compromise Statistics

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 14th January 2024

Are you concerned about escalating business email compromise (BEC) scams? You’re certainly not alone in your troubles. The distressing trend is growing, with worrisome figures showing a startling 81% increase in these underhanded attacks throughout 2022. This issue has indeed landed squarely on all our radars. Within this blog post, we’ll be unpacking key facts […]

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How the First Programming Language Was Created

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 14th December 2023

Have you ever found yourself pondering the origins of programming languages, those quintessential cogs that set in motion our digital universe? Like a cup of tea brewing on a foggy London morning, there’s something inherently captivating about these intricate creations of the first programming languages and their history. Did it ever cross your mind that […]

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How To Create a WordPress Website for Beginners

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 14th January 2024

Fancy embarking on a digital adventure and crafting your website, yet find yourself daunted by all the technical mumbo-jumbo and intricate processes? No worries, mate! Indeed, we’ve all been perplexed at first. However, we discovered that with WordPress, shaping an impressive-looking website isn’t as tricky as it seems – even if you’re just dipping your […]

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Is HTML a Programming Language? The Ultimate Guide to HTML

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 14th January 2024

Have you ever found yourself mulling over the question, “Is HTML a programming language?” Having paddled through the intricate waters of web development and coding languages such as HTML; we fully comprehend your contemplation. While often referred to as a programming language, HTML holds a unique position in the web development world. Unlike its dynamic […]

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Is SQL a Programming Language? Understanding SQL

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 26th December 2023

Have you ever caught yourself mulling over the question, “Is SQL a programming language?” Rest assured, you’re in good company. It’s indeed baffling why SQL – this indispensable tool for managing data across countless applications – doesn’t exactly slot into the conventional definition of a programming language. In this article, we’ll navigate through the intriguing […]

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Programming Languages to Learn for Beginners

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 14th January 2024

Feeling a tad swamped by the number of programming languages? Trust us, we’ve been there before. With such an abundance, figuring out which language is ideal for beginners or offers the most fruitful career prospects can be quite a puzzle. But no need to fret – this article should clear up your doubts with aplomb! […]

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What Is the Easiest Programming Language To Learn?

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 29th January 2024

Have you ever pondered which is the easiest programming language to learn? You’re hardly alone, mate. Many people found themselves in your shoes once, searching high and low for a direct and comprehendible coding language to cut their teeth on. After sifting through numerous languages and referencing well-scrutinised resources, this blog promises to guide you […]

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How to Identify the Programming Language of a Website

Maha YassinMaha Yassin // 14th January 2024

Have you ever found yourself on a website, absolutely gobsmacked by its sleek design and smooth functionality, and thought, “I wonder what programming language this marvel is built with?” It’s a rather common question – even yours truly has pondered this while marvelling at the craftsmanship of certain websites. Although it might appear as complex […]

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