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Personal Development - Page 2

The latest personal development articles, advice and insights from the ProfileTree team.

Why Self Development Skills Are Vital – 15 Must-Have Skills This Year

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 15th December 2023

Leaving your comfort zone is crucial for learning new skills. Image credit: PeopleHRSolutons

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Your Learning Style: Discovering Your Optimal Learning Style for Enhanced Knowledge Acquisition

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 11th December 2023

There are 7 key learning styles. Image credit: Billie Gibbs

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Why is Personal Branding Important? Self-Marketing for Cynics

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 7th December 2023

These days, recruiters typically expect candidates to be on LinkedIn, so strong personal branding is a must. Image credit: Zety

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Positive Thinking: Unlock Your Potential How Your Thoughts Shape Your Reality

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 6th December 2023

Positive thinking and personal wellness are a major industry today, highlighting their importance. Image credit: Global Wellness Institute

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What To Do When You Feel Like a Failure: Overcoming Self-Doubt

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 5th December 2023

Feeling like a failure is highly tied up with imposter syndrome, which causes a number of concrete problems. Image credit: Intuit

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Career Shift: 5 key steps for a successful career shift

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 21st January 2024

The majority of people would consider a career shift in the near future. Image credit: Fiverr

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How to Deal with Workplace Stress? Exploring Welfare at Work

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 20th February 2024

Working too hard can ruin your motivation and harm your health. Image credit: SHRM.org

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Public Speaking: 8 Tips For Success

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 5th March 2024

A large proportion of how your audience perceives you stems from your body language. Image credit: Open University

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Self-Motivation: Inspirational Ways To Unlock Your True Potential and Achieve Your Goals

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 23rd January 2024

Growth, recognition and fun all drive professional motivation. Image credit: Medium

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Be the Change You Want to See in the World: How to Start Today!

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 29th November 2023

Climate change is arguably the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. Image credit: BBC

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Personal Development Planning Explained: 7 Steps to Success

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 11th December 2023

What is Personal Development Planning and how does personal development planning help us achieve our goals? A standard personal development plan is a type of action plan that enables you to advance from your current state to a desired one. It comprises learning hard and soft skills. This means creating a development plan based on […]

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What Is Personal Development: A Complete Guide Definition and Benefits – 7 Key Steps for Success

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 4th February 2024

What is personal development? Essentially, personal development is acquiring new skills and qualities to improve your job performance, confidence and self-esteem. This means if you want to find a way to enhance your professional life, or even your overall worldview, personal development is key. However, what this actually means in practice is often unclear. Today, […]

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Personal Development in Your Workplace: 4 Steps to Success

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 27th November 2023

The SMART framework helps you to achieve your goals. Image credit: NHS

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8 Best AI-Powered Tools to Boost Productivity

Noha BasionyNoha Basiony // 5th February 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of today’s digital age, the quest for heightened productivity is relentless. As organisations and individuals strive to optimise workflows, reduce manual effort, and enhance overall efficiency, the transformative influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a beacon of innovation. From automating repetitive tasks to providing predictive insights, AI is revolutionising […]

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using CAD You Should Know About

Noha BasionyNoha Basiony // 13th February 2024

In a world where technology is continually reshaping the landscape of industries, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) has emerged as a cornerstone in the fields of architecture, engineering, and product design. As this programme can create detailed 3D models and 2D drawings with a high level of precision and efficiency, it has revolutionised the design process and […]

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What is a Professional Bio and How to Write a Compelling One

Noha BasionyNoha Basiony // 4th March 2024

So it is 2008, and you are getting on this thing called Twitter for the first time. You write your name and choose a cool handle before you realise that space beneath where you have to describe yourself in 160 characters. You find it both challenging and frustrating because everything you think of does not […]

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What Is a Personal Brand and How to Build a Strong One

Noha BasionyNoha Basiony // 29th January 2024

As the world shockingly started to realise that this new virus was too fierce to contain in only two weeks and was probably going to stick around for who knew how long, and when the news of how thousands of people were laid off from their jobs overnight, everyone, even those who kept their jobs, […]

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How to make a decision and 20 inspiring decision making quotes

Sara LynchSara Lynch // 26th October 2023

How to make a decision that will benefit your life? Making a tough decision can seem like an impossible choice, especially when it seems like the consequences might change the course of your life. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and want to shy away from making those hard choices altogether. 

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222 Wise and Inspirational Quotes on Life, Work, Success and Hope

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 11th December 2023

(Image Credit: ProfileTree)

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How To Work From Home While Taking Care of Your Mental Health

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 9th October 2020

Working from home has become the norm for many companies across the globe and people are finding innovative ways to adjust to these settings. With the incredible benefits of saving on the cost of transport, not having to set your alarm quite as early, having more flexibility around your start and finish times – sometimes […]

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Good and Bad Leadership Qualities: What Are They and How To Master Them?

ProfileTreeProfileTree // 24th July 2023

It’s possible to have both good and bad leadership qualities, and there may be certain characteristics in a leader that defines you on either end of the spectrum. In any context, however, it is not an easy thing to be a leader and a good one for that matter. Think of it as a constant […]

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Personal Development Insight

Personal Development is the method or art to help an individual polish the existing personality traits and develop the lacking yet vital traits in their personality. This is a true help in improving those personality elements of a person that helps in attaining the goal of life. If there are areas of your job or business that you do not like or are not good at, those are the weaknesses that a personal development plan can help you improve on.

Confronting these areas and improving on them can help to push you out of your comfort zone. This allows you to experience growth and to improve your skills. This also works on your strengths. By taking time to focus on nurturing and using your strengths more, you go from being good at something to being excellent at it. You can reach your potential and achieve great growth by developing the skills you are already good at.

Thus, Personal Development cannot only help extract the vital traits out of a personality but also add value to other needed traits as well. This will also add to your personality and help boost your self-confidence to move ahead in life.