Google Tools Resources

Training and Resources

Google is, without a doubt, the most popular search engine platform that is used today, but how do you leverage it for the benefit of your business? From Google Maps, to tag managers and everything else in between, we can help you make sense of it all and help you establish a presence within the search engine giant.

There are many Google Tools available that will allow you to promote your business and grow your online presence, whether you want to take advantage of SEO and attract organic audiences, or implement a Google ad campaign for optimum visibility, there are many possibilities for leveraging the search engine to your advantage.

Check out our resources below that delve into the specifics of each Google tool. Whilst this isn’t a complete list of the tools available, it is a good starting point for you to get to grips with it all.

Resources for Google Tools

Your Ultimate Guide to Google Tag Manager

google tag manager

Code helps tags fire, bringing data back from your site to Google Analytics.

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Understanding Google: Ultimate Guide for YOUR Business 2024

Google for business guide

What is Google and how can we understand everything Google offers today? Simply this: Google is your essential source of free tools to grow your business, work smarter, keep organised, talk to your customers and much, much more.

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What Is Google Index and How Does It Affect you?

guide for google index

What is Google Index? If you’ve paid for a website for your business, understanding the basic ‘what’ and ‘how’ of Google indexing is an essential. Search engines play a pivotal role in organising, navigating, and retrieving information amidst the vast sea of webpages. As the world’s leading search engine, Google employs a sophisticated system to […]

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What Is Google Ranking? A Modern Business Essential

Guide about Google Ranking

Google ranking is an algorithm to measure the relative relevance, quality and importance of findings in a Google search. 

Being favoured over other businesses means having a much bigger ‘shop window’ in results and more chances to show your wares to potential buyers!

Google, the world’s leading search engine, holds the key to unlocking website success, and its ranking algorithm plays a crucial role in determining which websites appear in the coveted top positions. In 2022, there were an average of 8.5 billion daily searches conducted on Google worldwide (Source: Internet Live Stats).

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Google Maps: The Complete Guide for 2024 – Features, Tips and Tricks

Featured image for Google maps: make it work harder for you article

GPS is a navigation system made up of numerous orbiting satellites. Credit:

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