Digital Marketing Omagh | ProfileTree We’ve reached a point in time where large companies are talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications in growing the business. Meanwhile, small and medium sized companies (SMEs) are either struggling to get started with the digital world or are mid-way trying to figure out how to optimise their digital performance and grow their online presence. Since we’ve been working hands-on with everything digital since 2010, our goal is to close that gap between large corporates and SMEs. Digital transformation is already at play, so every business must use that opportunity to fulfill its full potential as a business. We love to empower our close business community with knowledge that enables them to adopt and adapt to digital transformation. In this article, we will tackle how to prepare your team for digital training and how to make the most out of it as a trainee.

Are You Looking for ‘Digital Training Omagh’?

ProfileTree – Expert Digital Trainers and Digital Strategists with a Local Flavour Serving Businesses in Omagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland

We are a self-made, family run agency based in Belfast and Monaghan. We’ve established ourselves in the Northern Irish market since 2010. We’ve grown the team, collected content marketing awards, and helped local and international businesses with building top-notch websites. We’ve also helped hundreds of small and medium sized businesses with free digital training through programmes funded by Northern Ireland’s Councils over the course of three years. Investing in building digital training for your business in Omagh means making sure your new partnership is built on proven methods. Our multi-talented experts can deliver on all aspects of digital training from blogs to social media marketing to video production, SEO, and web development.

Digital Training Omagh: How to Prepare for Digital Training as a Company

We’re not talking about the pre-briefing agency stage, because we’ve already tackled that in a previous article that you can read here. This is about you preparing your employees right before they start their training.

Digital Training Omagh: Share Your Digital Vision for the Company

Engaging your employees is critical to make the most of your digital training. The best way to engage your employees is to make them feel involved. Since you decided to invest in digital training for your business, then you must have a vision or an objective. You must explain what you have in mind for the company and your employees from a digital perspective. For instance, you could be aiming to digitise your sales process entirely and you want them to be equipped with the right skills. Or, it could be that you want this specific group to be in charge of digital marketing. Perhaps, you’re aiming to train them on how to use a new CRM. Regardless of your motivations, make sure they’re on the same page. Furthermore, it’s important to make sure your employees know that this digital training is not only beneficial for the company, but also beneficial to their career growth. By growing their skillset, they can become more efficient at execution within their current role. It adds value to them as professional talents in the job market. Additionally, it could possibly open the door for them to explore other areas or career, for their own personal development. That will help them be enthusiastic about learning and engaging with the training.

Digital Training Omagh: Share the Training Content

One of the most frustrating things for trainees is the digital course or training failing to meet their expectations. Many companies skip sharing the content of the course with the employees – even though it’s an easy but essential step. Sharing the content of the digital course will set your employees’ expectations and prepare them for what they’re about to learn beforehand. It creates a space for employees to be comfortable and share their thoughts. It’s also much better to share with them the content and give them enough time to review it. If the course content is tailored to your business, then you may need to amend the content. Even if the course content cannot be changed, it’s important to hear their feedback as you could avoid wasting resources on a course that doesn’t meet their expectations.

Digital Training Omagh: Set a Calendar that Suits Everyone

Before you set the date and time for the sessions, discuss that with your employees – especially if the course extends over a period of time and not just one-off session. To maximise their engagement, trainees need to be committed to what they’re learning and that’s why scheduling the sessions at times and dates that suit them keeps them engaged. If the digital training will have assignments, it’s important to set the rules about when your employees can work on those assignments. Is it going to be during or outside of working hours? If it’s outside of working hours, how will you compensate them for that? These are good questions to consider before the training starts.

Digital Training Omagh: Create Incentives

Nothing is as engaging to trainees as incentives. There’re many ways through which you can encourage your employees. One idea could be to associate the employees’ performance during the digital training with their yearly appraisal. Another idea could be to reward them financially for their performance or to give them gift awards like vouchers or membership cards. Even certificates of attendance could be a good motivation to your employees; something they can add to their CV or LinkedIn profile. No matter which type, incentives are a great way to keep your employees engaged throughout the digital training.

Digital Training Omagh: Assign or Encourage Study Buddies

Digital trainings and courses can be fun to your employees. It is a great way for employees to bond, socialise, and network. You’d be amazed at how trainings can break the silos and unhealthy rivalries between different teams and departments – as employees are now study peers trying to learn the same thing. When they help each other or share knowledge and questions, they’d get to know each other better and see a different side of each other. Additionally, one of the best ways to learn is to explain to someone or guide someone through the process, that will ensure the knowledge is acquired and remembered. That’s why assigning or encouraging study buddies keeps trainees engaged and increases the efficiency of the learning process.

Digital Training Omagh: How to Prepare for Digital Training as an Individual

Digital Training Omagh: Prepare Your Workspace

Choose a comfortable chair and a writing surface suitable for a full day’s work, such as a desk or kitchen table. Lounging on a comfy couch is fine for passive learning like webinars, but engaging in a live classroom with learning objectives and skills testing requires your full attention. It’s also essential to keep a pen and a paper to take notes or use a digital scribble if you prefer. It helps you focus during the training and record highlights to go through or revise later if needed.

Digital Training Omagh: Prepare Your Technology

If your digital training is virtual, you need to ensure all your tools are working properly. Set up your computer and webcam, and make sure you have reliable high-speed internet access. You can connect to audio through the computer or use a separate microphone. A hands-free headset helps cancel background noise which is perfect to focus. It’s also good to keep your power cords handy as video streaming can drain laptop batteries quickly. Finally, save time on the first day of training by completing any necessary downloads in advance. If your digital training is on one of the applications or platforms like Google Analytics, Facebook Advertising, LinkedIn Advertising, etc. make sure you’ve access to these platforms and open it in the background, if possible, to keep track of what’s being said.

Digital Training Omagh: Prepare for Class

Every time there’s a class, follow the preparation instructions to make sure you’re ready to go. Complete and submit any pre-work as required. Review provided guidelines and materials in advance. And most importantly, be sure to block out the time on your calendar. Silence your phone and ask others to respect your dedicated training time, so you can focus on learning. If the time between the sessions is longer than a day or two, you may need to go through your notes from the previous session just to refresh your memory.

Digital Training Omagh: Prepare to Engage

One of the biggest keys to success in any learning environment, online or offline, is active participation. Ask questions. Speak up during discussions. Collaborate during breakout sessions. Complete all practice assignments and self-graded quizzes. And take full advantage of peer-to-peer networking discussions and opportunities. If you typically find it challenging to participate in virtual sessions, you can type your questions and send them through the meeting’s chat. Ideally, you should use your training sessions to practice engaging and expressing your thoughts as this is a must-have skill in today’s business environment. Moreover, a great way to be fully engaged with the topic of the session is to read about it before the session. That way, you can come to the session prepared with questions and if your questions remain unanswered by the end of the session, you can ask the instructor. Both you and your peers will benefit from that. It will open the door for relevant discussions and ideas others may not have thought about because they’re learning about the topic for the first time.

Digital Training Omagh: Share Your Feedback

Remember that being an employee attending a digital training provided by your company is not the same as being attending a course as a college student. Your company is investing money on learning and development to sharpen their talent and achieve goals. That’s why hearing back from you is essential to direct their investment to the right channels. In other words, your win is their win, too. That’s why they’re keen to hear from you. So, be open about your thoughts on the training and how they can improve during this training or the upcoming ones. Even if you don’t find it useful, share your feedback with the relevant stakeholder like your line manager and try to propose solutions if you can.

Digital Training Omagh: Why ProfileTree?

Well, for us digital training isn’t a ‘service’, it isn’t an off-the-shelf resource we take into businesses, and it shouldn’t use generic resources so limited they’d leave your team with more questions than answers. Instead, it’s a partnership where we pass on the methods that we used to build our own digital agency through tried and tested methods. We’ll show you what worked and how you can use digital training for business success. As a digital training provider covering Northern Ireland, including Omagh and County Tyrone, one of our favourite things is to see a client grow with us as a local business, harnessing digital know-how to find and convert new customers and new markets. That’s because we don’t see digital training as a ‘purchase’ as much as a partnership where we share the techniques, we used ourselves to grow our own NI-based business.

Digital Training Omagh: Our Digital Training Approach

Digital Training Omagh: We Prioritise Listening to Our Clients

We want to hear about your business, your marketing, things that have gone wrong or well as well as your goals for the future. Our digital training is shaped around your answers. That’s because we don’t reach for a clipboard of pre-packaged courses, we listen – and listen well – to what’s needed and then start creating the right solution.

Digital Training Omagh: We Use Results to Grow Your Results

Digital vanity will pay no bills and wastes your resources. Instead, we’ll tap into our own work with SEO, web and social media marketing, content, and strategy to share genuine Return On Investment (ROI) and build your own results-driven training solution based on the quality metrics from existing work for clients and from our in-house brands. Other than running our own agency, we run four more internal brands: Connolly Cove, Learning Mole, Amazing Food and Drink, and Amazing Cars and Drives.

Digital Training Omagh: We’re Always a Call Away

Our training isn’t an online transaction, and neither is our training relationship. Want to know in the future how technology chatbots, AI, voice search, professional videos, or an SEO review could produce ROI for your company? Just ask, we’re a local business like you and we’re only a phone call away.

Digital Training Omagh: What to Avoid in Digital Training

Digital Training Omagh: Isolated Digital Training

What’s the use in teaching your team how to build reach on social media without training them to create, manage and convert the traffic it can create? What’s the use of using video marketing without creating a customer journey to move your audience towards purchasing? The elements of your online world can’t be seen in isolation and the behaviour of your audience online doesn’t happen in isolation. Quality digital training takes a broader view of your business, your potential buyers, and the things you want to achieve in order to make the very best of your digital training investment.

Digital Training Omagh: Dated Digital Training

A pro AND a con of the digital world? Digital know-how begins to date almost immediately as online technology and behaviour changes constantly. But this can be a good thing as tackling emerging technology when digital training is being drawn up can mean your business is poised to take advantage of everything your digital presence is capable of. At ProfileTree we love trying, testing, and using the latest digital methods to achieve business growth. Let’s discuss how proven digital know-how can help unlock your digital success.

Digital Training Omagh: Textbook Digital Training

Yes, there’s a place for textbook knowledge and well-established textbook thinking (including in our training). But our tried and tested digital training is much more: it means sharing years of hands-on SEO, content marketing, social and strategy know-how, including the lessons from methods that worked in your sector and local area. We’ll even show you live results from previous work, examples of success delivered for businesses like yours and a clear strategy for how our tailored digital training can be built around the results you need.

Digital Training Omagh: Second-Hand Digital Training

You’ll have seen the same presentations circulating at business events, talking about things like social media basics, why you should be using video marketing or what digital channels you should be using. A question to ask a training company: how many miles does their training have ‘on the clock’ and how many competitor businesses have been training using the same resources? Ask us first about customised digital training to find out how fresh, proven, current-day, forward-looking knowledge can reignite your business.

Digital Training Omagh: How Much Does Digital Training Cost

Working with so many different businesses over the years taught us to work with different budgets and requirements. We have created multiple packages for each of digital marketing services. Of course, every digital training project has its own requirements but generally, we use your requirements and budget to come up with suitable digital training solutions. And we hardly ever give our clients one solution – we usually give them multiple to choose from. In other words, you set the requirements, we tailor a package within the limits of your spending. Our digital training hourly rate starts at £65 per hour. Delivering a 90-minute session takes around 6 hours of preparation by our team. Of course, sometimes the preparation would cover two sessions instead of one, depending on the level of complexity of the material delivered. For an accurate pricing, get in touch with us.

Digital Training Omagh: Ready to Book a Free Digital Training Audit?

A digital training audit is where one of our expert team members will get on a call with you to understand what you have in mind for digital training. You’ll discuss your goals, your team’s skills, and where you see potential. Our specialist will go through your digital marketing channels and analyse your performance briefly to recommend digital training solutions. Fill the form and send us your questions, we will be happy to answer all of them. Please let us know if your business is registered in Omagh, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Alternatively, you can book a chat with our team for free and find out how we can help you plan your digital training in Omagh, County Tyrone. More services: Content Marketing Omagh, Social Media Marketing Omagh, Digital Marketing Omagh, Web Design Omagh, SEO Omagh