Today’s marketplace is social. How we decide to engage and interact with our favourite brands is transforming – but how? Consider this: only ten years ago, much of our buying decisions were influenced by the world of advertising, and how that world targeted us through television, radio, print and web.

armagh map
Social Media Marketing Armagh

Today it’s TikTok trends and social media influencers that drive people to buy new things and try the latest products. Social media also empowered consumers as much as brands. They are now part of the conversation and word of mouth is now stronger than ever. For all those reasons, local businesses in Armagh need to establish a strong presence through professional social media marketing management – and at ProfileTree, we can do just that.

Social Media Marketing Training

We can help with many aspects of your social media training, ensuring that you have all of the necessary skills to manage your social channels in-house, including;

  • Social media analytics
  • Keyword research for social media
  • Content creation
  • Content calendars
  • Social media captions
  • and more

We can show you how to manage and grow your social media channels for your Armagh-based business, bringing more audiences and reach to your socials.

Social Media Marketing in Armagh

In order to deliver a successful strategy, you need to first analyse the business landscape in Armagh and social media usage as across Northern Ireland.

  • In 2023, there were 9,390 VAT and/or PAYE registered businesses in the borough.
  • 78% of Northern Ireland’s population uses social media. Here’s more of a breakdown below.
  • Facebook:
    • Users: 78% of adults (MTB Law)
    • Daily usage: 39 minutes (Ofcom, 2022)
    • Age range: Consistent engagement across various age groups
  • Instagram:
    • Users: 38% of the population (MTB Law, 2023)
    • Daily usage: 14 minutes (Ofcom, 2022)
    • Age range: Peaks among 18-24 year olds
  • Snapchat:
    • Users: 26% of the population (MTB Law, 2023)
    • Daily usage: 37 minutes (15-24 year olds)
    • Age range: Primarily used by younger demographics
  • TikTok:
    • Users: Growing significantly, especially among younger generations
    • Daily usage: 30 minutes (15-24 year olds)
    • Age range: Dominated by younger demographics, but wider adoption across age groups is occurring

Understanding this, is essential to how you will design and deliver a social media marketing campaign.

‘Social Media Marketing Near Me’

Once people reach your platform, this is your moment of truth. Are you ready with a solid story and wow-visuals that give those people a reason to stay? Not only to stay but also to have reasons to trust your story enough to purchase your product or use your service. To craft powerful, relevant stories, you need a social media agency near you – living your day-to-day struggles.

A true ‘social media marketing near me’ means that those who manage your social media presence understand your local market’s pain points, trends, and know the ins and outs of the local community. Social media marketing is a quick and daily interaction with your audience. So, your social media agency should work side by side with your team covering moments as they happen.

The Philosophy Behind Social Media

‘Social marketing’ should not be confused with social advertising or even social communication. In the words of Kotler and Zaltman: “Social marketing is the design, implementation, and monitoring of programs designed to influence the acceptability of social ideas and that embeds planning, pricing, communication, distribution, and marketing research considerations.”

Best Social Media Marketing Armagh 2024 1

This term and its definition were coined back in 1971. Yes, that’s before social media marketing existed. But it’s relevant today because it helps you understand how social media marketing works and what you should expect out of it.

How Social Media Marketing Promotes Businesses

Most believe that social media marketing is all about achieving numbers and sales immediately through advertising. So, while this is possible. It remains a secondary goal to having a social media presence. Social media can help you attract sales through announcing promotions and reaching untapped audiences. However, your main goal is to influence the social context and ‘the acceptability of social ideas’ that would lead more people to buy your products.

Big brands do that all the time! Value-based retailers promote the idea that buying cheap is ‘smart’. Luxury retailers promote the idea that buying ‘expensive’ is an investment and a social status. By playing with these ideas, they both create narratives that encourage their audience to buy from them.

Online Behaviour

This makes perfect sense when you consider why people are on social media platforms. They’re not on social media to buy. They’re here to engage and interact with pop culture. They’re here to find out news and keep up with their friends. They want to be part of the conversation and not feel left out or missing out with what’s going on in their community or even the global community. That’s why hard selling is not the right approach on social media.

Social Media Objectives for Local Businesses in Armagh

Your goal on social media is to entertain, to become a creator, and to interact with trends and pop culture and most importantly to influence. Influencing your audience to become loyal to your brand is the end goal of your social media presence. Short term and seasonal paid campaigns are super important to boost your sales and performance and to make sure you’re on the right track. But it’s not a long-term goal. It is merely a tactic to influence your target audience and get them to consider you as their new favourite place to shop or choose for their needs.

How Do Social Media Agencies Work

A professional social media agency will help you balance between short term and long term goals; between increasing your sales and building strong brand equity online. Social media agencies in Armagh and across Northern Ireland work in different ways. But here are some of the things we pride ourselves on being experts on!

Account Management

Our account management and operations team work hard to keep their eyes on local trends and the ins and outs of everyday life in Northern Ireland. Our teams are always busy educating themselves about different industries and the online consumer behaviour for purchasing and consuming content. Our account management team works side by side with clients to help them capture opportunities and plan out their digital marketing strategy. They’re also responsible for coordinating daily work and tasks to ensure you’re ahead of everybody else.

Agile Marketing Project Management Processes

Social media is truly fast-paced and requires working with tight deadlines and changing requirements, that’s why we employ agile marketing into all our processes. We read our client briefs thoroughly and recommend ideas and strategies based on that. Then, we create social media strategies on a quarterly basis considering seasons, national days, and holidays. We optimise as we go and add to our content calendar upon request. We always aim to be as approachable as possible to our clients. But don’t take our word for it, here are some of our clients’ feedback.

Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, or any other platform. We work with your assigned budget for paid promotions. Our management fees are set according to the number of hours spent on your campaign, so it’s something you can control, and we can align on it together.  We work with set objectives and key performance indicators as per each platform’s nature and the goals of the campaign.

Social Media Paid Advertising Objectives

Reach, impressions, views, engagement, lead generation, app downloads, or website traffic are different objectives that we consider when we create your ad copies and visuals. We agree on the creative part with our client, we can even use A/B testing with a small budget first if you’re not sure. Then, we monitor the numbers and optimise for the best results and cost.

Brand Management

Brand Management is a huge aspect of social media marketing that many tend to forget about. Building a strong brand requires an understanding of your brand promise, brand persona and tone of voice, visual identity, and target audience personas. Social media is an important touchpoint for your brand and your brand guidelines need to be consistent across all communication. Whoever is managing your social media presence needs to have a solid understanding of what your brand stands for. Our brand strategists ensure that your social media designs, captions, activities, target persona, and the entire digital experience are in line with your brand guidelines.

Social Media Marketing Armagh: Content Writing

We pride ourselves on being an award-winning agency for content marketing. Our team of content writers and creative copywriters are our wizards when it comes to crafting stories that sell. From short captions and campaign taglines to long articles and guidebooks, we are ready to write in the language that your audience want to read.

We understand that some brands, especially B2B brands, require detailed information and a deep understanding of the industry to be able to write for them. Therefore, research is part of our writing process. We never start writing before educating ourselves about what it is we’re writing about. We’ve successfully executed content marketing for many industries tourism businesses, technology start-ups, medical practitioners, and even law firms.

Social Media Marketing Armagh: Video Marketing

One can’t stress enough on the importance of video marketing for local businesses. It’s something that differentiates your local brand and helps you stand out. It’s also a great way to engage with your audience because people prefer watching videos to any other form of content. It gives your brand credibility because it’s a ‘show and tell’ method, especially if you’re introducing a new concept. Our team of video marketers have executed hundreds of videos for our internal brand and our clients, too.

Video Marketing Concepts We Can Create

  • Develop Instructional Videos like recipes or DIYs
  • Live Video Streaming
  • Host A Webinar
  • Behind the Scenes Videos
  • Edit Your Video Length To Fit Each Social Platform
  • Teach A Class Via Video
  • Film A Mini TV Series
  • Create A Weekly Video Series
  • Raise Awareness for a Cause
  • Partner With Industry Experts To Release Videos On Different Topics
  • Shoot A Sales And Promotion Video
  • Use Video To Show Off Your Company Culture
  • Film A Thank You Video
  • Interview Customers Or Clients
  • Interview Team Members
  • Create Product Specific Videos
  • Promote Your Event With A Video
  • Share An Expert Q&A Video
  • Get Creative With Your Data By Using Whiteboard Videos
  • Create Time-Lapse Videos To Show Processes From Start To Finish
  • Give Your Audience A Video Tour Of Your Office
  • Recap A Conference Your Team Attends
  • Send Holiday Greetings Videos
  • Announce Contests With A Promotional Video
  • Create A Top #10 Video
  • Announce Company News

Our A team of videographers use multiple ways to shoot unique material. From drone videography to interviews, we’ve a strong portfolio that showcases our ability to execute any of those ideas. We rely on team’s marvellous skills to produce videos that stand out. We handle everything from creating the concept to editing and even working out your YouTube SEO strategy.

How Much Is Social Media Advertising?

Working with so many different businesses over the years taught us to deal with different budgets and requirements. We tailor all our packages according to your needs and it doesn’t matter whether the budget you have is big or small – we work with KPIs. In other words, you set the budget, we tailor a package optimised for your requirements and within the limits of your spending. We have packages starting from 500£ per month covering content, visuals, moderation, and reporting.

Social Media Marketing Armagh: Ready to Book a Free Social Media Audit?

Fill the form and send us your questions, we will be happy to answer all of them. Please do let us know if your business is registered in Armagh. Alternatively, you can book a chat with one of our team members to audit your social media platforms and find out how we can help you establish your social media marketing presence in Armagh, County Armagh.

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