Digital marketing has forced itself onto every marketing strategy because of the solutions it offers to the challenges of traditional marketing. Digital marketing is much more affordable, has measurable results, and is adaptive to the audience’s feedback. Additionally, digital marketing has grown to have many channels that cater to the needs of every business out there. In this article, we will tackle how to approach your digital marketing strategy and the process of incorporating digital marketing channels and tools into every stage of your sales funnel. We’ll discuss ideas and recommendations for building a digital marketing strategy that increases your sales as a business in Lisburn.

Digital Marketing Lisburn
Digital Marketing Lisburn

Are You Looking for ‘Digital Marketing Lisburn’?

Founded in 2010, our family-run agency operates independently, with deep roots in Belfast and Monaghan. We have made a distinctive mark in the Northern Irish market. Our growth story features team expansion, earning various awards, and providing exceptional website design services to both local and international clients. Additionally, we have offered free digital marketing education to many small and medium-sized businesses, an initiative backed by the Northern Irish Councils for three years. Choosing us for digital marketing in Lisburn means partnering with a team adept in proven methods. Our team’s varied expertise enables us to cover a broad spectrum of digital marketing activities, including managing social media campaigns, creating holistic websites, and producing content optimized for search engine visibility.

Why Choose ProfileTree as Business in Lisburn?

Some of the broader services offered by ProfileTree can help create a strategy-led digital transformation for your business:

Digital Marketing Strategy

Your digital marketing strategy is your roadmap to make sure every aspect of your marketing is working together and moving in the right direction for success. We can work with you to develop a highly comprehensive briefing document, and from this, we’ll develop a digital marketing strategy tailored for you. This strategy will include long term objectives, audience and competitor research, an overview of all marketing tools that will be used and a website/content strategy. This will ensure that your team are informed and involved in the long-term vision.


We can look at your current traffic patterns and conversion rates. We want to find out where your traffic coming from, how are users behaving on your site, and most importantly, where do we want to improve?

We’ll also conduct monthly reviews of your social and website analytics and compile this into a report so that you can see exactly where your results are coming from.

Content and SEO Strategy

Messaging is important and your website might just be shooting the messenger. We can review the content on your website for quality, consistency, structure, and information architecture, and provide recommendations for improvements in our digital marketing strategy.

We’ll also conduct an SEO audit, which allows us to perform in-depth research on your existing site and provide specific recommendations to improve your rankings. We’ll look at things like on-page ranking factors, off-page metrics like backlinks and indexability.

We’ll use this SEO audit to build you an SEO strategy with keywords, content ideas and guidance, including blog & article templates for your team to use. Finally, we’ll perform a technical audit of your website to optimise for speed, as well as a revision of current on-site content, where we’ll add keywords and internal links to improve SEO performance.

Social Media Strategy & Content Creation

By combining a review of your existing social engagement with the findings from the user testing performed earlier, we’re able to decide on which channels to focus, types of content to produce, and the frequency of posting to give you the best return on investment. We’ll also create a social media strategy, as part of your digital marketing strategy and we’ll set up any accounts needed for your business or team. We’ll also design and create any social media content needed, which will be detailed within the social strategy.

Marketing Campaign Setup and Management

We always develop your digital marketing campaigns with your users in mind. Making sure we develop key messages that meet their needs and increase your exposure to the right people. We’ll conduct audience research, develop customer personas, and identify ad targeting options to help you understand the best channels and methods for reaching your customers. We’ll take full control of your digital marketing campaign, providing you with the campaign results on a regular basis and training your team to implement similar campaigns. We’ll also take care of all design, copywriting, setup, and monitoring of every post for your campaigns.

Digital Training

Our digital experts are always happy to share our knowledge with our clients, as we believe in developing our skills and knowledge together. We’ll prepare a wide range of training materials for your team, and we can provide personalised training by webinar or in person at your offices, whichever you prefer. Our CEO, Ciaran Connolly, is a digital marketing veteran and can provide in-depth yet easy to understand training for any number of your team and can provide training materials for you to share with the team.

Digital Marketing Agency Lisburn Reviews

The tremendous feedback from our valued clients, who experienced remarkable success through our tailored digital marketing strategy services, is what keeps us motivated to improve and do better. This testimonial highlights the client’s journey with us, showcasing the impact of our dedicated approach and innovative solutions on their startup business growth.

Digital Marketing Agency Lisburn Reviews

What Is ProfileTree’s Approach to Digital Marketing?

Strategy That Works

Investing in the latest digital marketing trend is a sure route to short-term gain, at best, without the right approach. But a top-down approach to targeting what’s best for YOUR business starts with strategy and finishes with the right digital marketing for you, your audience, and your needs.

We love helping our clients to take a step back from ‘chasing’ the latest developments online. Instead, great strategy can set down a clear path to tailored results.

Goal-Focused Work

Have you wasted budget on misfired digital marketing products and services? Want to know the best way to avoid lost opportunity? Start with your marketing goals to form a clear vision of what you need to achieve. ‘Vanity’ results are an easy distraction, but a focus on goals will keep your marketing spend on the right track. ProfileTree can help form a clearer view before you invest time, effort, and money on your online presence. We’ll help with the ‘why’ and the ‘how’.

Data-Focused Work

It’s easier than ever to measure and adjust online activity. We’ll show you how to use live data to enjoy a clear picture of ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘why’ of your audience. A real sense of what your potential/ current customers are going, and how they are responding to your activities, is a powerful tool. Professional, specialist digital marketing goes below the surface to measure performance and find new audiences – as well as the methods to reach them – for your business.

Quality-Focused Work

Your audience might be seeing more and more social media marketing, video content and online advertising. Great! This means an opportunity to do better. Taking the language your potential customers know and going beyond expectation means a powerful message delivered in the best way for those who’ll engage. Your potential buyers are becoming used to seeing higher and higher standards from the businesses they interact with online. We’ll show you how to use this to your advantage.

Digital Marketing Landscape in Lisburn

The UK has been showing some impressive trends and statistics in regards to digital marketing.

  1. Dominance of Digital Advertising: Digital advertising now accounts for a significant 75% share of the total UK ad market. This is indicative of a major shift towards online platforms and highlights the importance for UK businesses to focus their advertising efforts in the digital realm​​.
  2. Online Advertising Effectiveness: Digital ads have proven to be highly effective in increasing brand awareness, with brand-specific terms seeing increased search activity following exposure to display ads. PPC advertising, in particular, is reported to offer a 200% return on investment, suggesting a highly efficient channel for businesses to invest in​​.
  3. Mobile Marketing: Given that over 50% of small businesses in the UK have a mobile app and 61% of users are likely to leave a site if it’s not optimized for mobile, it’s clear that mobile marketing is an essential component of digital strategies. Additionally, a substantial portion of searches and subsequent online actions occur on mobile devices within an hour, emphasizing the importance of mobile optimization for reaching consumers effectively​​.
  4. Content Marketing: A significant 84% of organizations have a content marketing strategy, yet only 35% have dedicated content marketing teams. This highlights the priority given to content marketing in the UK and the potential need for more specialized resources to manage these efforts effectively​​.

These statistics are surely reflecting on the local business scene in Lisburn.


Q: How can digital marketing benefit my Lisburn business?

A: By attracting local customers online, digital marketing drives website traffic, generates leads, boosts sales, and builds brand awareness in the Lisburn market. We develop targeted strategies tailored to your industry and goals, maximizing your impact within the local community.

Q: What types of digital marketing services do you offer in Lisburn?

A: From local SEO and PPC advertising to social media marketing and content creation, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed for Lisburn businesses. We analyze your needs and recommend the most effective approach to achieve your specific goals.

Q: Do I need to understand complex digital marketing terms?

A: No! We translate complex concepts into clear, actionable strategies and focus on results you care about, like increasing local website traffic and improving local brand recognition.

Q: How much does digital marketing typically cost in Lisburn?

A: Costs vary depending on your project scope, desired outcomes, and chosen services. We offer transparent pricing and free consultations to discuss your specific needs and budget, finding the perfect solution for your Lisburn business.

Q: Can you share examples of local Lisburn businesses who have seen success with your digital marketing services?

A: Absolutely! Visit our website or contact us directly to see how several successful Lisburn businesses achieved significant growth through our tailored digital marketing strategies focused on the local market.

How Should You Think About Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Has the best option for digital marketing in Lisburn been hard to find? With so much advice, so many companies offering different services and so many opinions about the best approach it can be difficult to see the right path for your business. Some good news: we specialise in developing and delivering a single, complete, high-performing digital strategy for local businesses using techniques and knowledge we’ve tested in our own agency first. We’ve even show you the results and evidence of our previous work for customers who’ll only trust ProfileTree with driving results from their online presence.

There’s a simple way to make your digital marketing link correctly with your big picture. How? Simply by asking ‘why’.  A lot! So, instead of spending budget on a – say – Facebook ad here or a new video there, you can ask yourself:

Business Strategy

Why am I doing this? Does it fit in with my business strategy? After all, your business strategy shows where you need to be. It can be easy to approach a marketing agency in Belfast or a digital marketing agency in Belfast because you need help with one digital channel or another. But instead of thinking ‘channel’, thinking strategy keeps what your business is all about – and where it is going – clearly in focus. Your business strategy will, of course, feed into your marketing goals. And digital marketing is the means of delivery.

Marketing Goals

Asking yourself why your particular digital marketing approach has been chosen, in terms of your marketing goals, avoids vanity marketing and keeps your time, effort and investment on track. For example, the right SEO moves will bring you traffic from the correct audience to a page with the right content and the right CTA for their needs. Your marketing goals exist for good reason. Your digital marketing investment is there to help make them happen.

Your Customer Reaction

Why should your customer click through? Why should they convert? Why should they read your content? When someone walks into a physical shop you can ask them a yes/ no ‘do you want to buy now?’ question and risk a VERY short customer relationship. Or you can build a longer-term connection with that potential buyer.

Digital marketing is great for this as you can display the right ‘shop front’ to the corresponding customer segment, deploy amazing, useful content to keep them engaged and keep in touch until they are ready to buy. A final ‘why’: Why are we passing on this advice? Because we love to help local businesses grow and we love to grow with our neighbouring companies.

Digital Marketing Review (Analysis) | (Mastering the Art of Online Success).

Stages of a Sales Funnel

For those whose business model relies on selling products or services, usually the majority of businesses, approaching your digital marketing based on the sales funnel is essential. We live in the personalisation age. ‘Mass marketing’ is nearly dead. The material and promotions you direct to previous customers are now never the same as the material and promotions directed to those hearing about your brand for the first time. That applies to every stage in between, too. Although it is more complicated than it was in the past, it is much more efficient. Let’s get to know the stages of the sales funnel and which digital marketing channels are suitable for it.

Sales Funnel Stage #1: Awareness

This is the very first encounter with new, untapped audiences. They know nothing about you, yet. How can you create awareness for your brand among your target audience? Every business uses multiple ways to answer that question.

Awareness Channel: Social Media Marketing

When it comes to digital marketing solutions, social media marketing is the first answer. Social media platforms are popular, regardless of which platform, users spend many hours every day scrolling through a sea of social media content. Users are not on social media to buy products. They use social media as their window to the world. They want to be entertained, inspired, and be in touch with the world through news, trends, or even memes. As a brand, your presence on social media is vital, because that’s how users ‘stumble’ into your brand. Your goal at this point is to capture their attention. Show them something that inspires. Something they would ‘save’ to consider later, or ‘share’ with their friends.

On social media platforms, your goal is to grow the number of people who know who you are.

Awareness Channel: Company Website

The About Page on your company website is the clearest example of building brand awareness. It is the best place to offer your solutions, tell your brand story and create relevance. It is also great to humanise your brand by using a professional, approachable tone of voice. Moreover, it’s a great idea to feature your team members and put real faces behind the name. That creates a bond between the first-time viewer and your business.

Awareness Channel: Content Marketing and SEO

Content marketing and search engine optimisation are also another great channels for building awareness. People search for answers on Google. That’s what the gigantic platform is all about. When people search for answers related to the services or products you offer, you want your business to be at the top of the search results. These are new, untapped audiences who might’ve never heard of your brand, but through optimising your website and creating valuable content, you can get them to know who you are.

The content you create for visitors who are just getting to know you should be engaging and helpful. Instead of talking about your product features or services, offer help as a friend would. Rather than sell, help them choose what’s best for them. Your Calls to Action at this stage should be follow you on social media platforms or to sign up for email marketing. Don’t focus on pushing products yet. Video marketing and infographics are the most engaging type of content because it simplifies whatever you’re trying to explain. Create videos or infographics that inform your audience about how your service can solve their problem.

The keywords you target to create brand awareness should be general keywords. If someone is searching for a product or service for the first time, the keywords they are more likely to use are not so specific. For example, is someone is considering buying a new mobile phone, they have nothing specific in mind, so they will probably search for ‘latest affordable mobile phones’ – they are just getting to know the options.

Awareness Channel: Webinars and Online Events

A webinar is a web seminar where information is typically provided through video. They can be prerecorded or streamed live, which opens up many possibilities to disseminate information to an audience who wants more visual and auditory content. This is particularly beneficial for B2B and SaaS products and services.

Awareness Channel: Paid Advertising

Paid ads are also great for building awareness. Both social media paid promotions or paid search engine achieve impressive results. What you need to be careful about here is crafting the right messages to your ad copies and assigning relevant objectives. Video views, reach, and impressions are all good objectives for social media platforms at this stage.

Sales Funnel Stage #2: Consideration

In the consideration stage, the buyer will have clearly defined and given a name to their problem, and they are committed to researching and understanding all the available approaches or methods to solving the defined problem or opportunity. In other words, they are considering potential solutions. It is also the stage where people are doing heavy research on whether your product or service is a good fit for them. So, in the example of someone considering purchasing a new mobile phone, they would have limited their options to two or three specific models and comparing them against each other.

Social media marketing, content creation and SEO, and paid ads are all used at this stage. But the content of your posts, blogs, ad objectives, or ad copies should be tweaked. Social media posts should focus on functional, product specific perks and emotional benefits. You can partner with social media influencers to help promote your brand or product. Blogs, on the other hand, must be more specific. Product comparisons and reviews are the perfect application of this. Video marketing and infographics are a great medium to offer how-to guides and explain how smooth the purchasing process is to encourage your audience to convert and move to the next stage.

Here are additional ways you can promote your product in the consideration stage:

Consideration Channel: Retargeting Campaigns

Paid ads at this stage are called retargeting ads. Through collecting the data about who saw your ads previously and who interacted with them. You retarget those leads again. It is common in the advertising industry that a customer needs to see an ad for seven times before they decide to make a purchase. The beauty of digital marketing is that you can easily retarget those customers, this helps you optimise your budget and focus on achieving return on investment.

Consideration Channel: Email Marketing

Email marketing is the most powerful digital marketing tool at the consideration stage. If you’ve already done your homework well in the awareness stage and succeeded to get the visitor to sign up to your newsletter or give out their email, you will be able to send them relevant material through email marketing.

To accomplish this, use more attention-grabbing elements such as great photos of your product, videos and enticing descriptions. For services and B2B businesses, sending out product guides, testimonials, and reviews are vital to build credibility and rapport with your potential customers.

Sales Funnel Stage #3: Purchase

Once they’ve progressed to the decision stage, the buyer has decided on their solution strategy, method, or approach. Their goal now is to compile a list of available vendors, make a concise list, and ultimately make a final purchase decision. So, for that person buying a new mobile phone, he/she already decided they want to buy a specific brand and model but they’re looking for the best-price retailer. For this stage, once again email marketing and social media’s direct messages evolve the communication which has already initiated in the previous stages. Employing these two digital tools, the below ideas can be used.

Purchase Channel: Digital Coupons

Ecommerce stores, sending out limited time promo codes is a fantastic way to encourage potential customers to convert faster. This increases your chances of converting those customers by making them trust you. A coupon appeals to a fear of missing out (FOMO) mindset. By reducing the price by a certain amount, a coupon is handing a price objection while convincing the prospect that they’re leaving money on the table if they don’t use the coupon. This inertia is enough to win the prospect’s business.

Consideration Channel: Free Trials/Demos

For B2B brands and SaaS products, free trials and demos are efficient to convert customers and give them that real-life experience where they’ve already tried and used the product without the commitment. So, before they commit, they are 100% sure that your product is the best fit for their needs. Similarly, money-back guarantees fulfill the same purpose if the nature of your product doesn’t allow free trials. It breaks the barrier of fear for those trying your product for the first time.

Sales Funnel Stage #4: Loyalty and Advocacy

This is an important stage that marketers simply overlook. All the focus goes to raising awareness, acquiring new customers, and converting them. Meanwhile, retaining customers who already purchased from you before is much easier. These customers already trust you, so you’re already halfway through and have an edge over your competitors.

Retargeting campaigns, loyalty programs, and exclusive promotions all work perfectly well at this stage. Email marketing is the channel where you communicate new products, updates, new features, or discounts. If the customer has downloaded an app, push notifications are also great reminders to keep your brand on top of mind. For B2B brand and more complex products, you can offer a free product consultation session, this is a 15-minute session where your agents can check up on your customers to make sure they’re making the most of your product. It is a fantastic way to upsell and recommend additional products and services.

How Much Does Digital Marketing Cost

Working with so many different businesses over the years taught us to work with different budgets and requirements. We have created multiple packages for each of digital marketing services. Of course, every project has its own requirements but generally, we use your requirements and budget to come up with a suitable digital solution. In other words, you set the requirements, we tailor a package within the limits of your spending. Contact us for a free quote and a digital consultation about your digital marketing strategy.

Ready to Book a Free Digital Marketing Audit?

A digital marketing audit is where one of our expert team members go through your digital marketing channels such as social media pages, website user experience, and SEO performance and analyse it to give you a brief of your brand’s digital well-being. Fill the form and send us your questions, we will be happy to answer all of them. Please do let us know if your business is registered in Lisburn. Alternatively, you can book a chat with one of our team members to audit your digital marketing channels for free and find out how we can help you establish a strong digital marketing presence in Lisburn, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

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