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Our social expertise is built on Our Brands

Our brands are built entirely online, starting as social pages and growing into online communities. We invest time and effort into creating new content, experimenting with new ideas and testing new tools to help our brands perform as best they can.So why does our content succeed where others are failing? Because we take the time to craft quality content that is valuable to our audience, and makes a real impact for them, providing a point of value without expecting anything in return.

Social Platforms


















Ciaran Connolly





Michelle Connolly




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Social Platforms

See how we continue to grow our business online

How can a business justify the time to spend on social media when they need to be busy working in their company? Understanding the impact social media can have on your business is the first step! We have built our own company using social media – starting out in 2010, hence understand how important it is.

We have grown account, tried new social networks – watched old social networks disappear and everything in between! It can be a long tough journey – but once you realise how important social media can be – then you can start to focus on making it work for you. Hence we have come up with these key steps to managing your own company social media:

  • Understand and accept social media is important to your business ( many company owners do not fully accept this today still)
  • Identify the key social media for your business – where your audience are likely to be
  • Set up your own social media accounts on these key networks ( and the rest! ) if not already done
  • Review what others post on these networks – what works and does not seem to get much traction – observe what others do
  • Start to develop your own strategy – what to post ( written, picture, video ) and when to post it. What tone and what is the ask?
  • Start posting and engaging! Engaging is more important than posting, especially at the start of your journey
  • It may take a long time to see a real benefit to your activity. Potential customers need to be exposed to your brand – a lot!
  • Recognise the difference between company and personal brands. Each have advantages and disadvantages
  • Monitor your progress, review and tweak your strategy as needed. You will always need to do this
  • Share other people’s content mixed in with your own – your aim is to share the best content online you can
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Maximising Your Personal Profile to Grow Your Online Presence

One key strategy we see our clients miss today – is the opportunity to maximise their own personal profile as well as that of their company. People like to deal with people – and this is true no matter what.

While a company profile is nice to share from – it does not have the personality behind it. In the many years of working online – this is where we have found the biggest impact.

Person to Person. Do review our brand social properties above and you can see the difference between the company profiles and the personal profiles. If you visit the personal profiles you can see much more engagement – but we can still share the company information! Hence why we suggest this method to grow your online presence. Your own personal brand is a critical asset that you can carry throughout your business career.

When it comes to branding there are many different approaches, but definitely personal brand and commercial or business brands are more aligned now than ever before. We have created a range of content on branding that you should consider reading. It includes branding essentials, branding for organisations and essential brand attributes.

Using your own personal brand also gives you the opportunity to perfect your posting style and identify tips and tricks you can bring back to your company page. All of this adds to the social footprint of your business – which all gives more signals to search engines that your company is real and popular online. This could in time help your search engine ranking and bring you more traffic, not only from social media – but also from the search engines.

Lastly if a new client is thinking of testing your company out – your products or services, it is very likely they will have a quick look on social media to see if your a good investment or not! So best make it as easy as possible for them to engage with you. Hence we do recommend a focused investment in social media for both your company brands and your personal brands – all of this will give your social media pages or profiles the best opportunity to provide a real ROI for your company.

We do love working with entrepreneurs and companies who are building their online presence or who want a much bigger return from their investment. Why not reach out to us and see how we can help or check through our website and agency marketing services on offer.