At ProfileTree, our team of experts can help your business succeed online through tailored healthcare marketing services, with bespoke web design and quality content creation you can stand out from competitors and compete in the online space.

We treat all of our clients, from big corporations to small local businesses, the same. Our number one goal is to provide your healthcare business with the maximum return on investment, through increased revenues and brand engagement. 

healthcare marketing
healthcare marketing

All of our marketing and web design projects are guided by the same principles. Whether it’s web development, graphic design or managing your brand’s social media presence, ProfileTree puts your company in front of the right customers at the right time. We are passionate about what we do and we can turn even the simplest of project ideas into concrete results.

Digital marketing, content creation and web design is not a one size fits all approach and we understand this more than anybody. It’s important to know which promotional techniques will work best for your business and at ProfileTree, we have over 10 years of experience in helping clients from a wide range of industries.  

Healthcare marketing for promoting your brand

Trying to market healthcare products and services can be challenging, due to the intangible nature of online marketing. You can’t physically rub an ointment or give a patient medication in order to show them the effectiveness of your product/service, so one must rely on other marketing and web design methods for promotional means. Some marketing and web design tactics for healthcare include: 

healthcare marketing

1. Healthcare content creation 

Content for the healthcare industry tends to follow the narrative of the patient’s journey, it should tell a story of how your brand is responsible for the patient’s healing and newfound wellness. The healthcare industry itself is very patient-centric, so the content will focus on the patient’s improved quality of life that your brand has provided. 

healthcare marketing
healthcare marketing

Some of the types of healthcare content your brand could create include: 

Patient testimonial content for healthcare marketing

Patient testimonials are a great source of content for strengthening the credibility of your brand. Sharing patients’ real-life experiences increases the brand’s authenticity and removes any bias from your brand that consumers may be cautious of. It’s the perfect opportunity to demonstrate the positive impact of your product/service on your patients’ lives. 

Consumers find similarity and likeness with your patients as opposed to your brand, so they will look for patient reviews when assessing the value of your product/service. Your content should provide those reviews in the form of impartial patient testimonials that are supporting your brand. 

Documentary-style content for healthcare marketing

Documentary-style content goes into a lot more depth about the patient’s journey with their condition. Within healthcare, much of your target audience will be able to relate to the patient’s journey, their trials and struggles. Patient documentaries are a great way to empathise with your audience and spread awareness of certain conditions and needs.

Patient documentaries tend to include some of the following narrative points: 

  • The journey of getting a diagnosis
  • Cases of misdiagnosis 
  • Coping with symptoms
  • Impact on everyday life
  • Trying different treatments
  • Discovering your brand’s product or service
  • Support with their condition 

Patient documentaries are very personal and insightful for audiences to listen to. They highlight the importance of your brand in improving your patient’s quality of life and inspire audiences to seek similar treatment for themselves. It’s important for audiences to know that treatment is available for them. 

Your content should include a documentary-style video that highlights your brand’s investment in the patient’s whole journey and overall wellness, positioning your brand as a healthcare expert and not just a sticking plaster solution. 

Infographics content for healthcare marketing

The healthcare industry uses a lot of specialised terms and industry jargon, it can be difficult for audiences to comprehend this language and it may lead to confusion about what your product/service does for potential patients and clients. Infographics use clear imaging and simple formats to explain complex healthcare practices. 

Infographics can help audiences:

  • Understand complex process
  • Check for warning symptoms for certain conditions
  • Identify healthcare conditions
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle

Whatever you create an infographic for, the important thing to ask yourself is, “would a novice understand this?” it shouldn’t be complicated and overload the audience with information, in the case of infographics, less is more. 

Before and after content for healthcare marketing 

Much of healthcare content focuses on how the products/service provided an improved result after using the healthcare brand. Clear before and after images show the impact of your product/service visually, and are great for quickly conveying the value of your brand. 

Some examples of before and after content for healthcare solutions include: 

  • Surgery results (cosmetic and medical)
  • Skin rashes, irritations, burns etc. 
  • Installed mobility equipment e.g.) installed handle rails in showers etc. 
  • Braces for aligning teeth 
  • Clients weight loss 

They are just some examples of impactful before and after images in healthcare. They can take some time to create but this type of content quickly grabs the audience’s attention, it’s a good source of content for that shock and wow factor. 

2. Digital healthcare marketing

What’s the first thing you do when you experience a new ache or pain? You Google it and end up convinced that you’re going to die. It’s a running joke that many of us experience but it also represents a modern trend of people relying on Google to tell them what’s wrong. 

That’s why your healthcare brand needs to position itself as a solution to audiences’ online medical and healthcare queries. It can be difficult to compete in the online healthcare market as there is so much healthcare information available from existing dominant sources e,g.) the NHS or Web MD. Although with careful digital strategizing you can compete online, increase your website’s traffic and improve your search engine rankings.

Some of the ways you can market your healthcare brand online include: 

Research your healthcare audience 

Occasionally, businesses can become accustomed to their siloed target audience, unintentionally ignoring unanticipated audiences that are engaging with their brand. It’s important to continuously monitor your audience and track who is engaging with your content.

Online platforms like Google and Facebook offer in-depth analysis of your audience’s demographics and you should regularly monitor this information as it may show new areas of the healthcare market that your brand could enter. Take for example a local chiropodist, they might assume that elderly patients are their main target audience for foot problems, but unbeknown to them, local sports teams and dancing clubs are also viewing their content for advice on foot health and hygiene. 

Collecting information on the demographics of all of your potential audiences should be continually performed, especially when creating a digital marketing strategy for promoting your healthcare service and/or product. 

SEO – Search Engine Optimization for healthcare marketing

SEO is the process of trying to improve your website’s appearance and position on search engine results. Traffic to your website increases the further up you appear in search engine results, which in turn increases brand awareness and business profits. 

The healthcare industry uses a lot of niche terms and specific phrases that may be otherwise unknown to general audiences, therefore you need to understand how people are describing your product/service and associated healthcare conditions. For example, your brand might provide nutritional plans and advice, but your general target audience isn’t going to know all of the vitamins and minerals that they specifically need for optimal health. 

SEO research will uncover how people are referring to your product/service and you should form content as a response to those queries. e.g.) 

healthcare marketing
healthcare marketing

SEO provides your brand with the opportunity to explain to audiences how you can help them specifically. Search engine optimization provides you with the blueprint to create content. SEO key terms and phrases should be embedded within website content, blog posts, informational videos etc. 

Pay-per-click advertising for healthcare marketing 

Due to the niche terms and technical jargon used within the healthcare industry, it might make profitable sense to allocate some pay-per-click advertising funds within your digital marketing budget. Take for example a healthcare brand that provides a specific product for a certain condition, i.e., psoriasis, they could purchase pay-per-click advertising for the term “psoriasis treatment” and appear to audiences seeking their specific product. 

Pay-per-click advertising is also useful for targeting search queries with specific locations, e.g.) if your business offered sports massages in Belfast then it would also make business sense to invest in pay-per-click advertising for the term, “sports massage Belfast”. 

You can set a maximum CPC (cost-per-click) which means you can cap the amount you’re willing to pay for each click. Google, Facebook, and Instagram all offer this service, but you will have to pay for each platform separately, which can increase overall digital marketing costs.

Healthcare marketing using an app

Much of our personalised healthcare has become digitalised. Healthcare apps are extremely popular as increasing numbers of people seek the convenience and guidance that healthcare apps provide. 

Healthcare Marketing: Make your healthcare business stand out with 3 impressive digital marketing tactics 1

Some of the current healthcare apps on the market include: 

  • Calorie-tracking and nutrient-tracking apps
  • Exercise apps e.g.) yoga guides
  • Meal prepping apps
  • Fitbit/fit watch apps
  • Mindfulness apps
  • Brain training apps

If it works within your digital marketing budget, you might want to think about creating an app that supports the management and consumption of your healthcare product/service. If applicable, you should also ensure that your product/service is compatible with existing healthcare apps, e.g.) if you are a local meal-prepping company, then you should ensure calorie and nutrient information is available for each meal to track on My Fitness Pal. 

3. Healthcare marketing with web design and development 

Healthcare websites should be clear, unambiguous and informative as you’re dealing with an individual’s well-being. The benefits, risks and appropriate medical advice should also be easily accessible and displayed for audiences. A lot of consideration is given to the creation of healthcare websites as they are potentially important sources of information/ Some of the things to consider with healthcare web design and development include:  

Web design for healthcare marketing 

The design of healthcare websites tends to use colours that represent health and vitality e.g.) green, blue and white. Alarming and warning colours such as red are avoided as audiences should feel that the healthcare brand is synchronous with aspects of healing and nurture. 

The web design format also includes a simple layout and clear structure. Information is displayed in easy to read paragraphs and bullet point lists. There is a clear focus in healthcare websites to present information unambiguously and free of jargon. 

Patient-centric website design for healthcare marketing

Much of your website’s content should be people-centric, this is particularly required on the website’s homepage and services pages. Take for example a brand that provides an ointment for sore joints and muscles. The website images are not generally going to be off the ointment itself, but rather images of people enjoying physical activities with comfort and ease.

Some of the website’s content may also include large snippets of client/customer testimonials. These reviews contribute to the brand’s authenticity and consumer trust, they should most definitely be included in the website’s design. 

Web development for healthcare marketing

The internal functioning of a healthcare website should operate smoothly and make for easy navigation for visitors. A poorly functioning website will frustrate visitors and may even damage the credibility of your brand’s healthcare product/service and people tend to have high expectations for healthcare solutions. 

You should ensure that your web development;

  • Checks that external links lead to the correct webpages
  • Ensures that web pages are updated with relevant information
  • Fix and maintain hosting issues
  • Create working and relevant URLs

There are many different aspects to maintaining a functional website, but most importantly, it should work efficiently for users so that your brand’s solution to their problem can be easily highlighted. 

Booking systems for healthcare websites 

Many businesses that provide healthcare services offer a website booking platform. This is particularly useful for clients who may be in pain and discomfort, as they can easily view the next appointment that’s available. It may also be useful for clients who are potentially nervous about booking an appointment as it’s an easy process and limits the contact needed between you and your potential client. 

Online booking offers potential clients ease and efficiency when booking healthcare appointments. You should also ensure that the booking system supports consultation services if required and gives an estimated amount of time for each healthcare service offered. At ProfileTree, we will ensure that your booking system explains your healthcare services efficiently and encourages clients to book an appointment with you. 

ProfileTree working for healthcare marketing

At ProfileTree, we are proud to have worked with local healthcare businesses and helped them compete in the online marketplace. We understand how the healthcare market operates online and we have helped create content and execute digital marketing strategies on their behalf. Some of the healthcare businesses we have worked with include: 

Our healthcare clients range from specific healthcare products like nursing beds, and healthcare services such as hypnotherapy and life coaching to holistic therapies like reflexology and reiki. We have extensive knowledge of marketing in a wide range of healthcare markets, get in touch today to see how we can start healthcare marketing for your business. 

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