OpenAI released a new interface called ChatGPT. Is it just a new chatbot? Is it a genuine innovation like we see thousands of social media influencers talking about it on Tiktok? Here’s what businesses should know about it and how it differs from other AI writing tools.

I know, I know… It’s big news! Another technology we should learn about.

OpenAI, the artificial intelligence research company, launched a new chatbot, or not a chat generator, as we’ll see— it’s something more sophisticated and advanced, ChatGPT. If you haven’t tried it, you should give it a check.

Simply, it’s a prototype AI content producer that has gained a lot of traction among content creators for its human-like behaviour. This thing will give you detailed answers to your inquiries— something like drafting a contract between you and someone really a genius or an artist and producer.

Also, it creates detailed code. It might revolutionise the way people think and use search engines forever because it provides accurate answers, and you can dig deeper asking for more clarification, not just give links for users to sift through. This super-intelligent program will solve elaborate problems and answer detailed questions.

ChatGPT: What You Need to Know As a Content Creator

The good part is it’s absolutely free! Trust me; I get it! It’s a purely fantastic revolution.


I understand that high-tech articles can be bland (or might be dryer than James Bond’s Martini—I haven’t tasted it before, but I can imagine).

But hear me out on this time. It’s a romantic story about how an AI technology and chatbot techniques had a love child called ChatGPT. 

Does it impact SEO? Will it kill Google? How can you benefit from it as a content writer? Read on to discover how this interesting romcom may change the conversion future. 

Let’s break it down.

What Is the Groundbreaking ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a variant of the language model of GPT-3 that has been optimised for generating conversational text. This program is designed to provide human-like responses to the input in a way similar to a human conversion— a really mind-blowing human touch generated by a machine. 

Because it’s another variant of GPT-3, it’s also a powerful language model with significant variations—no wonder it has been trained on a considerable amount of text data.  

ChatGPT is a vastly capable tool for understanding and responding to various inputs. It can provide helpful and informative answers to any question that pops into your mind.

In the same breath, it’s equally important to define what are the limitations and things this bot can’t do. 

It uses natural language processing (NLP) from a given prompt to create something heartwarming, like chatting with your favourite friend. 

This technology can potentially replace uncreative copywriters and blog authors (thankfully, we in Profiletree as beyond creativity, nothing can replace us!) as it generates texts indistinguishable from human-written content. 

However, is it really true? Let’s see!

Honestly, it’s a game-changer! Ultimately, this could be a problem for Google. ChatGPT is definitely a real and powerful competitor to search engines. 

How Can You Use ChatGPT?

Anyone can use ChatGPT for free. Following these simple steps:

  • Register from this link:
  • Create your account by registering with your email address and setting a password
  • Verify your email
  • Enter your phone number
  • Enter the code sent to your phone
  • Login to ChatGPT and start asking and get instant answers

Please note: some regions and countries are currently not supported, including China, Algeria, Cuba, Egypt, Bahrain, Ukraine, Angola, and many others. So, double-check if your country is on the list.

What is Digital Transformation? How Can We Cope With That

The Most Important Question: Can GPT Replace Google?

Well, let me be clear here. Google has only two options to keep its position; replicate it or make something even better. Otherwise, this high-tech tool will put it out of business. 

ChatGPT is created to hold a real conversation with the user. Search engines index web pages to help users find answers to questions or details they’re searching for. 

So, until now, ChatGPT has yet to be able to search the internet for detailed information. Instead, it pulls information from the database it was trained on.

We know that Google penalises low-quality content, so will the giant tech company still do so with ChatGPT?

Frankly, we agree that it should keep this policy! However, it’s far more about the quality of your writing. It’s now about the tools you might use to create it. 

If you use poor-quality AI-written content that adds nothing to your readers, it’ll get dinged and left behind. 

Now, as humans are lazy, we might depend on ChatGPT more to get the answer without checking at least 5 links. 

But let’s go back to the days before the internet; what were we used to be when writing a report or a detailed study? First, we went to libraries, searching for books to find answers and findings, spending a whole week or months doing so.

What do we do now?

We just go to Google. Does it mean libraries vanished? No! We still love bookstores, reading, and paying for books. But the industry has changed a little bit. That’s what we’re talking about here. 

When asking ChatGPT itself if it would kill Google, the machine declined this claim and insisted it could not browse the internet and find external information. 

It’s purely designed for generating text. So it can’t answer specific questions. 

Not just that, it is not able to learn and adapt to new information beyond what it has already known through training— yet.

Why yet?

Based on a recent interview with Sam Altman (OpenAI CEO) and Reid Hoffman conducted by Greylock, they discussed this limitation. However, they referred that the machine will be able to solve it in the near future!

On the other side, data accuracy will remain a challenge to solve regardless of GPT models, Wikipedia, Google, or even other news channels. We will need all the time to search more to find the most relevant results and reliable resources. 

Indeed, the future of language models like ChatGPT is still uncertain.

While it may give you valuable answers to SOME questions, it’s not yet capable of going beyond Google or replacing human writers. These machines will continue developing and improving, and we might hear about a new product with much more capabilities to answer more complex questions.

Till this moment, we want to take advantage of it.

How Does It Work?

It doesn’t work like Google, where we type a query and get a set of results. The difference in GPT is that you can write your query, get one answer, and follow up by asking additional questions for clarification or giving some examples. 

However, we can assume the accuracy of this information because we don’t know the source or where the chatbot gets this answer. 

Yes, AI generates the output, and no one can be sure that this is 100% correct, right?

But it’s actually the same case with Google. So, that might make GPT much more valuable than Google. You have no one 100% accurate answer, but at least you have one answer without digging through multiple clicks— which is perfect for someone who needs a quick explanation no matter the source.

How Is ChatGPT Different From Other AI Writing Tools?

OpenAI is a magnificently powerful source and partner to many AI writing tools, such as Jasper. But even though fantastic sources like this exist, there is still work hand in hand to be done to make AI more potent, usable, and practical for everyday businesses. 

Where ChatGPT ends, the work of AI writing tools begins in two key places:

  • Business use cases: Almost all AI tools tailor learning models for more practical use in businesses—setting up both the interface and the original workflows and building templates to make AI accessible for everyday use. 
  • Interoperability: AI tools source from the same thing, OpenAI, and a collection of models such as T5, Bloom, and Neo X— plus the software of each tool to distinguish better combinations of models for a particular industry or use-case. This defined selection and intersection help companies avoid over-dependence on one source and make an extra effort to improve outputs. 

In a nutshell, ChatGPT is like a machine for creating good patterns of words to generate human language in written format; however, it’s entirely generic. 

Other AI writing tools tailor the language to specific use cases. 

It’s just like how we deal with language; humans need to learn how to level up language and apply it to specific areas. So, for example, humans know how to write as kids and then learn how to be specialists in the writing tasks at hand.

Most AI writing tools tailor the generic language to the daily use at hand.

But don’t assume that will end writing careers. Instead, these tools help writers get off the bland and mindless content farms to allocate more time to developing new ideas rather than chasing word count. 

So, it will increase efficiency and make you more focused on studying your customer to find the best way to communicate with them.

That leads us to…

How Can You Use ChatGPT for Your Sake as a Content Writer?

AI writing tools are becoming increasingly popular among content writers. With the help of ChatGPT’s text-based AI chatting tool, content writers can now use artificial intelligence to generate and refine their written work.

ChatGPT allows content creators to quickly create high-quality blog posts, articles, and other types of written material with minimal effort.

Content creators no longer have to worry about spending hours researching topics for their pieces or coming up with new ideas; instead, they can let an AI program do the heavy lifting for them.

So, don’t depend on a set-it-and-forget-it approach to write with any AI writing tools such as ChatGPT. Instead, use AI to give you the time to invest in research, find original ideas, and polish the substance behind your words. 

Your content will do well on any search engine, focusing on adding real value to your readers and answering what they’re thinking.

Also, it seems challenging for content creators because we need to create only nuanced value for our readers. So writing about general stuff to enhance SEO should not be our primary concern from now on.

What’s more, you can use GPT as a content writer tool to help you in the following manners:

Create Metaphors and Analogies

When you want to explain complex concepts like blockchain or online trading or make your content more engaging, use GPT to find more ideas and create analogies.

For example, if you want to simplify the concept behind deep learning, this tool will give you easy input to make your piece helpful for your readers. 

Write a List of Interview Questions

As a content writer, you should talk with an expert to give you more details about the subject matter. However, creating meaningful questions that will be valuable for your piece is arduous, especially if you’re new in the field. 

Thankfully, you can use ChatGPT to create a list of questions for any interview.

Create an Outline for an Article

Writing an outline for your article can be time-consuming. To help you save time, ChatGPT can generate potential topics and ideas in seconds tailored specifically to your needs. You can then use it as a base for your article.

Additionally, it also provides feedback on grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors so that the final product is polished before it’s published.

Discover Key Points of Any Piece You’ll Write

Sometimes we, writers, struggle to think of what we should say next when writing about not so many interesting topics. But it’s no longer a concern now with ChatGPT. It will help you brainstorm to find key points to include in your article. 

Have Ideas to Write a List Post

For example, if you want to write about 25 immunity-boosting foods & beverages to survive the flu season, it will give you this list, and you can search more for more details. 

Get Inspiration for Ad Campaigns

This chatbot opens a new era for finding more ideas for creative copywriting. If you don’t know the right way to communicate with your audience, AI will help you speed up your writing process and uncover new scopes you can use for your upcoming campaigns.

Break Down Complications

When writing about something, you might struggle to understand yourself; use GPT to make it easier for yourself and your audience to follow your content, translating the complex into simple. 

So, should we be worried that this superpowerful tool will replace us as content writers?

No, you shouldn’t!

Copywriters, digital marketers, and content creators can not conceal their concerns from articles, posts, and ad copies that indicate AI is a cost-saving replacement for their positions. But, on the other side, some deny that— even more, they have caveats to consider:

  • Greg Brockman, a machine learning expert, tweeted that ChatGPT is “not yet ready to be relied on for anything important!”
  • Search Engine Journal reported that ChatGPT has built-in biases and many limitations— for example, it doesn’t take into account any information or content created after 2021 because it depends on its database, as we mentioned (not search engines). It means it can’t provide us with breaking news, for instance. 
  • The New York Times interviewed the data scientist and professor whose work closely inspired the creation of ChatGPT, who said this new chatbot was not immune to mistakes.   
  • A reply to a post on Reddit about how much we should be terrified of ChatGPT talks about the failure of this AI tool to create humour/cheek copy.  

With many attempts, you can notice that GPT does not always tell the truth. Actually, it can sometimes fail at simple arithmetic— even worse, it might blend fact with fiction, as The New York Times described.

In the end, the keyword is “assistant”. So, it’s just an assistant, not an AI writer— you know the difference. They help you, yet they don’t do it for you!

You can get an idea of your writing but only create things you can trust 100%. So embrace this technology and make it work by filling the gaps and breaking the writing block.

Key Takeaways & Facts About GPT Tool

  • Developed by OpenAI’s website, an AI-powered chatbot ChatGPT is a software programmed to create human conversions to stimulate our attitude.
  • It’s still in the research review phase, but you can sign up and test it out for free.
  • ChatGPT uses a smart language technology called GPT-3, a massive artificial intelligence model created by OpenAI after training the machine on a large amount of text data based on various sources. 
  • Content creators should focus more on personality and creativity than before. Everyone has access to AI writing tools and GPT, and no one has your personality— add your special touch. 

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