Upcoming event: April 17th 2023

Artificial intelligence is an increasingly popular topic in modern times and with the recent launch of new AI software, the scope for using AI for marketing is becoming a more lucrative interest for businesses seeking to enhance their marketing efforts. 

MarTech Laboratory (a joint project led by Ulster Univesity and Liverpool John Moores University) and ProfileTree are leading a webinar to discuss the prospects of using AI for marketing. This is a free event, but spaces are limited, so early booking is advised. 

AI For Marketing Webinar: Strategically Applying AI to Scale up your Digital Marketing Efforts

This webinar will discuss the practicalities of implementing AI for marketing. It will also give practical advice, tips and examples of how Artificial Intelligence can be used in the context of digital marketing and geared towards business enhancement. 

When is the webinar? The AI for Marketing webinar is on April 17th, 2023.

AI for marketing

Who is this webinar for? This webinar is ideal for business owners, marketers, and business leaders who are interested in investing in AI for the benefit of their business. 

How to book a place? You can reserve your spot by clicking on the Eventbrite link. 

What will the AI for Marketing webinar discuss?

This upcoming webinar will discuss how AI can lead to increased efficiency, enhanced competitiveness and cost-effective marketing for businesses. 

In an age where business owners have the dual responsibility to both run their business and manage digital marketing strategies, AI has the power to ease this burden of digital marketing without compromising on quality. 

How to use AI in marketing

This AI for marketing webinar will take a deep dive into the available AI tools that businesses can use for their marketing strategies, from content writing to video creation and AI-generated images, it is set to revolutionise how we conduct marketing within the digital sphere. 

AI for marketers: should they be worried?

The sentiment in this webinar is that the only people who need to worry about AI are the ones NOT using it. 

Businesses now need to anticipate this upcoming technological change and ensure that they have the correct insight and skills to make use of AI tools and assistants. If they don’t their competitors will, if they aren’t doing so already. 

Marketers needn’t worry about their future job prospects as the power of AI for marketing becomes more sophisticated and advanced. There will always be a need for marketers to explain to businesses which AI tools will be most useful for businesses and show them how to utilise them for the benefit of their digital marketing strategies. 

One thing that is clear though, is that marketers need to stay one step ahead of this AI technological revolution, if they don’t, their current skill set will struggle to remain competitive within their industry. Attending webinars and conferences such as this upcoming one will help marketers develop sought-after skills in using AI for marketing. 

AI Tools for Marketing 

These AI tools for marketing place high-quality promotional marketing materials straight into the hands of businesses regardless of their size, industry or marketing budget. In this webinar, attendees will learn how to utilise these AI for marketing strategies, which will free up precious time, energy and resources that could be put to better use within the business. 

AI marketing software for video content

Descript is an AI video editor tool that provides a user-friendly interface for editing videos. 

The AI component is able to transcribe video footage into text, allowing the user to simply edit the content like a Word doc. It also has a range of incredible features such as Studio Sound, which will automatically remove background noise from raw video content and it has a built-in AI-powered green screen, which removes the original background so that users can include different themes e.g.) a beach, park, shopping centre, etc. 

AI marketing robot for generating images

Canva AI has recently launched a new Text to Image feature where users can generate AI images that are copyright free and original. You only need to simply describe what you want the image to look like and the AI-powered assistant will generate a few images for the user to select from. 

AI marketing bot for writing content

Open AI has also developed Chat GPT, an AI writing assistant that can generate written content within seconds. This feature is capable of writing first drafts, creating blog posts, generating social media captions, writing speeches, and so much more. 

However, the main principle of using this AI software, is learning how to interact with it, because if you feed Chat GPT poor instructions, you will get poor results. In this webinar, marketers and businesses will learn the specific techniques for instructing the AI platform to generate written content that is both useful and engaging. 

Canva AI has also launched the Magic Write tool, which is similar to Chat GPT but not as advanced or effective. 

AI for email marketing

Microsoft Co-pilot is Microsoft’s latest version of an AI-powered assistant. It is compatible with Microsoft platforms such as Word, Excel, Teams and Outlook and can be utilised for enhanced email marketing strategies. 

With Microsoft Co-Pilot, businesses are able to personalise emails, respond to individual queries and generate email marketing campaigns with engaging written content, attractive subject headings and much more.

Interested in hearing more about the power of AI? If so check out this article on Artificial intelligence versus machine learning.

Who is speaking at the upcoming AI for marketing webinar? 

This upcoming webinar; Strategically Applying AI to Scale up your Digital Marketing Efforts, is going to be led by the MarTech Laboratory with Ulster University and ProfileTree. The individual guest speakers are as follows: 

Dr John Bustard

A senior lecturer and course director of Digital Transformation at Ulster University.

Professor Maurice Mulvenna

A professor in Computer Science with areas of research in artificial intelligence and assistive technology. 

Ciaran Connolly

CEO of ProfileTree – a leading digital marketing agency with specialisms in website design, SEO and video content creation.

Stephen McClelland 

Business Development Manager at ProfileTree, specialising in strategic SEO campaigning and utilising digital marketing technologies. 

Reserve your place for Strategically Applying AI to Scale up your Digital Marketing Efforts

If you are interested in attending this upcoming webinar, it is strongly recommended to reserve your place in advance as it will likely be a sold-out event. If you happen to miss this upcoming webinar, be sure to follow ProfileTree on LinkedIn or Facebook to get notified of upcoming events, webinars and workshops that can help advance your business within digital marketing.

You can find more information on ProfileTree’s activity on our blog page, such as the Digi-Growth Summit and upcoming events.

Check out more AI articles: ChatGPT plugins and How to use AI.

AI For Marketing Webinar: Led by Martech Laboratory and ProfileTree - Achieving Digital Success | ProfileTree
AI For Marketing Webinar: Led by Martech Laboratory and ProfileTree - Achieving Digital Success 1

Artificial intelligence is an increasingly popular topic in modern times and with the recent launch of new AI software, the scope for using AI for marketing is becoming a more lucrative interest for businesses seeking to enhance their marketing efforts. 

Event Type: Event

Event Attendance Mode: OnlineEventAttendanceMode

Event Status: EventScheduled

Performer: Organization

Performer Name: The MarTech Laboratory

Performer URL: https://martech-laboratory.com/

Start Date: 2023-04-17 10:00

End Date: 2023-04-17 12:00

Availability: InStock

Availability Starts: 2023-04-17T10:00:00

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